PEMF Basic Science & (Bad Science B.S.) Course
>>Clickable Links Below<<
PEMF for Energy (Review)
Physics Review (Electrodynamics)
Course Introduction
Module 1 - Types of Energy Medicine Devices
Module 2 - True vs Fake PEMF Devices
Module 3 - High Intensity B.S. (Bad Science)
Module 4 - Frequency & Resonance
Module 5 - The Schumann Resonance
Module 6 - Waveform & Pulsetrain
Module 7 - PEMF Harmonics, MWO (Multiwave Oscillations) & Bioregulation
Module 8 - Electrosmog B.S.
Module 9 - Medical Study Deception
Module 10 - Other PEMF Myths
>>Clickable Links Below<<
PEMF for Energy (Review)
Physics Review (Electrodynamics)
Course Introduction
Module 1 - Types of Energy Medicine Devices
Module 2 - True vs Fake PEMF Devices
Module 3 - High Intensity B.S. (Bad Science)
Module 4 - Frequency & Resonance
Module 5 - The Schumann Resonance
Module 6 - Waveform & Pulsetrain
Module 7 - PEMF Harmonics, MWO (Multiwave Oscillations) & Bioregulation
Module 8 - Electrosmog B.S.
Module 9 - Medical Study Deception
Module 10 - Other PEMF Myths
**Page Under Construction (not quite ready yet)**
True PEMF vs False PEMF claims (devices that are advertised as PEMF but are not PEMF. Step One is making sure you ACTUALLY GET A PEMF DEVICE. Don't be fooled!!
Myth #1 - Many Devices CLAIMING TO BE PEMF are NOT!
TRUE PEMF DEVICES... BUYER BEWARE... Many Companies are claiming to have PEMF devices when THEY DO NOT. So FIRST, when looking make sure to get an actual PEMF device. PEMF is the HOTTEST niche in energy medicine and many non-pemf companies/products are trying to jump on the bandwagon with deceptive advertising.
To better understand what True PEMF is, it is best to first look at all the different types of energy medicine so you can see the big picture and how PEMF fits in to that picture.
The Best Energy Medicine Devices Try to Duplicate Nature.
What Nature gives us is what we need.
The Problem is our modern and sedentary lifestyle where we spend way too much time inside, sitting around electosmog frequencies inside partial faraday cages.
1) Spend more time outdoors in Nature away from the city and walk barefoot and do sunbathing etc.
2) Supplement with Earth Inspired Energy Medicine Devices.
Types of Energy Medicine Products/Device (Again Using Nature as a Guiding Light).
1) EARTH: Food Based Therapies - Diet , Supplements, etc.
BEST NATURE INSPIRED Earth: Clean, Nutrient Dense, Fresh, Alive Organic non GMO food and whole food supplements and herbs.
2) WATER: Water Based Therapies, Energized Waters, Ionizers, Ionic Footbaths, Homeopathic Tinctures, Juicing, etc. Able to Program Frequencies.
Best NATURE INSPIRED Water: Clean, Pure (low TDS but SOME minerals) Energized, Negative Memories Erased, Positive Messages Added. Pure vs toxic. pH.
3) AIR: Oxygen/Ozone Therapies/ Breathing Retraining tools/products. ALSO Smell/Essential Oils. Incense. Aromatherapy.
Best NATURE INSPIRED Air: Clean, Purified, Fresh, Negative Ions, proper breathing through nose using diaphragm.
5) Sound Therapy (Air) /Music Therapy Devices. Harmonious vs cacophonous. Sounds of Nature and Classical.
6) GRAVITY: Gravity/Antigravity/Postural/Movement/Exercise Devices
Mechanical Vibrations/Like Whole Body Vibration/Massagers/Chi Machine, etc.
Best NATURE INSPIRED Gravity: Good Posture, Movement, Practices to Avoid Sitting, Yoga, WBV.
7) Purely Energy Based Elements - Light, Electric Fields, Microcurrents & Magnetism/PEMF
THIS category of Energy Medicine is the REAL Heart of Energy Medicine is Based On Electrodynamics, Maxwells Equations and QED Quantum Electrodynamics of Dirac and Feynmann.
While these three categories are Related By Maxwells Equations (especially relativistic and quantum versions in QED), the Energies and Forces are DISTINCTLY DIFFERENT. Too many people confuse the frequencies and intensities and energies of these 3 with each other.
For Example:
A. Electric Forces are Conservative Forces using Coulombs or Gauss's Law (that is one of the 4 of Maxwell's equations). Virtual photons are the carriers of the electric force.
Electric currents have a minimal electric field (electric field inside conductors USUALLY zero BUT because of applied voltage from battery or outlet, there is a small electric field. This is how magnetic fields can dominate in current loops, while normally electric fields much stronger than magnetic fields.
B. Magnetic Forces are Non Conservative velocity dependent forces using the Lorenz Force equation. Highly Coherent Virtual photons are source of magnetic field. Much different quality then electric field virtual photons in the coherence and geometry. Think coherent LASER photons vs Incoherent lightbulbs
The magnetic field intensity equation is more complicated than electric forces because there are no point magnetic sources (no magnetic monopoles). This is a HUGE source of Confusion in the Energy Medicine and PEMF community.
C. LIGHT or electromagnetic waves are emitting as ACTUAL (not virtual) photons from an accelerating charges. This can be coherent in LEDs and Lasers (or ionized gases) or incoherent in most all other sources.
Also of note, Light has a negligible force, a little but it is EXTREMELY small compared to the Electric and Magnetic forces. The pressure exerted by light is miniscule; it is measurable, but so tiny you won't do anything practical with it on a macroscopic level. Again Light has Very different properties than electricity and magnetism even though they are all related by Maxwells Equations. Only QED properly resolves Quantum mechanics and Relativity to give a truly accurately theory of how light and charges interact.
Example: How much force does a flashlight have on whatever it's shining on?
Such a small force that you'd need it to shine on a super sensitive, sophisticated detector to measure it. You need Relativity to properly understand this but the point is the Electric Forces, Electric Current Forces, Magnetic Field Forces and Electromagnetic Wave forces ARE ALL DIFFERENT and have DIFFERENT EQUATIONS.
People try to lump these 3 together creating BAD SCIENCE and MAJOR CONFUSION. For example, you cannot compare the frequencies in visible light with the frequencies in an electric field vs frequencies in a pure and pulsating magnetic field. Why? Because they are 3 different FORCES and 3 different energies.
What is even more confusing is all energy medicine devices have all 3 BUT usually one or two are more dominate and the others incoherent. But the point is these 3 or 4 basic.
A. Electric Field Dominate Devices/Voltage-Stored energy
B) Electric Current/ MicroCurrrent Dominate devices
B) Electromagnetic Waves (Light - Infrared - LED - LASER devices)
True PEMF vs False PEMF claims (devices that are advertised as PEMF but are not PEMF. Step One is making sure you ACTUALLY GET A PEMF DEVICE. Don't be fooled!!
Myth #1 - Many Devices CLAIMING TO BE PEMF are NOT!
TRUE PEMF DEVICES... BUYER BEWARE... Many Companies are claiming to have PEMF devices when THEY DO NOT. So FIRST, when looking make sure to get an actual PEMF device. PEMF is the HOTTEST niche in energy medicine and many non-pemf companies/products are trying to jump on the bandwagon with deceptive advertising.
To better understand what True PEMF is, it is best to first look at all the different types of energy medicine so you can see the big picture and how PEMF fits in to that picture.
The Best Energy Medicine Devices Try to Duplicate Nature.
What Nature gives us is what we need.
The Problem is our modern and sedentary lifestyle where we spend way too much time inside, sitting around electosmog frequencies inside partial faraday cages.
1) Spend more time outdoors in Nature away from the city and walk barefoot and do sunbathing etc.
2) Supplement with Earth Inspired Energy Medicine Devices.
Types of Energy Medicine Products/Device (Again Using Nature as a Guiding Light).
1) EARTH: Food Based Therapies - Diet , Supplements, etc.
BEST NATURE INSPIRED Earth: Clean, Nutrient Dense, Fresh, Alive Organic non GMO food and whole food supplements and herbs.
2) WATER: Water Based Therapies, Energized Waters, Ionizers, Ionic Footbaths, Homeopathic Tinctures, Juicing, etc. Able to Program Frequencies.
Best NATURE INSPIRED Water: Clean, Pure (low TDS but SOME minerals) Energized, Negative Memories Erased, Positive Messages Added. Pure vs toxic. pH.
3) AIR: Oxygen/Ozone Therapies/ Breathing Retraining tools/products. ALSO Smell/Essential Oils. Incense. Aromatherapy.
Best NATURE INSPIRED Air: Clean, Purified, Fresh, Negative Ions, proper breathing through nose using diaphragm.
5) Sound Therapy (Air) /Music Therapy Devices. Harmonious vs cacophonous. Sounds of Nature and Classical.
6) GRAVITY: Gravity/Antigravity/Postural/Movement/Exercise Devices
Mechanical Vibrations/Like Whole Body Vibration/Massagers/Chi Machine, etc.
Best NATURE INSPIRED Gravity: Good Posture, Movement, Practices to Avoid Sitting, Yoga, WBV.
7) Purely Energy Based Elements - Light, Electric Fields, Microcurrents & Magnetism/PEMF
THIS category of Energy Medicine is the REAL Heart of Energy Medicine is Based On Electrodynamics, Maxwells Equations and QED Quantum Electrodynamics of Dirac and Feynmann.
While these three categories are Related By Maxwells Equations (especially relativistic and quantum versions in QED), the Energies and Forces are DISTINCTLY DIFFERENT. Too many people confuse the frequencies and intensities and energies of these 3 with each other.
For Example:
A. Electric Forces are Conservative Forces using Coulombs or Gauss's Law (that is one of the 4 of Maxwell's equations). Virtual photons are the carriers of the electric force.
Electric currents have a minimal electric field (electric field inside conductors USUALLY zero BUT because of applied voltage from battery or outlet, there is a small electric field. This is how magnetic fields can dominate in current loops, while normally electric fields much stronger than magnetic fields.
B. Magnetic Forces are Non Conservative velocity dependent forces using the Lorenz Force equation. Highly Coherent Virtual photons are source of magnetic field. Much different quality then electric field virtual photons in the coherence and geometry. Think coherent LASER photons vs Incoherent lightbulbs
The magnetic field intensity equation is more complicated than electric forces because there are no point magnetic sources (no magnetic monopoles). This is a HUGE source of Confusion in the Energy Medicine and PEMF community.
C. LIGHT or electromagnetic waves are emitting as ACTUAL (not virtual) photons from an accelerating charges. This can be coherent in LEDs and Lasers (or ionized gases) or incoherent in most all other sources.
Also of note, Light has a negligible force, a little but it is EXTREMELY small compared to the Electric and Magnetic forces. The pressure exerted by light is miniscule; it is measurable, but so tiny you won't do anything practical with it on a macroscopic level. Again Light has Very different properties than electricity and magnetism even though they are all related by Maxwells Equations. Only QED properly resolves Quantum mechanics and Relativity to give a truly accurately theory of how light and charges interact.
Example: How much force does a flashlight have on whatever it's shining on?
Such a small force that you'd need it to shine on a super sensitive, sophisticated detector to measure it. You need Relativity to properly understand this but the point is the Electric Forces, Electric Current Forces, Magnetic Field Forces and Electromagnetic Wave forces ARE ALL DIFFERENT and have DIFFERENT EQUATIONS.
People try to lump these 3 together creating BAD SCIENCE and MAJOR CONFUSION. For example, you cannot compare the frequencies in visible light with the frequencies in an electric field vs frequencies in a pure and pulsating magnetic field. Why? Because they are 3 different FORCES and 3 different energies.
What is even more confusing is all energy medicine devices have all 3 BUT usually one or two are more dominate and the others incoherent. But the point is these 3 or 4 basic.
A. Electric Field Dominate Devices/Voltage-Stored energy
B) Electric Current/ MicroCurrrent Dominate devices
B) Electromagnetic Waves (Light - Infrared - LED - LASER devices)
Biological life has always taken place in a sea of naturally occurring EM radiation of cosmic, atmospheric and geomagnetic origin, which can be categorized as terrestrial or extraterrestrial radiation.
Extraterrestrial radiation consists of electromagnetic waves of different wavelengths, such as visible "light",
infrared, microwave radiation and of subatomic particle radiation, in particular:
• Electrons, protons, ions and atomic nuclei;
• Magnetic fields originating from the sun, the earth
and other planets;
• Cosmic radiation from all directions (not only from the sun), which reach the earth with nearly the velocity of light. This radiation consists of very high-energy elementary particles and nuclei - also called cosmic ultra radiation; and
• Electromagnetic radiation of nearly all wavelengths.
It should be noted that the earth’s atmosphere acts as a filter for much of the dangerous extraterrestrial radiation.
A & B. Electric Fields and Ground MicroCurrrents - The earth has a fair weather electric field of around 100-300 Volts per meter. During fair weather, the atmosphere is postively charged with respect to the ground.In the vicinity of thunderstorms the field is reversed. Thunderstorms only around 1% at any given time.
The natural electric field of the Earth refers to the planet Earth having a natural direct current (DC) electric field or potential gradient from the ground upwards to the ionosphere.
Thunderstorms add negative ions and ozone and an extra Electric Field Boost.
Schumann Resonances have an electric field component. The Schumann resonance electric field amplitude (~300 microvolts per meter) is much smaller than the static fair-weather electric field (~150 V/m), but is Extremely biologically active due to resonance and entrainment with the Human Body.
Plasma Globe Demonstration.
Best Electric Field Devices Duplicate Nature.
Electric Currents in Earth Are Telluric Currents - The best microcurrent therapy is GROUNDING!!
BEST NATURE INSPIRED MicroCurrent Device- Don't Need any Device - Magnetic/PEMF Therapy Better EXCEPT Earthing DO GET Natural Earth Currents by walking barefoot, going to beach, gardening, camplng, etc. Earthing pads and products are not needed in my opinion.
Now we turn to another natural, earth current called the telluric current. While the Schumann Resonance is a standing EM wave oscillating between the earth’s surface and the ionosphere, the telluric currents are geo-magnetically induced waves that flow across large areas at or near the surface.
These currents appear to be caused by interactions between the solar wind and the magnetosphere, as well as solar radiation effects on the ionosphere. The wavelengths of the TC currents are also in the ELF range.
Extraterrestrial radiation consists of electromagnetic waves of different wavelengths, such as visible "light",
infrared, microwave radiation and of subatomic particle radiation, in particular:
• Electrons, protons, ions and atomic nuclei;
• Magnetic fields originating from the sun, the earth
and other planets;
• Cosmic radiation from all directions (not only from the sun), which reach the earth with nearly the velocity of light. This radiation consists of very high-energy elementary particles and nuclei - also called cosmic ultra radiation; and
• Electromagnetic radiation of nearly all wavelengths.
It should be noted that the earth’s atmosphere acts as a filter for much of the dangerous extraterrestrial radiation.
A & B. Electric Fields and Ground MicroCurrrents - The earth has a fair weather electric field of around 100-300 Volts per meter. During fair weather, the atmosphere is postively charged with respect to the ground.In the vicinity of thunderstorms the field is reversed. Thunderstorms only around 1% at any given time.
The natural electric field of the Earth refers to the planet Earth having a natural direct current (DC) electric field or potential gradient from the ground upwards to the ionosphere.
Thunderstorms add negative ions and ozone and an extra Electric Field Boost.
Schumann Resonances have an electric field component. The Schumann resonance electric field amplitude (~300 microvolts per meter) is much smaller than the static fair-weather electric field (~150 V/m), but is Extremely biologically active due to resonance and entrainment with the Human Body.
Plasma Globe Demonstration.
Best Electric Field Devices Duplicate Nature.
Electric Currents in Earth Are Telluric Currents - The best microcurrent therapy is GROUNDING!!
BEST NATURE INSPIRED MicroCurrent Device- Don't Need any Device - Magnetic/PEMF Therapy Better EXCEPT Earthing DO GET Natural Earth Currents by walking barefoot, going to beach, gardening, camplng, etc. Earthing pads and products are not needed in my opinion.
Now we turn to another natural, earth current called the telluric current. While the Schumann Resonance is a standing EM wave oscillating between the earth’s surface and the ionosphere, the telluric currents are geo-magnetically induced waves that flow across large areas at or near the surface.
These currents appear to be caused by interactions between the solar wind and the magnetosphere, as well as solar radiation effects on the ionosphere. The wavelengths of the TC currents are also in the ELF range.
Electrostatics, Currents, Magnetic Fields/PEMFs, Plasma Devices.
a) Electrostatics/Electric Fields (Charges): Electric Field Based Devices - Multiwave Oscillators, High Voltage Rife Machines, Some rife machines. Frequency harmonics, voltage, negative ions/ozone, some have plasma tubes.
BEST NATURE Electric Field Devices: Don't Need - Magnetic /PEMF Therapy Better. Plus most of these devices are not nature inspire.
b) Currents (Moving Charges) Based - Microcurrents/Zappers/Scenars/Tenant biomodulator (frequency, current, waveform). Natural is Telluric Currents / Earthing.
BEST NATURE INSPIRED MicroCurrent Device- Don't Need any Device - Magnetic/PEMF Therapy Better EXCEPT Earthing DO GET Natural Earth Currents by walking barefoot, going to beach, gardening, camplng, etc. Earthing pads and products are not needed in my opinion.
Now we turn to another natural, earth current called the telluric current. While the Schumann Resonance is a standing EM wave oscillating between the earth’s surface and the ionosphere, the telluric currents are geo-magnetically induced waves that flow across large areas at or near the surface.
These currents appear to be caused by interactions between the solar wind and the magnetosphere, as well as solar radiation effects on the ionosphere. The wavelengths of the TC currents are also in the ELF range.
C) Electromagnetic Waves
- Low ELF, Earth Frequency signals (secondary effect low frequency PEMF devices). Better to Get as a PURE PEMF.
- Radio Frequencies (RF) - Rife, Gas Plasma Devices. Don't need in my opinion.
- Microwave - Mainly electrosmog, though diathermy low end microwave. Not safe.
- Far, Middle Infrared - Sauna Therapy/Heat Therapy/Detox (quality of heating elements, electrosmog, nontoxic. Great for Detox.
- Near Infrared / Red Light - Red Light Therapy. Power Output and Frequency and Area covered. Great for ATP, Circulation, healing (though PEMF better).
- Full Spectrum Light, Color Therapy. Light boxes, full spectrum lights, light /color therapy
- Blue Light - Melatonin
- UVA and UVB - UVB Lights for Vitamin D
- Higher frequencies than UVB are ionizing and dangerous.
Light/Electromagnetic Waves -
Sunlight /Heliotherapy - 2% UV, 47% Visible Light, 51% Infrared
1) [Visible, IR and UV] Heliotherapy Worship the Sun (but respect it's power)
2) [UVB] and Vitamin D
When you cannot be in the Sun - Full Spectrum
3) [Visible] Important of Full Spectrum Light in the Day
4) [Visible] Important of NO Blue Lights at Night
[Circadian Rhythms]Light Cycles, Hormones and Sleep
5) Red Light Therapy - Red and NIR Infrared Therapy (from Graph Above it is peak output of Red and NIR
630-680 um
800-880 um
Our bodies have evolved to harness energy from these wavelengths (compromise between higher energy and penetration depth).
Cytochrome C and mitochondrial Function/ATP production.
Far Infrared Therapy, Saunas, Detox and More
6) Far Infrared Sauna Therapy. EZ Water, Energy Production and Detox
1200 nm Infrared is optimal for EZ water!!!
Infrared is ALL AROUND US... Our bodies have evolved to harness these myriad energies.!!!
WE ARE OPEN SYSTEMS! No Man is an Island!
We are highly nonlinearly, negentropic, thermodynamically open systems that are deeply coupled and entangled with our environment, planet, sun, galaxy and universe.
We have biological antennae that can greatly amplify weak signals to both harness energy, information and helping us to flow with the rhythms of Nature (all of our biological rhythms).
Sunlight /Heliotherapy - 2% UV, 47% Visible Light, 51% Infrared
1) [Visible, IR and UV] Heliotherapy Worship the Sun (but respect it's power)
2) [UVB] and Vitamin D
When you cannot be in the Sun - Full Spectrum
3) [Visible] Important of Full Spectrum Light in the Day
4) [Visible] Important of NO Blue Lights at Night
[Circadian Rhythms]Light Cycles, Hormones and Sleep
5) Red Light Therapy - Red and NIR Infrared Therapy (from Graph Above it is peak output of Red and NIR
630-680 um
800-880 um
Our bodies have evolved to harness energy from these wavelengths (compromise between higher energy and penetration depth).
Cytochrome C and mitochondrial Function/ATP production.
Far Infrared Therapy, Saunas, Detox and More
6) Far Infrared Sauna Therapy. EZ Water, Energy Production and Detox
1200 nm Infrared is optimal for EZ water!!!
Infrared is ALL AROUND US... Our bodies have evolved to harness these myriad energies.!!!
WE ARE OPEN SYSTEMS! No Man is an Island!
We are highly nonlinearly, negentropic, thermodynamically open systems that are deeply coupled and entangled with our environment, planet, sun, galaxy and universe.
We have biological antennae that can greatly amplify weak signals to both harness energy, information and helping us to flow with the rhythms of Nature (all of our biological rhythms).
- Static Magnetics - refrigerator, bar, horseshoe or more therapeutic ceramic or neodynium
- Essential Element of Health both Geomagnetic and Schumann. We contain magnetite and biological antennas to capture this energy and use it for brain states, circadian rhythms, energy production, endorphins and more! Plus it connects our all on earth.
BEST NATURE INSPIRED PEMF: Low Frequency, Low Intensity, Rapid Rise and Fall Complex Waveform and Pulsetrain, Large tightly wound pure copper circular coils, full body mat/local applicators, Biorhythm, Polarity and more. Next Sections will go over this in GREAT Detail.
Plus spend more time outdoors in Nature and soak in those Schumann Resonances.
GeoMagnetic FIELDS and PEMFs - Earth Geomagnetic and Schumann Frequencies. The Schumann Magnetic field component is extremely weak 1 pT compared background geomagnetic field but Extremely biologically active due to resonance and entrainment with the Human Body.
In This Series we are Going to Mainly Look at PEMF, but it HELPS to see how all the Elements of Energy Medicine Work Together!!!
As we'll see Magnetic Fields create electrical potentials within tissues and have a unique advantage over electrical current: no surface or needle electrode is required. Magnetic Fields are therefore non-invasive in the purest sense, and far easier and more effecient to apply. And there is no interference, impedance or dielectrics with electric fields.
In This Series we are Going to Mainly Look at PEMF, but it HELPS to see how all the Elements of Energy Medicine Work Together!!!
As we'll see Magnetic Fields create electrical potentials within tissues and have a unique advantage over electrical current: no surface or needle electrode is required. Magnetic Fields are therefore non-invasive in the purest sense, and far easier and more effecient to apply. And there is no interference, impedance or dielectrics with electric fields.
In the NEXT section we'll see the Uniqueness of PEMF over other forms of Energy Medicine AND THEN We'll Expose Devices that are NOT Truly PEMF OR they are PEMF but very INEFFECTIVE. This is crucial because SO MANY Energy Medicine Companies are calling their devices PEMF when in fact they are NOT.
NOTE 1: Scalar Waves: no pure scalar waves in Nature, only quasiscalar like Schumann. Nature is TOO dynamics to have stationary standing waves, though Schumann is about as close as there is (but still NOT scalar. Scalar lasers and pendants are unscientific and unproven in my opinion. The benefits they DO give are due to other factors, they are not producing pure scalar fields.
NOTE 2: radionics and Information type of energy medicine systems but currently I feel these are not accurate enough and are plagued with giving people false negatives (or Nocebos). Better to stick to Nature's Elements!!
I think Quantum Computing with REALLY open the doors to TRUE information medicine and Quantum Based Energy and Information Devices but we are NOT there yet in my opinion. We are still using classical information theory to I think incorrectly diagnose with the current information devices like Indigo, QXCI, SCIO, Zyot, NES, Inergetix CoRe, etc.
NOTE 3: People Confused Frequencies of ONE type of energy medicine with Another... You cannot compare frequencies of different types of energy.
For example, light, electric currents, aromatherapy, whole body vibration are DIFFERENT kinds of energy, so frequencies that are good for one are not usually good for another.
NOTE 2: radionics and Information type of energy medicine systems but currently I feel these are not accurate enough and are plagued with giving people false negatives (or Nocebos). Better to stick to Nature's Elements!!
I think Quantum Computing with REALLY open the doors to TRUE information medicine and Quantum Based Energy and Information Devices but we are NOT there yet in my opinion. We are still using classical information theory to I think incorrectly diagnose with the current information devices like Indigo, QXCI, SCIO, Zyot, NES, Inergetix CoRe, etc.
NOTE 3: People Confused Frequencies of ONE type of energy medicine with Another... You cannot compare frequencies of different types of energy.
For example, light, electric currents, aromatherapy, whole body vibration are DIFFERENT kinds of energy, so frequencies that are good for one are not usually good for another.