Finally we have Magnetic Fields.... Unlike Electric Fields, Magnetic Fields and Forces are Non Conservative and velocity DEPENDENT.
As I have talked about in my book and many other videos, the natural magnetic fields of the earth include both the geomagnetic fields and Schumann resonances. The bottom line is we NEED magnetic fields of the earth. When we are deficient, we end up with Magnetic Deficiency syndrome as Dr Nakagawa showed a many years ago.
But because the magnetic field of the earth is declining and we are spending less and less time outdoors and more and more time inside and isolated, with wifi, cell phones and all kinds of unhealthy EMF, PEMF therapy just might be THE most important energy supplement we can add to our holistic wellness routine!
Ok back to what makes magnetic therapy and PEMF therapy so special and THE most effective form of energy medicine. This is not just my opinion, its based on physics and biophysics!
Magnetic force virtual photons have a much different quality then real photons from electromagnetic waves and electric field virtual photons in both their coherence and penetration. It is these two qualities COHERENCE and PENETRATION that make magnetic therapy and PEMF therapy UNIQUE in all of energy medicine.
Finally we have Magnetic Fields.... Unlike Electric Fields, Magnetic Fields and Forces are Non Conservative and velocity DEPENDENT.
As I have talked about in my book and many other videos, the natural magnetic fields of the earth include both the geomagnetic fields and Schumann resonances. The bottom line is we NEED magnetic fields of the earth. When we are deficient, we end up with Magnetic Deficiency syndrome as Dr Nakagawa showed a many years ago.
But because the magnetic field of the earth is declining and we are spending less and less time outdoors and more and more time inside and isolated, with wifi, cell phones and all kinds of unhealthy EMF, PEMF therapy just might be THE most important energy supplement we can add to our holistic wellness routine!
Ok back to what makes magnetic therapy and PEMF therapy so special and THE most effective form of energy medicine. This is not just my opinion, its based on physics and biophysics!
Magnetic force virtual photons have a much different quality then real photons from electromagnetic waves and electric field virtual photons in both their coherence and penetration. It is these two qualities COHERENCE and PENETRATION that make magnetic therapy and PEMF therapy UNIQUE in all of energy medicine.

1) Coherence
The virtual photons in magnets and current loops that give rise to magnetic fields and magnetic forces are all lined up in the same direction.
Coherent Energy is when the energy of the fields are going in the same direction with the same phase or angular relationship.
Coherent Energy works against Entropy creating order and even life (also Negentropy or Syntropy). Coherent energy begets coherent health.
Incoherent Energy is photons and particles going all in different directions with no phase relationship. This is decoherence/Entropy. This is usually thermalized energy that CANNOT be used for work.
Life is Coherence. Sickness and death is Incoherence and Entropy.
The virtual photons in magnets and current loops that give rise to magnetic fields and magnetic forces are all lined up in the same direction.
Coherent Energy is when the energy of the fields are going in the same direction with the same phase or angular relationship.
Coherent Energy works against Entropy creating order and even life (also Negentropy or Syntropy). Coherent energy begets coherent health.
Incoherent Energy is photons and particles going all in different directions with no phase relationship. This is decoherence/Entropy. This is usually thermalized energy that CANNOT be used for work.
Life is Coherence. Sickness and death is Incoherence and Entropy.

2) Penetration
The magnetic force is also much more deeply penetrating than other forms of energy medicine due to the fact there are no magnetic monopoles, hence no shielding. No surface or needle electrode is required. No hand held electrifying tubes, no electric shocks of any kind.
Magnetic Fields are therefore non-invasive in the purest sense, and far easier and more efficient to apply. And there is no interference, impedance or dielectrics like electric field or microcurrents and no attenuation reflection/absorption issues like light therapy, lasers or LEDS.
This allows magnetic therapy and PEMF therapy devices to penetrate every nook and cranny of the body down into the very nucleus of every cell and the very bone marrow of your body.
The magnetic force is also much more deeply penetrating than other forms of energy medicine due to the fact there are no magnetic monopoles, hence no shielding. No surface or needle electrode is required. No hand held electrifying tubes, no electric shocks of any kind.
Magnetic Fields are therefore non-invasive in the purest sense, and far easier and more efficient to apply. And there is no interference, impedance or dielectrics like electric field or microcurrents and no attenuation reflection/absorption issues like light therapy, lasers or LEDS.
This allows magnetic therapy and PEMF therapy devices to penetrate every nook and cranny of the body down into the very nucleus of every cell and the very bone marrow of your body.

The comparison between the magnetic field lines around a current-carrying loop and a bar magnet shows that the two patterns are nearly identical.
At the centre of the loop, the magnetic field lines are perpendicular to the plane of the loop and they are all lined up in the same direction, and hence it behaves like a magnet. This is why you want larger coils on a PEMF device so we can have MORE surface area exposure to pure magnetic fields.
At the centre of the loop, the magnetic field lines are perpendicular to the plane of the loop and they are all lined up in the same direction, and hence it behaves like a magnet. This is why you want larger coils on a PEMF device so we can have MORE surface area exposure to pure magnetic fields.
"If technology can do it, biology has already perfected it."
- James Oschmann
Biology has experimented with every physical law in the universe and capitalized on it and used it to its advantage.
Not just basic laws of physics like gravity, electricity, magnetism and light, but also modern physics such as quantum field theory, solid state physics, quantum computing, superconductivity, etc.
And almost certainly MANY undiscovered ideas of physics are like buried treasures lurking in the physics of life.
- James Oschmann
Biology has experimented with every physical law in the universe and capitalized on it and used it to its advantage.
Not just basic laws of physics like gravity, electricity, magnetism and light, but also modern physics such as quantum field theory, solid state physics, quantum computing, superconductivity, etc.
And almost certainly MANY undiscovered ideas of physics are like buried treasures lurking in the physics of life.

Three Types of Coherence
The various concepts and measurements embraced under the term coherence have become central to fields as diverse as quantum physics, cosmology, physiology, and brain and con- sciousness research. Coherence has several related definitions, all of which are applicable to the study of human physiology, social interactions, and global affairs. The most common dictionary definition is “the quality of being logically integrated, consistent, and intelligible,” as in a coherent statement. A related meaning
is the logical, orderly, and aesthetically consistent relationship among parts.4 Coherence always implies correlations, connectedness, consistency, and efficient energy utilization. We refer to people’s speech or thoughts as coherent if the words fit together well and incoherent if they are uttering meaningless nonsense or presenting ideas that make no sense as a whole. Thus, coherence refers to wholeness and global order, where the whole is greater than the sum of its individual parts.
“Coherence implies order, structure, harmony – and alignment within and amongst systems – whether in atoms, organisms, social groups, planets or galaxies,” McCraty and Childre explain in their article, which appeared in Alternative Therapies’ July/August issue. “This harmonious order signifies a coherent system whose efficient or optimal function is directly related to the ease and flow in life processes. By contrast, an erratic, discordant pattern of activity denotes an incoherent system whose function reflects stress and inefficient utilization of energy in life processes.”
One of the scientific understandings that emerged from the last century is that the universe is wholly and enduringly coherent. 1-3
The phenomenon of coherence is well known. It indicates a quasi-instant connection among the parts or elements of things, whether an atom, an organism, or a galaxy.
This kind of coherence is observed in fields as diverse as,
The various concepts and measurements embraced under the term coherence have become central to fields as diverse as quantum physics, cosmology, physiology, and brain and con- sciousness research. Coherence has several related definitions, all of which are applicable to the study of human physiology, social interactions, and global affairs. The most common dictionary definition is “the quality of being logically integrated, consistent, and intelligible,” as in a coherent statement. A related meaning
is the logical, orderly, and aesthetically consistent relationship among parts.4 Coherence always implies correlations, connectedness, consistency, and efficient energy utilization. We refer to people’s speech or thoughts as coherent if the words fit together well and incoherent if they are uttering meaningless nonsense or presenting ideas that make no sense as a whole. Thus, coherence refers to wholeness and global order, where the whole is greater than the sum of its individual parts.
“Coherence implies order, structure, harmony – and alignment within and amongst systems – whether in atoms, organisms, social groups, planets or galaxies,” McCraty and Childre explain in their article, which appeared in Alternative Therapies’ July/August issue. “This harmonious order signifies a coherent system whose efficient or optimal function is directly related to the ease and flow in life processes. By contrast, an erratic, discordant pattern of activity denotes an incoherent system whose function reflects stress and inefficient utilization of energy in life processes.”
One of the scientific understandings that emerged from the last century is that the universe is wholly and enduringly coherent. 1-3
The phenomenon of coherence is well known. It indicates a quasi-instant connection among the parts or elements of things, whether an atom, an organism, or a galaxy.
This kind of coherence is observed in fields as diverse as,
- quantum physics
- biology
- cosmology
- brain research
- consciousness research
Definitions of Coherence
The various concepts and measurements embraced under the term coherence have become central to fields as diverse as quantum physics, cosmology, physiology, and brain and consciousness research. Coherence has several related definitions, all of which are applicable to the study of human physiology, social interactions, and global affairs.
The most common dictionary definition is “the quality of being logically integrated, consistent, and intelligible,” as in a coherent statement. A related meaning is the logical, orderly, and aesthetically consistent relationship among parts.
Coherence always implies correlations, connectedness, consistency, and efficient energy utilization. We refer to people’s speech or thoughts as coherent if the words fit together well and incoherent if they are uttering meaningless nonsense or presenting ideas that make no sense as a whole. Thus, coherence refers to wholeness and global order, where the whole is greater than the sum of its individual parts.
Coherence is also used to describe the coupling and degree synchronization between different oscillating systems. In some cases, where two or more oscillatory systems operate at the same basic frequency, they can become either phase- or frequency-locked, as occurs between the photons in a laser.
This type of coherence is called cross-coherence, and this is the type of coherence that most scientists think of when they use the term. In physiology, cross-coherence occurs when one or more of the body’s oscillatory systems, such as respiration and heart rhythms, become entrained and operate at the same frequency.
global coherence does not mean that everyone or all the parts are doing the same thing simultaneously. In complex globally coherent systems, such as human beings, there is an incredible amount of activity at every level of magnification or scale that spans more than two-thirds of the 73 known octaves of the electromagnetic spectrum.6 It can appear at one level of scale that a given system is operating autonomously yet is perfectly coordinated within the whole. In living systems, there are micro- level systems, molecular machines, protons and electrons, organs and glands each functioning autonomously, doing very different things at different rates yet all working together in a complex harmoniously coordinated and synchronized manner.
Biologist Mae-Wan Ho has suggested that coherence is the defining quality of living sys- tems and accounts for their most characteristic properties, such as long range order and coordination, rapid and efficient energy transfer, and extreme sensitivity to specific signals.
The most common dictionary definition is “the quality of being logically integrated, consistent, and intelligible,” as in a coherent statement. A related meaning is the logical, orderly, and aesthetically consistent relationship among parts.
Coherence always implies correlations, connectedness, consistency, and efficient energy utilization. We refer to people’s speech or thoughts as coherent if the words fit together well and incoherent if they are uttering meaningless nonsense or presenting ideas that make no sense as a whole. Thus, coherence refers to wholeness and global order, where the whole is greater than the sum of its individual parts.
Coherence is also used to describe the coupling and degree synchronization between different oscillating systems. In some cases, where two or more oscillatory systems operate at the same basic frequency, they can become either phase- or frequency-locked, as occurs between the photons in a laser.
This type of coherence is called cross-coherence, and this is the type of coherence that most scientists think of when they use the term. In physiology, cross-coherence occurs when one or more of the body’s oscillatory systems, such as respiration and heart rhythms, become entrained and operate at the same frequency.
global coherence does not mean that everyone or all the parts are doing the same thing simultaneously. In complex globally coherent systems, such as human beings, there is an incredible amount of activity at every level of magnification or scale that spans more than two-thirds of the 73 known octaves of the electromagnetic spectrum.6 It can appear at one level of scale that a given system is operating autonomously yet is perfectly coordinated within the whole. In living systems, there are micro- level systems, molecular machines, protons and electrons, organs and glands each functioning autonomously, doing very different things at different rates yet all working together in a complex harmoniously coordinated and synchronized manner.
Biologist Mae-Wan Ho has suggested that coherence is the defining quality of living sys- tems and accounts for their most characteristic properties, such as long range order and coordination, rapid and efficient energy transfer, and extreme sensitivity to specific signals.
What is the Coherence of Organisms?
Over 2 Trillion Galaxies in Our Known Universe!!
There are an estimated 100 Billion stars in the average galaxy which means our Universe contains somewhere around 200 Sextillion Stars (that's a 2 followed by 23 zeros).
Even MORE interesting is the human body has around 37 Trillion Cells (compare to 2 trillion galaxies) and each cell has 100 trillion atoms (compare to 100 billion stars). That is 3.7 Octillion atoms in YOUR body!! That is 3.7 followed by 27 zeros!
So our bodies have around 18,500 TIMES more atoms then there are stars in the ENTIRE Universe!!
How is it that this staggering number of moving parts all coordinates to give us the gift of life?
The problem of living organization can be stated as follows: how is it that an organism consisting of a multiplicity of tissues and cells and astronomical numbers of molecules of many different kinds can develop and function as a whole? How does the organism manage to have energy at will, whenever and wherever required, and in a perfectly coordinated way? One idea that has emerged over the past 20 years is that it is coherent. While the meaning of coherence is unambiguous within quantum theory, difficulties arise when we try to apply the concept to a complex living system with a highly differentiated space-time structure.
The coherence of the organism is therefore closely tied up with its energetic status. To be precise, it is tied up with the way energy is stored and readily mobilized over all its space-time domains.
Quantum superpositions and entanglement link spacetime instantaneously. Not even the speed of light is fast enough to keep up with all that goes on in the human body. Something more is needed, Quantum Theory!!!
Transcends space and time... Actually shows space and time do not really exist independent of a conscious observer.
There are an estimated 100 Billion stars in the average galaxy which means our Universe contains somewhere around 200 Sextillion Stars (that's a 2 followed by 23 zeros).
Even MORE interesting is the human body has around 37 Trillion Cells (compare to 2 trillion galaxies) and each cell has 100 trillion atoms (compare to 100 billion stars). That is 3.7 Octillion atoms in YOUR body!! That is 3.7 followed by 27 zeros!
So our bodies have around 18,500 TIMES more atoms then there are stars in the ENTIRE Universe!!
How is it that this staggering number of moving parts all coordinates to give us the gift of life?
The problem of living organization can be stated as follows: how is it that an organism consisting of a multiplicity of tissues and cells and astronomical numbers of molecules of many different kinds can develop and function as a whole? How does the organism manage to have energy at will, whenever and wherever required, and in a perfectly coordinated way? One idea that has emerged over the past 20 years is that it is coherent. While the meaning of coherence is unambiguous within quantum theory, difficulties arise when we try to apply the concept to a complex living system with a highly differentiated space-time structure.
The coherence of the organism is therefore closely tied up with its energetic status. To be precise, it is tied up with the way energy is stored and readily mobilized over all its space-time domains.
Quantum superpositions and entanglement link spacetime instantaneously. Not even the speed of light is fast enough to keep up with all that goes on in the human body. Something more is needed, Quantum Theory!!!
Transcends space and time... Actually shows space and time do not really exist independent of a conscious observer.
Coherence Means Being in Sync

Have you ever seen a flock of birds, a school of fish or a swarm of bees all move and dance together in harmony with perfect synchronization?
This is the ESSENCE of coherence, being in sync.
How Things in Nature Sync Up
We take pleasure in dancing together, singing together
Spontaneous Synchronization
Sync is the most pervasive drive in all of Nature
From Quantum to the Cosmos, from health to sickness even.
It is a deep tendency toward order in Nature that opposes what we have all been taught about entropy.
Entropy is there, it is real, but there is a counteracting force in the Universe towards spontaneous order.
Synchrony in Nature
Birds that flock together or fish swimming in organized schools.
These are not particularly intelligent creatures.
Splitting and reforming with predators.
Swarms -- Swim next to nearest neighbor, same direction, body length apart.
Not thinking as a group.. selfish darwinian.
Advantage in being in a swarm. Many eyes to spot danger, odds of getting eaten small.
How to rules give rise to patterns.
Fireflys ignore each other, flash in random.
Fireflys male flashing in perfect time in sync.
Pacemaker cells in heart in heart
10,000 independent cells
Pacemaker is Not a single cell
Laser is coherent … All atoms pulsing in unison all emitting light of one frequency.
Inanimate things can synchronize.
Metronomes communicate through mechanical forces.
Persavive of tendency to spontaneous order
Millenium bridge
People started to walk in unison
Strange skating gait.
Unintended positive feedback loop.
The phenomenon of spontaneous synchronization is found in circadian rhythms, heart & intestinal muscles, insulin-secreting cells in the pancreas, ambling elephants, drummers drumming, menstrual cycles, and fireflies, among others.
What does it take to get in sync?
-Flocks of birds (proximity)
-Schools of Fish (proximity)
-Fireflies that flash in unison (light)
How do they do that? We do not know how they synchronize but they do..
-Crickets (sound)
-Frogs Ribbit (sound)
- swarming bees
-Pacemaker cells not conscious, but still they can synchonize (currents)
-Circadian Rhythms
-Intestinal muscles
-Insulin secreting cells in pancreas.
-drummers drumming
-Clapping in audience
-Women who are good friends, have their period same time...
Silent chemical communication that (mediate through pheromones)...
Even inanimate can sync
-Electrical circuits (electricity)
-Two grandfather clocks (vibrations)
-Metronomes (vibrations)
-tuning forks
-Laser is coherent … All atoms pulsing in unison all emitting light of one frequency.
It is like nature running the wrong way against entropy...
Huygens - looks at two pendulum clocks - he invented.
Solved the longitude problem at see
Nearly identical... ticking in perfect anitphase.
They are communicating somehow.
They were connected to the same beam...
Metronomes... rolling platform. Like wooden beam in clocks.
As the platform moves it provides a little jiggle that keeps them in sync.
Interaction is mediated by something
Electrical force
This is the ESSENCE of coherence, being in sync.
How Things in Nature Sync Up
We take pleasure in dancing together, singing together
Spontaneous Synchronization
Sync is the most pervasive drive in all of Nature
From Quantum to the Cosmos, from health to sickness even.
It is a deep tendency toward order in Nature that opposes what we have all been taught about entropy.
Entropy is there, it is real, but there is a counteracting force in the Universe towards spontaneous order.
Synchrony in Nature
Birds that flock together or fish swimming in organized schools.
These are not particularly intelligent creatures.
Splitting and reforming with predators.
Swarms -- Swim next to nearest neighbor, same direction, body length apart.
Not thinking as a group.. selfish darwinian.
Advantage in being in a swarm. Many eyes to spot danger, odds of getting eaten small.
How to rules give rise to patterns.
Fireflys ignore each other, flash in random.
Fireflys male flashing in perfect time in sync.
Pacemaker cells in heart in heart
10,000 independent cells
Pacemaker is Not a single cell
Laser is coherent … All atoms pulsing in unison all emitting light of one frequency.
Inanimate things can synchronize.
Metronomes communicate through mechanical forces.
Persavive of tendency to spontaneous order
Millenium bridge
People started to walk in unison
Strange skating gait.
Unintended positive feedback loop.
The phenomenon of spontaneous synchronization is found in circadian rhythms, heart & intestinal muscles, insulin-secreting cells in the pancreas, ambling elephants, drummers drumming, menstrual cycles, and fireflies, among others.
What does it take to get in sync?
-Flocks of birds (proximity)
-Schools of Fish (proximity)
-Fireflies that flash in unison (light)
How do they do that? We do not know how they synchronize but they do..
-Crickets (sound)
-Frogs Ribbit (sound)
- swarming bees
-Pacemaker cells not conscious, but still they can synchonize (currents)
-Circadian Rhythms
-Intestinal muscles
-Insulin secreting cells in pancreas.
-drummers drumming
-Clapping in audience
-Women who are good friends, have their period same time...
Silent chemical communication that (mediate through pheromones)...
Even inanimate can sync
-Electrical circuits (electricity)
-Two grandfather clocks (vibrations)
-Metronomes (vibrations)
-tuning forks
-Laser is coherent … All atoms pulsing in unison all emitting light of one frequency.
It is like nature running the wrong way against entropy...
Huygens - looks at two pendulum clocks - he invented.
Solved the longitude problem at see
Nearly identical... ticking in perfect anitphase.
They are communicating somehow.
They were connected to the same beam...
Metronomes... rolling platform. Like wooden beam in clocks.
As the platform moves it provides a little jiggle that keeps them in sync.
Interaction is mediated by something
Electrical force
Coherent States in Quantum Field Theory

Coherent state is when it is doing many things at the same time.
Uncertainty spread equally in all direction - disk with diameter 1/2.
Therefore, one can interpret the quantum noise of a coherent state as being due to the vacuum fluctuations.
Uncertainty independent of phase so oscillates like a classical system.
Δx = Δp = 1/√(2)
Mimizing uncertainty minimizes noise… Life must tend towards coherent states.
Incoherence is noise and confusion, coherence is order and clarity.
Analogy is tuning to a signal on your radio receiver. Coherence is hearing HD Radio with no static, incoherence (lack of coherence) has static and interference.
Uncertainty spread equally in all direction - disk with diameter 1/2.
Therefore, one can interpret the quantum noise of a coherent state as being due to the vacuum fluctuations.
Uncertainty independent of phase so oscillates like a classical system.
Δx = Δp = 1/√(2)
Mimizing uncertainty minimizes noise… Life must tend towards coherent states.
Incoherence is noise and confusion, coherence is order and clarity.
Analogy is tuning to a signal on your radio receiver. Coherence is hearing HD Radio with no static, incoherence (lack of coherence) has static and interference.
The Quantum Dance of Life
The human body is self organizing, self sustaining, self healing, self regenerating. One of the reasons for the miracles of life in the human body is a principle called coherence. This is an idea found both in Chaos theory and Quantum mechanics as coherence and quantum coherence respectively.
Quantum jazz describes the quantum coherent organism in which every single molecular player is spontaneous and free, yet perfectly in step and in tune with the whole. This remarkable state of being depends on the liquid crystalline water matrix that enables each molecule to intercommunicate with every other, creating the most exquisite light and sound displays that span 70 octaves in all the colors of the rainbow.
Within this living matrix of the body, coherence is further established through many communication pathways such as nerve/electrical impulses, hormones and signaling, pressure waves from the heart, electromagnetic waves, biophotons and more.
Coherence is system wide order extending up from atoms to molecules to organelles to cells to tissues to organs to organism to environment to universe and down in the opposite direction to.
The organism is thick with coherent activities on every scale, from the macroscopic down to the molecular and below. Mae Wan Ho calls the totality of these activities “quantum jazz” to highlight the immense diversity and multiplicity of players, the complexity and coherence of the performance, and above all, the freedom and spontaneity.
Quantum jazz describes the quantum coherent organism in which every single molecular player is spontaneous and free, yet perfectly in step and in tune with the whole. This remarkable state of being depends on the liquid crystalline water matrix that enables each molecule to intercommunicate with every other, creating the most exquisite light and sound displays that span 70 octaves in all the colors of the rainbow.
Within this living matrix of the body, coherence is further established through many communication pathways such as nerve/electrical impulses, hormones and signaling, pressure waves from the heart, electromagnetic waves, biophotons and more.
Coherence is system wide order extending up from atoms to molecules to organelles to cells to tissues to organs to organism to environment to universe and down in the opposite direction to.
The organism is thick with coherent activities on every scale, from the macroscopic down to the molecular and below. Mae Wan Ho calls the totality of these activities “quantum jazz” to highlight the immense diversity and multiplicity of players, the complexity and coherence of the performance, and above all, the freedom and spontaneity.
Quantum Coherence and Health
Brain state rhythms, internal clock, Schumann, light dark, breathing rate, heartbeat... Help to create a coordinated entanglement. .1 Hz.
The quantum coherence of organisms profoundly revolutionizes our concept of health and disease. Health is a state of quantum coherence reflected in the complex dynamics of body rhythms such as the heartbeat, the respiratory rate, and brain waves that are correlated like an exquisite symphony. Consequently, loss of coherence (disease) can be diagnosed with sophisticated mathematical tools. The organism coordinates its functions by quantum electrodynamical inter-communications, in which the quantum coherence of water plays a central role. That is why the organism is hypersensitive to weak electromagnetic fields and other subtle energy interventions.
The quantum coherence of organisms profoundly revolutionizes our concept of health and disease. Health is a state of quantum coherence reflected in the complex dynamics of body rhythms such as the heartbeat, the respiratory rate, and brain waves that are correlated like an exquisite symphony. Consequently, loss of coherence (disease) can be diagnosed with sophisticated mathematical tools. The organism coordinates its functions by quantum electrodynamical inter-communications, in which the quantum coherence of water plays a central role. That is why the organism is hypersensitive to weak electromagnetic fields and other subtle energy interventions.
Zero Entropy and Coherence - Coherence is VERY Efficient with Energy

One main reason the organisms are so coherent is that they use resources and energy in a circular way (Figures 4 and 5). This circular economy of the organism I call the zero entropy model. Now, of course, this is an ideal. The closer you approach this ideal, the more coherent you are; if you were actually like this, you would never grow old and never die. And, of course, the more closely you approach it, the more slowly you grow old. That’s wonderful, isn’t it?
{Maximum Efficiency/Conservation, Minimal Waste}
The reason it can do that is because of reciprocity and cooperation. The organism has structured cycles of activities spanning all space-time scales, and those yielding energy are directly coupled to those requiring it. Also, the giving and taking can be reversed, so both material and energy are recycled, which is why it's so successful.
This system recycles not only materials but also energy, and this is because it can store energy. Stored energy is coherent energy ready to do work, and it is tied to space- time. You have to think of this diagram as a fractal, as space-time is fractal, with self- similarity over many scales. In other words, if you magnify a small cycle, you get the same structure as the whole. Each of these entangled cycles within cycles is a domain of coherent energy storage, so the organism is filled with coherent energy on every scale, ready to be mobilized.
{Maximum Efficiency/Conservation, Minimal Waste}
The reason it can do that is because of reciprocity and cooperation. The organism has structured cycles of activities spanning all space-time scales, and those yielding energy are directly coupled to those requiring it. Also, the giving and taking can be reversed, so both material and energy are recycled, which is why it's so successful.
This system recycles not only materials but also energy, and this is because it can store energy. Stored energy is coherent energy ready to do work, and it is tied to space- time. You have to think of this diagram as a fractal, as space-time is fractal, with self- similarity over many scales. In other words, if you magnify a small cycle, you get the same structure as the whole. Each of these entangled cycles within cycles is a domain of coherent energy storage, so the organism is filled with coherent energy on every scale, ready to be mobilized.
Ever Evolving Macroscopic Quantum Being

The organism in the ideal is a quantum superposition of its coherent activities over all space-times, constituting a pure dynamic state towards which the system tends to return (Figure 7). In the language of quantum theory, it is a macroscopic quantum being, and has a wave function that never ceases to evolve by entangling other quantum organisms in its environment.
{Entangled and Coupled Cycles within Cycles bridging all spacetime. Maximizes Diversity, symbiosis, reciprocity, cooperation and equity for effecient resource storage and use.}
Quantum jazz is played out by the whole organism, in every nerve and sinew, every muscle, every single cell, molecule, atom, and elementary particle, a light and sound display that spans seventy octaves in all the colors of the rainbow.
Experience = Entanglement
The organism never ceases to experience her environment, taking it in (entangling it) for future reference, modifying her liquid crystalline matrix and neural circuits, recoding and rewriting her genes.
{Entangled and Coupled Cycles within Cycles bridging all spacetime. Maximizes Diversity, symbiosis, reciprocity, cooperation and equity for effecient resource storage and use.}
Quantum jazz is played out by the whole organism, in every nerve and sinew, every muscle, every single cell, molecule, atom, and elementary particle, a light and sound display that spans seventy octaves in all the colors of the rainbow.
Experience = Entanglement
The organism never ceases to experience her environment, taking it in (entangling it) for future reference, modifying her liquid crystalline matrix and neural circuits, recoding and rewriting her genes.
Individual Coherence is when you heart, mind, emotions and physical systems are operating in sync and resonating in cooperative alignment.
There is also increased physiological entrainment – a number of different bodily systems synchronise to the rhythm generated by the heart (see image below). Finally, there is increased synchronisation between the activity of the heart and brain.
The top graphs above shows an individual’s heart rate variability, pulse transit time, and respiration rhythms over a 10-minute period. At the 300-second mark, the individual used the freeze-frame positive emotion refocusing technique, causing these three systems to come into entrainment.
.1 Hz Heart Rhythm
The amplitude on the vertical axis categorizes frequencies or cycles of repeating rhythms in the heart beat pattern. A good example of a repeating rhythm is our breathing. If we were to inhale slowly for 5 seconds and then exhale slowly for 5 seconds, this would complete one full 10-second respiratory cycle.
But here is the MAIN Punchline...
.1 Hz
Body Mind Earth Heart Connection!!
In the Next Edition of my Book I will be updating this new research and FURTHER confirmation to my thesis that we are DEEPLY connected to the earth, Our Hearts' included!
HeartMath Study on Geomagnetic Syncing
0.1 Hz - Same frequency as coherent human heart rhythm.
In general humanity is synchronized together with the slow wave heart rhythms because we are all synchronized together with the earth. On some level we are all connected.
3 subgroups -
not in sync with each other and rest of the earth.
When we get in a coherent state, we not only get into alignment with our higher self, we are also connecting with the larger earth field environment and putting more coherence , love and appreciation into the field environment.
The top graphs above shows an individual’s heart rate variability, pulse transit time, and respiration rhythms over a 10-minute period. At the 300-second mark, the individual used the freeze-frame positive emotion refocusing technique, causing these three systems to come into entrainment.
.1 Hz Heart Rhythm
The amplitude on the vertical axis categorizes frequencies or cycles of repeating rhythms in the heart beat pattern. A good example of a repeating rhythm is our breathing. If we were to inhale slowly for 5 seconds and then exhale slowly for 5 seconds, this would complete one full 10-second respiratory cycle.
But here is the MAIN Punchline...
.1 Hz
Body Mind Earth Heart Connection!!
In the Next Edition of my Book I will be updating this new research and FURTHER confirmation to my thesis that we are DEEPLY connected to the earth, Our Hearts' included!
HeartMath Study on Geomagnetic Syncing
0.1 Hz - Same frequency as coherent human heart rhythm.
In general humanity is synchronized together with the slow wave heart rhythms because we are all synchronized together with the earth. On some level we are all connected.
3 subgroups -
not in sync with each other and rest of the earth.
When we get in a coherent state, we not only get into alignment with our higher self, we are also connecting with the larger earth field environment and putting more coherence , love and appreciation into the field environment.
Quantum Coherence Works by Intercommunication
Intercommunication is the key to the quantum coherent organism. It is done to such sublime perfection that each molecule is intercommunicating with every other in the entire body; so each is as much in control as it is sensitive and responsive.
This is the ultimate molecular democracy of distributed control. There is no need for lock and key, push and pull, random collision Newtonian approaches, because coherent energy is stored and available throughout the system.
Intercommunication is the key to the quantum coherent organism. It is done to such sublime perfection that each molecule is intercommunicating with every other in the entire body; so each is as much in control as it is sensitive and responsive.
This is the ultimate molecular democracy of distributed control. There is no need for lock and key, push and pull, random collision Newtonian approaches, because coherent energy is stored and available throughout the system.
HRV - Deeply Coherent
The most accessible evidence of the body- wide coherence of biological rhythms comes from the variability of the healthy heartbeat, which paradoxically becomes much more regular in disease states.
But when the variability was analyzed with appropriate mathematical tools, it exhibited fractal and multi-fractal structure with self-similarities on multiple timescales.
This reflects an intricate phase correlation among all rhythms as the heart’s own beat intermeshes and syncopates in symphony with the rest.
What this means is the heart is intercommunicating with the rest of the body and its rhythms. That is why it has a beautiful variability which is what music is all about. So the heart is NOT a solo player but in Symphony with the rest of the body.
The coherent organism is unity of brain and body, heart and mind that lives life in the full, freely and spontaneously, attuned to not only the immediate environment but the universe at large.
But when the variability was analyzed with appropriate mathematical tools, it exhibited fractal and multi-fractal structure with self-similarities on multiple timescales.
This reflects an intricate phase correlation among all rhythms as the heart’s own beat intermeshes and syncopates in symphony with the rest.
What this means is the heart is intercommunicating with the rest of the body and its rhythms. That is why it has a beautiful variability which is what music is all about. So the heart is NOT a solo player but in Symphony with the rest of the body.
The coherent organism is unity of brain and body, heart and mind that lives life in the full, freely and spontaneously, attuned to not only the immediate environment but the universe at large.
Diseased Heart
In contrast, the diseased heart is no longer communicating with the body and falls back on its intrinsic rhythm and becomes much more regular.
Relationship between HRV patterns (which include both heart rate and rhythm) and different emotional states.

The first clue is that there is a general relationship between coherence and emotional valence, in that positive emotions are associated with physiological coherence and negative emotions with incoherence.
The second clue is that,for certain emotions, we found a relationship between the morphology of the HRV waveforms and specific emotional states.
The third finding of significance here is that we also found evidence of HRV waveform patterns (namely, those characteristic of the Emotional Quiescence and Extreme Negative Emotion modes) that appear to involve a rapid phase transition into aqualitatively different category of physiological function. In short, the empirical generalization suggested by these findings is that the morphology of HRV waveforms covaries with different emotional experiences.
The second clue is that,for certain emotions, we found a relationship between the morphology of the HRV waveforms and specific emotional states.
The third finding of significance here is that we also found evidence of HRV waveform patterns (namely, those characteristic of the Emotional Quiescence and Extreme Negative Emotion modes) that appear to involve a rapid phase transition into aqualitatively different category of physiological function. In short, the empirical generalization suggested by these findings is that the morphology of HRV waveforms covaries with different emotional experiences.
Who Am I?
The coherent organism is the unity of brain and body, heart and mind, an undivided bundle of intellect and passion, flesh, blood, and sinew that lives life to the full, freely and spontaneously, attuned not just to the immediate environment, but the universe at large. Quantum coherence is the “I” in everyone that gives unity to conscious experience.18 This ideal coherent whole, I suggest, is also the ideal of health.
*Ho, Mae-Wan. Quantum coherence and conscious experience. Kybernetes 26 (1997), pp. 265-276. http://www.i-sis.org.uk/ onlinestore/papers.php
*Ho, Mae-Wan. Quantum coherence and conscious experience. Kybernetes 26 (1997), pp. 265-276. http://www.i-sis.org.uk/ onlinestore/papers.php