Hormesis, The "Good" Stress and Applications in Natural Healing, Energy Medicine and PEMF Therapy.
Stimulus Stress in Chaos Theory and Bodies Restoring Force To a Healthy, Coherent, Homeodynamic State. Complex Fractal Patterns from the feedback loops.

Introduction - Intuitive Overview
In this video I want to introduce you to an idea that you may never have heard of , but it is perhaps one of the most important concepts you need to understand in natural healing, energy medicine AND to help improve your overall health and longevity - It's called the Hormesis effect.
Stress in the right amount is Good
The hormesis effect is essentially a Stressor (The term derives from the Greek word “hormo”, meaning to excite or stimulate). BUT ... It’s a stressor that creates health and longevity at the cellular level. What makes this concept specific is the notion that DOSAGE counts. Hormesis is a stressor that has beneficial effects at low dosage, and at a higher dosage, it would be injurious, even lethal.
Exercise/Training, Intermittant Fasting, Sunlight/D, Cold Therapy/Thermogenesis, Sauna/Infrared, Radiation Hormesis, LLLT hormesis.
TOO Much Challenge/Stress is bad/Toxic… Overtraining, Starvation, Sunburn, Frostbite, Radiation Poisioning/Mutation Genes.
Not enough stress has no effect or results in deficiency.
Why is it that we here so much about Stress and Disease?
In this video I want to introduce you to an idea that you may never have heard of , but it is perhaps one of the most important concepts you need to understand in natural healing, energy medicine AND to help improve your overall health and longevity - It's called the Hormesis effect.
Stress in the right amount is Good
The hormesis effect is essentially a Stressor (The term derives from the Greek word “hormo”, meaning to excite or stimulate). BUT ... It’s a stressor that creates health and longevity at the cellular level. What makes this concept specific is the notion that DOSAGE counts. Hormesis is a stressor that has beneficial effects at low dosage, and at a higher dosage, it would be injurious, even lethal.
Exercise/Training, Intermittant Fasting, Sunlight/D, Cold Therapy/Thermogenesis, Sauna/Infrared, Radiation Hormesis, LLLT hormesis.
TOO Much Challenge/Stress is bad/Toxic… Overtraining, Starvation, Sunburn, Frostbite, Radiation Poisioning/Mutation Genes.
Not enough stress has no effect or results in deficiency.
Why is it that we here so much about Stress and Disease?
The Hormesis Effect and Good Stress

Research on stress has exploded. We now know that stress can damage, but we also know that stress can, and often does, benefit people — in terms of health, fertility, anti-aging and longevity.
As we mentioned, The hormesis effect is essentially a stressor that creates health and longevity, but what makes the concept specific is the notion that DOSAGE counts. At low dosage the results are beneficial, while at a higher dosage, it would be injurious, even lethal.
As we mentioned, The hormesis effect is essentially a stressor that creates health and longevity, but what makes the concept specific is the notion that DOSAGE counts. At low dosage the results are beneficial, while at a higher dosage, it would be injurious, even lethal.

Hormesis is a term used by toxicologists to refer to a biphasic dose response to an environmental agent characterized by a low dose stimulation or beneficial effect and a high dose inhibitory or toxic effect.
- Hormesis is the adaptation to a stimulus which in a bigger dose is toxic. This stress exposure is central to, and even essential for, wellbeing.
- Wellbeing depends on a constant ability to have neuroplasticity (rewiring of the brain). Certain biological conditions must be present for this to occur.
- Hormesis drives these conditions in a similar way across a range of different stressors – too much or too little does exactly the opposite, more or less.

This plot below illustrates how hormetic compounds exhibit a characteristic biphasic or “inverted U” dose response curve, rather than an inhibitory effect which decreases linearly or at least continuously, but still remains inhibitory, as the dose becomes more dilute. A linear dose response, the so-called LNT or “linear no-threshold” model is assumed in conventional toxicology. But it turns out that much of the time, hormesis is better model than LNT. Take a close look at the plot: at a low dose, the response of the “toxic” or inhibitory agent actually becomes stimulatory or beneficial to the organism. Can this really be — can something that is harmful at a high dose be good for you at a low dose? The answer, surprisingly, is yes, and not just in an isolated few cases, but across a broad range of chemicals, energy sources, and other stressful agents. Let’s look at the evidence.
Applications of Hormesis
Hormesis is the application of a stressor that results in recoverability, and creates more strength, better health, more fertility, and longer life. It’s a sophisticated scientific concept that has a plethora of research behind it, and as we'll see it works at the cellular level to improve our bodies ability to handle stress (by strengthening stress reponse networks in the nervous system, endocrine system and immune systems).
It is the theory behind homeopathy.
But, we tend to not think about DELIBERATELY creating a stress effect IN ORDER to make us stronger. In other words, we don’t USE the effect consciously and intentionally to get stronger, healthier, and live longer.
But we can.
How can we use the hormesis effect in the deliberate application of stressing agents to create better health?
Let's look as some examples, which will shed like on this concept that may be new to you:
It is the theory behind homeopathy.
But, we tend to not think about DELIBERATELY creating a stress effect IN ORDER to make us stronger. In other words, we don’t USE the effect consciously and intentionally to get stronger, healthier, and live longer.
But we can.
How can we use the hormesis effect in the deliberate application of stressing agents to create better health?
Let's look as some examples, which will shed like on this concept that may be new to you:
Hormetins (or Hormetic Stressors)

Hormetin - (or Hormetic Stressor) any condition that elicits a stress response. Examples Below
A good example of hormesis is exercise. In the right amount, it confers longevity and lengthens our telomeres. In excess, it will hurt us by causing high cortisol levels and generating ROS to deplete our stem cells and cause us to use anaerobic energy production which does not suit our biochemistry long term.
Marathon runners experience accelerated aging
Too much is Bad/Toxic even lethal. Too Little has no effect or results in deficiencies.
Exposure to low or moderate doses of other lower-energy forms of radiation, including gamma-rays and UV-radiation, has been tied to health benefits. The documented connection between UV radiation and skin cancer has led to a general tendency in society to shun unprotected tanning and cover up with sunscreen when heading to the beach or ski slopes. However, there are strong indications that exposure to the sun, in low or moderate doses, has several benefits. Well-known is the fact that sunlight is one of the most effective ways to generate natural Vitamin D in the body; less well-known is that fact that sunlight can actually reduce the incidence of cancer, as reported in the Feb. 2, 2005 issue of the Journal of the National Cancer Institute.
Radiation hormesis stones
A good example of hormesis is exercise. In the right amount, it confers longevity and lengthens our telomeres. In excess, it will hurt us by causing high cortisol levels and generating ROS to deplete our stem cells and cause us to use anaerobic energy production which does not suit our biochemistry long term.
Marathon runners experience accelerated aging
Too much is Bad/Toxic even lethal. Too Little has no effect or results in deficiencies.
- Earth ---> Food, Fasting/feasting, spices (tumeric/ginger), antioxidants (resveratrol, quercetin are plant polyphenols), supplements
- Water ----> hydration/ too much, too little , Alkaline water, acidic sparkling mineral waters, alcohol even ??
- Fire/Temp ---> Cold Thermogenesis, Heat Shock, sauna Therapy
- Fire/Light ---> /Light (full electromagnetic spectrum-- PEMF, Laser Therapy, infrared, Visible Light / UV light, Radiation Hormesis - small percentage uranium in granite and other stones.
Exposure to low or moderate doses of other lower-energy forms of radiation, including gamma-rays and UV-radiation, has been tied to health benefits. The documented connection between UV radiation and skin cancer has led to a general tendency in society to shun unprotected tanning and cover up with sunscreen when heading to the beach or ski slopes. However, there are strong indications that exposure to the sun, in low or moderate doses, has several benefits. Well-known is the fact that sunlight is one of the most effective ways to generate natural Vitamin D in the body; less well-known is that fact that sunlight can actually reduce the incidence of cancer, as reported in the Feb. 2, 2005 issue of the Journal of the National Cancer Institute.
Radiation hormesis stones
- Air --> Hyperbaric, Hypobaric (high altitude)
- PEMF/Magnetism ---> Magnetic & PEMF deficiency, too much not good either.
- Exercise/HyperGravity - Whole Body vibration, exercise(strength, cardio, flexibility, balance-->body sway)
- Sleep - too much, too little
- Stress -- too much, too little
- Mental Activity (reading, puzzle solving, chess) , public speaking, focused attention
- Homeopathy-
- Medicine- Pharmacology, Toxicology and radiation biology
- Targeted Approaches - brain, eyes, etc.

In This video we are going to go a little deeper in the science of Hormesis so you can REALLY understand how it words at the cellular level. This video is optional for those that like to go deeper into the technical aspects of things... and take a brief look at the Maintenance and repair systems of the endocrine, nervous and immune systems, and some of the primary chemical reactions and pathways of the hormesis effect.
The goal is to give a deeper understanding on why applying Hormesis in our live through exercise, intermittant fasting, sun bathing, PEMF therapy, etc. gives such strengthing and tonifying benefits to the body promoting increased longevity.
The goal is to give a deeper understanding on why applying Hormesis in our live through exercise, intermittant fasting, sun bathing, PEMF therapy, etc. gives such strengthing and tonifying benefits to the body promoting increased longevity.

Hormesis is a precise to refer to a biphasic (inverted U) dose response to an environmental agent characterized by a low dose stimulation or beneficial effect and a high dose inhibitory or toxic effect.
In the first video we briefly reviewed
Hormesis is the application of a stressor that results in recoverability, and creates more strength, better health, more fertility, and longer life.
And ... as we'll see it works at the cellular level to improve our bodies ability to handle stress (by strengthening stress reponse networks in the nervous system, endocrine system and immune systems).
But, we tend to not think about DELIBERATELY creating a stress effect IN ORDER to make us stronger. In other words, we don’t USE the effect consciously and intentionally to get stronger, healthier, and live longer.
But we can.
How can we use the hormesis effect in the deliberate application of stressing agents to create better health?
Let's take a deeper look at the research behind Hormesis and how Hormesis works at the cellular level.
And keep all this in mind with respect to the many areas in Natural Healing and Energy Medicine that utilize Hormesis.
In the first video we briefly reviewed
Hormesis is the application of a stressor that results in recoverability, and creates more strength, better health, more fertility, and longer life.
And ... as we'll see it works at the cellular level to improve our bodies ability to handle stress (by strengthening stress reponse networks in the nervous system, endocrine system and immune systems).
But, we tend to not think about DELIBERATELY creating a stress effect IN ORDER to make us stronger. In other words, we don’t USE the effect consciously and intentionally to get stronger, healthier, and live longer.
But we can.
How can we use the hormesis effect in the deliberate application of stressing agents to create better health?
Let's take a deeper look at the research behind Hormesis and how Hormesis works at the cellular level.
And keep all this in mind with respect to the many areas in Natural Healing and Energy Medicine that utilize Hormesis.
Hormesis Mechanism - How it Works

and take a brief look at the Maintenance and repair systems of the endocrine, nervous and immune systems, and some of the primary chemical reactions and pathways of the hormesis effect.
For Hormesis to Work
-- Mild Stress - Not more than 30% of the maximal stress response
-- Recovery Period - Stress Response markers should return to within 5% of the basal level.
-- Repeated Exposure
A common mechanism?
Is there a common thread that explains how such a diverse range of biological insults–chemicals, radiation, temperature, gravity, and calorie restriction–can strengthen organisms, and explains why this phenomenon occurs across the world of microbes, plants and animals?
The hormetic effect also appears to involve several seemingly independent physiological systems
INCLUDING (but not limited to):
For Hormesis to Work
-- Mild Stress - Not more than 30% of the maximal stress response
-- Recovery Period - Stress Response markers should return to within 5% of the basal level.
-- Repeated Exposure
A common mechanism?
Is there a common thread that explains how such a diverse range of biological insults–chemicals, radiation, temperature, gravity, and calorie restriction–can strengthen organisms, and explains why this phenomenon occurs across the world of microbes, plants and animals?
The hormetic effect also appears to involve several seemingly independent physiological systems
INCLUDING (but not limited to):
- endocrine system
- immune systems,
- tissue repair and growth mechanisms,
- and neural plasticity.
- energy/meridian pathways
Homeodynamics - NOT HOMEOSTASIS

Homeostasis. What these systems have in common is that they are all adaptive “homeostatic” systems which help restore the organism to optimal functioning after “perturbations” by external stressors. The principle of homeostasis was first articulated over a hundred years ago by the physiologist Claude Bernard, and it has since been well documented in a broad range of biological systems. (Chaos theory and phase diagrams, simple point, too simplistic for life. Thermostat in house example of homeostasis).
What is remarkable with hormesis, however, is that similar adaptations can occur to so many different stressors, and the adaptations can be significant and in many cases permanent or long-lasting. While well documented, we are just beginning to understand the common mechanisms underlying hormesis.
Countacting damage and attaining stability
--> Homeostasitc = Stability through constancy (Point Attractor on Chaos Phase Diagram)
---> Allostatsis -- Stability through Change (Circular/Elliptical Attactor on Chaos Phase Diagram)
----> Homeodynamics ---> Stability through Dynamic Interactions of maintanience and repair. (Strange Attractor on Chaos Phase Diagram... Complex Fractal Patterns, infinitely complex, let underlying order and simplicity is present).
Need to come out of the term homeostasis and statics in biology
Biological systems are networks, constantly remodeling, resetting
Inverted Pendulum Problem good example... Balance a ruler on your hand vs putting a ruler in a clamp.
What is remarkable with hormesis, however, is that similar adaptations can occur to so many different stressors, and the adaptations can be significant and in many cases permanent or long-lasting. While well documented, we are just beginning to understand the common mechanisms underlying hormesis.
Countacting damage and attaining stability
--> Homeostasitc = Stability through constancy (Point Attractor on Chaos Phase Diagram)
---> Allostatsis -- Stability through Change (Circular/Elliptical Attactor on Chaos Phase Diagram)
----> Homeodynamics ---> Stability through Dynamic Interactions of maintanience and repair. (Strange Attractor on Chaos Phase Diagram... Complex Fractal Patterns, infinitely complex, let underlying order and simplicity is present).
Need to come out of the term homeostasis and statics in biology
Biological systems are networks, constantly remodeling, resetting
Inverted Pendulum Problem good example... Balance a ruler on your hand vs putting a ruler in a clamp.
Homeodynamic Buffer Zone - Suresh Rattan (expert in Hormesis)

We have a buffering capacity that counteracts any disturbance
We have a homeodynamic space buffer zone.
Aging is a shrinking of the homeodynamic space.
Aging is a progressive shrinking of the homeodynamic space
And that shrinkage makes us more prone to one or more diseases over time
Overall this space can be thought of as your Life-Force, Chi, Prana or vitality.
Heart Rate Variability another measure.
In a minute we'll look at some of the main Maintenance and repair systems of the endocrine, nervous and immune systems, but keep in mind that all these chemical reactions have an energy and information field backing them up and guiding their motions.
Shrinkage of Homeodynamic Space

What is main cause of shrinkage of homeodynamic space.
accumulation of molecular damage… DNA.. RNA… PROTEINS-Other macromolecules (specifics at 16:57)
Maintenance and Repair Systems / Networks not perfect.
Young and Old, Healthy and Diseseased Networks.
Piecemeal Remedies - Replace tissues or stem cells (need rest of system to work)… Surrounding environment more important than a perfect stem cell (need signals and network).
Superfiical and day to day interventions - antioxidant.
Now we can more fully understand the definition...
Hormesis in anit-aging is based on the view that Deliberately challenging the homeodynamic system of an organism will transiently stimulate the compensatory (cum-PEN-suh-tory, adaptive), and reparative processes.
Any disturbance or challenge , the homeodynamic system will respond through one or more of these pathways.
Challenge the system and it tries to counteract, you get BENEFITS.
accumulation of molecular damage… DNA.. RNA… PROTEINS-Other macromolecules (specifics at 16:57)
Maintenance and Repair Systems / Networks not perfect.
Young and Old, Healthy and Diseseased Networks.
Piecemeal Remedies - Replace tissues or stem cells (need rest of system to work)… Surrounding environment more important than a perfect stem cell (need signals and network).
Superfiical and day to day interventions - antioxidant.
Now we can more fully understand the definition...
Hormesis in anit-aging is based on the view that Deliberately challenging the homeodynamic system of an organism will transiently stimulate the compensatory (cum-PEN-suh-tory, adaptive), and reparative processes.
Any disturbance or challenge , the homeodynamic system will respond through one or more of these pathways.
- endocrine system
- immune systems,
- tissue repair and growth mechanisms,
- and neural plasticity.
- energy/meridian pathways
Challenge the system and it tries to counteract, you get BENEFITS.

Hormesis WORKS at the cellular level.
When cells are faced with mild stressors, it seems to confer an increase in function and longevity.
Anti-stress genes. Researchers at the University of Massachusetts have proposed that hormetic stresses work by inducing cellular adaptations brought on by activation of an “anti-stress” gene regulatory network. In their article “Hormesis and Adaptive Cellular Control Systems” in the journal Dose-Response, Melvin Anderson and others present evidence that hormetic stressors are first detected by molecular sensors, which activate “transcription factors” and upregulate the expression of a suite of anti-stress gene networks. These genes in turn activate a cascade of “homeostatic pathways”, i.e., adaptive responses which protect cells from stressful environments. One example is the activation of so-called “heat shock proteins” expressed by cells from bacteria to mammals as an adaptive response to heat stress, allowing the cell to resist heat denaturation of cellular proteins. These metabolic adaptations protect against toxicity to cells or organs, but require a significant increase in energy expenditure by the organism. Depending on the concentration and duration of exposure, the cell can shift from a normal functioning state, to an adaptive and stressed state at mild to intermediate exposures, or ultimately to an overt state of toxicity in the presence of an overwhelming concentration of stressors. If this model is correct, an accurate classification of the cell state could be directly used in risk assessments of various biological stresses.
Stress Response pathways...
Heat Shock Response Stimulated (unregulated) in response to stressful conditions … First discovered in relation to heat shock (subjecting a cell to a increase in temperature), but now known to be expressed during stresses including exposure to cold, UV light and wound healing/tissue remodeling. Also inflammation, exercise, exposure toxins, infection
Unfolded Protein Response (unfolded and misfolded proteins) ----> Charperomes, co-charperomes?
Autophagic response (food starvation, hypoxia, damaged organelles) ---> Lysosomes
DNA repair response (radiation, oxidants, free radicals) ----> DNA repair enzymes
Antioxidant Response -----> Nrf-2, heme-oxygenase, FOXO
Sirtuin Response (Energy depletion) ---> Sirtuins
NF-kb Inflammatory response (pathogens, allergens, damaged macromolecules) ----> Cytokines, Nitric oxide synthase
ROS (oxygen ions i.e. superoxide radical and peroxides) - reactive oxygen species … Increase in ROS increases resistance to ROS. ROS leads to a condition of mild stress which in turn enhances vitality.
Edward Calabrese, a toxicologist in the School of Public Health and Health Sciences at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, has probably done more than anyone to document the hormetic effects of chemicals of many classes (reactive oxygen species, pro-oxidants, antagonists, mutagens) in a wide range of microbes, plants and animals.
Homeodynamic Networks and Systems within Endrocine, Nervous and Immune
The Five Elements of Homeodynamics - Stress Response Pathways

1) Earth / Food
Glucose level between 80-110 mg/dl (< Hypoglycemia, > Diabetes)
Insulin Sensitivity (IS) - Insulin Sensitivity is GOOD. Someone who is insulin sensitive will require smaller amounts of insulin to lower blood glucose levels. (candida, etc). People with LOW insulin sensitivity are also know as insulin resistant, require LARGER amounts of insulin from their pancreas or injections (DIABETICS), to keep blood glucose stable.
2) Water/ Water
Blood Pressure 120-140/80-90 (< Hypotension (dizziness), > Hypertension)
cardiac output.. resistance to blood flow (blocks or constriction)… blood viscosity…
nervous system Barorecptors … chemorecetors… high brain
hormonal - The renin‐angiotensin‐aldosterone system of the kidneys regulates blood volume and blood pressure.
Sodium retains water.. Potassium diuretic.
3) Fire/Temperature -
Body Temperature.. 98.6-100 (< Hypothyroidism > Fever)
Heat shock proteins- stimulated (unregulated) in response to stressful conditions … First discovered in relation to heat shock (subjecting a cell to a increase in temperature), but now known to be expressed during stresses including exposure to cold, UV light and wound healing/tissue remodeling. Also inflammation, exercise, exposure toxins, infection
NF-kb Inflammatory response (pathogens, allergens, damaged macromolecules) ----> Cytokines, Nitric oxide synthase
nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells
4) Air Oxygen
Oxygen level paO2 > 95% (< Hypoxia > Doesn't occur)
ROS (oxygen ions i.e. superoxide radical and peroxides) - reactive oxygen species … Increase in ROS increases resistance to ROS. ROS leads to a condition of mild stress which in turn enhances vitality.
5) Voltage / pH
pH 7.35-7.45 (< Chronic pain, > Throbbing pain (inflammation response)
Lungs -- releasing CO2 (acidic) by breathing more. If CO2 accumulates in the blood, pH decreases.
Kidneys - The kidneys are able to affect blood pH by excreting excess acids or bases. The kidneys have some ability to alter the amount of acid or base that is excreted, but because the kidneys make these adjustments more slowly than the lungs do, this compensation generally takes several days.
Seems our WASTE is ACIDIC (sweat, urine, CO2, bowel).
Buffer Systems - The most important pH buffer system in the blood involves carbonic acid (a weak acid formed from the carbon dioxide dissolved in blood) and bicarbonate ions (the corresponding weak base).
Sirtuin Response (Energy depletion) ---> Sirtuins
6) Gravity - Calcium Cycles
7) Mental Emotion Stress -- Neural Plasticity, HRV
Unfolded Protein Response (unfolded and misfolded proteins) ----> Charperomes, co-charperomes?
Autophagic response (food starvation, hypoxia, damaged organelles) ---> Lysosomes
DNA repair response (radiation, oxidants, free radicals) ----> DNA repair enzymes
Glucose level between 80-110 mg/dl (< Hypoglycemia, > Diabetes)
Insulin Sensitivity (IS) - Insulin Sensitivity is GOOD. Someone who is insulin sensitive will require smaller amounts of insulin to lower blood glucose levels. (candida, etc). People with LOW insulin sensitivity are also know as insulin resistant, require LARGER amounts of insulin from their pancreas or injections (DIABETICS), to keep blood glucose stable.
2) Water/ Water
Blood Pressure 120-140/80-90 (< Hypotension (dizziness), > Hypertension)
cardiac output.. resistance to blood flow (blocks or constriction)… blood viscosity…
nervous system Barorecptors … chemorecetors… high brain
hormonal - The renin‐angiotensin‐aldosterone system of the kidneys regulates blood volume and blood pressure.
Sodium retains water.. Potassium diuretic.
3) Fire/Temperature -
Body Temperature.. 98.6-100 (< Hypothyroidism > Fever)
Heat shock proteins- stimulated (unregulated) in response to stressful conditions … First discovered in relation to heat shock (subjecting a cell to a increase in temperature), but now known to be expressed during stresses including exposure to cold, UV light and wound healing/tissue remodeling. Also inflammation, exercise, exposure toxins, infection
NF-kb Inflammatory response (pathogens, allergens, damaged macromolecules) ----> Cytokines, Nitric oxide synthase
nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells
4) Air Oxygen
Oxygen level paO2 > 95% (< Hypoxia > Doesn't occur)
ROS (oxygen ions i.e. superoxide radical and peroxides) - reactive oxygen species … Increase in ROS increases resistance to ROS. ROS leads to a condition of mild stress which in turn enhances vitality.
5) Voltage / pH
pH 7.35-7.45 (< Chronic pain, > Throbbing pain (inflammation response)
Lungs -- releasing CO2 (acidic) by breathing more. If CO2 accumulates in the blood, pH decreases.
Kidneys - The kidneys are able to affect blood pH by excreting excess acids or bases. The kidneys have some ability to alter the amount of acid or base that is excreted, but because the kidneys make these adjustments more slowly than the lungs do, this compensation generally takes several days.
Seems our WASTE is ACIDIC (sweat, urine, CO2, bowel).
Buffer Systems - The most important pH buffer system in the blood involves carbonic acid (a weak acid formed from the carbon dioxide dissolved in blood) and bicarbonate ions (the corresponding weak base).
Sirtuin Response (Energy depletion) ---> Sirtuins
6) Gravity - Calcium Cycles
7) Mental Emotion Stress -- Neural Plasticity, HRV
Unfolded Protein Response (unfolded and misfolded proteins) ----> Charperomes, co-charperomes?
Autophagic response (food starvation, hypoxia, damaged organelles) ---> Lysosomes
DNA repair response (radiation, oxidants, free radicals) ----> DNA repair enzymes
The Hormesis Effect in PEMF Therapy - A Scientific Reason Why More is NOT Better.
A Case for LLPEMF (Low Level PEMF Therapy)
In this second video we are going to look at the Hormesis effect that is well established in LLLT (Low Light Laser Therapy) and see how this correlates very closely with PEMF therapy and research. If you understand this idea, you'll see scientifically why higher doses and higher intensities are not only less effective, but potentially harmful.
Also if you are researching high intensity energy medicine or high intensity PEMF devices make sure to Check out my two part video series on my youtube channel
Why More is Not Better in PEMF...
In this Video I am going to build on those ideas in terms of the Hormesis Effect.... Once you REALLY get this, you'll stop thinking that more is better.
Hormesis is a precise to refer to a biphasic (inverted U) dose response to an environmental agent
characterized by a low dose stimulation or beneficial effect and a high dose inhibitory or toxic effect.
Hormesis is the application of a stressor that results in recoverability, and creates more strength, better health, more fertility, and longer life.
Also if you are researching high intensity energy medicine or high intensity PEMF devices make sure to Check out my two part video series on my youtube channel
Why More is Not Better in PEMF...
In this Video I am going to build on those ideas in terms of the Hormesis Effect.... Once you REALLY get this, you'll stop thinking that more is better.
Hormesis is a precise to refer to a biphasic (inverted U) dose response to an environmental agent
characterized by a low dose stimulation or beneficial effect and a high dose inhibitory or toxic effect.
Hormesis is the application of a stressor that results in recoverability, and creates more strength, better health, more fertility, and longer life.

Hormesis in Low Light Laser Therapy (LLLT)
LLLT works by hormesis and invoking your body’s stress response, specifically nitric oxide/free radicals. Therefore, like any kind of hormetic tool, use it wisely and prudently.
Michael Hamblin - Harvard Medical School...
Near Infrared goes deep into the body.
Best wavelenghts 810 nm….
Continuous wave. Pulse light.
10 Hz , 100 Hz, 1000 Hz… 10 Hz added benefit.
Laser Therapy LLLT -- Note the extra L = LOW not High or HLLT
Phototherapy - Use of light to cure disease.
low level laser therapy - low levels work better than high levels.
Wound healing , spinal cord, traumatic brain injury.
LLLT (Low Light Laser Therapy) is another Energy Medicine device well researched for PAIN Relief.
Interesting the benefits follow a hormesis/biphasic dose response (A little is good, a lot is harmful)
More is NOT better. Great results at a few Joules / cm2 but 50-‐100 Joules/ cm2 and its deterimental/harmful
Another great example in energy medicine that more is NOT better.
Important to mention to anyone considering a high intensity system
Shown in many papers. Talked about in many conferences
Photons absorbed mitochondrial.
ROS produced at high levels. Nitric Oxide also at high levels (low levels good, high levels competes with O2).
Research show in many papers.
Why are high does bad?
Reactive oxygen species.
Nitric Oxide… Released by light at low levels GOOD, at high levels BAD.
iNOS induced (anti-inflammatory) and eNOS endothelial (inflammatory).
moves the right Nitric Oxide in the right direction.. inos-- heal tissue.. important for healing tissue.
Biphasic Dose response, a little light is good for you, a lot of light is bad.
LLLT works by hormesis and invoking your body’s stress response, specifically nitric oxide/free radicals. Therefore, like any kind of hormetic tool, use it wisely and prudently.
Michael Hamblin - Harvard Medical School...
Near Infrared goes deep into the body.
Best wavelenghts 810 nm….
Continuous wave. Pulse light.
10 Hz , 100 Hz, 1000 Hz… 10 Hz added benefit.
Laser Therapy LLLT -- Note the extra L = LOW not High or HLLT
Phototherapy - Use of light to cure disease.
low level laser therapy - low levels work better than high levels.
Wound healing , spinal cord, traumatic brain injury.
LLLT (Low Light Laser Therapy) is another Energy Medicine device well researched for PAIN Relief.
Interesting the benefits follow a hormesis/biphasic dose response (A little is good, a lot is harmful)
More is NOT better. Great results at a few Joules / cm2 but 50-‐100 Joules/ cm2 and its deterimental/harmful
Another great example in energy medicine that more is NOT better.
Important to mention to anyone considering a high intensity system
Shown in many papers. Talked about in many conferences
Photons absorbed mitochondrial.
ROS produced at high levels. Nitric Oxide also at high levels (low levels good, high levels competes with O2).
Research show in many papers.
Why are high does bad?
Reactive oxygen species.
Nitric Oxide… Released by light at low levels GOOD, at high levels BAD.
iNOS induced (anti-inflammatory) and eNOS endothelial (inflammatory).
moves the right Nitric Oxide in the right direction.. inos-- heal tissue.. important for healing tissue.
Biphasic Dose response, a little light is good for you, a lot of light is bad.
ASIDE - LLLT vs PEMF Therapy

Lasers are GOOD, but PEMF even better
2013 Study American Journal of Research Communication
LLLT versus PEMF for Inactivation of Myofascial Trigger Points (Referred Pain)
PEMF induces tiny electrical signal that stimulate cellular repair, suppressing inflammatory responses, alleviating pain and increasing range of motion (literature)
28 patients divided into 2 groups & treated for 2 weeks using either Laser or PEMF therapy
Results showed PEMF significantly decreased pain in comparison to LLLT
PEMF has dual effect – heating and molecular resonance w/ resultant muscle relaxing and lengthening & reduction of ischemia (restriction blood supply)
Atef A. Fouda, Hamida Refai, Nermeen H. Mohammed. Low level laser therapy versus pulsed electromagnetic filed for inactivation of myofascial trigger points. American Journal of Research Communication, 2013, 1(3): 68-‐78}
Near the end of the paper it confirmed that results of the study below...
Thomas E.A.:A randomized double blind placebo controlled clinical trial using a low frequency magnetic field in the treatment of chronic pain, The Journal of Canadian Pain Society,2007;12(4),249-‐258
Download full study at link below
2013 Study American Journal of Research Communication
LLLT versus PEMF for Inactivation of Myofascial Trigger Points (Referred Pain)
PEMF induces tiny electrical signal that stimulate cellular repair, suppressing inflammatory responses, alleviating pain and increasing range of motion (literature)
28 patients divided into 2 groups & treated for 2 weeks using either Laser or PEMF therapy
Results showed PEMF significantly decreased pain in comparison to LLLT
PEMF has dual effect – heating and molecular resonance w/ resultant muscle relaxing and lengthening & reduction of ischemia (restriction blood supply)
Atef A. Fouda, Hamida Refai, Nermeen H. Mohammed. Low level laser therapy versus pulsed electromagnetic filed for inactivation of myofascial trigger points. American Journal of Research Communication, 2013, 1(3): 68-‐78}
Near the end of the paper it confirmed that results of the study below...
Thomas E.A.:A randomized double blind placebo controlled clinical trial using a low frequency magnetic field in the treatment of chronic pain, The Journal of Canadian Pain Society,2007;12(4),249-‐258
Download full study at link below
PEMF Static Magnetics and Hormesis
Eastern European Studies Showed Early on PEMFs works Better than static Magnets
Cannot Generate Electricity from a Static Magnet.. Need Changing.
No Change Means Body Quickly Habituates (think of Workout Plateau)
Static Magnets rely on high intensity to compensate so cellular fatigue.
High Intensity Sine Wave (curatron, MAS, etc) or repeating waves (OMI, Eartpulse, etc) similar problems.
Good PEMF devices like the iMRS has several layers of variation, pulses withing pulses, organ clock, polarity switch, AND iMORE.
Lack of Frequency means No direct Induction/Faraday for Ion Transport (passive only).
Other problems– a. shallow penetration, b. rarely treat all cells at same time, c. local pain relief, but benefits quickly dissipate.
PEMF works Better, Penetrates Deeper and Benefits Last Longer Than Static
Cannot Generate Electricity from a Static Magnet.. Need Changing.
No Change Means Body Quickly Habituates (think of Workout Plateau)
Static Magnets rely on high intensity to compensate so cellular fatigue.
High Intensity Sine Wave (curatron, MAS, etc) or repeating waves (OMI, Eartpulse, etc) similar problems.
Good PEMF devices like the iMRS has several layers of variation, pulses withing pulses, organ clock, polarity switch, AND iMORE.
Lack of Frequency means No direct Induction/Faraday for Ion Transport (passive only).
Other problems– a. shallow penetration, b. rarely treat all cells at same time, c. local pain relief, but benefits quickly dissipate.
PEMF works Better, Penetrates Deeper and Benefits Last Longer Than Static
4 Main Characteristics of a PEMF Wave

1) Frequency – 0 – 30 Hz
2) Amplitude/Intensity – Less is More (o-‐100 uT)
3) Waveform – Sawtooth and Squarewave
4) Timing – Duration and Biorhythms
2) Amplitude/Intensity – Less is More (o-‐100 uT)
3) Waveform – Sawtooth and Squarewave
4) Timing – Duration and Biorhythms
The Body Mind Earth Connection and Hormesis

There is nothing mysterious or difficult to understand about the Hormesis effect of PEMF therapy because research shows essentially that what the earth is providing us is basically what we need. And there is a dual hormesis effect in both frequency and intensity as we'll see... That is in order for the dose response curve to be ideal, you need the right frequency. This is akin to working out for the right amount of time and frequency between training sessions. Its not just the intensity/dosage, though that is typically what is measured in hormesis studies.
0 -30 Hz is the magic range and there is both scientific evidence and elegant beauty as to why your body needs this frequency range, especially the 7 - 8 Hz range (Schumann resonance).
The chart to the left summarizes the Body - Mind - Earth Connection.
First the earth emanates primarily this frequency range through both the Schumann resonance and its higher harmonics and also the frequency of the Earth's magnetic field and its higher harmonics.
Next our brain and central nervous system are tuned to this frequency range as evidenced by the medically established EEG brain state frequencies from low delta to high Beta.
Next Sisken and Walker proved that the tissues in our body resonate primarily to this frequency range and Adey and Bawin showed that the actual biological window of our cells resonates to this range and NOT outside of it.
Finally and perhaps most incredible is the research of Dr. Zimmerman, co-pioneer of the SQUID technology developed for measuring very weak magnetic fields. He found that energy healers actually EMIT these frequencies and this was confirmed by Japanese researcher Seto on Chi Kung practitioners.
0 -30 Hz is the magic range and there is both scientific evidence and elegant beauty as to why your body needs this frequency range, especially the 7 - 8 Hz range (Schumann resonance).
The chart to the left summarizes the Body - Mind - Earth Connection.
First the earth emanates primarily this frequency range through both the Schumann resonance and its higher harmonics and also the frequency of the Earth's magnetic field and its higher harmonics.
Next our brain and central nervous system are tuned to this frequency range as evidenced by the medically established EEG brain state frequencies from low delta to high Beta.
Next Sisken and Walker proved that the tissues in our body resonate primarily to this frequency range and Adey and Bawin showed that the actual biological window of our cells resonates to this range and NOT outside of it.
Finally and perhaps most incredible is the research of Dr. Zimmerman, co-pioneer of the SQUID technology developed for measuring very weak magnetic fields. He found that energy healers actually EMIT these frequencies and this was confirmed by Japanese researcher Seto on Chi Kung practitioners.
PEMF Therapy and Hormesis - MORE IS NOT BETTER (LLPEMF = Low Level Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields)

And as we'll see there is an intensity window.
Small is Power, Less is More (WR Adey)
NASA Study: 1 – 20 uT
Earth (Static / DC Field): 33-‐66 uT
Earth (Schumann): 1 Picotesla
NASA Study and Hormesis

Specifically, NASA found the best results with the PEMF parameters below:
Additionally NASA found that slowly varying (millisecond pulse, sine wave), non-varying (static magnetic) and LASERS had little or no effect.
NASA discovered that the benefits of low frequency, low intensity, rapidly varying PEMF includes better healing and regeneration of damaged or diseased tissue, greater cell longevity, accelerated cell growth, improved cellular voltage (mainly observed in nerve cells), upregulation of genes related to collagen production, cell restoration and growth. NOTE: upregulation is a mechanism that increases the creation of certain gene products.
See page 12 in study above (page 18 in the pdf).
After trying many permutations of intensity, frequency and waveform, NASA concluded that low intensity, low frequency (similar to Schumann) with a rapid rise and fall (squarewave and sawtooth), is the most effective PEMF energy you can use for healing and regeneration!
The intensities they found most beneficial were in the 1-20 microtesla or 10-200 milligauss range which is even WEAKER than the weakest field DC field strengths on earth (but very close).
So we could say the sweet spot in the Hormesis curve for intensity is 1 - 20 uT or 10 - 200 milligauss (.01-.2 gauss). Earth DC field is 33-66 uT and .33 - .66 gauss by comparison.
The key to healing with energy is frequency resonance NOT intensity. The 4 year NASA study came to this very conclusion...
- Rapid Time Varying Waveform - Specifically the Squarewave (sawtooth also fits this criteria)
- Low Frequency: 10 Hz (close to the frequencies of earth)
- Low Intensity: ~10-200 milligauss (1 - 20 microtesla) which is even less than the strength of the earth’s magnetic field (33 - 66 microtesla).
Additionally NASA found that slowly varying (millisecond pulse, sine wave), non-varying (static magnetic) and LASERS had little or no effect.
NASA discovered that the benefits of low frequency, low intensity, rapidly varying PEMF includes better healing and regeneration of damaged or diseased tissue, greater cell longevity, accelerated cell growth, improved cellular voltage (mainly observed in nerve cells), upregulation of genes related to collagen production, cell restoration and growth. NOTE: upregulation is a mechanism that increases the creation of certain gene products.
See page 12 in study above (page 18 in the pdf).
After trying many permutations of intensity, frequency and waveform, NASA concluded that low intensity, low frequency (similar to Schumann) with a rapid rise and fall (squarewave and sawtooth), is the most effective PEMF energy you can use for healing and regeneration!
The intensities they found most beneficial were in the 1-20 microtesla or 10-200 milligauss range which is even WEAKER than the weakest field DC field strengths on earth (but very close).
So we could say the sweet spot in the Hormesis curve for intensity is 1 - 20 uT or 10 - 200 milligauss (.01-.2 gauss). Earth DC field is 33-66 uT and .33 - .66 gauss by comparison.
The key to healing with energy is frequency resonance NOT intensity. The 4 year NASA study came to this very conclusion...
International Commission on Non-‐Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP).
Hormesis in PEMF Therapy Confirmed... More is NOT better -- Its NOT even Safe

World-‐wide authority on the safety related to electromagnetic energy.
Safety Depends on Intensity & Frequency
With Frequencies 0-‐25 Hz, up to 5000uT is safe
But if frequency above 25 Hz, than anything over 5uT
So Hormesis Effect for PEMF is both a Low Frequency and Low Intensity (like lasers)...
http://www.icnirp.org/cms/upload/publications/ ICNIRPemfgdl.pdf
PAGE 511 – table 7 (See Below)
Safety Depends on Intensity & Frequency
With Frequencies 0-‐25 Hz, up to 5000uT is safe
But if frequency above 25 Hz, than anything over 5uT
So Hormesis Effect for PEMF is both a Low Frequency and Low Intensity (like lasers)...
http://www.icnirp.org/cms/upload/publications/ ICNIRPemfgdl.pdf
PAGE 511 – table 7 (See Below)
High Intensity PEMF - Buyer Beware

High Intensity
Numbing and dumbing allopathic approach
Homeopathy - work with the body or stress the body in the right amount.
More is not better, better is better.
The More is Better mentality is very pervasive in Western society. Our "supersize me", "give me more" mentality has got us into a lot of trouble. The U.S. is one of the sickest developed countries and overall its by far the most obese.
If a small is good, a large must be better. If one pill is good, two must be better. If one dose works, then two doses will work even better. This is a deep-seated, faulty belief that needs to be cleansed from our consciousness. The truth is More is NOT Better... Better is Better!.
Trying to use high dosages (drugs, herbs, etc) or high intensity energy medicine or PEMF devices is a Forceful approach that backfires in the long run. Why? Because the Body has to defend against the external force, which takes it out of its healing abilities.
There are several PEMF devices on the market that use ridiculously high intensities upwards to 2 Tesla which is almost 100,000 stronger than the DC (direct current or static) field strength of the earth.
This is why I refer to these high intensity PEMF devices as Allopathic Energy Medicine, because they basically hit the body over the head like a proverbial sledgehammer with unnaturally high intensities and frequencies. Why you as sledgehammer when only a small hammer is needed (and when it works better and causes less damage). The result, like pain relief drugs, is some symptomatic pain relief, but at the cost of working AGAINST the body's natural healing process.
The amplitude of the Schumann resonance magnetic field (~1 picotesla) is many orders of magnitude smaller than the Earth's static or DC magnetic field (whihc is 33-66 microteslas).
Specialized receivers and antennas are needed to detect and record Schumann resonances. The electric component is commonly measured with a ball antenna connected to a high-impedance amplifier. The magnetic induction coils typically consist of tens- to hundreds-of-thousands of turns of wire wound around a core of very high magnetic permeability.
The key to healing with energy is frequency resonance NOT intensity. The 4 year NASA study came to this very conclusion...
Numbing and dumbing allopathic approach
Homeopathy - work with the body or stress the body in the right amount.
More is not better, better is better.
The More is Better mentality is very pervasive in Western society. Our "supersize me", "give me more" mentality has got us into a lot of trouble. The U.S. is one of the sickest developed countries and overall its by far the most obese.
If a small is good, a large must be better. If one pill is good, two must be better. If one dose works, then two doses will work even better. This is a deep-seated, faulty belief that needs to be cleansed from our consciousness. The truth is More is NOT Better... Better is Better!.
Trying to use high dosages (drugs, herbs, etc) or high intensity energy medicine or PEMF devices is a Forceful approach that backfires in the long run. Why? Because the Body has to defend against the external force, which takes it out of its healing abilities.
There are several PEMF devices on the market that use ridiculously high intensities upwards to 2 Tesla which is almost 100,000 stronger than the DC (direct current or static) field strength of the earth.
This is why I refer to these high intensity PEMF devices as Allopathic Energy Medicine, because they basically hit the body over the head like a proverbial sledgehammer with unnaturally high intensities and frequencies. Why you as sledgehammer when only a small hammer is needed (and when it works better and causes less damage). The result, like pain relief drugs, is some symptomatic pain relief, but at the cost of working AGAINST the body's natural healing process.
The amplitude of the Schumann resonance magnetic field (~1 picotesla) is many orders of magnitude smaller than the Earth's static or DC magnetic field (whihc is 33-66 microteslas).
Specialized receivers and antennas are needed to detect and record Schumann resonances. The electric component is commonly measured with a ball antenna connected to a high-impedance amplifier. The magnetic induction coils typically consist of tens- to hundreds-of-thousands of turns of wire wound around a core of very high magnetic permeability.
The key to healing with energy is frequency resonance NOT intensity. The 4 year NASA study came to this very conclusion...
In conclusion, the Hormesis effect is one of the most important principles to understand in alternative heaing, energy medicine and PEMF therapy because it dispells the myth that a higher dose will work better, that a larger amount will do more good, or in the case of PEMF therapy, the Myth that more power and higher intensities work better.
Just as LLLT has shown BEYOND A DOUBT, higher intensity causes more damage and has less benefits.
And with understanding the frequencies and intensities of the earth, the NASA study, regulatory agency guidelines like the (ICNIRP) and DIN, plus the copious research on lower intensity, low frequency PEMF, it is my hope the PEMF industry will follow what the LASER therapy companies have done and create a better understanding the low level PEMF therapy (or low intensity PEMF ) is the safest most effective option, especially for home use.
Just as LLLT has shown BEYOND A DOUBT, higher intensity causes more damage and has less benefits.
And with understanding the frequencies and intensities of the earth, the NASA study, regulatory agency guidelines like the (ICNIRP) and DIN, plus the copious research on lower intensity, low frequency PEMF, it is my hope the PEMF industry will follow what the LASER therapy companies have done and create a better understanding the low level PEMF therapy (or low intensity PEMF ) is the safest most effective option, especially for home use.
The REAL Truth about Stress

In modern medicine, stress has been assigned the role of the villain — the cause of all manner of difficulties, from lethal cancer to stomach ulcers, heart attacks and more.
Medical Historian Mark Jackson and others have Shed a new light on Stress Research.
This was 1936 and by that point the owner of the rats, an endocrinologist named Hans Selye (Sell-yah), had become expert at making rats suffer for science.
"He would subject them to extreme temperatures, make them go hungry for long periods, or make them exercise a lot," the medical historian Mark Jackson says. "Then what he would do is kill the rats and look at their organs."
There would be changes particularly in the adrenal gland. So Selye began to suggest that subjecting an animal to prolonged stress led to tissue changes and physiological changes with the release of certain hormones, that would then cause disease and ultimately the death of the animal. And so the idea of stress-and its potential costs to the body-was born.
After that In 1950, two American cardiologists – Meyer Friedman and Ray Rosenman – did further investigation into this, the concept of stress, and created the idea of the Type A personality. They argued that there existed in America an entire class of people who lived lives so full of stress and pressure that their bodies were especially prone to disease, particularly heart attack. The doctors published a study that claimed the coronary disease rate for men with Type A personality was twice as high as other men. The idea took hold.
Friedman and Rosenman also developed the Type B personality. You’d rather be Type B than A — you’ll live longer and happier.
This kind of research became popular, and shortly after, another group of researchers got interested in developing a cancer profile, and invented the Type C personality. In the ’70’s, I began a specialty in treating cancer patients psychoanalytically, and I myself touted the Type C personality.
This is all interesting stuff. Everyone likes to know about themselves. But, there are two problems with all this interesting stuff. One is that after the initial 1950 study of Friedman and Rosenman, hardly any other researchers have been able to validate their findings. And secondly, what’s never been appreciated is that the tobacco industry was a major funder of research on stress — both Selye’s work as well as the Type A personality. In other words, the concept of stress causing disease is to a large extent a construct of the tobacco industry. They were interested in promoting the concept of stress because it allowed them to argue that it was stress – not cigarettes – that was to blame for heart disease and cancer.
Whole Story
Medical Historian Mark Jackson and others have Shed a new light on Stress Research.
This was 1936 and by that point the owner of the rats, an endocrinologist named Hans Selye (Sell-yah), had become expert at making rats suffer for science.
"He would subject them to extreme temperatures, make them go hungry for long periods, or make them exercise a lot," the medical historian Mark Jackson says. "Then what he would do is kill the rats and look at their organs."
There would be changes particularly in the adrenal gland. So Selye began to suggest that subjecting an animal to prolonged stress led to tissue changes and physiological changes with the release of certain hormones, that would then cause disease and ultimately the death of the animal. And so the idea of stress-and its potential costs to the body-was born.
After that In 1950, two American cardiologists – Meyer Friedman and Ray Rosenman – did further investigation into this, the concept of stress, and created the idea of the Type A personality. They argued that there existed in America an entire class of people who lived lives so full of stress and pressure that their bodies were especially prone to disease, particularly heart attack. The doctors published a study that claimed the coronary disease rate for men with Type A personality was twice as high as other men. The idea took hold.
Friedman and Rosenman also developed the Type B personality. You’d rather be Type B than A — you’ll live longer and happier.
This kind of research became popular, and shortly after, another group of researchers got interested in developing a cancer profile, and invented the Type C personality. In the ’70’s, I began a specialty in treating cancer patients psychoanalytically, and I myself touted the Type C personality.
This is all interesting stuff. Everyone likes to know about themselves. But, there are two problems with all this interesting stuff. One is that after the initial 1950 study of Friedman and Rosenman, hardly any other researchers have been able to validate their findings. And secondly, what’s never been appreciated is that the tobacco industry was a major funder of research on stress — both Selye’s work as well as the Type A personality. In other words, the concept of stress causing disease is to a large extent a construct of the tobacco industry. They were interested in promoting the concept of stress because it allowed them to argue that it was stress – not cigarettes – that was to blame for heart disease and cancer.
Whole Story
Hormesis, Chao Theory and Quantum Biology

Living systems are non-linear, with order emerging from Chaos, as fractals and chaos theory so beautifully explains. Life is also quantum and deeply interconnected and holistic. Quantum events are also highly sensitive to small changes. So the traditional Newtonian approach with linear equations, and sequential steady outcomes does not hold. More might be better when making an engine have more and more horsepower to make a car go faster, but that more is better approach does NOT hold in living systems.
In Chaos theory this extreme sensitivity to conditions is called the butterfly effect.
Our Biology is a nonlinear and quantum system so like the butterfly effect, small changes CAN create large effects.
Put another way, large transitions or changes in the body, can take place sharply and rapidly in response to minute inputs of energy through a quantum biological amplication process.
Examples of this abound in biochemistry and the new science of quantum biology. We can register a single photon in our retina, some as minute as DNA has such a profound effect, Schumann resonance as we'll see, atp production (energy) has a quantum tunneling and superposition effect, migratory birds use entanglement to detect the direction of the earths magnetic field which is a very subtle effect (which we may have as well), the sense of smell and hearing...etc etc. These quantum properties are very subtle and require delicacy not force.
And large inputs of energy can quickly throw the body OUT of balance and provide an unnatural force that the body sees as an outside threat.
The Hormesis effect says that stress the right amount is GOOD, but too much and too often has adverse effects on biology.
In Chaos theory this extreme sensitivity to conditions is called the butterfly effect.
Our Biology is a nonlinear and quantum system so like the butterfly effect, small changes CAN create large effects.
Put another way, large transitions or changes in the body, can take place sharply and rapidly in response to minute inputs of energy through a quantum biological amplication process.
Examples of this abound in biochemistry and the new science of quantum biology. We can register a single photon in our retina, some as minute as DNA has such a profound effect, Schumann resonance as we'll see, atp production (energy) has a quantum tunneling and superposition effect, migratory birds use entanglement to detect the direction of the earths magnetic field which is a very subtle effect (which we may have as well), the sense of smell and hearing...etc etc. These quantum properties are very subtle and require delicacy not force.
And large inputs of energy can quickly throw the body OUT of balance and provide an unnatural force that the body sees as an outside threat.
The Hormesis effect says that stress the right amount is GOOD, but too much and too often has adverse effects on biology.