The convergence of several independent lines of evidence provides strong support for the existence of a global information field that connects all living systems and consciousness.
The most likely mechanism for explaining how solar and geomagnetic influences affect human health and behavior are a coupling between the human nervous system and resonating geomagnetic frequencies, called Schumann resonances (Roughly 5-50 Hz , which occur in the earth-ionosphere resonant cavity, and also the earth's geomagnetic sub-hertz frequencies (roughly 0-5 Hz).
It is well established that these resonant frequencies directly overlap with those of the human brain and cardiovascular system as I will talk about now...
FASCINATING Short 1 Minute Clip by James Oschman.
Life and Electricity Swirl through the Heart Muscles with every heartbeat. There is a resonance between the double helical heart and DNA.
Energy Spirals through our bodies and the field of the heart is a vortex.
The heart ventricle unrolls with a valve on each end.
And It folds up like a double helix.
The heart magnetic field is a spiraling toroidal flow extending outwards to 10-15 detectable by science. And extends inward to communicate and energize each cell in the body.
If you can understand this section, you will understand exactly why we need pulsed magnetic intensities matching the earth with a frequency range of 0 - 30 Hz.
0 -30 Hz is the magic range and there is both scientific evidence and elegant beauty as to why your body needs this frequency range, especially the 7 - 8 Hz range (Schumann resonance).
The chart to the left summarizes the Body - Mind - Earth Connection.
First the earth emanates primarily this frequency range through both the Schumann resonance and its higher harmonics and also the frequency of the Earth's magnetic field and its higher harmonics.
Next our brain and central nervous system are tuned to this frequency range as evidenced by the medically established EEG brain state frequencies from low delta to high Beta.
Next Sisken and Walker proved that the tissues in our body resonate primarily to this frequency range and Adey and Bawin showed that the actual biological window of our cells resonates to this range and NOT outside of it.
Finally and perhaps most incredible is the research of Dr. Zimmerman, co-pioneer of the SQUID technology developed for measuring very weak magnetic fields. He found that energy healers actually EMIT these frequencies and this was confirmed by Japanese researcher Seto on Chi Kung practitioners.
Thus we have the frequencies of life 0 -30 Hz. Let's take a little closer look at this...
In their investigation, Adey and Bawin found a range of frequencies and intensities in which treated cells responded. Outside of these ranges or "windows"; however, there was no response or only a minimal response at best. The experimentally determined frequency range is know as the Adey Window or more descriptively the biological window of frequencies that living cells respond to in a favorable way.
The Adey window corresponds exactly to the primary frequencies of the earth’s Schumann and geomagnetic fields, which we demonstrated is also 0 - 30 Hz.
Schumann Resonance Frequencies - The "Heartbeat" of the Earth
Another Set of Energetic or Magnetic Fields that are important
Ionosphere - Big soap bubble around the planet.
50-150 miles… Bubble of plasma, 4th state of matter, special stuff the way it responds to electric and magnetic fields
currents and flow of the plasma.
The ionosphere is somewhat of a battleground between the earth's neutral atmosphere and the sun's fully ionized atmosphere, in which the earth is embedded.
Bottom of the ionosphere is like a mirror to low frequency electromagnetic waves.
Just as a tuning fork has resonant frequencies for sound, so the planet earth and the ionosphere surrounding it have resonance frequencies for electromagnetic radiation called the Schumann Resonances after a guy called Otto Schumann (mid 1950's). Basically the ionosphere with the Earth's surface creates a spherical wave-guide that surrounds the earth. Low frequency electromagnetic waves bounce around this waveguide, which is how radio signals can be transmitted around the globe. The fundamental frequency of this spherical cavity of the earth is 7.83 hertz, which, like a tuning fork, is the earth's fundamental "note".
These frequencies are excited mainly by lightning strikes (5000 lightning strike every minute) in the cavity formed by the Earth's surface and the ionosphere, but can also be induced by solar flares. More than 7 million lightning strikes the earth each day, which “ring” the proverbial bell of the ionosphere that chimes to the note of 7.83 and higher harmonics or octaves (as we’ll see). This natural frequency pulsation is not a fixed number, but an average of global readings, though the primary fundamental frequency is usually close to 7.83 Hz. The Schumann Resonance actually fluctuates due to geographical location, lightning, solar flares, atmospheric ionization and daily cycles. And contrary to the New Age discussions, the fundamental Schumann Resonance is not rising, at least according to continuous monitoring from geological observatories around the world.
And just as a piano has varying octaves of "C", so too does Schumann frequencies have higher octaves or harmonics, the primary ones being in the 0-50 Hz range, which as we’ll see in the next section is the most important frequency range for or body, mind and cells .
It is important to note that the Schumann Waves are quasi-standing waves or scalar waves and as such are more fundamental then electromagnetic waves because they are everywhere present. One simple way to understand this is that the 7.83 Schumann scalar wave is the prime "channel" or broadcasting frequency for all of life on earth.
Here we are, humanity, with our hearts and brains vibrating away at the same frequency as the earth.
Energy and information getting exchanged.
When you have two systems resonating at the same frequency you can transfer energy and information.
Radio transmitters and receivers.
It appears all animals and living organism are tuned to this frequency and its harmonics and it is the most important facet of the Earth PEMF (along with the earth’s magnetic field and its frequencies) that we need for life. We all march to the cadence of this cosmic drummer -- our planetary heartbeat, which sets the tempo for our health and well-being.
Resonance may be defined as the frequency at which an object most naturally wants to vibrate. For example: In coherent systems, one object may set another object into motion if it shares the same resonant frequency. If, for example, you strike a tuning fork of 100 cycles per second and bring it near another tuning fork of that same frequency, the second tuning fork will be set in motion. Even though it has not been struck, the second fork will begin to vibrate and radiate a sound merely by being in the same field as the vibrating tuning fork.
Global Coherence Initiative
very sensitive very specially designed Magnetometers around the planet.
These are magnetic monitoring sites that are measuring the magnetic field environment of earth. Different than other magnetometers in that it is measuring the time varying or oscillating magnetic fields and rhythms of the earth. California, Canada, Lithuania, South Africa, New Zealand, Saudia Arabia, Columbia.
Noah is not as accurate. Flux gate magnetometers. MAG-NEH-TOM-EH-TERS
Reports of Schumann frequencies increasing are nonsense.
Seasonal changes in amplitude.
Second harmonic has biggest seasonal changes.
This implies we are more fundamentally connected with each other and earth than we ever thought.
Evidence - Luc Montangier - Noble Prize Winner.
DNA waves and water. Water interface for interconnection.
Magnetically shielded environment.
One was a measurement coil and one was to generate the magnetic field.
Put a test-tube of water with DNA and measure energy signature.
Second test tube of water with just water.
Both test tubes where stimulated with a 7.83 HZ magnetic field (very weak), similar to earth.
Put constitutes in second test tube in vial with pure water…
And ONLY if you stimulate both with 7.83, then DNA formed in test tube with pure water with 98% success.
11 different labs have been able to replicate, some have not…
Besides, our human and other animals lives in the environment on the earth with the extremely low natural frequencies (ELF) that the earth produces both high in the atmosphere (Schumann (7.83Hz)) as well as on and below the planet's surface (Geomagnetic (10 Hz)) [10]. Schumann and Geomagnetic frequencies are vital to the wellbeing of all living things. It is believed that if we are in an environment with bio-inspired electromagnetic signals generated by mimicking natural earth magnetic fields and the frequencies, magnitudes and waveforms of the body and cell pulsations, then our cells will be more energetic and active, so we are healthier.
Geomagnetic field of earth radiates hundreds of thousands of miles out into space.
Critical to life on earth and Life in general...
It is a static magnetic field, a stationary field. Amplitude or magnitude does not change much that our compasses tune into. Iron fillings line up in lines. Flux lines. Think of the flux lines like guitar strings, and what happens when you pluck a guitar string?
Pluck it and vibrates.
Structural field line resonances. What is plucking the field lines.
The solar wind is plucking the field lines.
Solar wind blowing 1 million miles per hour. Quiet day.
Corona mass ejections, solar flares, up to 5 million miles per hour.
Pulls out magnetic field on night side and get magnetotail.
We can visualize the ringing field lines.
Spectrums of field line resonates.
0.1 Hz one of primary resonances…
All of these rhythms overlap the rhythms in the human heart and autonomic nervous system.
Coherence of heart rhythm is 0.1 hertz.
It is well established that the resonant frequencies in the earth’s various magnetic fields directly overlap with those of the human brain, cardiovascular and autonomic nervous systems. Therefore, it should not be surprising that numerous physiological rhythms in humans and global collective behaviors are not only synchronized with solar and geomagnetic activity, but that disruptions in these fields can create adverse effects on human health and behavior.
When the earth’s magnetic field environment is disturbed it can cause sleep disturbance, mental confusion, unusual lack of energy or a feeling of being on edge or overwhelmed for no apparent reason.
Related to all of the above hypotheses is that human emotions and consciousness interact with and encode information into the geomagnetic field and this information is distributed globally. We believe there is a feedback loop between human beings and the earth’s energetic/magnetic systems.
Geomagnetic Field and Frequencies 0-5 Hz (Peak .1-.5 Hz)
Glaßmeier, K. (2007). Geomagnetic pulsations. In: Gubbins, D., Herrero-Bervera, E. (eds) Encyclopedia of Geomagnetism and Paleomagnetism. Springer, Dordrecht.
.1 Hz Heart Rhythm
There is also increased physiological entrainment – a number of different bodily systems synchronise to the rhythm generated by the heart (see image below). Finally, there is increased synchronisation between the activity of the heart and brain.
The top graphs above shows an individual’s heart rate variability, pulse transit time, and respiration rhythms over a 10-minute period. At the 300-second mark, the individual used the freeze-frame positive emotion refocusing technique, causing these three systems to come into entrainment.
.1 Hz Heart Rhythm
The amplitude on the vertical axis categorizes frequencies or cycles of repeating rhythms in the heart beat pattern. A good example of a repeating rhythm is our breathing. If we were to inhale slowly for 5 seconds and then exhale slowly for 5 seconds, this would complete one full 10-second respiratory cycle.
But here is the MAIN Punchline...
.1 Hz
Body Mind Earth Heart Connection!!
In the Next Edition of my Book I will be updating this new research and FURTHER confirmation to my thesis that we are DEEPLY connected to the earth, Our Hearts' included!
HeartMath Study on Geomagnetic Syncing
0.1 Hz - Same frequency as coherent human heart rhythm.
In general humanity is synchronized together with the slow wave heart rhythms because we are all synchronized together with the earth. On some level we are all connected.
3 subgroups -
not in sync with each other and rest of the earth.
When we get in a coherent state, we not only get into alignment with our higher self, we are also connecting with the larger earth field environment and putting more coherence , love and appreciation into the field environment.
- Puran Bair
100,000 Photons a second measured from a Heart Centered Meditation compared to only 20 per second without meditation. Perhaps Enlightenment is MAINLY about EN-LIGHTEN-ING YOUR HEART WITH LOVE!!! See Study at link below!
Research at the University of Kassel in Witzenhausen, Germany, in 1997, showed that it is possible to produce visible light from the chest area under certain conditions. The first condition is that the meditation technique must be heart-centered, not transcendent. Secondly, a specific
person with an actual need must be identified as a receiver of the transmitted light. Under these conditions, a sustained light emission of 100,000 photons per second was measured, where only the background count of 20 photons per second was observed without meditation.
When the heart beats it creates a magnetic field.
Not an aura. Magnetic fields carry information. Emag carrys information radio cell phones.
We work the same way, magnetic fields don't just work with cellphones to carry information.
Electrocardiogram - Called that because we are measuring electricity. Current.
Middle school physics, whenever you have a flow of current, you create a magnetic field.
Magnetometer. (Mag-nah-tom-eter). 3 field heart… couple inches brain.
Measure magnetic field with a $40,000 magnetometer 3 feet away.
Signal averaging of people 5 feet away. Our systems are much more sensitive.
Works even with barriers between the people.
One of the first physiological measures of empathy.
We have all had the experience of walking into a friends house, or a party and something feels odd or off.
Bad news, angry. Feel the tension in the air. Feels good to be around certain other people.
Magnetic field acts as a carrier wave for our emotional state. Rhythm of heart reflects emotional state.
Like Morse code.
75% accurate for detecting heart emotions.
The core of the HeartMath philosophy is that the heart, physically and metaphorically, is the key to tapping into an intelligence that can provide us with fulfillment. Science has shown that the heart communicates with the body and brain on various different levels.
- The heart sends neurological information to the brain and the rest of the body.
- Through the pulse, the heart sends energy in the form of a blood pressure wave. Researchers have seen that changes in the electrical activity of brain cells occur in relation to the changes in the blood pressure wave.
- The heart communicates on a biochemical level, releasing atrial peptide, a hormone that inhibits the release of other stress hormones.
- The heart communicates electromagnetically. An EKG measured in the doctor's office is actually an electrical signal produced by the heart. This signal can be picked up anywhere on the body, and permeates the space around us.
Animals very sensitive. All energetic. They seem to know when you are coming home.
Signal averaging - Technique to determine if two signals are in sync or not.
Mother's brainwaves synchronize to heartbeat. Modulated by intention.
Energetic field environment.
We are all connected in the field.
What are you feeding the field environment.
We are suggesting in essence that this encoded information is communicated nonlocally between people at a subconscious level, in effect linking all living systems. Magnetic fields act as carrier waves for this information, which can influence all living systems – positively or negatively – within the field environment as well as our collective consciousness.
Electrocardiogram is measuring the flow of electricity in the heart,
flow of current creates a magnetic field.
Magnetic fields are unique because they go through things, that is why a cellphone works inside of a building. Magnetic field between cellphone tower and your cellphone carries the information say of the photograph you just took, or the conversation or the text is carried by the field.
Information of the heart also carried by magnetic fields.
Information of different emotional states looks very different.
We are like antennas. Our nervous system is one big receiving antenna.
We can detect that information in other peoples fields, and it can affect us and our body.
Like a room full of people that our negative. Has a measurable effect on us, it drains our energy. Puts us into a more incoherent state (unless we learn to stay centered).
Heart coherent state of one helps others. IMportant in our interactions with others.
One of the best things we can do to help a troubled person is to maintain our inner composure.
- The heart sends neurological information to the brain and the rest of the body.
- Through the pulse, the heart sends energy in the form of a blood pressure wave. Researchers have seen that changes in the electrical activity of brain cells occur in relation to the changes in the blood pressure wave.
- The heart communicates on a biochemical level, releasing atrial peptide, a hormone that inhibits the release of other stress hormones.
- The heart communicates electromagnetically. An EKG measured in the doctor's office is actually an electrical signal produced by the heart. This signal can be picked up anywhere on the body, and permeates the space around us.
Allign with deeper heart and true self. Intuition wisdom.
Better self regulate especially in stressful
Heart sends more information to the brain then the brain sends to the heart.
Been known sends the 1800's. Many ways to sends to
Heart and brain more connected through the nervous system than any other organs in our body.
Nerves connect heart and brain.
Afferent and ascending information and it is also rhythmic - a conductor of all the information in the body.
Psychopsiology - messages from the heart to the brain, directly affects perception.
Corticol inhibition or facilitation - 1970s.
Heart acting as if the heart had a mind of its own.
Current thoughts are entire nervous system is more or less dumb, just dancing to the brains commands.
Discovered heart didn't take orders from the brain.
Rhtyhms of the heart shift to a very different mode when we are feeling good.
Appreciation , love compassion. Hea
rhythms of heart shift into a very different mode called heart coherence when we feel positive emotions like love, compassion , appreciation, etc. hundreds of papers. Over 200 studies, showing this is the optimal state. (heart math).
HRV is the beat to beat changes in your heart rate, and is due to the synergistic action of the two branches of the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) – the part of the nervous system that regulates most of the body’s internal functions. The sympathetic nerves act to accelerate heart rate, while the parasympathetic (vagus) nerves slow it down. The sympathetic and parasympathetic branches of the ANS are continually interacting to maintain cardiovascular activity in its optimal range and to permit appropriate reactions to changing internal and external conditions.
Scientists and physicians consider HRV to be an important indicator of health and fitness. As a marker of physiological resilience and behavioral flexibility, it reflects our ability to adapt effectively to stress and environmental demands. A simple analogy helps to illustrate this point: just as the shifting stance of a tennis player about to receive a serve may facilitate swift adaptation, in healthy individuals the heart remains similarly responsive and resilient, primed and ready to react when needed.
HRV is also a marker of biological aging. Our heart rate variability is greatest when we are young, and as we age the range of variation in our resting heart rate becomes smaller. By reducing stress-induced wear and tear on the nervous system and facilitating the body’s natural regenerative processes, regular practice of HeartMath coherence-building techniques can help restore low HRV to healthy values.
The analysis of HRV therefore serves as a dynamic window into the function and balance of the Autonomic Nervous System.
Social Coherence -
Your Thoughts and feelings radiate
We all radiate an electromagnetic field - been measured.
Energetic field environment. We are all connected - what are you feeding the field
Heartmath is proving how we are all connected in this energetic field environment
In one study , 3 people sitting at a cartable with heart coherence. There heart coherence was measured before, during and after.
Coherence is where your heart, mind, emotions and physical systems are operating in sync and resonating in cooperative alignment.
4th person sat quietly … 4th persons coherence went up too, just from being in that energetic coherent field.
Experiment done 10 times including 40 people.
When we are coherent, it has a lifting effect on people around us.
Objectives: This study examined whether a group of participants trained in achieving high states of heart rate variability coherence (HRVC) could facilitate higher levels of HRVC in an untrained subject in close proximity.
Design: Fifteen adult volunteers were trained to increase their HRVC. In a series of 148 10-minute trials using six different experimental protocols, three of the trained participants were placed together with one of 25 additional volunteers to test whether the three could collectively facilitate higher levels of HRVC in the fourth.
Results: The HRVC of the untrained subject was found to be higher in approximately half of all matched comparisons and was highest in cases where all four participants focused on achieving increased HRVC. A probit analysis revealed a statistical relationship between participants' comfort with each other and trial success. Greater levels of inter-group comfort were seen to be positively linked to increases in HRVC. Evidence of heart rhythm synchronization between group members was revealed through several methods, including correlation analysis, coherence analysis, wavelet coherence analysis, and Granger causality tests. Higher levels of HRVC were found to be correlated with higher levels of heart rate synchronization between participants.
Conclusions: These results suggest that a coherent energy field can be generated and/or enhanced by the intentions of small groups of participants trained to send coherence-facilitating intentions to a target receiver. This field is made more coherent with greater levels of comfort between group members. The evidence of heart rhythm synchronization across participants supports the possibility of heart-to-heart bio-communications. (Altern Ther Health Med. 2010;16(4):62-72).
Morris, Steven PhD. Achieving Collective Coherence: Group Effects on Heart Rate Variability Coherence and Heart Rhythm Synchronization. Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, A Peer-Reviewed Journal, 2010; 16 (4):62-72.
magnetosphere, solar flares, cosmic rays, etc.
They used Heart Rate Variability data records central nervous system activity.
Very highly correlated
Groups of people are synchronized to the earths time varying magnetic field.
Rhythms/Frequency in field are what matters (time varying field).
We interact and feed the field…
Data and results from the Interconnectedness Study were presented in McCraty et al., 2012.[339] In 2010, 1,643 Global Coherence Initiative members from 51 countries completed a twice-weekly survey at random times six days each week over a six-month period. The survey contained six valid scales: positive affect, wellbeing, anxiety, confusion, fatigue and physical symptoms. The survey data were subjected to correlation analysis with a number of planetary and solar activity variables such as solar wind speed, magnetic field and plasma data, measures of energetic protons, solar flux and geomagnetic activity indices. When solar wind speed, Kp, Ap (Kp and Ap magnetic indices were designed to describe variations in the geomagnetic field) and polar cap activity increased, positive affect among the participants decreased. Well-being scores were negatively correlated with solar wind speed, Kp-index, Ap-index and polar cap magnetic activity. Thus, when solar wind speed increased and the geomagnetic field was disturbed, the levels of fatigue, anxiety and mental confusion increased. The study also resulted in some unexpected findings. For example, the solar radio flux index was positively correlated with reduced fatigue and improved positive affect, indicating there are mechanisms that improve human well-being that are not yet fully understood. Clearly, additional research needs to be conducted in order to understand the effects of the various variables and the time sequence of their effects.[339]
McCraty, R., A. Deyhle, and D. Childre, The global coherence initiative: creating a coherent planetary standing wave. Glob Adv Health Med, 2012. 1(1): p. 64-77.
It is exciting to see indications of interconnectedness between the GCI Compassion Operatives who participated in the study and the energetic factor such as solar and planetary magnetic field activity. This helps to confirm some of the research that has been discussed in GCI commentaries in the past. For example, environmental scientist Neil Cherry, 2001, reviewed a large number of studies that identified significant physical, biological and health effects that are associated with changes in solar and geomagnetic activity. Consider that the brain and heart rhythms and the Schumann resonances and geomagnetic field line resonances overlap, and changes in these resonances caused by changes in Solar Wind Speed or solar flares can in turn influence the function of human, and animal, brain and heart patterns in the GCI Commentary, Influence of Geomagnetism and Schumann Resonances on Human Health and Behavior, July 15, 2009).
Thus we see that the Schumann resonances, geomagnetic and solar activity influence human health and behavior. It is exciting to see that the study of Schumann resonances points towards the interconnectedness of all (us, our planet earth, the sun, and probably many other planetary factors we are not aware of yet).
The feelings we have inside of us, are not just inside us, they radiate and reach outside of us. Put electrodes across body with an electrocardiogram, what the doctors are measuring is electricity, quite literally. We know from basic physics that whenever there is a flow of electricity you create a magnetic field.
So the heart creates a magnetic field inside and outside the body that is measurable with sensitive magnetometers. We can measure 3 feet away. Brain only one inch.
The heart is the big field here.
Analyze the information carried by those fields. The magnetic field of the heart carries emotional information. Just like a cellphone.
How is the information of the voice, text, picture , video ,etc, how does it get from our phone to the cell tower? Its carried by magnetic fields and its the magnetic component as to WHY it works inside. Magnetic fields PENETRATE. We work the same way.
Experiements have been done to measure information exchange between individuals and it was discovered we not only emit these fields we can detect and encode them.
Further, the iMRS 2000 use a HRV heartrate variability sensor that not only gives you a customized session every time to what your body needs BUT over time can actually improve your HeartRate Variability HRV score.
Hearthmat has many techniques I also highly recommend... SEE BELOW.
In general humanity is synchronized together with the slow wave heart rhythms because we are all synchronized together with the earth. On some level we are all connected.
3 subgroups -
not in sync with each other and rest of the earth.
When we get in a coherent state, we not only get into alignment with our higher self, we are also connecting with the larger earth field environment and putting more coherence , love and appreciation into the field environment.
Goal is to have a choice respond instead of react.
We do have a conscious choice as to what we feed the field.
At the end of the day ask yourself, what did I feed the field today?
We are always connected to and feeding the field.
What percentage of the day was I really more caring, more kind to people and more appreciate… vs frustration, impatience, anger or worry.
When we get into a heart coherent state, we sync with earths magnetic field and add more love and harmony into the earths field.
We need to learn to self regulate and add coherence to the earths magnetic field.
What are you feeding the field.
Maintain our own inner peace and composure.
Understand this is part of the shift. Media is the worst at creating global stress.
Good karma is by choice not chance. Kindness revolution.
My worldview
There is a planetary shift going on, and part of that shift is that the old structure have to get broken down and so extreme to influence change.
It boils down to a growth in consciousness that is a deeper connection to the inner heart and the measurable heart coherence that goes with it.
The more people that learn about it and talk about it the better!
Heart lockin. Get coherent and stay coherent
State of harmony and flow and connection.
Heart and Brain work synergistically.
More intuitive access and flow.
Care is love in action… be active in the world. Do it from a place of deeper care.
Coherence building techniques.
Core heart feelings - compassion and appreciation
Energetics - systems we cannot see or touch.
Mind and heart feelings are primary drivers.
Intutive energetic heart
Steady stream of intuitive information to the brain
Intuition is like energetic gold. Intuitive insights helps us understand ourselves
others, issues and life.
Critical facilitation is the state of optimal mental function.
We feel better, think better, faster reaction times, able to maintain our composure, even when we are in the traffic jams of life. That is where we can impatient and upset and make bad choices.
Heart coherence helps brain and body to all work together to self regulate.
Improvements in memory, grades, ADHD and learning.
Hearet to amygdala - center of emotion.
Rhtyhms of the heart are specific to their emotional states and brain interprets.
Both heart and brain responded before you saw the picture in a way that predicted what kind of picture that was going to be. Snakes, criminals with knives vs nature scenes etc.
Physiology of heart and brain… Heart first to respond .. sends signals to brain,
then you saw brain respond, before you saw the picture, than the body responds (stress response). Then the picture. Body is what we feel, but comes last.
Three types of knowledge
1) implicit knowledge - fast track circuit .. based on past, brain.
2) Energetic sensitivity - very real signals in environment. Like someone staring at you.
Ability to feel earthquakes, weather. No doubt our nervous system can response to changes in earths magnetic fields.
3) Nonlocal intuition - Like mother knows kid is hurt or something happened on other side of planet. Heart and brain seem to have access to a field of information not bound by time and space. Nonlocality proven. Larger self.
Heart has ability to enhance brain performance.
Emotions drive physiology - heart lockin.
Connect with the heart and make better choices IN THE MOMENT.
Maintain composure. In that staff meeting and that person does that thing they always do.
Heartmath techniques came from studying physiology.
Heart focus breathing…
Activating the feeling of appreciation
Shift into coherence.
Allows us to do something different in those situations.
Instead of stress reaction, more inclusion and problem solving.
Research is more and more showing that THERE IS something that might be called the “intuitive heart” or “spiritual heart.” The intuitive heart is what people have associated with their “inner voice” throughout history. each year, more and more people are including the practice of “listening” to their hearts for inner guidance or to what some refer to as their “higher power”—a source of wisdom and intelligence. In research conducted in our laboratory, we found that coherence is of prime importance in connecting us with our intuitive inner guidance.
Globally proven studies
Humanity is synchronized together with the slow wave heart rhythms BECAUSE we are all synchronized with the earth. It is amazing.
3 subgroups , people not in sync is one.
When we get into a heart coherent state, we sync with earths magnetic field and add more love and harmony into the earths field.
We need to learn to self regulate and add coherence to the earths magnetic field.
What are you feeding the field.
Maintain our own inner peace and composure.
Understand this is part of the shift. Media is the worst at creating global stress.
Three Techniques Given By Heartmath
- Shift out of the head, and focus on the area around your heart. Keep your attention there for at least ten seconds. Continue to breathe normally.
- Recall a positive time or feeling you had in your life, and attempt to re-experience it. Remember, try not simply to visualize it, but rather to feel it fully.
- Ask a question from the heart: "What can I do in this situation to make it different?" or "What can I do to minimize stress?"
- Listen to the response of your heart.
- Be aware of how you feel about the issue. Focus in on your heart.
- Assume objectivity. Act as though it were someone else's problem. What kind of advice would you give this person who's just been slighted by a co-worker? You'd probably say, "Hey, relax, it's no big deal."
- Take the distorted feelings, the emotional energy that is out of balance, and bring it to the heart. Let it soak there, as if you were soaking in a warm bath. Practice letting the heart do the work for you.
- Shift your attention away from your mind and focus on your heart.
- Remember the feeling of love or care you have for someone whom it's easy for you to love. Focus on a feeling of appreciation for someone or something positive. Try to stay with that feeling for five to fifteen minutes.
- Gently send that feeling of love or appreciation to yourself and others.
Numerous studies have shown that learning how to shift into this psycho-physiological state quickly improves cognitive performance, focus and effectiveness, self-responsibility, and social cohesion. 5,12,18-21
Although people are able to achieve and increase heart coherence in a variety of ways,
- breathing exercises
- heart-focused meditation
- listening to uplifting music,
At the individual level, a person's level of heart coherence can be assessed by monitoring the rhythmic patterns that are reflected in their heart-rate variability (HRV), the beat-to-beat changes in heart rate.
Positive emotions such as love, appreciation, and compassion generate a heart-rhythm pattern that is more ordered and coherent, whereas negative emotions such as anxiety, anger, and fear generate a disordered, incoherent heart-rhythm pattern. 12
Ongoing feelings of impatience, frustration, irritation, worry, or blame throw our inner rhythms out of sync and have a negative carryover effect on our hormonal and nervous systems.