Introducing Electromagnetism
Forces, Energy, & Waves
Forces, Energy, & Waves
Video Transcript Below
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"The Force is what gives the Jedi his power. It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us; it binds the galaxy together."
--Ben Obi Wan-Kenobi (Star Wars)**
Electricity and magnetism is all around us... We have electric lights and many electric appliances, We have radio, stereos, speakers and CD players. We have cell phones, ipads, laptop and desktop computers. We have Wifi, Bluetooth, Smart TVs and Smart Meters.
Light itself is an electromagnetic phenomenon as radio waves are. The colors of the rainbow in the blue sky are there because of electricity. Cars, planes, trains run only because of electricity. Horses need electricity because muscle contractions require electricity. Lightning and the Earth's Schumann Resonance and Magnetic Fields are a result of Electromagnetism.
Energy Medicine devices like PEMF, Lasers and Red light Therapy, Saunas, Rife Machines, Scenars, WBV, Ionizers, TENS units, etc ALL are based on Electromagnetism.
You nerve system is driven by electricity. Atoms, molecule, all chemical reactions exist because of electricity. You could not see without electricity. Your heart could not beat without electricity. And you could not even think without electricity, though some people even with electricity have a problem with that.
To understand the Basic Science of PEMF and expose the Bad science running rampant in the PEMF community, we need a solid understanding (for starters in Classical Electrodynamics).
This is a good enough approximation without getting into the extremely complex mathematics of relativistic electrodynamics and QED, quantum electrodynamics. Understanding the Electromagnetic force begins with understanding what Force is.
**NOTE: The FORCE is LIFE FORCE, or life energy, also called chi, ki, prana, etc by ancient traditions. Life Force creates, animates, invigorates, sustains, supports, heals and nourishes your body and gives it energy. But the source of the bodys' energy at the physical and cellular level is primarily electromagnetic force which dominates all chemical reactions, and in relation to energy especially in the high energy bonds of ATP and the cellular voltage of electromagnetic energy stored at the transmembrane potential. Also, there are biophotons and electromagnetic waves which as we'll see is ALSO electromagnetic in nature.
--Ben Obi Wan-Kenobi (Star Wars)**
Electricity and magnetism is all around us... We have electric lights and many electric appliances, We have radio, stereos, speakers and CD players. We have cell phones, ipads, laptop and desktop computers. We have Wifi, Bluetooth, Smart TVs and Smart Meters.
Light itself is an electromagnetic phenomenon as radio waves are. The colors of the rainbow in the blue sky are there because of electricity. Cars, planes, trains run only because of electricity. Horses need electricity because muscle contractions require electricity. Lightning and the Earth's Schumann Resonance and Magnetic Fields are a result of Electromagnetism.
Energy Medicine devices like PEMF, Lasers and Red light Therapy, Saunas, Rife Machines, Scenars, WBV, Ionizers, TENS units, etc ALL are based on Electromagnetism.
You nerve system is driven by electricity. Atoms, molecule, all chemical reactions exist because of electricity. You could not see without electricity. Your heart could not beat without electricity. And you could not even think without electricity, though some people even with electricity have a problem with that.
To understand the Basic Science of PEMF and expose the Bad science running rampant in the PEMF community, we need a solid understanding (for starters in Classical Electrodynamics).
This is a good enough approximation without getting into the extremely complex mathematics of relativistic electrodynamics and QED, quantum electrodynamics. Understanding the Electromagnetic force begins with understanding what Force is.
**NOTE: The FORCE is LIFE FORCE, or life energy, also called chi, ki, prana, etc by ancient traditions. Life Force creates, animates, invigorates, sustains, supports, heals and nourishes your body and gives it energy. But the source of the bodys' energy at the physical and cellular level is primarily electromagnetic force which dominates all chemical reactions, and in relation to energy especially in the high energy bonds of ATP and the cellular voltage of electromagnetic energy stored at the transmembrane potential. Also, there are biophotons and electromagnetic waves which as we'll see is ALSO electromagnetic in nature.

In its simplest definition a force is a push or pull on an object. This push or pull comes from the objects interacting with one another and only from such interactions. Once the interaction stops, there is no longer any force.
Forces are important because they are responsible for changes in motion. In fact, Isaac Newton describes this in his first law. This law of inertia states that an object continues in its state of rest or motion unless acted on by an outside unbalanced force. So, your dog sleeping on the couch isn't likely to move unless you apply a force (pushing on the dog).
Force has both magnitude and direction, which makes it a vector quantity and is measured in Newtons. The magnitude of the force is how much, and the direction is in which way. So, in order to fully describe the force, we would need to say the force is 5 N and in which direction (like downward or to the left). As with any vector quantity, we show forces with arrows. The arrow's length represents the magnitude, while the arrow's direction shows the direction of the force. Keep this in mind when we talk about Electric and Magnetic force fields.
In its simplest definition a force is a push or pull on an object. This push or pull comes from the objects interacting with one another and only from such interactions. Once the interaction stops, there is no longer any force.
Forces are important because they are responsible for changes in motion. In fact, Isaac Newton describes this in his first law. This law of inertia states that an object continues in its state of rest or motion unless acted on by an outside unbalanced force. So, your dog sleeping on the couch isn't likely to move unless you apply a force (pushing on the dog).
Force has both magnitude and direction, which makes it a vector quantity and is measured in Newtons. The magnitude of the force is how much, and the direction is in which way. So, in order to fully describe the force, we would need to say the force is 5 N and in which direction (like downward or to the left). As with any vector quantity, we show forces with arrows. The arrow's length represents the magnitude, while the arrow's direction shows the direction of the force. Keep this in mind when we talk about Electric and Magnetic force fields.

Forces can be a result of direct contact (Applied, Spring, Friction, Drag, Tension, etc) OR by Force Fields - noncontact (Gravity, Electromagnetic Forces, etc.).
PEMF therapy is Non - contact and the most deeply penetrating as we'll see. The forces exerted by a PEMF devices interacts charges in the body, creating energy, and promoting healing and regeneration. The body is FULL of charges in ions, proteins, and even Water!
PEMF therapy is Non - contact and the most deeply penetrating as we'll see. The forces exerted by a PEMF devices interacts charges in the body, creating energy, and promoting healing and regeneration. The body is FULL of charges in ions, proteins, and even Water!

You can also think of a Force as an interaction... And there are Four Fundamental Forces in Nature.
Interaction: A mutual force between two objects through which they influence each other is an interaction. For example, two particles attract or repel each other due to attractive or repellent forces. There are 4 known Forces or interactions: Gravitational Force, Electromagnetic Force, Strong Nuclear Force and Weak nuclear force.
Interaction: A mutual force between two objects through which they influence each other is an interaction. For example, two particles attract or repel each other due to attractive or repellent forces. There are 4 known Forces or interactions: Gravitational Force, Electromagnetic Force, Strong Nuclear Force and Weak nuclear force.

Where there is Force there is energy, and the measure of the ability of a force to do work is energy. There are different kinds of energy corresponding to the different forces. All of these energies have the same UNITS (typically Joules). The flow of energy, that is energy transfer, is a key to maintaining order in the Universe, and in our bodys'. For example energy flows from the Sun to the plants, and from plants to our bodies in the form of food.
There are two main types of energy, kinetic energy which is energy of motion or movement and potential energy which is energy that is stored.
Energy comes in different forms as shown in this chart. Most energy medicine devices are electromagnetic in Nature so we will focus on 3 main types of electromagnetic energy in this module. 1) Electrical Energy 2) Magnetic Energy 3) Light Energy. Though all are connected within the ONE electromagnetic force, they ARE all different in their properties and healing power (as we'll see in this course).
There are two main types of energy, kinetic energy which is energy of motion or movement and potential energy which is energy that is stored.
Energy comes in different forms as shown in this chart. Most energy medicine devices are electromagnetic in Nature so we will focus on 3 main types of electromagnetic energy in this module. 1) Electrical Energy 2) Magnetic Energy 3) Light Energy. Though all are connected within the ONE electromagnetic force, they ARE all different in their properties and healing power (as we'll see in this course).

Particles and Waves
Classical or Newtonian Physics divides the physical world in particles and waves. Only quantum mechanics resolves the two as ONE through complementarity.
Particles transport energy (and momentum) with their mass and motion from one point to another in space.
Waves transport energy from one place to another without mass (via frequency resonance and amplitude). Main form of energy transfer for PEMF.
Basically Particles like electrons have mass and waves (aka photons) do not. So in energy medicine, food, water, air for example would be particle-like forms of energy medicine as they all have mass (weight of air in refrigerator is a grapefruit). Energy is transferred mainly by the particles of food, liquid or air. While light, magnetism and electric fields are more wave-like in that energy is transfer happens with virtual or light photons (massless).
Most energy medicine devices like PEMF use time varying electric or magnetic fields or electromagnetic waves like Radio, Infrared, Light and UV which are more wavelike and field based, So lets begin with a basic understanding of Waves.
Classical or Newtonian Physics divides the physical world in particles and waves. Only quantum mechanics resolves the two as ONE through complementarity.
Particles transport energy (and momentum) with their mass and motion from one point to another in space.
Waves transport energy from one place to another without mass (via frequency resonance and amplitude). Main form of energy transfer for PEMF.
Basically Particles like electrons have mass and waves (aka photons) do not. So in energy medicine, food, water, air for example would be particle-like forms of energy medicine as they all have mass (weight of air in refrigerator is a grapefruit). Energy is transferred mainly by the particles of food, liquid or air. While light, magnetism and electric fields are more wave-like in that energy is transfer happens with virtual or light photons (massless).
Most energy medicine devices like PEMF use time varying electric or magnetic fields or electromagnetic waves like Radio, Infrared, Light and UV which are more wavelike and field based, So lets begin with a basic understanding of Waves.

**Coherent Energy is photons or particles coming and going in the same direction with the same phase or angular relationship (entanglement). Giving rise to a constant waveform through space.
Coherent Energy works against Entropy creating order and even life (Negentropy or Syntropy). Also stored energy and Gibbs Free Energy are coherent energy as that is energy that CAN be used for work. More on coherence in another module as it is one of the most important keys to life and health.
Incoherent Energy is photons and particles going all in different directions with no phase relationship which ends up cancelling out. This is decoherence/Entropy. This is usually thermalized energy that CANNOT be used for work.
Coherent Energy works against Entropy creating order and even life (Negentropy or Syntropy). Also stored energy and Gibbs Free Energy are coherent energy as that is energy that CAN be used for work. More on coherence in another module as it is one of the most important keys to life and health.
Incoherent Energy is photons and particles going all in different directions with no phase relationship which ends up cancelling out. This is decoherence/Entropy. This is usually thermalized energy that CANNOT be used for work.

Classical Wave Theory - Great starting point for Understanding Energy Medicine.
All life is oscillating or in vibration. Light is a vibration, Seeing, hearing, touching, smelling and tasting is all vibration. Oscillations or vibrations are more technically called waves in science. These waves have four fundamental characteristics.
A wave is a disturbance of some sort that propagates through space and transports some kind of energy from one point to another without transporting mass.
A wave is a generic term for a pattern that repeats itself over time -- sound waves, brain waves, water waves in a pond, ocean waves, light waves, magnetic waves, etc are all repeating patterns. One cycle of a wave is the portion of the wave that repeats.
We will mainly look at Electromagnetic Waves which require no medium to propagate (unlike sound and water waves). All electromagnetic waves travel the same speed in a vacuum, the speed of light.
All life is oscillating or in vibration. Light is a vibration, Seeing, hearing, touching, smelling and tasting is all vibration. Oscillations or vibrations are more technically called waves in science. These waves have four fundamental characteristics.
A wave is a disturbance of some sort that propagates through space and transports some kind of energy from one point to another without transporting mass.
A wave is a generic term for a pattern that repeats itself over time -- sound waves, brain waves, water waves in a pond, ocean waves, light waves, magnetic waves, etc are all repeating patterns. One cycle of a wave is the portion of the wave that repeats.
We will mainly look at Electromagnetic Waves which require no medium to propagate (unlike sound and water waves). All electromagnetic waves travel the same speed in a vacuum, the speed of light.
Defining Wave Characteristics
1) Amplitude: (or Intensity) The maximum amount of disturbance during a wave cycle.
Amplitude is the height of the wave. Classically the Amplitude relates to the Energy in the wave**. A greater amplitude has more energy like loudness or brightness.
Our ears perceive high amplitude as loud. The louder the sound is - the more energy it has. Our ears perceive low amplitude as soft or quiet. The quieter the sound is - the less energy it has.
Our eyes perceive high amplitude as bright light. The brighter it is, the more energy it has. Our eyes perceive low amplitude as dim light. The dimmer light is, the less energy it has.
**actually it is |A^2| the amplitude squared that is the energy.
This means that a doubling of the amplitude of a wave is indicative of a quadrupling of the energy transported by the wave.
1) Amplitude: (or Intensity) The maximum amount of disturbance during a wave cycle.
Amplitude is the height of the wave. Classically the Amplitude relates to the Energy in the wave**. A greater amplitude has more energy like loudness or brightness.
Our ears perceive high amplitude as loud. The louder the sound is - the more energy it has. Our ears perceive low amplitude as soft or quiet. The quieter the sound is - the less energy it has.
Our eyes perceive high amplitude as bright light. The brighter it is, the more energy it has. Our eyes perceive low amplitude as dim light. The dimmer light is, the less energy it has.
**actually it is |A^2| the amplitude squared that is the energy.
This means that a doubling of the amplitude of a wave is indicative of a quadrupling of the energy transported by the wave.
2) Wavelength: Denoted by the symbol λ (Lambda), this is the distance between two consecutive crests (peaks) or two consecutive troughs (valleys) of a periodic wave (wave that repeats itself). The distance equal to the wavelength makes one cycle of change.
Wavelength is the length of the wave.
Wavelength is the length of the wave.
3) Frequency: The Frequency f, is the number of cycles per unit time a wave repeats at a given point. The frequency is measured in Hertz (Hz) named after the physicist Heinrich Hertz and equals the number of times the signal repeats itself in one second (the cycles per second).
Our ears perceive high frequency as high pitch, or as a high note. The higher the note, the more energy it has. Our ears perceive low frequency as a low pitch, or as a low note. The lower the note, the less energy it has.
Our eyes perceive high frequency as violet (though the frequency could go much higher - but would be invisible to our eyes). Our eyes perceive low frequency as red (though the frequency could go much lower - but would also be invisible to our eyes).
But there are also Natural Magnetic Frequencies of the Earth in the Schumann Resonances and Geomagnetic Frequencies. Our body and minds are deeply connected to these natural frequencies and they provide a foundation for understanding WHAT frequencies our body's best respond to therapeutically.
Our ears perceive high frequency as high pitch, or as a high note. The higher the note, the more energy it has. Our ears perceive low frequency as a low pitch, or as a low note. The lower the note, the less energy it has.
Our eyes perceive high frequency as violet (though the frequency could go much higher - but would be invisible to our eyes). Our eyes perceive low frequency as red (though the frequency could go much lower - but would also be invisible to our eyes).
But there are also Natural Magnetic Frequencies of the Earth in the Schumann Resonances and Geomagnetic Frequencies. Our body and minds are deeply connected to these natural frequencies and they provide a foundation for understanding WHAT frequencies our body's best respond to therapeutically.
***Optional - More Precise Definition of a wave
A wave is a disturbance of a continuous medium that propagates with a fixed shape at a constant velocity.
**Main points of a wave are its fixed shaped and constant speed
ALSO for completeness
- In the presence of absorption, the wave will diminish in size as it moves.
- If the medium is dispersive, different frequencies travel at different speeds (think prism).
- In two or three dimensions, the wave spreads out, it's amplitude (or intensity) will decrease.
- Standing waves do not propagate at all (Schumann Resonance creates quasi- standing waves (never perfect because ionosphere to earth geometry is always changing. But in essence it is close).
A wave is a disturbance of a continuous medium that propagates with a fixed shape at a constant velocity.
**Main points of a wave are its fixed shaped and constant speed
ALSO for completeness
- In the presence of absorption, the wave will diminish in size as it moves.
- If the medium is dispersive, different frequencies travel at different speeds (think prism).
- In two or three dimensions, the wave spreads out, it's amplitude (or intensity) will decrease.
- Standing waves do not propagate at all (Schumann Resonance creates quasi- standing waves (never perfect because ionosphere to earth geometry is always changing. But in essence it is close).