Rupert Sheldrake
Memory and morphology depend on morphic resonance - a resonance across time.
"This book is a candidate for burning".
Memory not in egg, DNA or brain.
All of us, and all parts of our bodies, are continuously emitting and absorbing information from the morphic field.
Morphogenetic fields give rise to all forms
Matter acquires form when it resonates with a field.
The fields are not classical electromagnetic fields (quantum electrodynamic fields)
Morphogenetic fields are derived from a body's own past actions and from the structures and actions of ancestors.
Easier to do the work and easier to teach the work. Something happening in the field .. 100th Monkey.
Fields act across space and time.
Cosmology that is emerging that relates to healing.
Memory and morphology depend on morphic resonance - a resonance across time.
"This book is a candidate for burning".
Memory not in egg, DNA or brain.
All of us, and all parts of our bodies, are continuously emitting and absorbing information from the morphic field.
Morphogenetic fields give rise to all forms
Matter acquires form when it resonates with a field.
The fields are not classical electromagnetic fields (quantum electrodynamic fields)
Morphogenetic fields are derived from a body's own past actions and from the structures and actions of ancestors.
Easier to do the work and easier to teach the work. Something happening in the field .. 100th Monkey.
Fields act across space and time.
Cosmology that is emerging that relates to healing.

The Morphic Field extends through all space, and includes ALL objects near and far.
Everything is vibrating. The frequencies range over 81 octaves, from Geomagnetic sub hertz waves to gamma rays. Each object has a resonant frequency comparable to a tone in the world of music.
Everything is vibrating. The frequencies range over 81 octaves, from Geomagnetic sub hertz waves to gamma rays. Each object has a resonant frequency comparable to a tone in the world of music.

Morphic resonance takes place between the fabric of space and the fabric of organisms. Image shows different models of the fabric of space.
We are radically connected to the whole universe!!
Hypothesis: all therapies influence the vital exchanges between the body and the morphic field.
Every event in our bodies, including every thought, creates information that is radiated into the surrounding field. Every event anywhere, including every thought, creates information that is radiated into our bodies.
We are radically connected to the whole universe!!
Hypothesis: all therapies influence the vital exchanges between the body and the morphic field.
Every event in our bodies, including every thought, creates information that is radiated into the surrounding field. Every event anywhere, including every thought, creates information that is radiated into our bodies.
These geometric structures can resonate with the fabric of space.
The fabric of space -
Roger Penrose - Spin Network
Milo Wolff - Electron Standing Waves
Sacred Geometry - Flower of Life. We find this symbol on sacred buildings in every culture through the ages. Why is this structure there? Because it is recognized to have magical properties.
Why does it have magical properties?
Because it resonates with the energetic fabric of the universe.
Not just sacred geometry, it is the geometry of the quantum vacuum.
The fabric of space -
Roger Penrose - Spin Network
Milo Wolff - Electron Standing Waves
Sacred Geometry - Flower of Life. We find this symbol on sacred buildings in every culture through the ages. Why is this structure there? Because it is recognized to have magical properties.
Why does it have magical properties?
Because it resonates with the energetic fabric of the universe.
Not just sacred geometry, it is the geometry of the quantum vacuum.
Living matrix is the energy and information system in the body and the little red things are electrons zipping around inside the matrix.
When you have a trauma, this is the system that is disturbed.
But deeper than that the spins are disturbed... Magnetic moment aligned equals stronger bitfield magnetization.
From the DNA helix to the cytoskeleton, including the links to the interns and neighboring cells, everything is in continuity, everything is connected, everything moves to fit, and everything moves and always comes back. Restoring force, homeodynamics.
The living matrix - the is a continuous system throughout the body, the integrins cross the cell surface and connects the extracellular matrix with the cytoskeleton which goes to the nuclear envelope and the nuclear matrix
The human body is a matrix within a matrix within a matrix within a matrix within a larger matrix of energy fields, of quantum fields.
Scientific American
By Donald Inger
A universal set of building rules seems to guide the design of organic structures--from simple carbon compounds to complex cells and tissues.
Cell surface is a tensegrity structure with geometric patterns.
When you have a trauma, this is the system that is disturbed.
But deeper than that the spins are disturbed... Magnetic moment aligned equals stronger bitfield magnetization.
From the DNA helix to the cytoskeleton, including the links to the interns and neighboring cells, everything is in continuity, everything is connected, everything moves to fit, and everything moves and always comes back. Restoring force, homeodynamics.
The living matrix - the is a continuous system throughout the body, the integrins cross the cell surface and connects the extracellular matrix with the cytoskeleton which goes to the nuclear envelope and the nuclear matrix
The human body is a matrix within a matrix within a matrix within a matrix within a larger matrix of energy fields, of quantum fields.
Scientific American
By Donald Inger
A universal set of building rules seems to guide the design of organic structures--from simple carbon compounds to complex cells and tissues.
Cell surface is a tensegrity structure with geometric patterns.

Much of the body is liquid crystalline organization and these liquid crystals are organized vertically.
Collagen in connective tissue. Is mainly vertical. We are evolving towards verticality. Why is that?
Drive in nature to become vertical...
Bulk of body in muscle. These are liquid crystals that are helical molecules.
99% molecules in body are water.
60-70% by weight.
Most of these water molecules are at interfaces, ie at the surfaces of other molecules. Water in the body is another liquid crystal.
Water molecules axis orientated vertically.
The spacing of amino acids along the collagen backbone is optimal for binding water molecules.
The water molecules are spinning.
Collagen in connective tissue. Is mainly vertical. We are evolving towards verticality. Why is that?
Drive in nature to become vertical...
Bulk of body in muscle. These are liquid crystals that are helical molecules.
99% molecules in body are water.
60-70% by weight.
Most of these water molecules are at interfaces, ie at the surfaces of other molecules. Water in the body is another liquid crystal.
Water molecules axis orientated vertically.
The spacing of amino acids along the collagen backbone is optimal for binding water molecules.
The water molecules are spinning.
The Quantum Vacuum - Plenum
Mark Comings
Empty space contains energy and information.
Not quantum vacuum but quantum plenum... abundance.
The plenum is an absolute fullness
The source of energy for everything we do
Infinitely coherent field of luminosity
Molecular geometry induces a flux: plenum --> Life
Space is efflorescing with vacuum photons
The embedding space for electromagnetism
The source of the 'inner light' of the spiritual traditions
Cosmologists think Black Holes are the Hard Drives of the Universe.
Black holes store vast amounts of information.
--- Nudging the Body Back Into Wellness ----
Sutherland Cranial College of Osteopathy
Head of College - Jeremy Gilbey?
The less I do the better the results.
Duane Elgin - Living Cosmos: Entire cosmos blinks in and out of existence. A giant pulsing wave of manifestation spreads across the universe. All objects from galaxies to people are constantly reformed.
For those who are religious/ spiritual, well if you prefer you can consider "space" as God (Brahman, Tao, Spirit, Energy). What is certain is that discrete and separate "particles" do not exist - we are all connected to this one thing that exists - which is vibrating/oscillating.
~Milo Wolff PhD Physicist
Book edited The Dreams that Stuff is Made of.
Quotes from leading physicists saying that all matter we dream it up.
No consciousness, no matter.. No consciousness
Mark Comings
Empty space contains energy and information.
Not quantum vacuum but quantum plenum... abundance.
The plenum is an absolute fullness
The source of energy for everything we do
Infinitely coherent field of luminosity
Molecular geometry induces a flux: plenum --> Life
Space is efflorescing with vacuum photons
The embedding space for electromagnetism
The source of the 'inner light' of the spiritual traditions
Cosmologists think Black Holes are the Hard Drives of the Universe.
Black holes store vast amounts of information.
--- Nudging the Body Back Into Wellness ----
Sutherland Cranial College of Osteopathy
Head of College - Jeremy Gilbey?
The less I do the better the results.
Duane Elgin - Living Cosmos: Entire cosmos blinks in and out of existence. A giant pulsing wave of manifestation spreads across the universe. All objects from galaxies to people are constantly reformed.
For those who are religious/ spiritual, well if you prefer you can consider "space" as God (Brahman, Tao, Spirit, Energy). What is certain is that discrete and separate "particles" do not exist - we are all connected to this one thing that exists - which is vibrating/oscillating.
~Milo Wolff PhD Physicist
Book edited The Dreams that Stuff is Made of.
Quotes from leading physicists saying that all matter we dream it up.
No consciousness, no matter.. No consciousness
Introduction to FIELDS and Quantum Field Theory
What are we made of? What are the fundamental building blocks of nature?
First modern picture we had was periodic table of elements. One of most iconic images in science.
If you are a chemist, this is as good as it gets. Things on left go bang in water, things on right do not do anything. Any chemists? lol. Silly way to organize nature. We know this is not the end of the story. These are NOT the fundamental building blocks.
JJ Thompson, first to show others the electron. Rutherford gave first complete picture of nucleus and electrons. Nucleus contains protons and neutrons. In the 1970s we learned the protons and neutrons not fundamental. Up quark and down quark for no good reason. This as far
Never discovered anything smaller than the electron and nothing smaller than the quarks. Everything we see in the world, is the same 3 particles with slightly different arrangements repeated over and over.
Spirit is like democritus.. like lego bricks upon which everything is made.
The problem is , its a lie. Its a white lie.
The best theories we have are not the 2 quark particles and the one electron particle. In fact the best theories we have in physics don't rely on particles at all.
The fundamental building blocks of nature are some much more nebulous and abstract.. Fluidlike substances that are spread throughout the entire universe and ripple in strange and interesting ways.
These fluid-like substances we have a name for - We call them fields. Not fields of a farmer.
Physicists have a very different picture in their minds when they think about fields.
Field - Something that is spread everywhere throughout the universe. Something that takes a particular value at every point in space and that value can change with time, like a fluid that ripples and sways through the universe. Not a new idea. Dates back 200 years. Michael Faraday electric and magnetic fields. He built an intuition which we now call the electric and magnetic field - invisible objects through space. Big and radical step. One of the most revolutionary and radical ideas in the history of science, that these electric and magnetic fields exist.
We all played these games as kids… This force, this pressure that pushes against the magnets… Something special with this weird feeling you get between magnets. Even though you cannot see anything, Farday said there is something real and physical there. He called it lines of force which we now call the magnetic field. Faraday demonstrated induction. Make something move without touching it. The field is real, you communicate using the field (cellphone). Not just particles, but something more subtle called fields. He was first to suggest that these ripples or waves of magnetic and electric field is what we call light. Took 50 years for Maxwell and Hertz to confirm.
This idea of fields is much more important then Faraday realized and it has taken us 150 years to appreciate this. In the 1920s we realized the common sense idea of the universe was VERY different than the commonsense ideas that Newton and Galileo handed down to us centuries before. In the 1920's people like Schrod and Heisen, showed us the world is much more mysterious and counterintuitive than we thought it would ever be, this is the theory we now know as Quantum Mechanics.
One of the punchlines of quantum mechanics is that energy is not continuous, energy is always parceled up, into some little discrete lump which is what the word quantum means. The real fun begins when you combines things that are discrete with Faradays idea of fields which are much more continuous and smooth objects which are waving and osclliitating in space. The idea of trying to combine these two together is what is called quantum field theory. And here's the implication of quantum field theory.
The first is what happens for the electric and magnetic field. Farday taught us and Maxwell later, that waves of the electric and magnetic field are called light. When you apply quantum mechanics to this, what you find is these light waves are not as smooth and continuous as they appear. So if you could look closely at light waves, you'll find they are made of little particles that we call the photon. The magic of this idea is that that same principle applies to every single other particle in the universe.
What are we made of? What are the fundamental building blocks of nature?
First modern picture we had was periodic table of elements. One of most iconic images in science.
If you are a chemist, this is as good as it gets. Things on left go bang in water, things on right do not do anything. Any chemists? lol. Silly way to organize nature. We know this is not the end of the story. These are NOT the fundamental building blocks.
JJ Thompson, first to show others the electron. Rutherford gave first complete picture of nucleus and electrons. Nucleus contains protons and neutrons. In the 1970s we learned the protons and neutrons not fundamental. Up quark and down quark for no good reason. This as far
Never discovered anything smaller than the electron and nothing smaller than the quarks. Everything we see in the world, is the same 3 particles with slightly different arrangements repeated over and over.
Spirit is like democritus.. like lego bricks upon which everything is made.
The problem is , its a lie. Its a white lie.
The best theories we have are not the 2 quark particles and the one electron particle. In fact the best theories we have in physics don't rely on particles at all.
The fundamental building blocks of nature are some much more nebulous and abstract.. Fluidlike substances that are spread throughout the entire universe and ripple in strange and interesting ways.
These fluid-like substances we have a name for - We call them fields. Not fields of a farmer.
Physicists have a very different picture in their minds when they think about fields.
Field - Something that is spread everywhere throughout the universe. Something that takes a particular value at every point in space and that value can change with time, like a fluid that ripples and sways through the universe. Not a new idea. Dates back 200 years. Michael Faraday electric and magnetic fields. He built an intuition which we now call the electric and magnetic field - invisible objects through space. Big and radical step. One of the most revolutionary and radical ideas in the history of science, that these electric and magnetic fields exist.
We all played these games as kids… This force, this pressure that pushes against the magnets… Something special with this weird feeling you get between magnets. Even though you cannot see anything, Farday said there is something real and physical there. He called it lines of force which we now call the magnetic field. Faraday demonstrated induction. Make something move without touching it. The field is real, you communicate using the field (cellphone). Not just particles, but something more subtle called fields. He was first to suggest that these ripples or waves of magnetic and electric field is what we call light. Took 50 years for Maxwell and Hertz to confirm.
This idea of fields is much more important then Faraday realized and it has taken us 150 years to appreciate this. In the 1920s we realized the common sense idea of the universe was VERY different than the commonsense ideas that Newton and Galileo handed down to us centuries before. In the 1920's people like Schrod and Heisen, showed us the world is much more mysterious and counterintuitive than we thought it would ever be, this is the theory we now know as Quantum Mechanics.
One of the punchlines of quantum mechanics is that energy is not continuous, energy is always parceled up, into some little discrete lump which is what the word quantum means. The real fun begins when you combines things that are discrete with Faradays idea of fields which are much more continuous and smooth objects which are waving and osclliitating in space. The idea of trying to combine these two together is what is called quantum field theory. And here's the implication of quantum field theory.
The first is what happens for the electric and magnetic field. Farday taught us and Maxwell later, that waves of the electric and magnetic field are called light. When you apply quantum mechanics to this, what you find is these light waves are not as smooth and continuous as they appear. So if you could look closely at light waves, you'll find they are made of little particles that we call the photon. The magic of this idea is that that same principle applies to every single other particle in the universe.

So there is spread everywhere throughout the universe, something called the electron field. Like a fluid that fills the universe. The ripples or waves of this fluid get tied into little bundles of energy by the rules of quantum mechanics and those bundles of energy are what we call the particle, the electron. All the electrons in your body are NOT fundamental - all the electrons in your body are waves of the same underlying field. And we are all connected to each other.
It's like the waves on the ocean all belong to the same underlying ocean. The electrons in your body are ripples of the same field as the electrons in my body.
There is more than this… There is also in this universe, two quark fields and the ripples of these two quark fields give rise to the up and down quark.
And the same is true for every other kind of particle in the universe. There are fields that underly everything and what we think of as particles aren't really particles at all, they are waves of these fields tied up into little bundles of energy.
There are no particles in the universe, the basic building blocks of the universe are these fluid like substances that we call fields.
Where does this vision take us, that we are not made of particles but rather we are made of fields and what we can do with that so we can best understand the universe around us.
The Vacuum
Take a box and take all the stuff out, all the particles, all the atoms, and what you are left with is a pure vacuum. Computer simulation of vacuum using the standard model. Computer simulation of nothing.
The vacuum is the simplest thing you can invision and it is definitely not a dull and boring place. The fields are still there and the fields are governed by the laws of quantum mechanics.
And there is a principle in quantum mechanics called the heisenberg uncertainty principle which says you are not allowed to sit still and the field has to obey this. Field is bubbling and fluctuations. Quantum vacuum fluctuations very complicated.
We can measure… The Casimir force (more of this stuff on outside than inside). Referring to fluctuations.
Challenge --> this is the simplest thing we can imagine in the entire universe and its complicated, astonishingly complicated. It doesn't get easier. Single particle more complicated. Mathematics we use to describe these fields is substantially harder than that which arises in any other area of math or science.
There is a list of the six hardest problems in mathematics, which are considered to be the six hardest problems.
Yang–Mills existence and mass gap
Riemann hypothesis
P vs MP
One is to take from first principles to get quantum fluctuations.
Mathematics being challenging.
Magnetic Moment - speed of precession in magnetic field.
12 or 13 significant figures.
From first principles.
Difficulty comes when vacuum fluctuations get wilder and wilder.
We should be able to figure out mass of proton from first principles.
But only 3%. 40 years worlds most powerful computers, cannot solve.
We have these theories of physics, the best we have ever developed, but ones we understand the least.
We are all made of quantum fields and the best minds in the world don't really understand them.
Not many quantum fields in the universe that science knows of…
Electron fields, up quark field, down quark field, neutrino
Above and below us… not sociable, don't interact.
For some reason nature has reproduced 3 sets of them.
We understand why they come in a group of 4, why they have the properties they do.
Every single thing we have ever seen can be made out of the 12 fields of quarks and leptons.
These 12 fields interact with each other through four forces.
2 forces are familiar electricity and magnetism and the other two only act the small scales of a nucleus.
Strong nuclear force holds the quarks together inside protons and neutrons,
and there is the weak nuclear force which is responsible for radioactive decay and among other things, making the sun shine.
Each of these forces is associated with a field, Faraday taught us about the electromagnetic field, field associated to strong force called gluon field and a field associated with weak nuclear force called the W and Z boson field.
And there is also a field associated with gravity which was really Einsteins great insight into the world.
The field of gravity turns out to be space and time itself, and if you have never heard that before, that is the world's shortest introduction to general relativity.
12 matter fields and 4 force fields and the world we live in is these combination of the 16 fields all interacting together in interesting ways.
This is what you think the universe is like, it is filled with these fields, fluid like substances. 12 matter, 4 forces. One of the matter fields starts to oscillate and ripple. Say the electron field starts to wave up and down because say there are electrons there, that will kick off one of the other fields, say the electromagnetic field which in turn will oscillate and ripple and light is emitted. At some point it will start interacting with the quark field which will in turn oscillate and ripple and the picture we end up with is this harmonious dance with all these fields, interlocking each other, swaying, moving this way and that way.
This is the picture we have with the fundamental laws of physics.
We have a theory that underlies all this, to put it simply it is the pinnacle of science. Its the greatest theory we have ever come up with, but it has the most rubbish name, we call it the Standard Model.
There is one more field introduced in the 60's by Peter Higgs, in the 1970s it became an integral part of how we thought about the universe. But no direct
Make the higgs field ripple so we see a particle
Lasts 10^-22
Electric charge and mass is a statement of how their fields interact with other fields.
Electric charge is a statement of how the electron field interacts with the electromagnetic field.
And the property of its mass is how it interacts with the higgs field.
Higgs Very big deal. This is what is responsible for the meaning of mass in the Universe.
Final piece of the jigsaw. We Have been waiting.
50 years we have been waiting and behaves exactly like we predicted.
This equation correctly predicts the result of every single experiment we've even done in science.
Quantum Fields - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zNVQfWC_evg
Modern Scholars are looking outside the body for the mechanisms of consciousness
- Neuroscientists (Karl Pribram - holographic understanding)
-Quantum Physicists (David Bohm, Roger Penrose)
-Cell Biologists
-Astrophysicists (Rudolph Child, Edgar Mitchell)
-Physicians (Deepok Chopra, Stuart Hameroff)
Rudolph Schild PhD is an astrophysicist at Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, editor of the Journal of Cosmology, and director of the 60 Inch Tillinghast telescope on Mt Hopkins in Arizona.
Talked about consciousness - He said there is no Dark Energy and no Dark Matter. Something Cosomologists invented to fill in their equations. They MADE IT UP. Dark Energy of the Universe he said is Consciousness.
Too much matter or energy , they do not know what it is or where it came from...
Do you and your colleagues talk like this?
Yes, he published an article...
consciousness and the universe journal of cosmology
Consciousness and Universe... Observer effect creates early universe.
It's like the waves on the ocean all belong to the same underlying ocean. The electrons in your body are ripples of the same field as the electrons in my body.
There is more than this… There is also in this universe, two quark fields and the ripples of these two quark fields give rise to the up and down quark.
And the same is true for every other kind of particle in the universe. There are fields that underly everything and what we think of as particles aren't really particles at all, they are waves of these fields tied up into little bundles of energy.
There are no particles in the universe, the basic building blocks of the universe are these fluid like substances that we call fields.
Where does this vision take us, that we are not made of particles but rather we are made of fields and what we can do with that so we can best understand the universe around us.
The Vacuum
Take a box and take all the stuff out, all the particles, all the atoms, and what you are left with is a pure vacuum. Computer simulation of vacuum using the standard model. Computer simulation of nothing.
The vacuum is the simplest thing you can invision and it is definitely not a dull and boring place. The fields are still there and the fields are governed by the laws of quantum mechanics.
And there is a principle in quantum mechanics called the heisenberg uncertainty principle which says you are not allowed to sit still and the field has to obey this. Field is bubbling and fluctuations. Quantum vacuum fluctuations very complicated.
We can measure… The Casimir force (more of this stuff on outside than inside). Referring to fluctuations.
Challenge --> this is the simplest thing we can imagine in the entire universe and its complicated, astonishingly complicated. It doesn't get easier. Single particle more complicated. Mathematics we use to describe these fields is substantially harder than that which arises in any other area of math or science.
There is a list of the six hardest problems in mathematics, which are considered to be the six hardest problems.
Yang–Mills existence and mass gap
Riemann hypothesis
P vs MP
One is to take from first principles to get quantum fluctuations.
Mathematics being challenging.
Magnetic Moment - speed of precession in magnetic field.
12 or 13 significant figures.
From first principles.
Difficulty comes when vacuum fluctuations get wilder and wilder.
We should be able to figure out mass of proton from first principles.
But only 3%. 40 years worlds most powerful computers, cannot solve.
We have these theories of physics, the best we have ever developed, but ones we understand the least.
We are all made of quantum fields and the best minds in the world don't really understand them.
Not many quantum fields in the universe that science knows of…
Electron fields, up quark field, down quark field, neutrino
Above and below us… not sociable, don't interact.
For some reason nature has reproduced 3 sets of them.
We understand why they come in a group of 4, why they have the properties they do.
Every single thing we have ever seen can be made out of the 12 fields of quarks and leptons.
These 12 fields interact with each other through four forces.
2 forces are familiar electricity and magnetism and the other two only act the small scales of a nucleus.
Strong nuclear force holds the quarks together inside protons and neutrons,
and there is the weak nuclear force which is responsible for radioactive decay and among other things, making the sun shine.
Each of these forces is associated with a field, Faraday taught us about the electromagnetic field, field associated to strong force called gluon field and a field associated with weak nuclear force called the W and Z boson field.
And there is also a field associated with gravity which was really Einsteins great insight into the world.
The field of gravity turns out to be space and time itself, and if you have never heard that before, that is the world's shortest introduction to general relativity.
12 matter fields and 4 force fields and the world we live in is these combination of the 16 fields all interacting together in interesting ways.
This is what you think the universe is like, it is filled with these fields, fluid like substances. 12 matter, 4 forces. One of the matter fields starts to oscillate and ripple. Say the electron field starts to wave up and down because say there are electrons there, that will kick off one of the other fields, say the electromagnetic field which in turn will oscillate and ripple and light is emitted. At some point it will start interacting with the quark field which will in turn oscillate and ripple and the picture we end up with is this harmonious dance with all these fields, interlocking each other, swaying, moving this way and that way.
This is the picture we have with the fundamental laws of physics.
We have a theory that underlies all this, to put it simply it is the pinnacle of science. Its the greatest theory we have ever come up with, but it has the most rubbish name, we call it the Standard Model.
There is one more field introduced in the 60's by Peter Higgs, in the 1970s it became an integral part of how we thought about the universe. But no direct
Make the higgs field ripple so we see a particle
Lasts 10^-22
Electric charge and mass is a statement of how their fields interact with other fields.
Electric charge is a statement of how the electron field interacts with the electromagnetic field.
And the property of its mass is how it interacts with the higgs field.
Higgs Very big deal. This is what is responsible for the meaning of mass in the Universe.
Final piece of the jigsaw. We Have been waiting.
50 years we have been waiting and behaves exactly like we predicted.
This equation correctly predicts the result of every single experiment we've even done in science.
Quantum Fields - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zNVQfWC_evg
Modern Scholars are looking outside the body for the mechanisms of consciousness
- Neuroscientists (Karl Pribram - holographic understanding)
-Quantum Physicists (David Bohm, Roger Penrose)
-Cell Biologists
-Astrophysicists (Rudolph Child, Edgar Mitchell)
-Physicians (Deepok Chopra, Stuart Hameroff)
Rudolph Schild PhD is an astrophysicist at Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, editor of the Journal of Cosmology, and director of the 60 Inch Tillinghast telescope on Mt Hopkins in Arizona.
Talked about consciousness - He said there is no Dark Energy and no Dark Matter. Something Cosomologists invented to fill in their equations. They MADE IT UP. Dark Energy of the Universe he said is Consciousness.
Too much matter or energy , they do not know what it is or where it came from...
Do you and your colleagues talk like this?
Yes, he published an article...
consciousness and the universe journal of cosmology
Consciousness and Universe... Observer effect creates early universe.