If You are Experiencing Arthritis, Back Pain, Neck Pain, Migraines, Body Aches, Fibromyalgia OR ANY form of body pain, PLEASE READ THIS!
In this article (video above), I am going to Share with you what Dr Oz called the Biggest breakthrough in pain management he had ever seen called PEMF therapy. We'll look at what pain is, why you experience it, the BIG problems with PAIN medication, and share a NATURAL , NON INVASIVE AND EFFECTIVE Solution to End Pain Once and For ALL!
Statistics on Pain
Since I have worked with PEMF therapy over the past 7 years, I can confidently say that “hands down” the number one reason people invest in this technology is for pain relief. It’s also been our primary source of positive feedback and testimonials. Over 100 people I have worked with have personally written a testimonial on pain relief is some form.
Pain affects more Americans than diabetes, heart disease and cancer combined.
Chronic Pain 100 million Americans Institute of Medicine of The National Academies
Diabetes 25.8 million Americans
(diagnosed and estimated undiagnosed) American Diabetes Association
Coronary Heart Disease
(heart attack and chest pain)
Stroke 16.3 million Americans
7.0 million Americans American Heart Association (4)
Cancer 11.9 million Americans American Cancer Society (5)
1 in 3 Americans are affected by more than 100 types of arthritis that usually result in severe pain.
Lower back pain affects 80% of all Americans.
At any given time, 10% of Americans are experiencing pain.
Fibromyalgia affects 12 million Americans, most of which are women.
More than half of all hospitalized patients experienced pain in the last days of their lives and although therapies are present to alleviate most pain for those dying of cancer, research shows that 50-75% of patients die in moderate to severe pain.
An estimated 20% of American adults (42 million people) report that pain or physical discomfort disrupts their sleep a few nights a week or more.
When asked about four common types of pain, respondents of a National Institute of Health Statistics survey indicated that
1) low back pain was the most common (27%),
2) severe headache or migraine pain (15%),
3) neck pain (15%)
4) and facial ache or pain (4%). (mouth , teeth, jaw, eyes
Impact on Quality of Life
Almost two-thirds (59%) reported an impact on their overall enjoyment of life.
More than three quarters of patients (77%) reported feeling depressed.
70% said they have trouble concentrating.
74% said their energy level is impacted by their pain.
86% reported an inability to sleep well.
NOTE: As we'll see PEMF helps not only with PAIN relief, but better sleep as well.
Pain affects more Americans than diabetes, heart disease and cancer combined.
Chronic Pain 100 million Americans Institute of Medicine of The National Academies
Diabetes 25.8 million Americans
(diagnosed and estimated undiagnosed) American Diabetes Association
Coronary Heart Disease
(heart attack and chest pain)
Stroke 16.3 million Americans
7.0 million Americans American Heart Association (4)
Cancer 11.9 million Americans American Cancer Society (5)
1 in 3 Americans are affected by more than 100 types of arthritis that usually result in severe pain.
Lower back pain affects 80% of all Americans.
At any given time, 10% of Americans are experiencing pain.
Fibromyalgia affects 12 million Americans, most of which are women.
More than half of all hospitalized patients experienced pain in the last days of their lives and although therapies are present to alleviate most pain for those dying of cancer, research shows that 50-75% of patients die in moderate to severe pain.
An estimated 20% of American adults (42 million people) report that pain or physical discomfort disrupts their sleep a few nights a week or more.
When asked about four common types of pain, respondents of a National Institute of Health Statistics survey indicated that
1) low back pain was the most common (27%),
2) severe headache or migraine pain (15%),
3) neck pain (15%)
4) and facial ache or pain (4%). (mouth , teeth, jaw, eyes
Impact on Quality of Life
Almost two-thirds (59%) reported an impact on their overall enjoyment of life.
More than three quarters of patients (77%) reported feeling depressed.
70% said they have trouble concentrating.
74% said their energy level is impacted by their pain.
86% reported an inability to sleep well.
NOTE: As we'll see PEMF helps not only with PAIN relief, but better sleep as well.
A pain scale is a tool for evaluating the severity of pain, which is necessary for achieving pain relief or pain control. There are several validated pain scales. Among them is the UCLA Pain Assessment Tool (below), which incorporates the Wong-Baker FACES pain scale.
This scale is helpful because it classifies pain as mild, moderate or severe, which are terms used when developing a pain-management plan.
This scale is helpful because it classifies pain as mild, moderate or severe, which are terms used when developing a pain-management plan.
What is PAIN?
Pain is vital to humans because it signals imminent damage to the body. Thus, pain is not a disease, but rather it is an important warning sign to protect the body. How pain is perceived is always subjective, depending on the constitution and disposition of the individual person, the individual biorhythm as well as the time of day. Pain is usually perceived as being more intense during the night than during the day.
Pain itself has many manifestations. It may be manifested as throbbing, cutting, piercing, pressing, dull or paralyzing; it may occur suddenly or periodically.
The causes are also varied: heat, pressure, stretching, injuries and other factors can cause pain.
The International Association for the Study of Pain's widely used definition states: "Pain is an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage, or described in terms of such damage."
Pain motivates the individual to withdraw from damaging situations, to protect a damaged body part while it heals, and to avoid similar experiences in the future. Most pain resolves promptly once the painful stimulus is removed and the body has healed, but sometimes pain persists despite removal of the stimulus and apparent healing of the body; and sometimes pain arises in the absence of any detectable stimulus, damage or disease.
What is Chronic Pain?
While acute pain is a normal sensation triggered in the nervous system to alert you to possible injury and the need to take care of yourself, chronic pain is different. Chronic pain persists. Pain signals keep firing in the nervous system for weeks, months, even years. There may have been an initial mishap -- sprained back, serious infection, or there may be an ongoing cause of pain -- arthritis, cancer, ear infection, but some people suffer chronic pain in the absence of any past injury or evidence of body damage. Many chronic pain conditions affect older adults. Common chronic pain complaints include headache, low back pain, cancer pain, arthritis pain, neurogenic pain (pain resulting from damage to the peripheral nerves or to the central nervous system itself).
A recent market research report indicates that more than 1.5 billion people worldwide suffer from chronic pain (20% world population).
Pain itself has many manifestations. It may be manifested as throbbing, cutting, piercing, pressing, dull or paralyzing; it may occur suddenly or periodically.
The causes are also varied: heat, pressure, stretching, injuries and other factors can cause pain.
The International Association for the Study of Pain's widely used definition states: "Pain is an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage, or described in terms of such damage."
Pain motivates the individual to withdraw from damaging situations, to protect a damaged body part while it heals, and to avoid similar experiences in the future. Most pain resolves promptly once the painful stimulus is removed and the body has healed, but sometimes pain persists despite removal of the stimulus and apparent healing of the body; and sometimes pain arises in the absence of any detectable stimulus, damage or disease.
What is Chronic Pain?
While acute pain is a normal sensation triggered in the nervous system to alert you to possible injury and the need to take care of yourself, chronic pain is different. Chronic pain persists. Pain signals keep firing in the nervous system for weeks, months, even years. There may have been an initial mishap -- sprained back, serious infection, or there may be an ongoing cause of pain -- arthritis, cancer, ear infection, but some people suffer chronic pain in the absence of any past injury or evidence of body damage. Many chronic pain conditions affect older adults. Common chronic pain complaints include headache, low back pain, cancer pain, arthritis pain, neurogenic pain (pain resulting from damage to the peripheral nerves or to the central nervous system itself).
A recent market research report indicates that more than 1.5 billion people worldwide suffer from chronic pain (20% world population).
How is PAIN Perceived ?
A nociceptor is a receptor of a sensory neuron (nerve cell) that responds to potentially damaging stimuli by sending signals to the spinal cord and brain. This process, called nociception, usually causes the perception of pain.
The perception of pain involves so-called pain receptors or nociceptors which receive and relay the stimuli. There are approximately three million such tiny receptors in varying density in our body. Most receptors are located beneath the skin and a very few are located on the soles of the feet. In some body areas such as the head, fingertips or mucous membranes, each square centimeter of skin
contains more than 300 nociceptors. There are also receptors in the muscles, ligaments, bones and in the organs - but organs such as the brain, lungs and liver do not have any such receptors, which is why diseases in these areas often go undetected for a very long period of time.
In order for the pain message to reach the brain rapidly, the pain is relayed at a rate of several meters per second. A switching point in the area of the spinal cord decides whether the complaint is important enough to be relayed to the brain. The cerebrum reacts to the message by secreting opium-like substances, so-called endorphins, which inhibit the transfer of the pain stimulus to the brain. The result: the pain is no longer perceived at all or is perceived to a weakened extent.
Notice there are two mechanisms - The signal creating the sensation of PAIN, and Endorphins which RELIEVE the PAIN.
The Effect of PEMF therapy lies in the fact that the stimulus threshold is raised by hyperpolarization and pain conduction is interrupted for a brief period of time. Due to the fact that the stimulus threshold is raised, the pain must be much more intense to be perceived by the brain. By no means does this mean that the warning signal is eliminated, but instead the chronic pain is relieved. The extent to which an influence on the autonomic nervous system plays a role here remains to be
The perception of pain involves so-called pain receptors or nociceptors which receive and relay the stimuli. There are approximately three million such tiny receptors in varying density in our body. Most receptors are located beneath the skin and a very few are located on the soles of the feet. In some body areas such as the head, fingertips or mucous membranes, each square centimeter of skin
contains more than 300 nociceptors. There are also receptors in the muscles, ligaments, bones and in the organs - but organs such as the brain, lungs and liver do not have any such receptors, which is why diseases in these areas often go undetected for a very long period of time.
In order for the pain message to reach the brain rapidly, the pain is relayed at a rate of several meters per second. A switching point in the area of the spinal cord decides whether the complaint is important enough to be relayed to the brain. The cerebrum reacts to the message by secreting opium-like substances, so-called endorphins, which inhibit the transfer of the pain stimulus to the brain. The result: the pain is no longer perceived at all or is perceived to a weakened extent.
Notice there are two mechanisms - The signal creating the sensation of PAIN, and Endorphins which RELIEVE the PAIN.
The Effect of PEMF therapy lies in the fact that the stimulus threshold is raised by hyperpolarization and pain conduction is interrupted for a brief period of time. Due to the fact that the stimulus threshold is raised, the pain must be much more intense to be perceived by the brain. By no means does this mean that the warning signal is eliminated, but instead the chronic pain is relieved. The extent to which an influence on the autonomic nervous system plays a role here remains to be
Source of Pain and Threshold of Pain
There are countless other sources for pain, and at a fundamental level, pain is YOUR FRIEND. Pain is like an engine light in your car letting you know something is wrong, but if your “threshold” for pain is too low, instead of warning light you end up with an emergency siren in your ear.
The threshold of pain is the point at which pain begins to be felt. It is an entirely subjective phenomenon. The intensity at which a stimulus (e.g., heat, pressure) begins to evoke pain is the threshold intensity.
Ideally if your threshold of pain is set “just right” you will get an adequate warning signal (mild pain) that gently, but painfully lets you know something is wrong. If your threshold is too low, you can feel severe pain (the siren in your ear), when a soft alarm is enough. With some conditions like fibromyalgia, the threshold of pain can be so low that you feel pain all the time.
In pain science, thresholds are measured by gradually increasing the intensity of a stimulus such as electric current or heat applied to the body. The pain perception threshold is the point at which the stimulus begins to hurt, and the pain tolerance threshold is reached when the subject acts to stop the pain.
Differences in pain perception and tolerance thresholds are associated with, among other factors, ethnicity, genetics, and sex.
The threshold of pain is the point at which pain begins to be felt. It is an entirely subjective phenomenon. The intensity at which a stimulus (e.g., heat, pressure) begins to evoke pain is the threshold intensity.
Ideally if your threshold of pain is set “just right” you will get an adequate warning signal (mild pain) that gently, but painfully lets you know something is wrong. If your threshold is too low, you can feel severe pain (the siren in your ear), when a soft alarm is enough. With some conditions like fibromyalgia, the threshold of pain can be so low that you feel pain all the time.
In pain science, thresholds are measured by gradually increasing the intensity of a stimulus such as electric current or heat applied to the body. The pain perception threshold is the point at which the stimulus begins to hurt, and the pain tolerance threshold is reached when the subject acts to stop the pain.
Differences in pain perception and tolerance thresholds are associated with, among other factors, ethnicity, genetics, and sex.
Allopathic Approach - Numbing and Dumbing the PAIN
The Allopathic Philosophy - Numbing and DumbingAllopathic is derived from the prefix "allo" means "other", or in this context "against". The suffix "pathos" means suffering, sickness or disease. Think of all the anti's (Anti-depressant, Anti-inflammatory drugs, Anti-viral , antihistamine. etc). So allopathic medicine's main approach is to work against symtoms, with the goal of removing them altogether using drugs, injections, and even surgery and other invasive procedures.
In Allopathic medicine sickness or disease is seen as as an external influence on the body, an enemy, an incidence inflicted on the body by the outside worlds. It assumes that the symptoms ARE the disease and prescribes drugs to suppress or remove the symptoms. In fact diseases are tagged and labeled based on the symptoms that arise. One of the most popular reference books, "The Merck Manual", is a prime example of catogorizing diseases by their symtoms. DISEASE = SICKNESS = SYMPTOM.
Prescription drugs are the second-most abused category of drugs in the United States, following marijuana.
Prescription painkillers are considered a major contributor to the total number of drug deaths. In 2007, for example, nearly 28,000 Americans died from unintentional drug poisoning, and of these, nearly 12,000 involved prescription pain relievers.
Nearly one-third (29 percent) of people age 12 or older who used illicit drugs for the first time in the past year began by using prescription drugs non-medically.
Prescription painkiller overdoses killed nearly 15,000 people in the US in 2008. This is more than 3 times the 4,000 people killed by these drugs in 1999.
Pain is by far the most common symptom people want relief from. Arthritis, back pain, toothaches, neck pain, knee, hip, shoulder pain, fibromylagia and most diseases have pain as a symptom. But the numbing and dumbing approach of prescription pain medications is a temporary band aid at best, at worst it creates side effects and addictions that harm the body and mind. According to the CDC , over 15,000 people die each year to pain medication overdose.
The allopathic approach can even go so far as surgery to "cut" out the symptomatic tissue or organ.
By removing the symptoms the patient is supoosedly "cured".
But this is like cutting the wire that supplies the current to the oil light in your car warning you of an engine problem. The oil light may be turned off, but the engine is still burning up.
That's why I call Allopathic or conventional medicine approach numbing and dumbing because it numbs the feelings (both good and bad) and shuts down, suppresses or "dumbs down" the human body's innate intelligence and energy fields.
In Allopathic medicine sickness or disease is seen as as an external influence on the body, an enemy, an incidence inflicted on the body by the outside worlds. It assumes that the symptoms ARE the disease and prescribes drugs to suppress or remove the symptoms. In fact diseases are tagged and labeled based on the symptoms that arise. One of the most popular reference books, "The Merck Manual", is a prime example of catogorizing diseases by their symtoms. DISEASE = SICKNESS = SYMPTOM.
Prescription drugs are the second-most abused category of drugs in the United States, following marijuana.
Prescription painkillers are considered a major contributor to the total number of drug deaths. In 2007, for example, nearly 28,000 Americans died from unintentional drug poisoning, and of these, nearly 12,000 involved prescription pain relievers.
Nearly one-third (29 percent) of people age 12 or older who used illicit drugs for the first time in the past year began by using prescription drugs non-medically.
Prescription painkiller overdoses killed nearly 15,000 people in the US in 2008. This is more than 3 times the 4,000 people killed by these drugs in 1999.
Pain is by far the most common symptom people want relief from. Arthritis, back pain, toothaches, neck pain, knee, hip, shoulder pain, fibromylagia and most diseases have pain as a symptom. But the numbing and dumbing approach of prescription pain medications is a temporary band aid at best, at worst it creates side effects and addictions that harm the body and mind. According to the CDC , over 15,000 people die each year to pain medication overdose.
The allopathic approach can even go so far as surgery to "cut" out the symptomatic tissue or organ.
By removing the symptoms the patient is supoosedly "cured".
But this is like cutting the wire that supplies the current to the oil light in your car warning you of an engine problem. The oil light may be turned off, but the engine is still burning up.
That's why I call Allopathic or conventional medicine approach numbing and dumbing because it numbs the feelings (both good and bad) and shuts down, suppresses or "dumbs down" the human body's innate intelligence and energy fields.
PEMF APPROACH - The Smart Choice
PEMF or Pulsed Electromagnetic therapy is a natural non-invasive, safe and effective treatment for pain relief. Its related to magnetic therapy, but instead of a constant field, it provides a magnetic field that changes with time. Low frequency PEMF penetrates deep, lasts longer and heals the body faster than static magnets.
Dr Oz featured PEMF on a show in 2011 for Pain Relief and he heralded PEMF as the biggest breakthrough in pain management he had ever seen.
10,000 Research Studies (pubmed), including around 2000 double blind studies
FDA approved
1) Stimulate bone growth
2) support muscle function
3) enhance wound healing
4) Reduce pain and swelling
5) Treat arthritis
6) Treat severe depression
A 4 year study done by NASA showed that low intensity, low frequency PEMF was the most effective energy medicine device for healing and regeneration.
PEMF acts as a whole body battery recharger, charing up your 100 trillion cells.
Its like putting little jumper cables on all your cells
Although Pain is by far the #1 reason people invest in PEMF it does MUCH more.
Low Frequency PEMF penetrate deep and go all the way through ...Wind blowing in the trees, goes all the way through
Healing work in the tissue than you stop the pain (thats the best way to do it)- Help the body heal itself and the pain will get better.
Numbing and Dumbing the pain with drugs is a temporary Band-aid at best.
Dr Oz featured PEMF on a show in 2011 for Pain Relief and he heralded PEMF as the biggest breakthrough in pain management he had ever seen.
10,000 Research Studies (pubmed), including around 2000 double blind studies
FDA approved
1) Stimulate bone growth
2) support muscle function
3) enhance wound healing
4) Reduce pain and swelling
5) Treat arthritis
6) Treat severe depression
A 4 year study done by NASA showed that low intensity, low frequency PEMF was the most effective energy medicine device for healing and regeneration.
PEMF acts as a whole body battery recharger, charing up your 100 trillion cells.
Its like putting little jumper cables on all your cells
Although Pain is by far the #1 reason people invest in PEMF it does MUCH more.
Low Frequency PEMF penetrate deep and go all the way through ...Wind blowing in the trees, goes all the way through
Healing work in the tissue than you stop the pain (thats the best way to do it)- Help the body heal itself and the pain will get better.
Numbing and Dumbing the pain with drugs is a temporary Band-aid at best.
7 Research Proven Reasons Why the works SO GOOD for PAIN Relief!
PEMFs heal tissues deep within the body when the correct intensity is used at the source of the pain. In PEMF therapy, low frequency pulses of electromagnetic stimulation is used to relieve pain and heal damaged tissues. These pulses activate energy at the cellular level to stimulate natural repair processes.
1) Magnetic Fields and PEMF Therapy naturally increase endorphins, your body's natural opiates that make you FEEL GOOD and no pain. PEMF Equivalent to 10mg of morphine.
Thomas AW, Prato FS. Magnetic field based pain therapeutics and diagnostics. Bioelectromagnetics Society, 24th Annual Meeting, Quebec City, PQ, Canada, June, 2002
1) PEMF improves microcirculation in damaged tissues and helps to facilitate the excretion of acids, metabolic waste products and various debris from the injured area.
2) Also from improved microcirculation, PEMF Therapy helps to cells to access more oxygen and vital nutrients needed for energy and repair.
3) PEMF helps to facilitate the transport of macrophages, lymphocytes and antibodies into the pain center by improving lymphatic flow.
4) PEMF devices like the iMRS 2000 reduces swelling and facilitates the optimal regeneration of damaged tissues by activating anti-inflammatory enzymes.
Adenosine is a molecule that has been called a “guardian angel” in human disease (Borea). Working through the adenosine receptor (AR), adenosine plays a key role in controlling inflammation.
Borea PA, Gessi S, Merighi S, Varani K. Adenosine as a multi-signalling guardian angel in human diseases: when, where and how does it exert its protective effects? Trends Pharmacol Sci. 2016 Jun;37(6):419-434.
5) PEMF Therapy interrupts PAIN signals in the nerves... Less signal = less pain!
6) Most importantly, The iMRS helps the body to TRULY heal itself so the alarm of PAIN is no longer needed.
Unfortunately partially because of PAIN, there is an opiate crisis in the U.S. If only PEMF therapy could be utilized more by doctors and hospitals, we could possibly see an end to this widespread problem!
Notice there are two mechanisms with the Pain Signal - The signal creating the sensation of PAIN, and Endorphins which RELIEVE the PAIN.
The Effect of PEMF therapy lies in the fact that the stimulus threshold is raised by hyperpolarization and pain conduction is interrupted for a brief period of time. Due to the fact that the stimulus threshold is raised, the pain must be much more intense to be perceived by the brain. By no means does this mean that the warning signal is eliminated, but instead the chronic pain is relieved. The extent to which an influence on the autonomic nervous system plays a role here remains to be
PEMFs heal tissues deep within the body when the correct intensity is used at the source of the pain. In PEMF therapy, low frequency pulses of electromagnetic stimulation is used to relieve pain and heal damaged tissues. These pulses activate energy at the cellular level to stimulate natural repair processes.
1) Magnetic Fields and PEMF Therapy naturally increase endorphins, your body's natural opiates that make you FEEL GOOD and no pain. PEMF Equivalent to 10mg of morphine.
Thomas AW, Prato FS. Magnetic field based pain therapeutics and diagnostics. Bioelectromagnetics Society, 24th Annual Meeting, Quebec City, PQ, Canada, June, 2002
1) PEMF improves microcirculation in damaged tissues and helps to facilitate the excretion of acids, metabolic waste products and various debris from the injured area.
2) Also from improved microcirculation, PEMF Therapy helps to cells to access more oxygen and vital nutrients needed for energy and repair.
3) PEMF helps to facilitate the transport of macrophages, lymphocytes and antibodies into the pain center by improving lymphatic flow.
4) PEMF devices like the iMRS 2000 reduces swelling and facilitates the optimal regeneration of damaged tissues by activating anti-inflammatory enzymes.
Adenosine is a molecule that has been called a “guardian angel” in human disease (Borea). Working through the adenosine receptor (AR), adenosine plays a key role in controlling inflammation.
Borea PA, Gessi S, Merighi S, Varani K. Adenosine as a multi-signalling guardian angel in human diseases: when, where and how does it exert its protective effects? Trends Pharmacol Sci. 2016 Jun;37(6):419-434.
5) PEMF Therapy interrupts PAIN signals in the nerves... Less signal = less pain!
6) Most importantly, The iMRS helps the body to TRULY heal itself so the alarm of PAIN is no longer needed.
Unfortunately partially because of PAIN, there is an opiate crisis in the U.S. If only PEMF therapy could be utilized more by doctors and hospitals, we could possibly see an end to this widespread problem!
Notice there are two mechanisms with the Pain Signal - The signal creating the sensation of PAIN, and Endorphins which RELIEVE the PAIN.
The Effect of PEMF therapy lies in the fact that the stimulus threshold is raised by hyperpolarization and pain conduction is interrupted for a brief period of time. Due to the fact that the stimulus threshold is raised, the pain must be much more intense to be perceived by the brain. By no means does this mean that the warning signal is eliminated, but instead the chronic pain is relieved. The extent to which an influence on the autonomic nervous system plays a role here remains to be
Endorphins - The Feel Good - Happiness Hormones
Putting a positive spin on pain is partly a matter of making sure your body is producing optimal levels of endorphins (endogenous morphine or natural opiates). These natural opiates are your body’s “pain reliever”. The so-called “runner’s high” is attributed to an increase in endorphins after exercise.
All 100 trillion cells in your body have endorphin receptors, and your brain can manufacture them if the conditions are right. This means your body is getting the 5 essential elements plus exercise and rest, along with having an overall happy and fulfilling life filled with positive emotions.
You don’t need prescription pain medication (except in severe circumstances) for common types of pain. Not only do these pain medications have toxic side effects (especially with the liver and kidneys), they also inhibit your body from making its own endorphins. This is especially true with opiate derived pain medications such as Oxycontin, Roxicodone, Vicodin, Percocet, morphine, opium, etc. Avoid these drugs like the plague! I personally know people whose lives are ruined because of opiate addictions, and once you start, it will be very hard to get off! These drugs are unfortunately one the most addictive drugs you can take, with severe withdrawal symptoms. The good news is that your body can produce its own opiates or endorphins.
Some of the ways to increase your natural opiates or endorphins are exercise, massage, yoga, meditation, deep breathing, deep sleep, low stress, and YES PEMF therapy.
It’s been proven that earth’s PEMF is essential to creating endorphins and additional endorphin synthesis can be promoted by PEMF therapy. This is one of the reasons why PEMF helps immediately with symptomatic pain relief.
All 100 trillion cells in your body have endorphin receptors, and your brain can manufacture them if the conditions are right. This means your body is getting the 5 essential elements plus exercise and rest, along with having an overall happy and fulfilling life filled with positive emotions.
You don’t need prescription pain medication (except in severe circumstances) for common types of pain. Not only do these pain medications have toxic side effects (especially with the liver and kidneys), they also inhibit your body from making its own endorphins. This is especially true with opiate derived pain medications such as Oxycontin, Roxicodone, Vicodin, Percocet, morphine, opium, etc. Avoid these drugs like the plague! I personally know people whose lives are ruined because of opiate addictions, and once you start, it will be very hard to get off! These drugs are unfortunately one the most addictive drugs you can take, with severe withdrawal symptoms. The good news is that your body can produce its own opiates or endorphins.
Some of the ways to increase your natural opiates or endorphins are exercise, massage, yoga, meditation, deep breathing, deep sleep, low stress, and YES PEMF therapy.
It’s been proven that earth’s PEMF is essential to creating endorphins and additional endorphin synthesis can be promoted by PEMF therapy. This is one of the reasons why PEMF helps immediately with symptomatic pain relief.
Neural Pathways of Pain (Less Signal = Less Pain)
The Effect of PEMF therapy lies in the fact that the stimulus threshold is raised by hyperpolarization and pain conduction is interrupted for a brief period of time. Due to the fact that the stimulus threshold is raised, the pain must be much more intense to be perceived by the brain. By no means does this mean that the warning signal is eliminated, but instead the chronic pain is relieved. The extent to which an influence on the autonomic nervous system plays a role here remains to be
Also, PEMF generates microcurrents to run through the neural pathways, which reduces the signal needed to create the feeling or sensation of pain. Less signal = Less pain perception. So PEMF not only helps to increase endorphins but it also directly decreases the triggering of the pain response.
Also, PEMF generates microcurrents to run through the neural pathways, which reduces the signal needed to create the feeling or sensation of pain. Less signal = Less pain perception. So PEMF not only helps to increase endorphins but it also directly decreases the triggering of the pain response.
PEMF Therapy - The Solution
1) Stronger Bones
2) Endorphins and Pain Relief
3) Better Sleep and HGH secretion
4) More Energy ATP
5) Better Oxygenation and Circulation
6) Improved Immunity
7) Relaxation & Stress Reduction
8) Nerve and Tissue Regeneration - Stem Cells
2) Endorphins and Pain Relief
3) Better Sleep and HGH secretion
4) More Energy ATP
5) Better Oxygenation and Circulation
6) Improved Immunity
7) Relaxation & Stress Reduction
8) Nerve and Tissue Regeneration - Stem Cells
Study - PEMF Found to Be More Effective than Lasers for Pain Relief
pemf_versus_laser_study.pdf |
PEMF PAIN and Healing PROTOCOLS -Low Back Pain, Neck Pain, Headache and More
Add Disclaimer at the Beginning
Recap PEMF for PAIN - Part 1.
What pain is, why you experience pain and
Introduced how PEMF is the solution pain relief, healing and regeneration.
Doctor Oz called PEMF therapy The biggest breakthrough in pain management he had every seen.
PEMF Helps with Pain Relief in THREE Powerful Ways
1) Increases Endorphins
2) Reduces and Temporarily Interrupts the Pain Signal
generates micro currents that run through neural pathways.
Less Sign = Less Pain Perception.
3) Heals the Problem - the injury or trauma. Signals for pain naturally go away.
Chronic Pain 100 million Americans Institute of Medicine of The National Academies
When asked about four common types of pain, respondents of a National Institute of Health Statistics survey indicated that
1) low back pain was the most common (27%),
2) severe headache or migraine pain (15%),
3) neck pain (15%)
4) and facial ache or pain (4%). (mouth , teeth, jaw, eyes
Impact on Quality of Life
Almost two-thirds (59%) reported an impact on their overall enjoyment of life.
More than three quarters of patients (77%) reported feeling depressed.
70% said they have trouble concentrating.
74% said their energy level is impacted by their pain.
86% reported an inability to sleep well.
What pain is, why you experience pain and
Introduced how PEMF is the solution pain relief, healing and regeneration.
Doctor Oz called PEMF therapy The biggest breakthrough in pain management he had every seen.
PEMF Helps with Pain Relief in THREE Powerful Ways
1) Increases Endorphins
2) Reduces and Temporarily Interrupts the Pain Signal
generates micro currents that run through neural pathways.
Less Sign = Less Pain Perception.
3) Heals the Problem - the injury or trauma. Signals for pain naturally go away.
Chronic Pain 100 million Americans Institute of Medicine of The National Academies
When asked about four common types of pain, respondents of a National Institute of Health Statistics survey indicated that
1) low back pain was the most common (27%),
2) severe headache or migraine pain (15%),
3) neck pain (15%)
4) and facial ache or pain (4%). (mouth , teeth, jaw, eyes
Impact on Quality of Life
Almost two-thirds (59%) reported an impact on their overall enjoyment of life.
More than three quarters of patients (77%) reported feeling depressed.
70% said they have trouble concentrating.
74% said their energy level is impacted by their pain.
86% reported an inability to sleep well.
Acute and Chronic inflammation (very DIFFERENT - harmful, progessive, cell and organ damage... cancer, autoimmune, neuropathies, chronic pain).
Known cause of chronic pain. Bigger
1 out of 3 adults suffers from chronic pain.
560 billion dollars a year.
Chronic inflammation common denominator we have been looking for.
Acute Inflammation is normal, and is an essential component in the natural response to injurt and infection. Acute Inflammation is short lived and gives way to normal processes of growth, healing and repair.
Chronic Inflammation is abnormal, harmful, progressive over years and decades, causes cellular and organ damage, is at the root of hundreds of diseases and disabilities, and plays a key role in the progression of major diseases such as cancer, autoimmune disease, neuropathies, chronic pain, and most diseases associated with aging.
Acute and Chronic inflammation (very DIFFERENT - harmful, progessive, cell and organ damage... cancer, autoimmune, neuropathies, chronic pain).
Known cause of chronic pain. Bigger
1 out of 3 adults suffers from chronic pain.
560 billion dollars a year.
Chronic inflammation common denominator we have been looking for.
Acute Inflammation is normal, and is an essential component in the natural response to injurt and infection. Acute Inflammation is short lived and gives way to normal processes of growth, healing and repair.
Chronic Inflammation is abnormal, harmful, progressive over years and decades, causes cellular and organ damage, is at the root of hundreds of diseases and disabilities, and plays a key role in the progression of major diseases such as cancer, autoimmune disease, neuropathies, chronic pain, and most diseases associated with aging.
At the Root of Many Diseases:
Chronic Inflammation
Chronic Inflammation is a known cause of chronic pain.
Chronic Inflammation is associated with virtually all diseases and aging
Chronic Inflammation is associated with hundreds of disease states, affecting every organ system, interfering with natural healing processes.
Inflammatory Disorders include: Acne, Asthma, Autoimmune disease, Celiac Disease, Prostatitis, Hypersensitivities, Atherosclerosis, Cancer, psychological disorders including depression, and many other diseases.
Chronic Inflammation
Chronic Inflammation is a known cause of chronic pain.
Chronic Inflammation is associated with virtually all diseases and aging
Chronic Inflammation is associated with hundreds of disease states, affecting every organ system, interfering with natural healing processes.
Inflammatory Disorders include: Acne, Asthma, Autoimmune disease, Celiac Disease, Prostatitis, Hypersensitivities, Atherosclerosis, Cancer, psychological disorders including depression, and many other diseases.
Action Steps
Pain Protocols for Most Common Sources of Pain
More than 10,000 scientific papers have been
published about the effect of PEMF. Many of the initial studies have been
carried out in Russia and Eastern Europe, but more and more research is now
taking place in the United States. PEMF is a non-contact, non-invasive,
non-pharmacological and effective treatment for many conditions. Worldwide more
than 2,000 double blind studies have demonstrated that PEMF therapy is a safe
and effective treatment for a variety of conditions, as well as to promote and
maintain general cellular health and function.
PEMF therapy has been used extensively for decades for many health issues, and results can be seen in animals as well as humans. The National Institutes of Health have made PEMF therapy a priority for research. In fact, the FDA has already approved many PEMF devices, some specifically to fuse broken bones, enhance wound healing, reduce pain and tissue swelling, support muscle function, and also to treat depression. Most therapeutic PEMF devices are considered safe by various standards and organizations.
I personally have received hundreds of testimonials and positive reviews of PEMF helping and even elimating pain for good. It can take some time along with lifestyle changes, but just know there IS an answer for PAIN..
Before we get into the pain protocols, I just want to briefly go over what you should look for in a PEMF therapy device...
Look for a whole body mat system, with local applicators (especially probe/pen)
Earth Frequencies
Biorhythm clock
Safe Intensities (ideally from 0- 300 uT and below - earth is 33-66 uT from equator to poles)
Pure copper coils
Rapid RISE / FALL waveform - Sawtooth NASA squarewave.
NASA found the best results with the PEMF parameters below:
1. Rapid time varying waveform - specifically square wave (sawtooth also fits this criteria but not a simple sine wave).
2. Low Frequency (10 Hz) close to 7.83 and 11.79 (almost exactly in between main frequencies of earth)
3. Low Intensity ~10-200 milligauss (1 - 20 microtesla) which is far less than the strength of the earth (33 - 66 microtesla)
NASA discovered that the benefits of Low Frequency, Low Intensity, Rapidly varying PEMF includes better healing and regeneration of damaged or disease tissue, greater cell longevity, accelerated cell growth, improved cellular voltage (mainly observed in nerve cells), upregulation of genes related to collagen production, cell restoration and growth (upregulation is a mechanism that increases the creation of certain gene products).
Ther are several full body mat devices available in the U.S. and I have owned and used most of them.
If you want to save yourself over $100,000 of trying all the PEMF devices out there, you can follow what my research has found...
Currently I personally use and recommend the iMRS 2000, mainly because it is most in harmony with the body and what Nature gives us. The iMRS and previous generation MRS 2000 have nearly 20 years of clinical research in Germany and abroad. These PAIN protocols are from PROVEN research in clinical settings from over 200,000 patients and hundreds of doctors
But there are other good units as well which these protocols will work with, just make sure to get one with a full body mat, and local applicators. Also understand MORE IS NOT Better, and natural earth frequencies (0-30Hz) with a rapid rise and fall waveform is ideal. (refer to my 2-part video if you are considering a high intensity system, because they are not suitable for daily use).
The protocols in this video are based on settings of the iMRS 2000 or the older generation MRS 2000.
The range in intensities is .009 microtesla on sensitive up to 300 uT on level 400. If you have another brand, consult with the person who sold you the unit to get the correct intensities, but hopefully this video will give you a good foundation of understanding.
Lets discuss briefly the 3 components of a good PEMF device
1) Full body mat
2) Pillow Pad
3) Probe
PEMF therapy has been used extensively for decades for many health issues, and results can be seen in animals as well as humans. The National Institutes of Health have made PEMF therapy a priority for research. In fact, the FDA has already approved many PEMF devices, some specifically to fuse broken bones, enhance wound healing, reduce pain and tissue swelling, support muscle function, and also to treat depression. Most therapeutic PEMF devices are considered safe by various standards and organizations.
I personally have received hundreds of testimonials and positive reviews of PEMF helping and even elimating pain for good. It can take some time along with lifestyle changes, but just know there IS an answer for PAIN..
Before we get into the pain protocols, I just want to briefly go over what you should look for in a PEMF therapy device...
Look for a whole body mat system, with local applicators (especially probe/pen)
Earth Frequencies
Biorhythm clock
Safe Intensities (ideally from 0- 300 uT and below - earth is 33-66 uT from equator to poles)
Pure copper coils
Rapid RISE / FALL waveform - Sawtooth NASA squarewave.
NASA found the best results with the PEMF parameters below:
1. Rapid time varying waveform - specifically square wave (sawtooth also fits this criteria but not a simple sine wave).
2. Low Frequency (10 Hz) close to 7.83 and 11.79 (almost exactly in between main frequencies of earth)
3. Low Intensity ~10-200 milligauss (1 - 20 microtesla) which is far less than the strength of the earth (33 - 66 microtesla)
NASA discovered that the benefits of Low Frequency, Low Intensity, Rapidly varying PEMF includes better healing and regeneration of damaged or disease tissue, greater cell longevity, accelerated cell growth, improved cellular voltage (mainly observed in nerve cells), upregulation of genes related to collagen production, cell restoration and growth (upregulation is a mechanism that increases the creation of certain gene products).
Ther are several full body mat devices available in the U.S. and I have owned and used most of them.
If you want to save yourself over $100,000 of trying all the PEMF devices out there, you can follow what my research has found...
Currently I personally use and recommend the iMRS 2000, mainly because it is most in harmony with the body and what Nature gives us. The iMRS and previous generation MRS 2000 have nearly 20 years of clinical research in Germany and abroad. These PAIN protocols are from PROVEN research in clinical settings from over 200,000 patients and hundreds of doctors
But there are other good units as well which these protocols will work with, just make sure to get one with a full body mat, and local applicators. Also understand MORE IS NOT Better, and natural earth frequencies (0-30Hz) with a rapid rise and fall waveform is ideal. (refer to my 2-part video if you are considering a high intensity system, because they are not suitable for daily use).
The protocols in this video are based on settings of the iMRS 2000 or the older generation MRS 2000.
The range in intensities is .009 microtesla on sensitive up to 300 uT on level 400. If you have another brand, consult with the person who sold you the unit to get the correct intensities, but hopefully this video will give you a good foundation of understanding.
Lets discuss briefly the 3 components of a good PEMF device
1) Full body mat
2) Pillow Pad
3) Probe
1) Full Body Mat
Always use the full body mat for 8 minutes FIRST for best results. The full body mat opens up all the energy pathways, enhances circulation, and soothes the body and mind. This creates an ideal state for using the local applicators to get the best results possible.
The head should be positioned on the cable side of the mat (indicated by the red arrow). Because the unit switches polarity every two minutes, it does not matter which side is up, just make sure the head is towards the cable.
If there are problems in the spinal area, the patient should always lie on the mat with their knees bent.
Why You Always Do the Full Body Mat First
Opens ALL energy pathways in holographic body. Opens up your circulation and Microcirculation. "Warms up the Body - Literally. (Thermography). Energizes all organs of elimination so when you work on local area, the toxins, acids, infections, etc. can be moved OUT of the body.
2) Pillow Pad
The pillow pad is great for localized application. The pad contains a pair of coils. The maximum flux density is obtained in the middle of the coils. Use the pillow pad first to treat a local area for 8 minutes or more.
Again, Make sure to use the full body mat for 8 minutes FIRST for best results. This creates an ideal state for using the local applicators to get the best results possible.
There is no maximum time limit for using the pillow pad (or probe). You can read a book or watch TV and work on acute problems (injuries, pain, etc) as long as you like. The more the better with the pillow or probe for acute issues. But try to do at least 8 minutes 2-3 times a day AFTER the full body mat session.
Examples for using Pillow Pad - Localized but still spread out a little
You can think of the full body mat as a large spot-light, as it will "light up" your entire body. The pillow pad is like a flashlight that will "light up" a local area. The probe is very focused, like a laser that will target a specific spot or acupuncture point.
3) Use Probe for Focused "Spots" and Acupuncture Meridians
Characteristics of the Probe: The probe is a point source with a conical spread, i.e., the flux density (strength of the field) falls as the cube of the distance from the source (tip of the probe).
The probe is excellent for localized issues that are very focused. Examples would be a knee injury, broken finger, ankle injury, toothache or dental issue, and also acupuncture points.
I tell people that if you can point your finger to the problem, use the probe.
The probe is like a laser, the pillow pad more like a flashlight. Both are used for localized pain and issues, but the probe is more focused.
Some of our best and most powerful testimonials come from using the probe!
There is no maximum time limit for using the probe or pillow pad. You can read a book or watch TV and work on acute problems (injuries, pain, etc.) as long as you like. The more the better with the probe (or pillow) for acute issues. But try to do at least 8 minutes 2-3 times a day AFTER the full body mat session.
Note: You cannot use the full body mat and applicators at the same time. Only one applicator can be used at a time.
NOTE: When working on local issues with the Pillow-Pad or Probe, you may consider going longer especially for acute pain and injuries. It’s important to use the pillow pad and probe long enough using the intensity guidelines we discussed. Also keep going and be consistent and persistent because it is WORKING.
ANALOGY: It is like melting a big block of ice with a hair dryer - if you keep going, you will eventually melt all the ice!
Also note that there is NO time limit on the pillow pad or probe, but try at least a couple sessions of 16-24 minutes twice a day for acute issues.
You can read or watch TV while you are using it so it can be easy.
The pillow pad is great for localized application. The pad contains a pair of coils. The maximum flux density is obtained in the middle of the coils. Use the pillow pad first to treat a local area for 8 minutes or more.
Again, Make sure to use the full body mat for 8 minutes FIRST for best results. This creates an ideal state for using the local applicators to get the best results possible.
There is no maximum time limit for using the pillow pad (or probe). You can read a book or watch TV and work on acute problems (injuries, pain, etc) as long as you like. The more the better with the pillow or probe for acute issues. But try to do at least 8 minutes 2-3 times a day AFTER the full body mat session.
Examples for using Pillow Pad - Localized but still spread out a little
- Low back pain (lumbar), mid back (thoracic) or neck (cervical) problems
- Liver issues
- Digestive Problems, Pancreas issues
- Colon/ Bowel Problems
- Problems with Lungs
- Carpal Tunnel (both hands) or Feet issues (both feet)
You can think of the full body mat as a large spot-light, as it will "light up" your entire body. The pillow pad is like a flashlight that will "light up" a local area. The probe is very focused, like a laser that will target a specific spot or acupuncture point.
3) Use Probe for Focused "Spots" and Acupuncture Meridians
Characteristics of the Probe: The probe is a point source with a conical spread, i.e., the flux density (strength of the field) falls as the cube of the distance from the source (tip of the probe).
The probe is excellent for localized issues that are very focused. Examples would be a knee injury, broken finger, ankle injury, toothache or dental issue, and also acupuncture points.
- Small Joints (fingers, jaw, ankle, elbow, etc.)
- Localized Pain (tennis elbow, knee pain, arthritis of small joints)
- Indications for the head (eye, ear, jaw, sinuses)
- Acupuncture - Use instead of needles on meridian points
I tell people that if you can point your finger to the problem, use the probe.
The probe is like a laser, the pillow pad more like a flashlight. Both are used for localized pain and issues, but the probe is more focused.
Some of our best and most powerful testimonials come from using the probe!
There is no maximum time limit for using the probe or pillow pad. You can read a book or watch TV and work on acute problems (injuries, pain, etc.) as long as you like. The more the better with the probe (or pillow) for acute issues. But try to do at least 8 minutes 2-3 times a day AFTER the full body mat session.
Note: You cannot use the full body mat and applicators at the same time. Only one applicator can be used at a time.
NOTE: When working on local issues with the Pillow-Pad or Probe, you may consider going longer especially for acute pain and injuries. It’s important to use the pillow pad and probe long enough using the intensity guidelines we discussed. Also keep going and be consistent and persistent because it is WORKING.
ANALOGY: It is like melting a big block of ice with a hair dryer - if you keep going, you will eventually melt all the ice!
Also note that there is NO time limit on the pillow pad or probe, but try at least a couple sessions of 16-24 minutes twice a day for acute issues.
You can read or watch TV while you are using it so it can be easy.
Low Back Pain, Mid Back Pain and Neck Pain
Low back pain affects 80% of all americans, and at any given moment, around 1 in every 10 people is experiencing back pain.
Back pain is often associated with overexetion (ie, heavy lifting), but can also be a result of inactivity.
Many believe that our lack of movement (especially sitting too much and with poor posture) is the leading contributor to back problems.
Its simple biophysics, sitting down creates roughly 2 times the pressure/stress on your low back as standing. And sitting with poor posture can create even 3 times as much strain. That's 200-300% increase in force on your lower back just from sitting.
In addition to poor posture, our modern lifestyle with computers, has us constantly moving our head forward and looking down which creates stress on the neck.
Many cultures that work and spend much more time active and even squat, rather than sit, virtually have NO back problems.
Back pain is often associated with overexetion (ie, heavy lifting), but can also be a result of inactivity.
Many believe that our lack of movement (especially sitting too much and with poor posture) is the leading contributor to back problems.
Its simple biophysics, sitting down creates roughly 2 times the pressure/stress on your low back as standing. And sitting with poor posture can create even 3 times as much strain. That's 200-300% increase in force on your lower back just from sitting.
In addition to poor posture, our modern lifestyle with computers, has us constantly moving our head forward and looking down which creates stress on the neck.
Many cultures that work and spend much more time active and even squat, rather than sit, virtually have NO back problems.
For example, getting an ergonomic chair, a sit - stand desk (desk that adjusts up and down), a better mattress, a better pillow, and just don't spend so much time sitting. If you watch tv, spend some time standing up or lay on your belly and arch up. Also consider an inversion table, and anything to do more back bending (since we are bending , and hunched forward too much.
Also strengthening your CORE muscles (the transversus abdominus, the lumbar multifidus, and gluteal muscles and abdominal muscles.
I highly recommend chiropractors from www.idealspine.com because they do MUCH more than just adjust you, they will help educate you to take stress off your back and neck. But they will of course adjust you. Spinal manipulations signal the muscles to relax. Many studies prove that chiropractic manipulations is the treatment of choice for acute back pain, and outperforms medication and exercise. Exercise introduced too soon can only make the problems worse.
So while PEMF is perhaps the best solution to naturally alleviate pain and heal the body, you should also seek out good chiropractic care, training on posture, sleeping, and overall moving your body more (even walking 45 minutes a day).
Since PEMF therapy is a non-thermal form of therapy, and is incredibly effective for improving circulation, healing and regeneration. Heat, especially in acute (recent onset, often severe) back pain is PRO-INFLAMMATORY and will usually INCREASE pain once it is withdrawn form the back and tissues are allowed to cool off.
By using a heating pad you can vastly prolong the episode of pain.
ICE is strongly recommended in the acute phase of back pain. Use ice 15-20 minutes once per hour initially. Be careful and avoid bending forward, twisting or lifting.
Also strengthening your CORE muscles (the transversus abdominus, the lumbar multifidus, and gluteal muscles and abdominal muscles.
I highly recommend chiropractors from www.idealspine.com because they do MUCH more than just adjust you, they will help educate you to take stress off your back and neck. But they will of course adjust you. Spinal manipulations signal the muscles to relax. Many studies prove that chiropractic manipulations is the treatment of choice for acute back pain, and outperforms medication and exercise. Exercise introduced too soon can only make the problems worse.
So while PEMF is perhaps the best solution to naturally alleviate pain and heal the body, you should also seek out good chiropractic care, training on posture, sleeping, and overall moving your body more (even walking 45 minutes a day).
Since PEMF therapy is a non-thermal form of therapy, and is incredibly effective for improving circulation, healing and regeneration. Heat, especially in acute (recent onset, often severe) back pain is PRO-INFLAMMATORY and will usually INCREASE pain once it is withdrawn form the back and tissues are allowed to cool off.
By using a heating pad you can vastly prolong the episode of pain.
ICE is strongly recommended in the acute phase of back pain. Use ice 15-20 minutes once per hour initially. Be careful and avoid bending forward, twisting or lifting.
1) Low Back Pain - 27% of Pain Complaints (National Institute of Health Statistics survey)
Full Body Mat
8 minutes 2 times a day
25% am
10% evening
16 min 2-3x daily (more is ok for acute and severe pain)
150-200% level
Position: Lying (knees bent slightly if possible) or sitting
If coccyx or L1 , L2 better to lie down.
For acute and serious pain - Chiropractic care and ICE is strongly recommended. Use ice 15-20 minutes once per hour initially. Also Be careful and avoid bending forward, twisting or lifting.
L4-L5 most back surgery.
8 minutes 2 times a day
25% am
10% evening
16 min 2-3x daily (more is ok for acute and severe pain)
150-200% level
Position: Lying (knees bent slightly if possible) or sitting
If coccyx or L1 , L2 better to lie down.
For acute and serious pain - Chiropractic care and ICE is strongly recommended. Use ice 15-20 minutes once per hour initially. Also Be careful and avoid bending forward, twisting or lifting.
L4-L5 most back surgery.
For Midback, follow same protocols but do only level 100%
Full Body Mat
8 minutes 2 times a day
25% am
10% evening
16 min 2-3x daily (more is ok for acute and severe pain)
100% level
For acute and serious pain - Chiropractic care and ICE is strongly recommended. Use ice 15-20 minutes once per hour initially. Also Be careful and avoid bending forward, twisting or lifting.
Full Body Mat
8 minutes 2 times a day
25% am
10% evening
16 min 2-3x daily (more is ok for acute and severe pain)
100% level
For acute and serious pain - Chiropractic care and ICE is strongly recommended. Use ice 15-20 minutes once per hour initially. Also Be careful and avoid bending forward, twisting or lifting.
2) Neck Pain - 15% of Pain Complaints National Institute of Health Statistics survey
In a rigorous Cochrane review of literature of electrotherapy modalities for mechanical neck pain and acute whiplash inhuries, reliable evidence was found for immediate benefits of PEMF therapy in mechanical neck disorders and acute whiplash injuries. By comparison, the Cochrane collaboration found no such benefits for electrical muscle stimulation, TENS units and permanent magnets.
(Kroeling 2005).
Kroeling, P., A.R. Gross (2005). A Cochrane Review of electrotherapy for mechanical neck disorders. Spine 30(21); E641-8.
Cochrane Reviews are systematic reviews of primary research in human health care and health policy, and are internationally recognised as the highest standard in evidence-based health care.
(Kroeling 2005).
Kroeling, P., A.R. Gross (2005). A Cochrane Review of electrotherapy for mechanical neck disorders. Spine 30(21); E641-8.
Cochrane Reviews are systematic reviews of primary research in human health care and health policy, and are internationally recognised as the highest standard in evidence-based health care.
Full Body Mat
8 minutes 2-4 times a day
25% am
10% afternoon
16 min 2-3 times daily (more is ok for acute and severse pain).
25-50% in area of neck muscles
Position: Lying or sitting
For acute and serious pain - Chiropractic care and ICE is strongly recommended. Use ice 15-20 minutes once per hour initially. Also Be careful and avoid bending , twisting or moving the neck too far..
Better pillow
Forward neck syndrome
Elevate computer and minimize forward motion.
C5 C6 Most common
8 minutes 2-4 times a day
25% am
10% afternoon
16 min 2-3 times daily (more is ok for acute and severse pain).
25-50% in area of neck muscles
Position: Lying or sitting
For acute and serious pain - Chiropractic care and ICE is strongly recommended. Use ice 15-20 minutes once per hour initially. Also Be careful and avoid bending , twisting or moving the neck too far..
Better pillow
Forward neck syndrome
Elevate computer and minimize forward motion.
C5 C6 Most common
Aside - Gravitational Physiology
Joel Goldthwait and his colleagues at Harvard Medical school in the early part of the 20th Century proposed the therapeutic signficance of gravity. The aim of his therapies was to get his patients to sit, stand, and move with their bodies in a more appropriate relationship with the vertical. See A in the figure below and notice that good posture has the center of gravity through the full length of the body (imagine a plumb bob attached to the point on top of the head). The line through the center is the gravity line. Poor posture moves away from the vertical with the head typically moving forward and the shoulders and back "slouching" forward. This hunching over that is obvious in elderly people pushes the organs together, kinks key blood vessels in the body (especially the neck), creates subluxations in the spine that pinch and damage nerves and lead to degradation in the disk and chronic pain in the neck and lower back especially.
Goldthwait viewed the body from a biomechanical perspective in which the alignment of parts is essential to reducing wear and tear (Think of your tires when a wheel is out of alignment how it prematurely wears on one side). He pleaded with his colleagues and other physicians to recognize and correct misalignments to prevent long term harmful effects.
He pleaded with people in general to pay more attention to the ways they hold and move their bodies in relation to the gravity field.
Goldthwait viewed the body from a biomechanical perspective in which the alignment of parts is essential to reducing wear and tear (Think of your tires when a wheel is out of alignment how it prematurely wears on one side). He pleaded with his colleagues and other physicians to recognize and correct misalignments to prevent long term harmful effects.
He pleaded with people in general to pay more attention to the ways they hold and move their bodies in relation to the gravity field.
The legacy of the Victorian era is a belief that better poise is the result of better posture. You may have been admonished by your parents or teachers to "stop slouching"... I remember I was, and I think that's some good education.
More and more modern chiropractors and bodyworkers are confirming Goldthwait's findings, that accumulated trauma can gradually cause the body to depart from the vertical AND departure from the vertical can cause accumulated trauma. Once the body gets bady hunched over into poor posture, one cannot be forced into standing up straight or sitting tall, it takes time and good bodywork and chiropractic. The body becomes almost cemented into the poor postural states with calcium deposits that fuse vertebra together and make it difficult to move. So prevention is the key.
Try to Keep Your Head and Neck More Upright while on the computer or reading a book. There are many helpful aids on amazon. One is making sure your computer screen is up a bit higher than eye level AND keeping your head straight and not forward. Do your research and take measures to save your neck.
Sitting for hours a day and sleeping incorrectly takes its toll.... Need to change our habitual bad posture.
More and more modern chiropractors and bodyworkers are confirming Goldthwait's findings, that accumulated trauma can gradually cause the body to depart from the vertical AND departure from the vertical can cause accumulated trauma. Once the body gets bady hunched over into poor posture, one cannot be forced into standing up straight or sitting tall, it takes time and good bodywork and chiropractic. The body becomes almost cemented into the poor postural states with calcium deposits that fuse vertebra together and make it difficult to move. So prevention is the key.
Try to Keep Your Head and Neck More Upright while on the computer or reading a book. There are many helpful aids on amazon. One is making sure your computer screen is up a bit higher than eye level AND keeping your head straight and not forward. Do your research and take measures to save your neck.
Sitting for hours a day and sleeping incorrectly takes its toll.... Need to change our habitual bad posture.
Bowling Ball or Forward Head Syndrome -
Bowling Ball or Forward Head Syndrome - A Leading Cause of Neck Problems... It's simple physics. A basic understanding of Forces and Torques applied to this image is VERY telling.
Work to keep your posture and neck/head vertically aligned with Gravity.
Work to keep your posture and neck/head vertically aligned with Gravity.
3) Headaches/ Migraines - 15% of Pain Complaints National Institute of Health Statistics survey
Migraine and Muscle Tension Headaches
According to the National Headache Foundation, over 45 million Americans suffer from chronic, recurring headaches and of these, 28 million suffer from migraines.
Also called chronic daily headaches or chronic non-progressive headaches, tension headaches are the most common type of headaches among adults and adolescents. These muscle contraction headaches cause mild to moderate pain and come and go over a prolonged period of time.
Migraine pain is moderate to severe, often described as pounding, throbbing pain. Migraine headaches can last from four hours to three days and usually occur one to four times per month. Migraines are associated with symptoms such as sensitivity to light, noise, or odors; nausea or vomiting; loss of appetite; and stomach upset or abdominal pain.
The exact causes of migraines are unknown. A popular theory is that various triggers cause abnormal brain activity, which in turn causes changes in the blood vessels in the brain. This is called the neurovascular theory.
Accoring to one Harvard Neurologist and headache expert, many migraines headaches may not have evolved if the neck related muscle tension headaches were succussfully addressed earlier in life. Along with PEMF therapy, chiropractic adjustment, massage and proper diet and exercise help.
Low Frequency, low intensity PEMF therapy using can have a sedative effect on the nervous system as well as improve circulation and oxygenation to the tense muscles at the base of the skull, in the neck and shoulders. These muscles contain myofascial trigger points (referred pain) into the head, neck and jaw.
I have personally seen that daily use of PEMF therapy to be a key to full and long lasting relief of headaches and migraines.
According to the National Headache Foundation, over 45 million Americans suffer from chronic, recurring headaches and of these, 28 million suffer from migraines.
Also called chronic daily headaches or chronic non-progressive headaches, tension headaches are the most common type of headaches among adults and adolescents. These muscle contraction headaches cause mild to moderate pain and come and go over a prolonged period of time.
Migraine pain is moderate to severe, often described as pounding, throbbing pain. Migraine headaches can last from four hours to three days and usually occur one to four times per month. Migraines are associated with symptoms such as sensitivity to light, noise, or odors; nausea or vomiting; loss of appetite; and stomach upset or abdominal pain.
The exact causes of migraines are unknown. A popular theory is that various triggers cause abnormal brain activity, which in turn causes changes in the blood vessels in the brain. This is called the neurovascular theory.
Accoring to one Harvard Neurologist and headache expert, many migraines headaches may not have evolved if the neck related muscle tension headaches were succussfully addressed earlier in life. Along with PEMF therapy, chiropractic adjustment, massage and proper diet and exercise help.
Low Frequency, low intensity PEMF therapy using can have a sedative effect on the nervous system as well as improve circulation and oxygenation to the tense muscles at the base of the skull, in the neck and shoulders. These muscles contain myofascial trigger points (referred pain) into the head, neck and jaw.
I have personally seen that daily use of PEMF therapy to be a key to full and long lasting relief of headaches and migraines.
Full Body Mat
8 minutes 2-4 times a day
25% am
10% afternoon
sensitive night
24 min 1-2 times daily
25-50% in area of neck muscles
Probe (migraine):
24 minutes 1-2 x daily
on the temple for acupuncture and local treatment
8 minutes 2-4 times a day
25% am
10% afternoon
sensitive night
24 min 1-2 times daily
25-50% in area of neck muscles
Probe (migraine):
24 minutes 1-2 x daily
on the temple for acupuncture and local treatment
4) Teeth/Facial Pain - 4% of Pain Complaints National Institute of Health Statistics survey
Full Body Mat
8 minutes 2 times a day
25% am
10% afternoon
8-16 min 1-2 times daily
10-200 (building up gradually from 10%)
16 minutes 2-3 x daily
10-200% level at the temporo-mandibular joints and outer gums, with circular movements over entire area of jaws and the seat of illness.
Pad or Probe:
16 minutes twice daily
150-200% level (building up gradually on temple).
Full Body Mat
8 minutes 2 times a day
25% am
10% afternoon
8-16 min 1-2 times daily
10-200 (building up gradually from 10%)
16 minutes 2-3 x daily
10-200% level at the temporo-mandibular joints and outer gums, with circular movements over entire area of jaws and the seat of illness.
Pad or Probe:
16 minutes twice daily
150-200% level (building up gradually on temple).
Even if You Feel Nothing, Something is Happening
The most common sensations noticed with a Mat ride are warmth, tingling, and/or a pronounced relaxation. But do not be disappointed if you feel nothing. It is incorrect to assume that if you do not feel it, nothing is happening. Unlike gravity, magnetic fields are hard to perceive but what you WILL feel over time is the many benefits. Based on thousands of patients here is the feedback
LIVE Blood Before and After
GDV before and after
Infrared Thermography Before and After
Pulse Oximeter Before and After
The most common sensations noticed with a Mat ride are warmth, tingling, and/or a pronounced relaxation. But do not be disappointed if you feel nothing. It is incorrect to assume that if you do not feel it, nothing is happening. Unlike gravity, magnetic fields are hard to perceive but what you WILL feel over time is the many benefits. Based on thousands of patients here is the feedback
- 40-50% of the patients feel nothing during the first treatment
- 40% feel a pleasant warmth
- 10% feel tickling or other sensations
- 70-75% feel relaxation and a loosening of the muscles following treatment.
LIVE Blood Before and After
GDV before and after
Infrared Thermography Before and After
Pulse Oximeter Before and After
Are there any Side-effects?
Clinical studies on more than 200,000 patients have shown no side-effects detrimental to health. Magnetic Field therapy is virtually free of side effects and is well tolerated. The most common "unwanted" effect is a healing crisis, detox crisis or herxheimer reaction.
Also sometimes with pain sufferers, there can be a brief increase in pain which occurs in chronic pain sufferers. This is part of the body’s natural healing response and will not last long.
Based on over 200,000 patients, these complaints only effected 15-20% of the people, but these reactions can be reduced or eliminated if one starts on the lower intensities and begins gentle. More is not better! Also drinking a lot of water and following the guidelines in this guide will help.
Clinical studies on more than 200,000 patients have shown no side-effects detrimental to health. Magnetic Field therapy is virtually free of side effects and is well tolerated. The most common "unwanted" effect is a healing crisis, detox crisis or herxheimer reaction.
Also sometimes with pain sufferers, there can be a brief increase in pain which occurs in chronic pain sufferers. This is part of the body’s natural healing response and will not last long.
Based on over 200,000 patients, these complaints only effected 15-20% of the people, but these reactions can be reduced or eliminated if one starts on the lower intensities and begins gentle. More is not better! Also drinking a lot of water and following the guidelines in this guide will help.
5) PEMF Therapy at Least 2x a Day for 8 minutes.
How can I achieve the best results?
Supplements that can help (optional).
Best natural pain relievers
Proteolytic enzymes: Proteolytic enzymes are specific enzymes that metabolize protein. These enzymes are naturally produced by the human body and other living organisms and help carry out essential functions. Studies have shown that these reduce the inflammatory marker C-reactive protein as well as arterial plaques, blood clots and scar tissue . These enzymes are also effective at reducing swelling, pain and edema. Proteolytic enzymes are also able to eat away at abnormal and cancer cell growths and allow the immune system to destroy tumorous growths.
Turmeric, ginger and boswelia: Taking large doses of anti-inflammatory herbs has been shown to dramatically reduce pain, swelling and inflammation. These herbs provide powerful antioxidants and help modulate the immune system to ensure that it doesn't hyper-inflame the damaged or vulnerable regions of the body.
Omega-3 fatty acids and astaxanthin: Omega-3 fatty acid supplements and astaxanthin reduce inflammation. Omega-3s help provide better cell membrane receptor activity while astaxanthin provides a very strong antioxidant effect that combine to powerfully reduce inflammation and pain.
Probiotics: Chronic pain is often a sign of leaky gut syndrome and infections in the gut. Parasites will release toxins that increase inflammation within the body and for many individuals with cause states of chronic pain. Probiotics help to neutralize these toxins and fight back against parasites and other antagonistic organisms in the gut.
MSM and sulfur-rich foods: MSM and sulfur-rich foods such as onions, garlic, chives, scallions, cruciferous vegetable family and raw, grass-fed dairy cheese and whey protein help reduce inflammation. MSM and sulfur containing amino acids have been shown to soften scar tissue, improve blood supply to the affected region, reduce muscle spasms and modulate inflammation.
Magnesium: Magnesium plays a critical role in relaxing muscles, maximizing blood flow and allowing nutrients to be delivered into cells. Magnesium deficiencies lead to muscle spasms, cramping, poor blood flow and lowered intracellular nutrient delivery. All of these create painful conditions in the body. Supplementing with magnesium and/or eating magnesium-rich foods like green, leafy veggies, sprouted seeds and raw cacao improves these conditions.
Methylating agents: Methylation is a key biochemical process that happens billions of times every second to repair the DNA in the body. B-vitamins are the key components to healthy methylation processes. Take a whole-food B complex supplement, improve your gut health to absorb these nutrients more effectively. It is also key to eat lots of dark, green leafy vegetables and organic animal products to get these nutrients.
- Drink a lot of water - 2 glasses (16 oz.) 15-30 minutes before a session. This is CRITICAL for success! Drink at least 8 glasses a water or half your body weight in ounces a day.
- Alkalize the body. Try fresh lemon in water in the morning. Eat Alkaline, Antiinflammatory Diet. Avoid Sugar. refined carbohydrates, fried foods, processed foods, fast foods, soft drinks and sodas. Stick to whole foods: fruits (especially berries), dark green veggies, had a big salad at least once a day, steamed veggies, whole grains, beans, legumes, soups, and small amounts of chicken, turkey, eggs and dairy (grass fed butter best option). There is no need to be fanatical, listen to your body and eat only when hungry. Get in touch with true hunger.
- Deliberate deep abdominal breathing during treatment
- Add a good multivitamin (I like Dr Fuhrman's) and other supplements that help with pain and inflammationsuch as systemic enzymes, tumeric, ginger, boswellia (and other anti-inflammatory herbs), omega 3 fatty acids and astaxanthin, MSM and magnesium.
- Smile and Laugh More -- Laugter increases endorphins.
- Correct settings on equipment (read this guide carefully)... Use high intensity PEMF only under guidance of a trained practitioner. MORE is not better. The human body is very subtle and natural earth frequenices and intensities are ideal. Use finesse not force. More is not better, BETTER is BETTER.
- Regular Use - USE IT EVERY DAY! 2x a day for at least 8 minutes!
- In addition to PEMF, chiropractic and massage is recommended. I recommend chiropractors associated with www.idealspine.com because they will help with correct posture and lifestyle changes in addition to good adjustments and basic chiropractic care.
Supplements that can help (optional).
Best natural pain relievers
Proteolytic enzymes: Proteolytic enzymes are specific enzymes that metabolize protein. These enzymes are naturally produced by the human body and other living organisms and help carry out essential functions. Studies have shown that these reduce the inflammatory marker C-reactive protein as well as arterial plaques, blood clots and scar tissue . These enzymes are also effective at reducing swelling, pain and edema. Proteolytic enzymes are also able to eat away at abnormal and cancer cell growths and allow the immune system to destroy tumorous growths.
Turmeric, ginger and boswelia: Taking large doses of anti-inflammatory herbs has been shown to dramatically reduce pain, swelling and inflammation. These herbs provide powerful antioxidants and help modulate the immune system to ensure that it doesn't hyper-inflame the damaged or vulnerable regions of the body.
Omega-3 fatty acids and astaxanthin: Omega-3 fatty acid supplements and astaxanthin reduce inflammation. Omega-3s help provide better cell membrane receptor activity while astaxanthin provides a very strong antioxidant effect that combine to powerfully reduce inflammation and pain.
Probiotics: Chronic pain is often a sign of leaky gut syndrome and infections in the gut. Parasites will release toxins that increase inflammation within the body and for many individuals with cause states of chronic pain. Probiotics help to neutralize these toxins and fight back against parasites and other antagonistic organisms in the gut.
MSM and sulfur-rich foods: MSM and sulfur-rich foods such as onions, garlic, chives, scallions, cruciferous vegetable family and raw, grass-fed dairy cheese and whey protein help reduce inflammation. MSM and sulfur containing amino acids have been shown to soften scar tissue, improve blood supply to the affected region, reduce muscle spasms and modulate inflammation.
Magnesium: Magnesium plays a critical role in relaxing muscles, maximizing blood flow and allowing nutrients to be delivered into cells. Magnesium deficiencies lead to muscle spasms, cramping, poor blood flow and lowered intracellular nutrient delivery. All of these create painful conditions in the body. Supplementing with magnesium and/or eating magnesium-rich foods like green, leafy veggies, sprouted seeds and raw cacao improves these conditions.
Methylating agents: Methylation is a key biochemical process that happens billions of times every second to repair the DNA in the body. B-vitamins are the key components to healthy methylation processes. Take a whole-food B complex supplement, improve your gut health to absorb these nutrients more effectively. It is also key to eat lots of dark, green leafy vegetables and organic animal products to get these nutrients.
PEMF Helps with Pain Relief in THREE Powerful Ways
1) Increases Endorphins
2) Reduces and Temporarily Interrupts the Pain Signal
3) Heals the Problem
Notice there are two mechanisms - The signal creating the sensation of PAIN, and Endorphins which RELIEVE the PAIN.
The Number One Reason PEMF does not work for people is they don't do it. Remember all you need is 8 minutes 2x a day to supercharge your health and eliminate pain so you can enjoy life more, be happier, healthier and more successful in everything you do!!
1) Increases Endorphins
2) Reduces and Temporarily Interrupts the Pain Signal
3) Heals the Problem
Notice there are two mechanisms - The signal creating the sensation of PAIN, and Endorphins which RELIEVE the PAIN.
The Number One Reason PEMF does not work for people is they don't do it. Remember all you need is 8 minutes 2x a day to supercharge your health and eliminate pain so you can enjoy life more, be happier, healthier and more successful in everything you do!!
3) Diet and Supplements for Pain Relief.
3) Diet and Supplements for Pain Relief.
Supplements that can help (optional).
Best natural pain relievers
Proteolytic enzymes: Proteolytic enzymes are specific enzymes that metabolize protein. These enzymes are naturally produced by the human body and other living organisms and help carry out essential functions. Studies have shown that these reduce the inflammatory marker C-reactive protein as well as arterial plaques, blood clots and scar tissue . These enzymes are also effective at reducing swelling, pain and edema. Proteolytic enzymes are also able to eat away at abnormal and cancer cell growths and allow the immune system to destroy tumorous growths.
Turmeric, ginger and boswelia: Taking large doses of anti-inflammatory herbs has been shown to dramatically reduce pain, swelling and inflammation. These herbs provide powerful antioxidants and help modulate the immune system to ensure that it doesn't hyper-inflame the damaged or vulnerable regions of the body.
Omega-3 fatty acids and astaxanthin: Omega-3 fatty acid supplements and astaxanthin reduce inflammation. Omega-3s help provide better cell membrane receptor activity while astaxanthin provides a very strong antioxidant effect that combine to powerfully reduce inflammation and pain.
Probiotics: Chronic pain is often a sign of leaky gut syndrome and infections in the gut. Parasites will release toxins that increase inflammation within the body and for many individuals with cause states of chronic pain. Probiotics help to neutralize these toxins and fight back against parasites and other antagonistic organisms in the gut.
MSM and sulfur-rich foods: MSM and sulfur-rich foods such as onions, garlic, chives, scallions, cruciferous vegetable family and raw, grass-fed dairy cheese and whey protein help reduce inflammation. MSM and sulfur containing amino acids have been shown to soften scar tissue, improve blood supply to the affected region, reduce muscle spasms and modulate inflammation.
Magnesium: Magnesium plays a critical role in relaxing muscles, maximizing blood flow and allowing nutrients to be delivered into cells. Magnesium deficiencies lead to muscle spasms, cramping, poor blood flow and lowered intracellular nutrient delivery. All of these create painful conditions in the body. Supplementing with magnesium and/or eating magnesium-rich foods like green, leafy veggies, sprouted seeds and raw cacao improves these conditions.
Methylating agents: Methylation is a key biochemical process that happens billions of times every second to repair the DNA in the body. B-vitamins are the key components to healthy methylation processes. Take a whole-food B complex supplement, improve your gut health to absorb these nutrients more effectively. It is also key to eat lots of dark, green leafy vegetables and organic animal products to get these nutrients.
Supplements that can help (optional).
Best natural pain relievers
Proteolytic enzymes: Proteolytic enzymes are specific enzymes that metabolize protein. These enzymes are naturally produced by the human body and other living organisms and help carry out essential functions. Studies have shown that these reduce the inflammatory marker C-reactive protein as well as arterial plaques, blood clots and scar tissue . These enzymes are also effective at reducing swelling, pain and edema. Proteolytic enzymes are also able to eat away at abnormal and cancer cell growths and allow the immune system to destroy tumorous growths.
Turmeric, ginger and boswelia: Taking large doses of anti-inflammatory herbs has been shown to dramatically reduce pain, swelling and inflammation. These herbs provide powerful antioxidants and help modulate the immune system to ensure that it doesn't hyper-inflame the damaged or vulnerable regions of the body.
Omega-3 fatty acids and astaxanthin: Omega-3 fatty acid supplements and astaxanthin reduce inflammation. Omega-3s help provide better cell membrane receptor activity while astaxanthin provides a very strong antioxidant effect that combine to powerfully reduce inflammation and pain.
Probiotics: Chronic pain is often a sign of leaky gut syndrome and infections in the gut. Parasites will release toxins that increase inflammation within the body and for many individuals with cause states of chronic pain. Probiotics help to neutralize these toxins and fight back against parasites and other antagonistic organisms in the gut.
MSM and sulfur-rich foods: MSM and sulfur-rich foods such as onions, garlic, chives, scallions, cruciferous vegetable family and raw, grass-fed dairy cheese and whey protein help reduce inflammation. MSM and sulfur containing amino acids have been shown to soften scar tissue, improve blood supply to the affected region, reduce muscle spasms and modulate inflammation.
Magnesium: Magnesium plays a critical role in relaxing muscles, maximizing blood flow and allowing nutrients to be delivered into cells. Magnesium deficiencies lead to muscle spasms, cramping, poor blood flow and lowered intracellular nutrient delivery. All of these create painful conditions in the body. Supplementing with magnesium and/or eating magnesium-rich foods like green, leafy veggies, sprouted seeds and raw cacao improves these conditions.
Methylating agents: Methylation is a key biochemical process that happens billions of times every second to repair the DNA in the body. B-vitamins are the key components to healthy methylation processes. Take a whole-food B complex supplement, improve your gut health to absorb these nutrients more effectively. It is also key to eat lots of dark, green leafy vegetables and organic animal products to get these nutrients.