"The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease."
~ Thomas Edison
~ Thomas Edison
Allopathic is derived from the prefix "allo" means "other", or in this context "against". The suffix "pathos" means suffering, sickness or disease. Think of all the anti's (Anti-depressant, Anti-inflammatory drugs, Anti-viral , antihistamine. etc). So allopathic medicine's main approach is to work against symptoms, with the goal of removing them altogether using drugs, injections, and even surgery and other invasive procedures.
In Allopathic medicine sickness or disease is seen as as an external influence on the body, an enemy, an incidence inflicted on the body by the outside worlds. It assumes that the symptoms ARE the disease and prescribes drugs to suppress or remove the symptoms. In fact diseases are tagged and labeled based on the symptoms that arise. One of the most popular reference books, "The Merck Manual", is a prime example of categorizing diseases by their symptoms. DISEASE = SICKNESS = SYMPTOM.
Pain is by far the most common symptom people want relief from. Arthritis, back pain, toothaches, neck pain, knee, hip, shoulder pain, fibromyalgia and most diseases have pain as a symptom. But the numbing and dumbing approach of prescription pain medications is a temporary band aid at best, at worst it creates side effects and addictions that harm the body and mind. According to the CDC , over 15,000 people die each year to pain medication overdose.
The allopathic approach can even go so far as surgery to "cut" out the symptomatic tissue or organ. By removing the symptoms the patient is supposedly "cured".
But this is like cutting the wire that supplies the current to the oil light in your car warning you of an engine problem. The oil light may be turned off, but the engine is still burning up.
That's why I call Allopathic or conventional medicine approach numbing and dumbing because it numbs the feelings (both good and bad) and shuts down, suppresses or "dumbs down" the human body's innate intelligence and energy fields.
NOTE: Modern medicine does have its place in emergency care: broken bones, stitches, car accidents, severe burns, etc. And in life threatening situations, surgery may be needed, but extending this approach to treating lifestyle diseases like obesity, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, indigestion, depression, etc. is NOT the answer as evidenced by the continuing rise in obesity, diabetes, heart disease, stroke and cancer.
There are always SIDE EFFECTS LURKING WITH THIS APPROACH. Unfortunately they can take time to manifest.
In Allopathic medicine sickness or disease is seen as as an external influence on the body, an enemy, an incidence inflicted on the body by the outside worlds. It assumes that the symptoms ARE the disease and prescribes drugs to suppress or remove the symptoms. In fact diseases are tagged and labeled based on the symptoms that arise. One of the most popular reference books, "The Merck Manual", is a prime example of categorizing diseases by their symptoms. DISEASE = SICKNESS = SYMPTOM.
Pain is by far the most common symptom people want relief from. Arthritis, back pain, toothaches, neck pain, knee, hip, shoulder pain, fibromyalgia and most diseases have pain as a symptom. But the numbing and dumbing approach of prescription pain medications is a temporary band aid at best, at worst it creates side effects and addictions that harm the body and mind. According to the CDC , over 15,000 people die each year to pain medication overdose.
The allopathic approach can even go so far as surgery to "cut" out the symptomatic tissue or organ. By removing the symptoms the patient is supposedly "cured".
But this is like cutting the wire that supplies the current to the oil light in your car warning you of an engine problem. The oil light may be turned off, but the engine is still burning up.
That's why I call Allopathic or conventional medicine approach numbing and dumbing because it numbs the feelings (both good and bad) and shuts down, suppresses or "dumbs down" the human body's innate intelligence and energy fields.
NOTE: Modern medicine does have its place in emergency care: broken bones, stitches, car accidents, severe burns, etc. And in life threatening situations, surgery may be needed, but extending this approach to treating lifestyle diseases like obesity, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, indigestion, depression, etc. is NOT the answer as evidenced by the continuing rise in obesity, diabetes, heart disease, stroke and cancer.
There are always SIDE EFFECTS LURKING WITH THIS APPROACH. Unfortunately they can take time to manifest.
"Nature Heals and the Doctor takes the fees" ~ Benjamin Franklin
"Nature Heals and the Doctor takes the fees" ~ Benjamin Franklin
Homeopathy is a philosophy and modality of healing that respects the wisdom of the body. "Homeo" means "same" or "with" and homepathy works "with" the body by gently stimulating the very symptoms of the disease using natural herbs and substances.
450 Million people worldwide use homeopathy including the Royal Family of England
It's an approach that uses small forces to stimulates and catalyze the body's own healing and repair systems (ie, immune system) to initiate the healing process.
In homeopathy, symptoms are NOT the disease or problem but the energy fingerprint of your body's healing response to stress, infection, disease, etc… Homeopathy is both informational medicine and energy medicine that works with your body's holographic energy and information fields.
By carefully mapping the symptoms of a patient, a good homeopath gives a remedy to precisely match those very symptoms BECAUSE these symptoms are the energetic signatures of the human body's healing response. This is referred to as the Law of Similars.
In a process called 'potentiation', the vital energy of the diluted substance is activated. Homeopathic remedies are very potent but cause no adverse reactions or undesired side effects.
In the example of pain relief, a homeopathic approach actually stimulates the bodies ability to heal itself, thereby TRULY turning off the pain. If you heal the tissue, there's no more pain.
Using the oil light in the car analogy, homeopathy doesn't attempt to cut the wire to turn off the light, it actually adds oil or coolant so the light turns off because the problem is fixed.
NOTE: one of the benefits of PEMF therapy is that it both symptomatically shuts off pain while also healing at the same time. And you do not need high intensity.
I call the Homeopathic Philosophy the smart choice because it catalyzes the Human Body's near infinite intelligence. Its not a bandaid, its a permanent fix.
450 Million people worldwide use homeopathy including the Royal Family of England
It's an approach that uses small forces to stimulates and catalyze the body's own healing and repair systems (ie, immune system) to initiate the healing process.
In homeopathy, symptoms are NOT the disease or problem but the energy fingerprint of your body's healing response to stress, infection, disease, etc… Homeopathy is both informational medicine and energy medicine that works with your body's holographic energy and information fields.
By carefully mapping the symptoms of a patient, a good homeopath gives a remedy to precisely match those very symptoms BECAUSE these symptoms are the energetic signatures of the human body's healing response. This is referred to as the Law of Similars.
In a process called 'potentiation', the vital energy of the diluted substance is activated. Homeopathic remedies are very potent but cause no adverse reactions or undesired side effects.
In the example of pain relief, a homeopathic approach actually stimulates the bodies ability to heal itself, thereby TRULY turning off the pain. If you heal the tissue, there's no more pain.
Using the oil light in the car analogy, homeopathy doesn't attempt to cut the wire to turn off the light, it actually adds oil or coolant so the light turns off because the problem is fixed.
NOTE: one of the benefits of PEMF therapy is that it both symptomatically shuts off pain while also healing at the same time. And you do not need high intensity.
I call the Homeopathic Philosophy the smart choice because it catalyzes the Human Body's near infinite intelligence. Its not a bandaid, its a permanent fix.
The other mistaken philosophy is the More is Better approach to health with relates to the allopathic approach.
The More is Better mentality is very pervasive in Western society. Our "supersize me", "give me more" mentality has got us into a lot of trouble. The U.S. is one of the sickest developed countries and overall its by far the most obese.
If a small is good, a large must be better. If one pill is good, two must be better. If one dose works, then two doses will work even better. This is a deep-seated, faulty belief that needs to be cleansed from our consciousness. The truth is More is NOT Better... Better is Better!.
Also IF unnatural drugs or energies are used - more and more most be needed to get the same results.
The problem with the "More is Better" approach is that usually there is a price to pay for using substances or energies that are NOT natural. For example, pain medication ALSO relieves pain and does so very well, but that does not mean it is safe or healthy for your body. Just the contrary, pain medications have known side effects on the liver, kidneys and stomach and can even be so addicitive that rehab is needed (like with morphine, oxycontin, percocet and vicodin).
The science of homeopathy most clearly demonstrates the principle of "better is better" and sometimes less is more. In fact the most potent homepathic solutions are the most dilute! Yes you heard me right, the highest potency homeopathic remedies have the least amount of substance in the solution, so what is left is the pure frequency resonance or information that stimulates the healing response in the body with the least side effects.
The other mistaken philosophy is the More is Better approach to health with relates to the allopathic approach.
The More is Better mentality is very pervasive in Western society. Our "supersize me", "give me more" mentality has got us into a lot of trouble. The U.S. is one of the sickest developed countries and overall its by far the most obese.
If a small is good, a large must be better. If one pill is good, two must be better. If one dose works, then two doses will work even better. This is a deep-seated, faulty belief that needs to be cleansed from our consciousness. The truth is More is NOT Better... Better is Better!.
Also IF unnatural drugs or energies are used - more and more most be needed to get the same results.
The problem with the "More is Better" approach is that usually there is a price to pay for using substances or energies that are NOT natural. For example, pain medication ALSO relieves pain and does so very well, but that does not mean it is safe or healthy for your body. Just the contrary, pain medications have known side effects on the liver, kidneys and stomach and can even be so addicitive that rehab is needed (like with morphine, oxycontin, percocet and vicodin).
The science of homeopathy most clearly demonstrates the principle of "better is better" and sometimes less is more. In fact the most potent homepathic solutions are the most dilute! Yes you heard me right, the highest potency homeopathic remedies have the least amount of substance in the solution, so what is left is the pure frequency resonance or information that stimulates the healing response in the body with the least side effects.
The Low Level Laser Therapy Community ALREADY KNOWS MORE IS NOT BETTER.
We need this Understanding in the PEMF Community!!
LLLT works by hormesis and invoking your body’s stress response, specifically nitric oxide/free radicals. Therefore, like any kind of hormetic tool, use it wisely and prudently.
Michael Hamblin - Harvard Medical School...
Laser Therapy LLLT -- Note the extra L = LOW not High or HLLT
Phototherapy - Use of light to cure disease.
Low level laser therapy - low levels work better than high levels.
Interestingly the benefits follow a hormesis/biphasic dose response (A little is good, a lot is harmful)
More is NOT better. Great results at a few Joules / cm2 but 50-‐100 Joules/ cm2 and its detrimental/harmful at higher levels.
Another great example in energy medicine FROM HARVARD that more is NOT better.
Important to mention to anyone considering a high intensity system
We need this Understanding in the PEMF Community!!
LLLT works by hormesis and invoking your body’s stress response, specifically nitric oxide/free radicals. Therefore, like any kind of hormetic tool, use it wisely and prudently.
Michael Hamblin - Harvard Medical School...
Laser Therapy LLLT -- Note the extra L = LOW not High or HLLT
Phototherapy - Use of light to cure disease.
Low level laser therapy - low levels work better than high levels.
Interestingly the benefits follow a hormesis/biphasic dose response (A little is good, a lot is harmful)
More is NOT better. Great results at a few Joules / cm2 but 50-‐100 Joules/ cm2 and its detrimental/harmful at higher levels.
Another great example in energy medicine FROM HARVARD that more is NOT better.
Important to mention to anyone considering a high intensity system
“Small is powerful, Less is More”
W.R. Adey
(PEMF Researcher)
Using a small hammer and pick vs a sledgehammer. Body needs precision (via frequency resonance) and finesse (low intensity), not FORCE!!
Nudging the Body Back Into Wellness
Sutherland Cranial College of Osteopathy
Head of College - Jeremy Gilbey demonstrated that very small forces and adjustments to patients was more effective than powerful thrusts commonly seen in chiropractic.
He said, "The Less I do the Better the Results".
W.R. Adey
(PEMF Researcher)
Using a small hammer and pick vs a sledgehammer. Body needs precision (via frequency resonance) and finesse (low intensity), not FORCE!!
Nudging the Body Back Into Wellness
Sutherland Cranial College of Osteopathy
Head of College - Jeremy Gilbey demonstrated that very small forces and adjustments to patients was more effective than powerful thrusts commonly seen in chiropractic.
He said, "The Less I do the Better the Results".
The Staggering Complexity of Human Metabolism and Cellular Functioning
There is a near infinite intelligence, a guiding holographic and fractal network coordinating and orchestrating the AMAZING beauty and complexity of the human body.
By first and foremost using the guiding light of Nature and how 3.5 billion years of evolution has created an intelligence far beyond our limited few hundred years of understanding the human body. 37 trillion cells each performing 2000 reactions a second is something you want to work WITH very gently. Keep in mind quantum entanglement and coherence which is VERY delicate and susceptible to decoherence from environment.
This is also why I choose Natural healing, energy medicine/PEMF Therapy (especially homeopathic and gentle approaches like earth based low frequency, low intensity PEMF) to health. We should fear messing with something as bewilderingly complex as human biology with drugs, surgery or other unnatural and evasive therapies? Or even intense supplement programs or unnatural and high intensity energy medicine and PEMF devices.
Even if you do not understand these charts, use it as a meditation on the incredible majesty, grandeur and miracle of life.
**I think someday there will be accurate and scientific Electromagnetic field maps on the human body. The acupuncture and chakra system is a start, but there is much more than just these physical chemicals.
There is a near infinite intelligence, a guiding holographic and fractal network coordinating and orchestrating the AMAZING beauty and complexity of the human body.
By first and foremost using the guiding light of Nature and how 3.5 billion years of evolution has created an intelligence far beyond our limited few hundred years of understanding the human body. 37 trillion cells each performing 2000 reactions a second is something you want to work WITH very gently. Keep in mind quantum entanglement and coherence which is VERY delicate and susceptible to decoherence from environment.
This is also why I choose Natural healing, energy medicine/PEMF Therapy (especially homeopathic and gentle approaches like earth based low frequency, low intensity PEMF) to health. We should fear messing with something as bewilderingly complex as human biology with drugs, surgery or other unnatural and evasive therapies? Or even intense supplement programs or unnatural and high intensity energy medicine and PEMF devices.
Even if you do not understand these charts, use it as a meditation on the incredible majesty, grandeur and miracle of life.
**I think someday there will be accurate and scientific Electromagnetic field maps on the human body. The acupuncture and chakra system is a start, but there is much more than just these physical chemicals.
There is a saying that Knowledge is power, and when it comes to your body, it has a near infinite intelligence and knowledge of how to heal itself.
Trying to use high dosages (drugs, herbs, etc) or high intensity energy medicine or PEMF devices is a Forceful approach that backfires in the long run. Why? Because the Body has to defend against the external force, which takes it out of its healing abilities.
Trying to use high dosages (drugs, herbs, etc) or high intensity energy medicine or PEMF devices is a Forceful approach that backfires in the long run. Why? Because the Body has to defend against the external force, which takes it out of its healing abilities.
You might get temporarily relief but at the big price-tag of compromising your body's innate healing response. Unless you are dealing with an emergency situation under the guidance of a trained practitioner, you want to work with the bodies intelligence. This also applies to energy medicine and PEMF therapy devices as well. If you do use a high intensity system, use it only short term and under the guidance of a trained practitioner.
In homeopathy using the law of similars, remedies are diluted more and more to minimize the symptomatic response and while still supporting the body's natural healing response. In fact more diluted homeopathic remedies are actually more "powerful". This is because it is pure resonance or information medicine that is gently stimulating the body's natural intelligence to heal itself without interfering in any way. This is the basis of lower intensity energy medicine and PEMF therapy devices that work with the natural frequencies of the body, mind and earth.
I have talked to several homeopaths and energy medicine practitioners who have found that lower doses or lower intensities (ie. PEMF Therapy) actually give faster results and no side effects!
Only a tiny force is used to help the body to stimulate own healing, immune system and repair process. And for really sick and sensitive people this is even MORE important.
In homeopathy using the law of similars, remedies are diluted more and more to minimize the symptomatic response and while still supporting the body's natural healing response. In fact more diluted homeopathic remedies are actually more "powerful". This is because it is pure resonance or information medicine that is gently stimulating the body's natural intelligence to heal itself without interfering in any way. This is the basis of lower intensity energy medicine and PEMF therapy devices that work with the natural frequencies of the body, mind and earth.
I have talked to several homeopaths and energy medicine practitioners who have found that lower doses or lower intensities (ie. PEMF Therapy) actually give faster results and no side effects!
Only a tiny force is used to help the body to stimulate own healing, immune system and repair process. And for really sick and sensitive people this is even MORE important.
More is not better - The Butterfly Effect (Butterfly Biology)
When a butterfly flutters its wings in one part of the world, it can eventually cause a hurricane in another.
- Edward Lorenz Chaos Theory
When a butterfly flutters its wings in one part of the world, it can eventually cause a hurricane in another.
- Edward Lorenz Chaos Theory
In chaos theory, the butterfly effect is the sensitive dependence on initial conditions in which a small change in one state of a system can result in large differences in a later state.
Living systems are non-linear, with order emerging from Chaos, as fractals and chaos theory so beautifully explains. Life is also quantum and deeply interconnected and holistic. Interestly quantum events are also highly sensitive to small changes. So the traditional Newtonian approach with linear equations, and sequential steady outcomes does not hold. More might be better when making an engine have more and more horsepower to make it go faster, but that more is better approach does NOT hold in living systems.
In Chaos theory this extreme sensitivity to conditions is called the butterfly effect.
Our "Butterfly" Biology is a nonlinear and quantum system so like the butterfly effect, small changes CAN create large effects.
Put another way, large transitions or changes in the body, can take place sharply and rapidly in response to minute or very small inputs of energy.
And large inputs of energy can quickly throw the body OUT of balance and provide an unnatural force that the body sees as an outside threat.
Living systems are non-linear, with order emerging from Chaos, as fractals and chaos theory so beautifully explains. Life is also quantum and deeply interconnected and holistic. Interestly quantum events are also highly sensitive to small changes. So the traditional Newtonian approach with linear equations, and sequential steady outcomes does not hold. More might be better when making an engine have more and more horsepower to make it go faster, but that more is better approach does NOT hold in living systems.
In Chaos theory this extreme sensitivity to conditions is called the butterfly effect.
Our "Butterfly" Biology is a nonlinear and quantum system so like the butterfly effect, small changes CAN create large effects.
Put another way, large transitions or changes in the body, can take place sharply and rapidly in response to minute or very small inputs of energy.
And large inputs of energy can quickly throw the body OUT of balance and provide an unnatural force that the body sees as an outside threat.
Biological Windows
"Small is Powerful, Less is More."
- Ross Adey
Dr. Ross Adey coined the term “biological window” which is commonly called the Adey Window. The Adey window "describes the confined parameters under which a very weak nonthermal electromagnetic signal has a physiological effect."
Adey measured the calcium output of brain cells in rabbits to demonstrate that this effect could only be triggered using very low magnetic field intensities and a specific low (16 Hz) frequency. Since Dr. Adey’s initial discovery, the energy medicine literature has shown strong scientific consensus that biological windows are VERY important. More is not better!
A biological window is a range or spectrum of electromagnetic energies that are readily accepted by the body and converted to positive physiological responses. Signals that fall outside the biological window have little or no effect. Research has proven that living tissues readily detect, absorb and utilized electromagnetic signals within some frequency ranges and completely ignore the rest of the frequency spectrum.
PEMF therapy stimulation within the biological window can have a profoundly positive impact on health, where stimulation at frequencies and amplitudes outside the biological window will produce little or no positive health benefit.
If the magnetic field impulses reach the body in a certain frequency, they can resonate with the natural oscillation of cells and organ systems. The resonance effect restores disrupted or abnormal cellular and/or cell receptor oscillations that are vital for metabolic processes, circulation, cell regeneration and the immune system.
The key is RESONANCE, not intensity!
"Small is Powerful, Less is More."
- Ross Adey
Dr. Ross Adey coined the term “biological window” which is commonly called the Adey Window. The Adey window "describes the confined parameters under which a very weak nonthermal electromagnetic signal has a physiological effect."
Adey measured the calcium output of brain cells in rabbits to demonstrate that this effect could only be triggered using very low magnetic field intensities and a specific low (16 Hz) frequency. Since Dr. Adey’s initial discovery, the energy medicine literature has shown strong scientific consensus that biological windows are VERY important. More is not better!
A biological window is a range or spectrum of electromagnetic energies that are readily accepted by the body and converted to positive physiological responses. Signals that fall outside the biological window have little or no effect. Research has proven that living tissues readily detect, absorb and utilized electromagnetic signals within some frequency ranges and completely ignore the rest of the frequency spectrum.
PEMF therapy stimulation within the biological window can have a profoundly positive impact on health, where stimulation at frequencies and amplitudes outside the biological window will produce little or no positive health benefit.
If the magnetic field impulses reach the body in a certain frequency, they can resonate with the natural oscillation of cells and organ systems. The resonance effect restores disrupted or abnormal cellular and/or cell receptor oscillations that are vital for metabolic processes, circulation, cell regeneration and the immune system.
The key is RESONANCE, not intensity!
Example of Extreme Sensitivity of the Human Body
One of the hallmarks of living systems is that it is exquisitely sensitive to specific weak signals.
Human eyes are capable of detecting a single photon — the tiniest possible speck of light — new research suggests.
The result, published July 19 in Nature Communications, may settle the debate on the ultimate limit of the sensitivity of the human visual system, a puzzle scientists have pondered for decades. Scientists are now anticipating possibilities for using the human eye to test quantum mechanics with single photons.
One of the hallmarks of living systems is that it is exquisitely sensitive to specific weak signals.
Human eyes are capable of detecting a single photon — the tiniest possible speck of light — new research suggests.
The result, published July 19 in Nature Communications, may settle the debate on the ultimate limit of the sensitivity of the human visual system, a puzzle scientists have pondered for decades. Scientists are now anticipating possibilities for using the human eye to test quantum mechanics with single photons.
The Incoming photon results in a nervous system impulse coming out the opposite side of rod and cone cells, the energy of which is AT LEAST a million times that contained in the original photon!!
This is one of the best examples for showing that you DO NOT need high intensity inputs because the body has amazing non-localized amplification networks that are to this day not well understood except by unsatisfactory "molecular cascade" reactions, which are no sufficient to explain the speed and rapidity with which the human body can amplify and transmit signals.
This is one of the best examples for showing that you DO NOT need high intensity inputs because the body has amazing non-localized amplification networks that are to this day not well understood except by unsatisfactory "molecular cascade" reactions, which are no sufficient to explain the speed and rapidity with which the human body can amplify and transmit signals.
Here are some other Examples of the Body's Extreme Sensitivity to Environmental Signals and Energies abound in biochemistry and the new science of quantum biology.
These quantum properties are very subtle and REQUIRE DELICACY NOT FORCE.
Both Quantum Measurement and Chaos have the tendency to amplify small and weak signals so that a tiny Quantum fluctuation can end up having a substantial effect on the macroscopic world.
- Something as minute as DNA has such a profound effect,
- Schumann resonance as we'll see
- ATP production (energy) has a quantum tunneling and superposition effect,
- migratory birds use entanglement to detect the direction of the earths magnetic field which is a very subtle effect (which we may have as well),
- Another example is pheromone sensitivity where just a handful od pheromones in the air are sufficient to attract male insects to their mate.
- the sense of smell and hearing...etc etc.
These quantum properties are very subtle and REQUIRE DELICACY NOT FORCE.
Both Quantum Measurement and Chaos have the tendency to amplify small and weak signals so that a tiny Quantum fluctuation can end up having a substantial effect on the macroscopic world.
Resonance: Molecules do not have to touch.
You have your car key, your electronic car key. When you use it think of resonance.
Think of molecules that interact without touching.
Radio Reception and Frequency resonance
Radio transmitter and receiver analogy - In the macroscopic world certain amount of intensity is needed, like if you want to tune your radio to a local radio station. But as long as you are in range, it is all about frequency resonance. Consider how your radio plucks out one station of hundreds in the air. it is frequency.
All the low intensity PEMF devices I have measure have MORE than enough intensity to go all the way through and a couple feet above and to the other side. That is, you are well within range to receive the signal.
If you were not laying on the mat, but standing ten feet away that WOULD be analogous to leaving town and loosing reception to your favorite station. So you do have to lay on the mat and put the applicators on the spot. BUT, the intensity is more than enough, so frequency resonance will take over. Make sense? Resonance is needed for the transfer of energy and information and intensity is secondary (but important... but you just need a enough to "reach" you).
Resonance: Molecules do not have to touch.
You have your car key, your electronic car key. When you use it think of resonance.
Think of molecules that interact without touching.
Radio Reception and Frequency resonance
Radio transmitter and receiver analogy - In the macroscopic world certain amount of intensity is needed, like if you want to tune your radio to a local radio station. But as long as you are in range, it is all about frequency resonance. Consider how your radio plucks out one station of hundreds in the air. it is frequency.
All the low intensity PEMF devices I have measure have MORE than enough intensity to go all the way through and a couple feet above and to the other side. That is, you are well within range to receive the signal.
If you were not laying on the mat, but standing ten feet away that WOULD be analogous to leaving town and loosing reception to your favorite station. So you do have to lay on the mat and put the applicators on the spot. BUT, the intensity is more than enough, so frequency resonance will take over. Make sense? Resonance is needed for the transfer of energy and information and intensity is secondary (but important... but you just need a enough to "reach" you).
Making a wine glass sing or shatter.
Frequency resonance can make a wine glass SING or SHATTER.
What makes it shatter is HIGH intensity (the amplitude of the vibration becomes too great).
Low frequency low intensity PEMF devices resonant with your cells to make them SING a song of health.
High intensity PEMF can have short term symptomatic benefits but at a long term can shatter your health.
Don't be fooled!!
When you use the right frequency, all you need is a little vibration to make your cells sing!
Frequency resonance is the KEY NOT INTENSITY!
Frequency resonance can make a wine glass SING or SHATTER.
What makes it shatter is HIGH intensity (the amplitude of the vibration becomes too great).
Low frequency low intensity PEMF devices resonant with your cells to make them SING a song of health.
High intensity PEMF can have short term symptomatic benefits but at a long term can shatter your health.
Don't be fooled!!
When you use the right frequency, all you need is a little vibration to make your cells sing!
Frequency resonance is the KEY NOT INTENSITY!
Fritz Popp - Biophotons
LESS IS MORE... Efficient!
"Biophotons are photons originating from living systems. They are very weak, with intensities of 10^-17 volts, which corresponds to a candle in a distance of 5 kilometers or about 3 miles. You might not think such a low intensity is unimportant, but nothing could be further from the truth.
Nature uses so low intensity in order to transmit effectively the information. And by knowing the laws of quantum theory one can speculate that the lower the intensity, the higher can be its efficiency in transmitting information. So Nature works on a very low level in order to be, in the informational content, very efficient, and in the energetic content with high efficiency too."
In nature photons either encourage coherence or health. Biophysicist Fritz Popp hypothesized that Illness results from incoherence in the form of either too little or too much light (or wrong frequencies).
All you need is a very weak signal or low emission to set off an affect or response. These biophotons can be responsible for chemical reactions, cellular communication, and over regulation of the biological system. These biophotonic (light) emissions among our cells basically help the body to get organized (coherent).
LESS IS MORE... Efficient!
"Biophotons are photons originating from living systems. They are very weak, with intensities of 10^-17 volts, which corresponds to a candle in a distance of 5 kilometers or about 3 miles. You might not think such a low intensity is unimportant, but nothing could be further from the truth.
Nature uses so low intensity in order to transmit effectively the information. And by knowing the laws of quantum theory one can speculate that the lower the intensity, the higher can be its efficiency in transmitting information. So Nature works on a very low level in order to be, in the informational content, very efficient, and in the energetic content with high efficiency too."
In nature photons either encourage coherence or health. Biophysicist Fritz Popp hypothesized that Illness results from incoherence in the form of either too little or too much light (or wrong frequencies).
All you need is a very weak signal or low emission to set off an affect or response. These biophotons can be responsible for chemical reactions, cellular communication, and over regulation of the biological system. These biophotonic (light) emissions among our cells basically help the body to get organized (coherent).
Induced electric fields enhance ATP in the cells which is needed for the healing and repair process. This is important because energy from ATP is needed to power cell migrations and the synthesis of new proteins and other molecules that need to be replaced. This was demonstrated by Cheng (1982) who found that currents between 10-1000uA produced a 3 to 5 fold increase in ATP levels. Higher currents into the milliampere range DECREASE protein synthesis!!! This has important clinical applications on the healing of wounds.
The effects on AtP production can be explained by proton movements on the basis of the chemiosmotic theory of Mitchell, while the transport functions are controlled by modification in the electrical gradients across the membranes.
Cheng N, Van Hoof H, Bockx E, Hoogmartens MJ, Mulier JC, De Dijcker FJ, Sansen WM, De Loecker W. The effects of electric currents on ATP generation, protein synthesis, and membrane transport of rat skin. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 1982 Nov-Dec;(171):264-72. PMID: 7140077.
Values of applied current below 2uA/cm^2 are ineffective, while currents over 50 uA/cm^2 may cause necrosis of the tissue. For this reason, the apparatus employed in clinical pace is limited in tension (typically below 2.3 V).
Friedenberg ZB, Andrews ET, Smolenski BI, Pearl BW, Brighton CT. Bone reaction to varying amounts of direct current. Surg Gynecol Obstet. 1970 Nov;131(5):894-9. PMID: 5471542.
For both clinical and experimental applications, use has been made of signals with frequency of repetition rate rang- ing from 2 to 100 Hz, with spectral content up to 100 kHz, with intensity between 0.1 and 30 gauss of magnetic induction (10 G = 1 mT) and with induced electric field from 0.01 to 10 mV/cm. More limited findings have been reported with magnetic fields of greater intensity, up to 200 Gauss.
Cadossi, Matteo & Frizziero, Antonio & Vulpiani, Maria & Creta, Domenico & Costantino, Cosimo & Santamato, Andrea & Valent, Alessandro & Franceschi, Francesco & Setti, Stefania. (2014). Clinical Application of biophysical stimulation on bone in Europe.
10 Milliamps / 35 Volts to induce twitching.
First twitches begin around 4-6 mA, and maximum force contraction begins around
Muscle cross section 100 cm^2
50 uA/cm^2 * 100 cm^2 = 5000 uA = 5 mA.
2.3 Volts
The effects on AtP production can be explained by proton movements on the basis of the chemiosmotic theory of Mitchell, while the transport functions are controlled by modification in the electrical gradients across the membranes.
Cheng N, Van Hoof H, Bockx E, Hoogmartens MJ, Mulier JC, De Dijcker FJ, Sansen WM, De Loecker W. The effects of electric currents on ATP generation, protein synthesis, and membrane transport of rat skin. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 1982 Nov-Dec;(171):264-72. PMID: 7140077.
Values of applied current below 2uA/cm^2 are ineffective, while currents over 50 uA/cm^2 may cause necrosis of the tissue. For this reason, the apparatus employed in clinical pace is limited in tension (typically below 2.3 V).
Friedenberg ZB, Andrews ET, Smolenski BI, Pearl BW, Brighton CT. Bone reaction to varying amounts of direct current. Surg Gynecol Obstet. 1970 Nov;131(5):894-9. PMID: 5471542.
For both clinical and experimental applications, use has been made of signals with frequency of repetition rate rang- ing from 2 to 100 Hz, with spectral content up to 100 kHz, with intensity between 0.1 and 30 gauss of magnetic induction (10 G = 1 mT) and with induced electric field from 0.01 to 10 mV/cm. More limited findings have been reported with magnetic fields of greater intensity, up to 200 Gauss.
Cadossi, Matteo & Frizziero, Antonio & Vulpiani, Maria & Creta, Domenico & Costantino, Cosimo & Santamato, Andrea & Valent, Alessandro & Franceschi, Francesco & Setti, Stefania. (2014). Clinical Application of biophysical stimulation on bone in Europe.
10 Milliamps / 35 Volts to induce twitching.
First twitches begin around 4-6 mA, and maximum force contraction begins around
Muscle cross section 100 cm^2
50 uA/cm^2 * 100 cm^2 = 5000 uA = 5 mA.
2.3 Volts
The Power Of PEMF and Regeneration With LOW INTENSITY
"Less is More". A True Story: Robert O Becker and PEMF/Microcurrents for Regeneration!
Robert O. Becker pointed out repeatedly that using microcurrent or PEMF therapy for regeneration of damaged or missing body parts is far more natural than surgery, transplants or prosthetics.
Becker has shown that very low levels of electrical stimulation can cause cultures of so-called differentiated cells to de-differentiate into totipotent cells capable of forming all of the tissues needed to replace a lost or damaged part. His fascinating description of this breakthrough research can be found in his book, "The Body Electric".
The key to Becker's demonstration was reducing the strength of the electrical stimulation. Following the usual way scientists tend to look as such matters, he assumed a large current would be more effective than a small one. The OPPOSITE was correct.
"Less is More". A True Story: Robert O Becker and PEMF/Microcurrents for Regeneration!
Robert O. Becker pointed out repeatedly that using microcurrent or PEMF therapy for regeneration of damaged or missing body parts is far more natural than surgery, transplants or prosthetics.
Becker has shown that very low levels of electrical stimulation can cause cultures of so-called differentiated cells to de-differentiate into totipotent cells capable of forming all of the tissues needed to replace a lost or damaged part. His fascinating description of this breakthrough research can be found in his book, "The Body Electric".
The key to Becker's demonstration was reducing the strength of the electrical stimulation. Following the usual way scientists tend to look as such matters, he assumed a large current would be more effective than a small one. The OPPOSITE was correct.
Robert O. Becker pointed out repeatedly that using microcurrent or PEMF therapy for regeneration of damaged or missing body parts is far more natural than surgery, transplants or prosthetics.
Becker has shown that very low levels of electrical stimulation can cause cultures of so-called differentiated cells to de-differentiate into totipotent cells capable of forming all of the tissues needed to replace a lost or damaged part. His fascinating description of this breakthrough research can be found in his book, "The Body Electric".
The key to Becker's demonstration was reducing the strength of the electrical stimulation. Following the usual way scientists tend to look as such matters, he assumed a large current would be more effective than a small one. The OPPOSITE was correct.
In the experiments on frog red blood cells, conducted by a student named Frederick Brown, the test current was reduced, a step at a time, until they reached the lowest current the apparatus could produce, with the intensity control turned to ZERO, which was about a billionth of an ampere (amp). This stimulation produced dramatic de-differentiation = INCREASED STEM CELLS!!
That is, the LOWEST or smallest current created the GREATEST healing and regeneration effects. PROOF THAT LESS IS MORE in PEMF and micro-current therapy.
NOTE: PEMF INDUCES micro-currents deeper and better than even micro-current devices due to the nature of the body being transparent to magnetic fields. Micro-currents (TENS/EStim, etc) get blocked and slowed down via impedance/resistance effects of the skin and tissues.
Mikhail Zhadin
Discovered that vanishingly small magnetic intensities are biologically active down to nano and picotesla intensities. He found many therapeutic PEMF devices turned out to be even more efficacious when smaller intensities are used.
- From Liboff Chapter 34 "Electromagnetic Therapy" a Primer
Bioelectromagnetic and Subtle Energy Medicine
Liboff, Abraham. (2015). Electromagnetic Therapy: A Primer.
Becker has shown that very low levels of electrical stimulation can cause cultures of so-called differentiated cells to de-differentiate into totipotent cells capable of forming all of the tissues needed to replace a lost or damaged part. His fascinating description of this breakthrough research can be found in his book, "The Body Electric".
The key to Becker's demonstration was reducing the strength of the electrical stimulation. Following the usual way scientists tend to look as such matters, he assumed a large current would be more effective than a small one. The OPPOSITE was correct.
In the experiments on frog red blood cells, conducted by a student named Frederick Brown, the test current was reduced, a step at a time, until they reached the lowest current the apparatus could produce, with the intensity control turned to ZERO, which was about a billionth of an ampere (amp). This stimulation produced dramatic de-differentiation = INCREASED STEM CELLS!!
That is, the LOWEST or smallest current created the GREATEST healing and regeneration effects. PROOF THAT LESS IS MORE in PEMF and micro-current therapy.
NOTE: PEMF INDUCES micro-currents deeper and better than even micro-current devices due to the nature of the body being transparent to magnetic fields. Micro-currents (TENS/EStim, etc) get blocked and slowed down via impedance/resistance effects of the skin and tissues.
Mikhail Zhadin
Discovered that vanishingly small magnetic intensities are biologically active down to nano and picotesla intensities. He found many therapeutic PEMF devices turned out to be even more efficacious when smaller intensities are used.
- From Liboff Chapter 34 "Electromagnetic Therapy" a Primer
Bioelectromagnetic and Subtle Energy Medicine
Liboff, Abraham. (2015). Electromagnetic Therapy: A Primer.
Source image and article to read: https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/public-never-warned-about-dangerous-device/
Source image and article to read: https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/public-never-warned-about-dangerous-device/
Proof Low Intensity PEMF WORKS - 12 Studies!!
Very weak energy fields at the appropriate frequencies can be profoundly therapeutic. Other frequencies can produce pathological responses (like 4G).
While it may go against intuition, it appears that, within limits, it is not the strength of the signal that determines whether it will be beneficial or harmful, but rather it is the frequency!
Resonance is the reason for this frequency specificity. Biological effects like molecular resonances, are very frequency specific. This is vital for PEMF therapy along with all of energy healing and energy medicine devices.
For a long time scientists were very suspicious about the idea that very tiny energy fields could have any biological effects, let alone profound effects.
More and more evidence is proving that frequency resonance is the key to therapeutic energy healing. A recent study (Pall, 2013) points out that the answer to this question has been hiding in plain sight in the scientific literature for a long time.
An example of this is the relation to bone repair facilitated by exposure to tiny pulsating fields. The fact of this this therapeutic success in increasing osteoblast differentiation and maturation is difficult to challenge, because it is has been the subject of so many studies.
Pall lists these studies for the skeptical reader:
1. Ryabi JT. Clinical effects of electromagnetic fields on fracture healing. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 1998;355(Suppl. l):S205–15.
2. Oishi M, Onesti ST. Electrical bone graft stimulation for spinal fusion: a review. Neurosurgery. 2000;47:1041–55.
3. Aaron RK, Ciombor DM, Simon BJ. Treatment of nonunions with electric and electromagnetic fields. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2004;10:579–93.
4. Goldstein C, Sprague S, Petrisor BA. Electrical stimulation for fracture healing: current evidence. J Orthop Trauma. 2010;24(Suppl. 1):S62–5.
5. Demitriou R, Babis GC. Biomaterial osseointegration enhancement with biophysical stimulation. J Musculoskelet Neuronal Interact. 2007;7:253–65.
6. Griffin XL, Warner F, Costa M. The role of electromagnetic stimulation in the management of established non-union lf long bone fractures: what is the evidence? Injury. 2008;39:419–29.
7. Huang LQ, He HC, He CQ, et al. Clinical update of pulsed electromagnetic fields on osteroporosis. Chin Med J. 2008;121:2095–9.
8. Groah SL, Lichy AM, Libin AV, et al. Intensive electrical stimulation attenuates femoral bone loss in acute spinal cord injury. PM R. 2010;2:1080–7.
9. Schidt-Rohlfing B, Silny J, Gavenis K, et al. Electromagnetic fields, electric current and bone healing – what is the evidence? Z Orthop Unfall. 2011;149:265–70.
10. Griffin XL, Costa ML, Parsons N, et al. Electromagnetic field stimulation for treating delayed union or non-union of long bone fractures in adults. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2011:CDO08471. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD008471.pub2.
11. Chalidis B, Sachinis N, Assiotis A, et al. Stimulation of bone formation and fracture healing with pulsed electromagnetic fields: biologic responses and clinical implications. Int J Immunopathol Pharmacol. 2011;24(1 Suppl. 2):17020.
12. Zhong C, Zhao TF, Xu ZJ, et al. Effects of electromagnetic fields on bone regeneration in experimental and clinical studies: a review of the literature. Chin Med J. 2012;125:367–72.
Pall, M.L. 2013. Electromagnetic fields act via activation of voltage-gated calcium channels to produce beneficial or adverse effects. J Cell Mol Med. 2013 Aug; 17(8): 958–965.
Published online 2013 Jun 26. doi: 10.1111/jcmm.12088
Very weak energy fields at the appropriate frequencies can be profoundly therapeutic. Other frequencies can produce pathological responses (like 4G).
While it may go against intuition, it appears that, within limits, it is not the strength of the signal that determines whether it will be beneficial or harmful, but rather it is the frequency!
Resonance is the reason for this frequency specificity. Biological effects like molecular resonances, are very frequency specific. This is vital for PEMF therapy along with all of energy healing and energy medicine devices.
For a long time scientists were very suspicious about the idea that very tiny energy fields could have any biological effects, let alone profound effects.
More and more evidence is proving that frequency resonance is the key to therapeutic energy healing. A recent study (Pall, 2013) points out that the answer to this question has been hiding in plain sight in the scientific literature for a long time.
An example of this is the relation to bone repair facilitated by exposure to tiny pulsating fields. The fact of this this therapeutic success in increasing osteoblast differentiation and maturation is difficult to challenge, because it is has been the subject of so many studies.
Pall lists these studies for the skeptical reader:
1. Ryabi JT. Clinical effects of electromagnetic fields on fracture healing. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 1998;355(Suppl. l):S205–15.
2. Oishi M, Onesti ST. Electrical bone graft stimulation for spinal fusion: a review. Neurosurgery. 2000;47:1041–55.
3. Aaron RK, Ciombor DM, Simon BJ. Treatment of nonunions with electric and electromagnetic fields. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2004;10:579–93.
4. Goldstein C, Sprague S, Petrisor BA. Electrical stimulation for fracture healing: current evidence. J Orthop Trauma. 2010;24(Suppl. 1):S62–5.
5. Demitriou R, Babis GC. Biomaterial osseointegration enhancement with biophysical stimulation. J Musculoskelet Neuronal Interact. 2007;7:253–65.
6. Griffin XL, Warner F, Costa M. The role of electromagnetic stimulation in the management of established non-union lf long bone fractures: what is the evidence? Injury. 2008;39:419–29.
7. Huang LQ, He HC, He CQ, et al. Clinical update of pulsed electromagnetic fields on osteroporosis. Chin Med J. 2008;121:2095–9.
8. Groah SL, Lichy AM, Libin AV, et al. Intensive electrical stimulation attenuates femoral bone loss in acute spinal cord injury. PM R. 2010;2:1080–7.
9. Schidt-Rohlfing B, Silny J, Gavenis K, et al. Electromagnetic fields, electric current and bone healing – what is the evidence? Z Orthop Unfall. 2011;149:265–70.
10. Griffin XL, Costa ML, Parsons N, et al. Electromagnetic field stimulation for treating delayed union or non-union of long bone fractures in adults. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2011:CDO08471. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD008471.pub2.
11. Chalidis B, Sachinis N, Assiotis A, et al. Stimulation of bone formation and fracture healing with pulsed electromagnetic fields: biologic responses and clinical implications. Int J Immunopathol Pharmacol. 2011;24(1 Suppl. 2):17020.
12. Zhong C, Zhao TF, Xu ZJ, et al. Effects of electromagnetic fields on bone regeneration in experimental and clinical studies: a review of the literature. Chin Med J. 2012;125:367–72.
Pall, M.L. 2013. Electromagnetic fields act via activation of voltage-gated calcium channels to produce beneficial or adverse effects. J Cell Mol Med. 2013 Aug; 17(8): 958–965.
Published online 2013 Jun 26. doi: 10.1111/jcmm.12088
***Visceral and Somatic Disorders:
Tissue Softening with Frequency-Specific Microcurrent
Carolyn McMakin and James Oschmann
Tries various frequencies that have worked in the past.
Frequency -- tissue softens when you get the right frequency.
Use Tissue softening as a sign of the right setup and right frequency...
Profound and palpable tissue softening and warming when you get the right frequency.
Tissue softening very valuable for teaching people how to do this work, because when you get the frequency right, you can feel the softening of the tissue when you have the right frequency...
When you change the frequency, use the wrong frequency or turn it off, it stiffens up again.
When the frequency is wrong , it stiffens up
Parasympathetic, healing ,rest and repair response...
Turn it off or Change the frequency to something undesirable it stiffens up again.
Tissue Softening with Frequency-Specific Microcurrent
Carolyn McMakin and James Oschmann
Tries various frequencies that have worked in the past.
Frequency -- tissue softens when you get the right frequency.
Use Tissue softening as a sign of the right setup and right frequency...
Profound and palpable tissue softening and warming when you get the right frequency.
Tissue softening very valuable for teaching people how to do this work, because when you get the frequency right, you can feel the softening of the tissue when you have the right frequency...
When you change the frequency, use the wrong frequency or turn it off, it stiffens up again.
When the frequency is wrong , it stiffens up
Parasympathetic, healing ,rest and repair response...
Turn it off or Change the frequency to something undesirable it stiffens up again.
Example of Resonance
14 year old Lauren Robinson from Colorado has a rare dairy allergy. Not only must she avoid consuming any dairy products, but her allergy is so severe that being near anyone who has recently consumed dairy could kill her.
This is an example of molecules that are acting on the body through resonance. Through electromagnetic resonance.
Lauren's condition demonstrates this incredible sensitivity of living systems to energies in their environment, as in
- Cranial Sacral
- **External Homeopathy - Bring vial into the room and has an EFFECT!!
- Electromagnetic Sensitivity
- Aromatherapy
- Healing through the biofield
- Herbal medicine
- Low energy neurofeedback - what they discovered when they record brainwaves on the scalp, the recording device makes noise which actually goes down the wires and into the brain. The same time you are recording, you are stimulating... They decided to take advantage of that... the lower the signals the bigger the effects until they got down below thermal noise!!
To a level that SHOULD NOT do anything!! And that had really big effects.
That is where we are at... Our molecules are so sensitive to the environment they can detect and respond to signals below thermal noise. NEED RESONANCE!!
Unfortunately our standards for Electrosmog are all based on thermal effects.
It is the WRONG THING to base our standards on.
BECAUSE the critical factor is FREQUENCY and RESONANCE!!
Big discussion in government, should we lower the levels to where the Russians had it 25 years ago. Because in Socialist countries the health of the worker in all important. In the capitalist countries, the health of the business all important. Therefore the government in capitalist countries is motivated to have easy standards on things like environment and radiation.
14 year old Lauren Robinson from Colorado has a rare dairy allergy. Not only must she avoid consuming any dairy products, but her allergy is so severe that being near anyone who has recently consumed dairy could kill her.
This is an example of molecules that are acting on the body through resonance. Through electromagnetic resonance.
Lauren's condition demonstrates this incredible sensitivity of living systems to energies in their environment, as in
- Cranial Sacral
- **External Homeopathy - Bring vial into the room and has an EFFECT!!
- Electromagnetic Sensitivity
- Aromatherapy
- Healing through the biofield
- Herbal medicine
- Low energy neurofeedback - what they discovered when they record brainwaves on the scalp, the recording device makes noise which actually goes down the wires and into the brain. The same time you are recording, you are stimulating... They decided to take advantage of that... the lower the signals the bigger the effects until they got down below thermal noise!!
To a level that SHOULD NOT do anything!! And that had really big effects.
That is where we are at... Our molecules are so sensitive to the environment they can detect and respond to signals below thermal noise. NEED RESONANCE!!
Unfortunately our standards for Electrosmog are all based on thermal effects.
It is the WRONG THING to base our standards on.
BECAUSE the critical factor is FREQUENCY and RESONANCE!!
Big discussion in government, should we lower the levels to where the Russians had it 25 years ago. Because in Socialist countries the health of the worker in all important. In the capitalist countries, the health of the business all important. Therefore the government in capitalist countries is motivated to have easy standards on things like environment and radiation.
"Frequency is a more important parameter than field strength for biological effect."
~ Robert O. Becker
The Body Electric puts you inside the mind of Becker the researcher, examining new results in his laboratory to see if they confirmed what he was expecting or not; leading him on to the next experiment, bringing him step by step closer to the definitive answer he was after. Becker was dedicated to uncovering scientific truth instead of defending any pet theory, not least because he was desperate to help relieve the suffering of his patients.
Becker knew that electromagnetic fields, when used accurately with the correct polarity, at the right time and place, and at the extremely weak levels characteristic of living organisms, could indeed help to heal persistent wounds and fractures, and even regenerate severed finger tips and nerves. However, exposures to inappropriate electromagnetic fields were likely to cause abnormal growth and cancer. Electromagnetic fields are a powerful, double-edged weapon, and must be used with utmost care and precision based on accurate knowledge from painstaking research; only then could it help restore the lives of people often reduced to utter despair.
~ Robert O. Becker
The Body Electric puts you inside the mind of Becker the researcher, examining new results in his laboratory to see if they confirmed what he was expecting or not; leading him on to the next experiment, bringing him step by step closer to the definitive answer he was after. Becker was dedicated to uncovering scientific truth instead of defending any pet theory, not least because he was desperate to help relieve the suffering of his patients.
Becker knew that electromagnetic fields, when used accurately with the correct polarity, at the right time and place, and at the extremely weak levels characteristic of living organisms, could indeed help to heal persistent wounds and fractures, and even regenerate severed finger tips and nerves. However, exposures to inappropriate electromagnetic fields were likely to cause abnormal growth and cancer. Electromagnetic fields are a powerful, double-edged weapon, and must be used with utmost care and precision based on accurate knowledge from painstaking research; only then could it help restore the lives of people often reduced to utter despair.
New Technology is PROVING The Key to Wireless Energy Transfer is Resonance NOT Intensity!
There are new technologies by WiTricity and other companies that are able to wirelessly transmit energy from one side of the room to the other; you don’t have to be within a centimeter like these charging plates. What WiTricity and these other companies that are developing this wireless energy transfer have found is that through magnetic resonance you can actually transmit energy over longer distances wirelessly! And the key to this is magnetic resonance stimulation – or resonance, not intensity. And the only variables are the resonant frequency of the tuned coils, the diameter of the coils and the distance from the coil. Intensity is not even a part of the equation!
There are new technologies by WiTricity and other companies that are able to wirelessly transmit energy from one side of the room to the other; you don’t have to be within a centimeter like these charging plates. What WiTricity and these other companies that are developing this wireless energy transfer have found is that through magnetic resonance you can actually transmit energy over longer distances wirelessly! And the key to this is magnetic resonance stimulation – or resonance, not intensity. And the only variables are the resonant frequency of the tuned coils, the diameter of the coils and the distance from the coil. Intensity is not even a part of the equation!
Less is More - The Mustard Seed Way of Low Intensity (A True Story)
“You don’t use a fire hose to water delicate seedlings. It breaks the stalks, washes them from where they were planted, breaks and exposes the root hairs.”
For the Poppies and mustard seedlings, even a 1” water stream is by relative scale a destructive Tsunami to something so delicate, so small.
- Ken Crawley, TurkeyFoot Farm Idaho
Ken found that when he watered the mustard seeds with too great a force (with a forceful water hose) it would damage or even destroy the roots. The sprouts did not thrive and some even died.
When he changed to using a gentle mist to water the seedlings, the plants thrived.
The human nerve cells and dendrites are very susceptible to magnetic and electric fields and currents and LIKE the mustard seed, have a very delicate geometry. NASA found that using high intensity PEMF damaged the nerve dendrites in much the same way that using high force watering damaged the mustard seeds.
Our bodies NEED a mist, not a firehose when it comes to PEMF, energy medicine and alternative heal. MORE IS NOT BETTER!!! We don't want to interfere with the intelligence and energies of life in forceful and damaging way, we want to gently nurture and support life's processes.
“You don’t use a fire hose to water delicate seedlings. It breaks the stalks, washes them from where they were planted, breaks and exposes the root hairs.”
For the Poppies and mustard seedlings, even a 1” water stream is by relative scale a destructive Tsunami to something so delicate, so small.
- Ken Crawley, TurkeyFoot Farm Idaho
Ken found that when he watered the mustard seeds with too great a force (with a forceful water hose) it would damage or even destroy the roots. The sprouts did not thrive and some even died.
When he changed to using a gentle mist to water the seedlings, the plants thrived.
The human nerve cells and dendrites are very susceptible to magnetic and electric fields and currents and LIKE the mustard seed, have a very delicate geometry. NASA found that using high intensity PEMF damaged the nerve dendrites in much the same way that using high force watering damaged the mustard seeds.
Our bodies NEED a mist, not a firehose when it comes to PEMF, energy medicine and alternative heal. MORE IS NOT BETTER!!! We don't want to interfere with the intelligence and energies of life in forceful and damaging way, we want to gently nurture and support life's processes.
Another Keen Observation from Ken - Dendrites (which look very much like roots)
"Don't use a firehose to "water" delicate dendrite formations of neuronal stem cells?"
“Dendrites” and their important “longitudinal cell orientation” within the following paragraph below. I synthesized the thought that overwhelming magnetic fields with changing vectors would disturb/break the delicate orientation of the structure, and thereby be “unhealthy”. The mechanism would be similar to the effect of when you slide a neodymium boron supermagnet on an aluminum wire that it will stick, opposing gravity due to eddy currents creating friction.
Furthermore, I wondered if that explained why I had a 3 day headache after being subjected to an electromagnetic field (High Intensity PEMF) which was so powerful my finger tips would leave coronal discharge outlines on my watch and Questar telescopes, while I was photographing the high reactance test configuration of the VLF antenna at Jim Creek Washington back in October 1995.
"Don't use a firehose to "water" delicate dendrite formations of neuronal stem cells?"
“Dendrites” and their important “longitudinal cell orientation” within the following paragraph below. I synthesized the thought that overwhelming magnetic fields with changing vectors would disturb/break the delicate orientation of the structure, and thereby be “unhealthy”. The mechanism would be similar to the effect of when you slide a neodymium boron supermagnet on an aluminum wire that it will stick, opposing gravity due to eddy currents creating friction.
Furthermore, I wondered if that explained why I had a 3 day headache after being subjected to an electromagnetic field (High Intensity PEMF) which was so powerful my finger tips would leave coronal discharge outlines on my watch and Questar telescopes, while I was photographing the high reactance test configuration of the VLF antenna at Jim Creek Washington back in October 1995.
NASA & Nerve Cells Dendrites
Neuronal tissue comprises elongated nerve cells composed of elongated axons, dendrites, and nuclear areas. Axons and dendrites are chiefly responsible for transmission of neural signals over distance. Longitudinal cell orientation is critical for proper tissue formation and function.
The nucleus plays the typical role of directing nucleic acid synthesis for the control of cellular metabolic function, including growth. In vivo, the neuronal tissue is invariably spatially associated with a system of feeder, or glial, cells. This three-dimensional spatial arrangement has not been reproduced by conventional in vitro culture
pg 27:
As previously discussed, Valentini et al. (1993)
demonstrated the ability to enhance the outgrowth of neural fibers on materials that possess a weak electric charge. This would indicate that intense electric fields are not necessarily an essential component of this process, and that a weak and persistent stimulus might yield a measurable effect.
p27: note the picoTesla (T-e12) field intensity…then imaging 2T
Additional evidence of the effects of magnetic fields exists in the work of Sandyk et al. (1992a).
This communication details dramatic improvement of a patient with progressive degenerative multiple sclerosis. Briefly, the patient showed considerable improvement when subjected to treatment at a frequency of 2-7 Hz and an intensity of the magnetic field of 7.5 pico Tesla. These parameters marginally parallel those of this report. In a similar fashion, Sandyk et al. (1992b) reported significant improvement in patents treated with the same field strength and intensity.
P27: next paragraph, the inference I made was “narrow range between stimulation and inhibition of growth”, and these studies are in the <uT range. Thus megadoses of Flux puts many human cellular mechanisms far into the inhibition/chaos range. Big dosages are counter-intuitive if the NASA science is bonafide:
A narrow range of electric field was found to be effective
at one end to stimulate, and at the other to inhibit the growth of these cells.
Neuronal tissue comprises elongated nerve cells composed of elongated axons, dendrites, and nuclear areas. Axons and dendrites are chiefly responsible for transmission of neural signals over distance. Longitudinal cell orientation is critical for proper tissue formation and function.
The nucleus plays the typical role of directing nucleic acid synthesis for the control of cellular metabolic function, including growth. In vivo, the neuronal tissue is invariably spatially associated with a system of feeder, or glial, cells. This three-dimensional spatial arrangement has not been reproduced by conventional in vitro culture
pg 27:
As previously discussed, Valentini et al. (1993)
demonstrated the ability to enhance the outgrowth of neural fibers on materials that possess a weak electric charge. This would indicate that intense electric fields are not necessarily an essential component of this process, and that a weak and persistent stimulus might yield a measurable effect.
p27: note the picoTesla (T-e12) field intensity…then imaging 2T
Additional evidence of the effects of magnetic fields exists in the work of Sandyk et al. (1992a).
This communication details dramatic improvement of a patient with progressive degenerative multiple sclerosis. Briefly, the patient showed considerable improvement when subjected to treatment at a frequency of 2-7 Hz and an intensity of the magnetic field of 7.5 pico Tesla. These parameters marginally parallel those of this report. In a similar fashion, Sandyk et al. (1992b) reported significant improvement in patents treated with the same field strength and intensity.
P27: next paragraph, the inference I made was “narrow range between stimulation and inhibition of growth”, and these studies are in the <uT range. Thus megadoses of Flux puts many human cellular mechanisms far into the inhibition/chaos range. Big dosages are counter-intuitive if the NASA science is bonafide:
A narrow range of electric field was found to be effective
at one end to stimulate, and at the other to inhibit the growth of these cells.
Honestly That Scares Me!! I would never use those high intensity PEMF Devices on myself.
Honestly That Scares Me!! I would never use those high intensity PEMF Devices on myself.
Don't Fry Your Nerves with High Intensity PEMF!
You can literally fry or burn copper wire with too much current.
There is a reason electronic devices are rated for a given voltage and current, because if you add TOO MUCH current you literally FRY the device. These max levels are always on the machine and in the instructions.
Well, the human body does not have tags or instructions, but we do have agencies like the ICNIRP. ICNIRP stands for the international commission on non-ionizing radiation protection (see below).
PEMF devices that use a high intensity over 1 Tesla can induce dangerous levels of current in your body especially conducting tissues like nerves and connective tissue. You can think of the nervous system in one way as a fractal branching electrical system and your body as an extremely sensitive electronic system that CAN be damaged by too much Intensity.
Doesn't it make sense that you would not want to Overload your body's circuits with too much electricity just as in the case over electronic devices in your home??
This is why the ICNIRP and other respected international agencies have established safety levels for time varying magnetic fields. SEE BELOW.
You can literally fry or burn copper wire with too much current.
There is a reason electronic devices are rated for a given voltage and current, because if you add TOO MUCH current you literally FRY the device. These max levels are always on the machine and in the instructions.
Well, the human body does not have tags or instructions, but we do have agencies like the ICNIRP. ICNIRP stands for the international commission on non-ionizing radiation protection (see below).
PEMF devices that use a high intensity over 1 Tesla can induce dangerous levels of current in your body especially conducting tissues like nerves and connective tissue. You can think of the nervous system in one way as a fractal branching electrical system and your body as an extremely sensitive electronic system that CAN be damaged by too much Intensity.
Doesn't it make sense that you would not want to Overload your body's circuits with too much electricity just as in the case over electronic devices in your home??
This is why the ICNIRP and other respected international agencies have established safety levels for time varying magnetic fields. SEE BELOW.
High Intensity PEMF can Create DANGEROUS Eddy Currents in the Body
Eddy - a circular movement of water, counter to a main current, causing a small whirlpool.
synonyms: swirl, whirlpool, vortex
Eddy Currents is an appropriate word because they are produced from the swirling electric fields created by changing Magnetic Fields.
NOTE: Induced Electric Fields are very weak compared to electric fields directly from charges. Because of this, in PEMF devices that DO use electrically neutral, current carrying wires, the MAGNETIC field dominates the therapy (which is what we want for optimal penetration and healing).
But if the changing Magnetic field is TOO Strong it CAN produce Eddy Currents that are damaging to the body.
synonyms: swirl, whirlpool, vortex
Eddy Currents is an appropriate word because they are produced from the swirling electric fields created by changing Magnetic Fields.
NOTE: Induced Electric Fields are very weak compared to electric fields directly from charges. Because of this, in PEMF devices that DO use electrically neutral, current carrying wires, the MAGNETIC field dominates the therapy (which is what we want for optimal penetration and healing).
But if the changing Magnetic field is TOO Strong it CAN produce Eddy Currents that are damaging to the body.
High Intensity PEMF with 1-3 Tesla intensities creates Eddy Currents in your body that are WAY TOO Strong and Can Damage the Cells, Tissues and Organs with prolonged and regular use.
This is PHYSICS!
Faraday's Law Shows Clearly that a changing magnetic field produces a circulating electric field (which leads to Eddy Currents in conductive mediums like the human body).
High intensity is like a stage 1-5 hurricane depending on the frequency and intensities (both higher frequency AND higher intensity INCREASE the Eddy Current's Intensity just as Air/Land/Sea Temperature and Atmospheric Pressure influence a Hurricane.
Hurricane Conditions That Make Hurricanes More Dangerous
PEMF Conditions That Make PEMF Devices more Dangerous (all these INCREASE Eddy Currents
This is PHYSICS!
Faraday's Law Shows Clearly that a changing magnetic field produces a circulating electric field (which leads to Eddy Currents in conductive mediums like the human body).
High intensity is like a stage 1-5 hurricane depending on the frequency and intensities (both higher frequency AND higher intensity INCREASE the Eddy Current's Intensity just as Air/Land/Sea Temperature and Atmospheric Pressure influence a Hurricane.
Hurricane Conditions That Make Hurricanes More Dangerous
- low air pressure.
- warm temperatures.
- moist ocean air.
- tropical winds (near the equator).
PEMF Conditions That Make PEMF Devices more Dangerous (all these INCREASE Eddy Currents
- High Intensity
- Larger Coil Size
- Higher Frequency
- Rapid Rise and Fall (Ringer) Waveform
Charge Separation Requires Low Frequency and Low Intensity!!!
This is BIOPHYSICS straight from a College Level Biophysics Textbook!
Glaser, Roland. Biophysics, An Introduction. Second Edition. Springer 2012.
This is BIOPHYSICS straight from a College Level Biophysics Textbook!
Glaser, Roland. Biophysics, An Introduction. Second Edition. Springer 2012.
Cell Membrane gates and channels can act like a trapdoor that opens in only one direction and requires a threshold energy to open it.
Membrane rectifier builds charge preferentially on one side over several cycles of PEMF.
These channels as a kind of an electric rectifier can accumulate the gating charges during several cycles of an alternating field.
***NOTE: The influence of low frequency fields on membrane potential decreases with increasing frequency and nearly vanishes at 1 Mhz (and also high intensity).
1st problem is higher frequency blends magnetic and electric field components... Radiation fields... Need velocity fields to effectively create charge separation.
2nd problem is both higher frequency and higher intensity cause increasing capacitive conductance which breaks down the capacitor and hence charge separation. Like the battery being drained! If you put too much energy in a battery charger, the batteries corrode, melt and break down.
Membrane rectifier builds charge preferentially on one side over several cycles of PEMF.
These channels as a kind of an electric rectifier can accumulate the gating charges during several cycles of an alternating field.
***NOTE: The influence of low frequency fields on membrane potential decreases with increasing frequency and nearly vanishes at 1 Mhz (and also high intensity).
1st problem is higher frequency blends magnetic and electric field components... Radiation fields... Need velocity fields to effectively create charge separation.
2nd problem is both higher frequency and higher intensity cause increasing capacitive conductance which breaks down the capacitor and hence charge separation. Like the battery being drained! If you put too much energy in a battery charger, the batteries corrode, melt and break down.
The cell membrane of each of your 37 trillion cells acts as a capacitor that can keep charges separated until the energy is needed. This is how the cellular voltage is stored.
The inside and the outside of the cell are both solutions of various salts in water. As opposed to the cell membrane, salt water constitutes quite a good conductor because there are free ions that can transport electrical charges.
What we have then is two conductors (the inside and the outside of the cell), separated by an insulator (the membrane). This makes it possible to have different amounts of electrical charges inside and outside the cell. If we can separate a charge Q by applying an electrical potential V across the membrane, the membrane has by definition a capacitance C=Q/V .
In fact, because the membrane is so thin (only two molecules thick, with a total thickness of about 7×10−9m), we don't need much voltage to separate the charges and therefore the membrane capacitance is quite high; per unit area, it is
c=CS≈10−2Fm−2(1)... Which is 10 millifarads / meter squared... That is an enormous capacitance as most industrial capacitors are in the micro farad range. As we mentioned, F is the SI unit of capacitance ("Farad").
The inside and the outside of the cell are both solutions of various salts in water. As opposed to the cell membrane, salt water constitutes quite a good conductor because there are free ions that can transport electrical charges.
What we have then is two conductors (the inside and the outside of the cell), separated by an insulator (the membrane). This makes it possible to have different amounts of electrical charges inside and outside the cell. If we can separate a charge Q by applying an electrical potential V across the membrane, the membrane has by definition a capacitance C=Q/V .
In fact, because the membrane is so thin (only two molecules thick, with a total thickness of about 7×10−9m), we don't need much voltage to separate the charges and therefore the membrane capacitance is quite high; per unit area, it is
c=CS≈10−2Fm−2(1)... Which is 10 millifarads / meter squared... That is an enormous capacitance as most industrial capacitors are in the micro farad range. As we mentioned, F is the SI unit of capacitance ("Farad").
A capacitor is a device that stores energy. A typical capacitor is made up of two plates separated by an insulator or dielectric. Its purpose is to prevent the flow of electrons or current from moving from one plate of the capacitor to the other. The dielectric can be made of any good insulating material including air.
Before a capacitor can store energy, it has to have energy supplied to it. The process of supplying energy to the capacitor is called charging the capacitor. To begin with, the capacitors plates are electrically neutral. Each plate contains both positive and negative charges. When the capacitor is connected to a power source and When the power source is turned on, electrons flow onto one of the capacitors plates. Because the plates are separated by a dielectric, current does not flow through the capacitor. Because the dielectric blocks the flow of electrons, the first plate has an excess of electrons, so the plate has a negative charge. Because like charges repel the second plate pushes electrons off and it becomes positively charged and the electrons flow back to the power source.
This happens until a peak voltage is reached. When the peak voltage is reached the negative plate has gained a certain number of electrons and the positive plate has lost the same number of electrons.
For any given voltage it takes a specific number of electrons to fill the negative plate, and that number is called the capacity of the capacitor or simply the capacitance.
If too much voltage is supplied to the capacitor too many electrons will be forced onto the negative plate.
As a result, the dielectric material could break down. If that happens , current can flow through the capacitor from one plate to the other. In most cases, current flowing through the capacitor will destroy the capacitor.
Before a capacitor can store energy, it has to have energy supplied to it. The process of supplying energy to the capacitor is called charging the capacitor. To begin with, the capacitors plates are electrically neutral. Each plate contains both positive and negative charges. When the capacitor is connected to a power source and When the power source is turned on, electrons flow onto one of the capacitors plates. Because the plates are separated by a dielectric, current does not flow through the capacitor. Because the dielectric blocks the flow of electrons, the first plate has an excess of electrons, so the plate has a negative charge. Because like charges repel the second plate pushes electrons off and it becomes positively charged and the electrons flow back to the power source.
This happens until a peak voltage is reached. When the peak voltage is reached the negative plate has gained a certain number of electrons and the positive plate has lost the same number of electrons.
For any given voltage it takes a specific number of electrons to fill the negative plate, and that number is called the capacity of the capacitor or simply the capacitance.
If too much voltage is supplied to the capacitor too many electrons will be forced onto the negative plate.
As a result, the dielectric material could break down. If that happens , current can flow through the capacitor from one plate to the other. In most cases, current flowing through the capacitor will destroy the capacitor.
PROOF - High Intensity Is Dangerous
Conclusions: The results indicate a possible effect of the magnetic fields used in magnetostimulation on the secretion of prolactin, estradiol and testosterone as they reduce the secretion of these hormones. Both the magnetostimulation programs have a similar effect on the concentration of estradiol.
**Note: Devices like the iMRS 2000, QRS and BEMER DO NOT go above 300uT
Conclusions: The results indicate a possible effect of the magnetic fields used in magnetostimulation on the secretion of prolactin, estradiol and testosterone as they reduce the secretion of these hormones. Both the magnetostimulation programs have a similar effect on the concentration of estradiol.
**Note: Devices like the iMRS 2000, QRS and BEMER DO NOT go above 300uT
PROOF - High Intensity Is Dangerous
This article, we see that 5,600 uT level of 100Hz is bad.
Link and Image of Article Below
This article, we see that 5,600 uT level of 100Hz is bad.
Link and Image of Article Below
High Intensity PEMF is unsafe by International Safety Standards
Almost all PEMF products are generally not rated for safety. It is unclear if they have ever done any testing. It's unclear whether they have safe operating zones and guidelines.
The iMRS 2000, along with the BEMER, QRS, ICES,Medithera and a few others rates WELL within the ICNIRP safe range. Some high intensity devices you can turn down to safe zones, but then WHY PAY MORE IN THE FIRST PLACE???
ICNIRP stands for the international commission on non-ionizing radiation protection.
This generally relates to the allowable environmental exposures that people can have to background levels of non-ionizing radiation like radio waves (not x-rays, or nuclear radiation, that is ionizing).
The ICNIRP guidelines are widely used internationally to determine what levels of background radio frequency radiation are acceptable for long term exposure.
The red zone in the chart in this chart is considered the danger zone, that won't necessary hurt you, but there is some scientific reason to believe that it is not good to be in an environment with those levels of radiation.
That is a combination of the strength of the magnetic field and the frequency.
As the magnetic field strength goes up or the frequency goes up, the radiation becomes potentially more dangerous.
Yellow area is the uncertain zone. And the green area is considered absolutely safe meaning there is no scientific evidence that there would be any harm done to a biological system with that level of background radio frequency energy.
See below for more on the ICNIRP.
Almost all PEMF products are generally not rated for safety. It is unclear if they have ever done any testing. It's unclear whether they have safe operating zones and guidelines.
The iMRS 2000, along with the BEMER, QRS, ICES,Medithera and a few others rates WELL within the ICNIRP safe range. Some high intensity devices you can turn down to safe zones, but then WHY PAY MORE IN THE FIRST PLACE???
ICNIRP stands for the international commission on non-ionizing radiation protection.
This generally relates to the allowable environmental exposures that people can have to background levels of non-ionizing radiation like radio waves (not x-rays, or nuclear radiation, that is ionizing).
The ICNIRP guidelines are widely used internationally to determine what levels of background radio frequency radiation are acceptable for long term exposure.
The red zone in the chart in this chart is considered the danger zone, that won't necessary hurt you, but there is some scientific reason to believe that it is not good to be in an environment with those levels of radiation.
That is a combination of the strength of the magnetic field and the frequency.
As the magnetic field strength goes up or the frequency goes up, the radiation becomes potentially more dangerous.
Yellow area is the uncertain zone. And the green area is considered absolutely safe meaning there is no scientific evidence that there would be any harm done to a biological system with that level of background radio frequency energy.
See below for more on the ICNIRP.
More Damaging Effects of High Intensity PEMF
from "Microcirculation in the Focus of Research, Kafka W.A."
It is well known that technically created magnetic fields with extremely high field strengths can have numerous damaging effects:
Currently under discussion is the influence of very strong magnetic fields on molecules with dipole characteristics (proteins), radical dissociation, certain cellular activities, and more.
During a clinical MRI the magnetic field strength impacting the patient’s body is up to 200,000 times higher than that of the earth’s natural magnetic field. In addition to a strong static magnetic field, the procedure employs a changing magnetic field and a radio frequency field.
Animal studies have shown reversible EKG changes like disturbances in the formation and conduction of impulses under the influence of static magnetic fields up to 1 Tesla. Based on further research results about direct and indirect effects on the visual system, the heart muscle, endopirostheses (hip replacement) and other structures, the possible damaging effects of this procedure have been defined and appropriate contraindications have been identified.
from "Microcirculation in the Focus of Research, Kafka W.A."
It is well known that technically created magnetic fields with extremely high field strengths can have numerous damaging effects:
- disturbance of metabolic and cell division activities as well as growth processes,
- impact on the rate of mutations
- and neuro-physiological phenomena (e.g. EEG).
Currently under discussion is the influence of very strong magnetic fields on molecules with dipole characteristics (proteins), radical dissociation, certain cellular activities, and more.
During a clinical MRI the magnetic field strength impacting the patient’s body is up to 200,000 times higher than that of the earth’s natural magnetic field. In addition to a strong static magnetic field, the procedure employs a changing magnetic field and a radio frequency field.
Animal studies have shown reversible EKG changes like disturbances in the formation and conduction of impulses under the influence of static magnetic fields up to 1 Tesla. Based on further research results about direct and indirect effects on the visual system, the heart muscle, endopirostheses (hip replacement) and other structures, the possible damaging effects of this procedure have been defined and appropriate contraindications have been identified.
Quantum Mechanics - Coherence and Frequency Matters (not Intensity).
Quantum Mechanics and the new Science of Quantum Biology.
Holographic Universe
Cosmos One Interconnected Whole (no inside and out in QM and Mysticism).
Objective Probability, Spontaneity and Free Will
Decoherence from environment.
Weak measurements in quantum qubits/ quantum computing discovered that can preserve coherence and superposition.
Frequency and Resonance Key to Coherence (think laser).
In quantum mechanics intensity doesn't even exist, let alone matter. The only intensities in the world of the quantum are objective probability amplitudes. And research is showing the human body has many different quantum mechanism that give rise to energy production, sense of smell and sight, DNA transcription, enzyme functioning and more. This is the exciting new science of quantum biology. Here frequency reigns not intensity.
Quantum Mechanics and the new Science of Quantum Biology.
Holographic Universe
Cosmos One Interconnected Whole (no inside and out in QM and Mysticism).
Objective Probability, Spontaneity and Free Will
Decoherence from environment.
Weak measurements in quantum qubits/ quantum computing discovered that can preserve coherence and superposition.
Frequency and Resonance Key to Coherence (think laser).
In quantum mechanics intensity doesn't even exist, let alone matter. The only intensities in the world of the quantum are objective probability amplitudes. And research is showing the human body has many different quantum mechanism that give rise to energy production, sense of smell and sight, DNA transcription, enzyme functioning and more. This is the exciting new science of quantum biology. Here frequency reigns not intensity.
Photoelectric Effect - This proved decisively that it is mainly the frequency of a photon that determines the energy.
E=hv where E is the energy, h is plancks constant and v is the frequency.
Electromagnetic forces are carried by photons so frequency matters.
E=hv where E is the energy, h is plancks constant and v is the frequency.
Electromagnetic forces are carried by photons so frequency matters.
Larmor Precession
Larmor precession is due to oscillating paramagnetic atoms or ions. When exposed to a magnetic field, the oscillating magnetic atom tries to align itself, and in so doing, precesses like a top around the direction of the magnetic field; the frequency of prcession (the Larmor frequency) being proportional to the intensity of the magnetic field.
This is an instance where the effect could appear at LOW intensities and disappear at high intensities. Thus the effect of electromagnetic fields on the movement of the paramagnetic ion Ca2+ across the cell membrane exhibits both frequency and intensity windows.
***Adey, R. 1990, Electromagnetic Fields and the Essence of Living Systems, in Modern Radio Science, pp 1-37, J.B. Andersen (ed), Oxford U.Press
Electromagnetic Fields Cause Spinning Water Molecules to Precess.
This is known as Larmor precession.
This is one of the things that makes us so extremely sensitive.
Protons and electrons have a property known as spin.
Spin is a quantum phenomenon - Be careful - its quantum.
For simplicity and to understand it.
The situation can be compared to a spinning top. In the absence of an external field, there will be a certain spin axis. If an external field is applied, the spin axis will tilt and precess - the spin axis of the particle will sweep out a conical surface. The frequency of the precession is known as the Armor frequency, named after sir Joseph Larmor, an Irish physicist and mathematician.
An oscillating electromagnetic field increases in intensity and then drops back to zero. The precession of the spin axis also increases and then relaxes back to the original axis. These transitions result in the emission of photons. In this way an electromagnetic field of the appropriate frequency (the Larmor frequency) is strongly absorbed by the motions of electrons and protons in specific molecules. Energy is rapidly transferred from the field to the molecule. This is the basis for electron spin resonance, proton or nuclear magnetic resonance, and magnetic resonance imaging.
Larmor precession is due to oscillating paramagnetic atoms or ions. When exposed to a magnetic field, the oscillating magnetic atom tries to align itself, and in so doing, precesses like a top around the direction of the magnetic field; the frequency of prcession (the Larmor frequency) being proportional to the intensity of the magnetic field.
This is an instance where the effect could appear at LOW intensities and disappear at high intensities. Thus the effect of electromagnetic fields on the movement of the paramagnetic ion Ca2+ across the cell membrane exhibits both frequency and intensity windows.
***Adey, R. 1990, Electromagnetic Fields and the Essence of Living Systems, in Modern Radio Science, pp 1-37, J.B. Andersen (ed), Oxford U.Press
Electromagnetic Fields Cause Spinning Water Molecules to Precess.
This is known as Larmor precession.
This is one of the things that makes us so extremely sensitive.
Protons and electrons have a property known as spin.
Spin is a quantum phenomenon - Be careful - its quantum.
For simplicity and to understand it.
The situation can be compared to a spinning top. In the absence of an external field, there will be a certain spin axis. If an external field is applied, the spin axis will tilt and precess - the spin axis of the particle will sweep out a conical surface. The frequency of the precession is known as the Armor frequency, named after sir Joseph Larmor, an Irish physicist and mathematician.
An oscillating electromagnetic field increases in intensity and then drops back to zero. The precession of the spin axis also increases and then relaxes back to the original axis. These transitions result in the emission of photons. In this way an electromagnetic field of the appropriate frequency (the Larmor frequency) is strongly absorbed by the motions of electrons and protons in specific molecules. Energy is rapidly transferred from the field to the molecule. This is the basis for electron spin resonance, proton or nuclear magnetic resonance, and magnetic resonance imaging.
Your Holographic Body NEEDS low intensity Homeopathic Approach to Healing!!
Your Holographic Body NEEDS low intensity Homeopathic Approach to Healing!!
The Body Has a Highly Coherent Biophotonic Field (Again PROVING why low intensity and homeopathic principles are THE BEST and Safest Way to Heal the Body
In modern quantum field theory, light occurs in small packets of energy called photons. In living systems and processes, certain types of photons are emitted and received primarily by DNA as well as a few large macromolecules.
Biophotons appear to create a holographic, coherent electromagnetic field throughout the body that uses electromagnetic frequencies for instantaneous communication throughout the system.
Popp believed the mystery of morphogenesis was the weak biophotonic emissions creating a complex holographic interference pattern for cell cooridination and communication. **The emissions are very low intensity because they occur at the quantum level which then allows for entanglement, superposition, and important intelligent quantum process that cannot happen in the macroscopic world.
High intensity systems collapse the quantum wavefunction, destroy coherence and turn pure quantum states into mixed states.
Weak (or gentle) quantum measurements need not destroy decoherence (low intensity PEMF).
The Body Has a Highly Coherent Biophotonic Field (Again PROVING why low intensity and homeopathic principles are THE BEST and Safest Way to Heal the Body
In modern quantum field theory, light occurs in small packets of energy called photons. In living systems and processes, certain types of photons are emitted and received primarily by DNA as well as a few large macromolecules.
Biophotons appear to create a holographic, coherent electromagnetic field throughout the body that uses electromagnetic frequencies for instantaneous communication throughout the system.
Popp believed the mystery of morphogenesis was the weak biophotonic emissions creating a complex holographic interference pattern for cell cooridination and communication. **The emissions are very low intensity because they occur at the quantum level which then allows for entanglement, superposition, and important intelligent quantum process that cannot happen in the macroscopic world.
High intensity systems collapse the quantum wavefunction, destroy coherence and turn pure quantum states into mixed states.
Weak (or gentle) quantum measurements need not destroy decoherence (low intensity PEMF).
Now we are going to look at the Science of PEMF therapy (and energy medicine) to understand WHY a homeopathic approach to energy medicine and PEMF therapy is the safest, most effective way to assist the body in healing itself.
When I say homeopathic approach, I am referring to the overall philosophy of working with the body to heal itself. Because ultimately PEMF therapy and energy medicine devices DO NOT HEAL THE BODY. I repeat, no device is going to HEAL YOUR BODY! BUT, earth based PEMF therapy gives your body an energetic boost, and facilitates and aids in your bodies healing and repair process.
Better Circulation/Oxygenation
Enhances absorption food, water
Improves lymphatic circulation/detoxification
Helps stimulate HGH and Melatonin for better sleep
But the body needs earth frequencies and intensities within the earth's natural field strength. These are the best frequencies and intensities to assist in helping the body to heal and repair itself. Remember the body is self-healing, self-regenerating, self-organizing and self sustaining, it just requires the essential element of life.
Low Frequency PEMF penetrate deep and go all the way through ...Breeze blowing in the trees, goes all the way through
Reduce swelling, pain, circulation, regeneration… healing effects.
Healing work in the tissue than you stop the pain (thats the best way to do it)- Help the body heal itself and the pain will get better.
Numbing and Dumbing the pain - Band-aid
Now we are going to look at the Science of PEMF therapy (and energy medicine) to understand WHY a homeopathic approach to energy medicine and PEMF therapy is the safest, most effective way to assist the body in healing itself.
When I say homeopathic approach, I am referring to the overall philosophy of working with the body to heal itself. Because ultimately PEMF therapy and energy medicine devices DO NOT HEAL THE BODY. I repeat, no device is going to HEAL YOUR BODY! BUT, earth based PEMF therapy gives your body an energetic boost, and facilitates and aids in your bodies healing and repair process.
Better Circulation/Oxygenation
Enhances absorption food, water
Improves lymphatic circulation/detoxification
Helps stimulate HGH and Melatonin for better sleep
But the body needs earth frequencies and intensities within the earth's natural field strength. These are the best frequencies and intensities to assist in helping the body to heal and repair itself. Remember the body is self-healing, self-regenerating, self-organizing and self sustaining, it just requires the essential element of life.
Low Frequency PEMF penetrate deep and go all the way through ...Breeze blowing in the trees, goes all the way through
Reduce swelling, pain, circulation, regeneration… healing effects.
Healing work in the tissue than you stop the pain (thats the best way to do it)- Help the body heal itself and the pain will get better.
Numbing and Dumbing the pain - Band-aid
High Intensity PEMF systems are ALLOPATHIC in their nature, suppressing symptoms and overriding the body's natural healing response. Low intensity PEMF, that is close to Nature's frequencies and intensities works WITH the body, promotes the healing response and overall leads to better healing and regeneration (see NASA study conclusions below).
These high voltage PEMF systems are mainly sold for pain relief and pain related issues. Yes they can and do provide symptomatic relief, but low intensity PEMF systems do as well.
There are several PEMF devices on the market that use ridiculously high intensities upwards to 2 Tesla which is almost 100,000 stronger than the DC (direct current or static) field strength of the earth.
This is why I refer to these high intensity PEMF devices as Allopathic Energy Medicine, because they basically hit the body over the head like a proverbial sledgehammer with unnaturally high intensities and frequencies. Why you as sledgehammer when only a small hammer is needed. The result, like pain relief drugs, is some symptomatic pain relief, but at the cost of working AGAINST the body's natural healing process.
This is diametrically different than a more natural and homeopathic approach that works WITH the body and its symptoms to gently and MORE EFFECTIVELY help the body to heal better and faster.
There is a time and place for high intensity PEMF devices, but ONLY under the supervision of a trained practioner and ONLY for a short period of time. For safe, affordable and daily applcations, look for ONLY lower intensity devices.
These PEMF systems have an ENORMOUS profit margin so beware of overzealous marketers and sellers of these machines in making exaggerated claims in order to make a sale. Many distributors make up to $6000 selling just one of these high intensity machines.
High Intensity PEMF systems are ALLOPATHIC in their nature, suppressing symptoms and overriding the body's natural healing response. Low intensity PEMF, that is close to Nature's frequencies and intensities works WITH the body, promotes the healing response and overall leads to better healing and regeneration (see NASA study conclusions below).
These high voltage PEMF systems are mainly sold for pain relief and pain related issues. Yes they can and do provide symptomatic relief, but low intensity PEMF systems do as well.
There are several PEMF devices on the market that use ridiculously high intensities upwards to 2 Tesla which is almost 100,000 stronger than the DC (direct current or static) field strength of the earth.
This is why I refer to these high intensity PEMF devices as Allopathic Energy Medicine, because they basically hit the body over the head like a proverbial sledgehammer with unnaturally high intensities and frequencies. Why you as sledgehammer when only a small hammer is needed. The result, like pain relief drugs, is some symptomatic pain relief, but at the cost of working AGAINST the body's natural healing process.
This is diametrically different than a more natural and homeopathic approach that works WITH the body and its symptoms to gently and MORE EFFECTIVELY help the body to heal better and faster.
There is a time and place for high intensity PEMF devices, but ONLY under the supervision of a trained practioner and ONLY for a short period of time. For safe, affordable and daily applcations, look for ONLY lower intensity devices.
These PEMF systems have an ENORMOUS profit margin so beware of overzealous marketers and sellers of these machines in making exaggerated claims in order to make a sale. Many distributors make up to $6000 selling just one of these high intensity machines.
Honestly That Scares Me!! I would never use those high intensity PEMF Devices on myself.
Honestly That Scares Me!! I would never use those high intensity PEMF Devices on myself.
All these high voltage machines are basically modeled after the original Papimi PEMF device, which was outlawed by the FDA in 2005. The man behind that fraud is Panos Pappas, a math professor from Athens, Greece, who invented the PAP-IMI. See the seattle times article in the link in the description of the video.
These devices are sold in different packing and under various names and are clones of the old PAP-IMI devices. They are all easy to identify because they come in a big brief with large circular plastic tube-like applicators.
These papimi-like machines are VERY expensive starting at about $10,000 and going up in price to over $30,000. They use VERY HIGH intensity coils shooting "bursts" of pulsed magnetic fields for just microseconds.
Also its important to note that the random discharges of energy create frequency spectrum containing both good and harmful PEMF frequencies.
Unfortunately the dangerous radio and microwave frequencies similar to cell phones, cordless phones, etc. are present too and at very high intensities (upwards to 30,000 volts and over one Tesla magnetic field strengths).
So basically its like sitting next to a high voltage power line. I personally know a couple health practitioners that STOPPED using these devices because of the irritating nature of high voltage energies.
These systems are VERY expensive and use intensities that are potentially dangerous if not under expert guidance. In my opinion, sick and weak people should steer clear of these high voltage machines. Even healthy people and athletes should only work with a trained practitioner.
It is worthwhile reading the article below to see the potential dangers of these high intensity machines that were all inspired by the Pap-imi
All these high voltage machines are basically modeled after the original Papimi PEMF device, which was outlawed by the FDA in 2005. The man behind that fraud is Panos Pappas, a math professor from Athens, Greece, who invented the PAP-IMI. See the seattle times article in the link in the description of the video.
These devices are sold in different packing and under various names and are clones of the old PAP-IMI devices. They are all easy to identify because they come in a big brief with large circular plastic tube-like applicators.
These papimi-like machines are VERY expensive starting at about $10,000 and going up in price to over $30,000. They use VERY HIGH intensity coils shooting "bursts" of pulsed magnetic fields for just microseconds.
Also its important to note that the random discharges of energy create frequency spectrum containing both good and harmful PEMF frequencies.
Unfortunately the dangerous radio and microwave frequencies similar to cell phones, cordless phones, etc. are present too and at very high intensities (upwards to 30,000 volts and over one Tesla magnetic field strengths).
So basically its like sitting next to a high voltage power line. I personally know a couple health practitioners that STOPPED using these devices because of the irritating nature of high voltage energies.
These systems are VERY expensive and use intensities that are potentially dangerous if not under expert guidance. In my opinion, sick and weak people should steer clear of these high voltage machines. Even healthy people and athletes should only work with a trained practitioner.
It is worthwhile reading the article below to see the potential dangers of these high intensity machines that were all inspired by the Pap-imi
While its true that MRI machines go up this high, but you would not want to get an MRI every day!
The DIN Institute of Standards in Germany - 400 uT
But even better recommendations (because frequency is also taken into effect) are given by the INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION ON NON‐IONIZING RADIATION PROTECTION (ICNIRP). The ICNIRP is a world-wide authority on safety related to elec- tromagnetic energy. The EU and FDA both rely on their findings.
According to the ICNIRP, the limiting values for safety of time varying PEMF are dependent on both the frequency (usually measureed in Hz) and the flux density (or Intensity - measured in microtesla).
With Frequencies 0-25 Hz, up to 5000uT is safe
But if frequency above 25 Hz, than anything over 5uT is problematic (that’s weaker than earth’s magnetic field).
The higher the applied frequency the lower the limit value for intensity that is safe. This means, if you apply a very low frequency (like the earth fre- quency range 1-25 Hz) you are allowed to apply higher intensities. See link below.
PAGE 511 – table 7
The Charts below shows Germany (ICNIRP) is one of the Few countries with significant data on lower frequency high intensity being dangerous too. The link below is technical, but clearly shows you should not be using more than 1-5 gauss for frequencies above 10 Hz and MOST pemf devices are operating at 10 hertz or above.
IF you get close to 1 hz, the body CAN tolerate more because that is nearly equivalent to a static field.
Again the key is frequency resonance, not intensity, so it's best to avoid these machines unless under direct supervisor of a healthcare professional trained in using these devices.
The DIN Institute of Standards in Germany - 400 uT
But even better recommendations (because frequency is also taken into effect) are given by the INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION ON NON‐IONIZING RADIATION PROTECTION (ICNIRP). The ICNIRP is a world-wide authority on safety related to elec- tromagnetic energy. The EU and FDA both rely on their findings.
According to the ICNIRP, the limiting values for safety of time varying PEMF are dependent on both the frequency (usually measureed in Hz) and the flux density (or Intensity - measured in microtesla).
With Frequencies 0-25 Hz, up to 5000uT is safe
But if frequency above 25 Hz, than anything over 5uT is problematic (that’s weaker than earth’s magnetic field).
The higher the applied frequency the lower the limit value for intensity that is safe. This means, if you apply a very low frequency (like the earth fre- quency range 1-25 Hz) you are allowed to apply higher intensities. See link below.
PAGE 511 – table 7
The Charts below shows Germany (ICNIRP) is one of the Few countries with significant data on lower frequency high intensity being dangerous too. The link below is technical, but clearly shows you should not be using more than 1-5 gauss for frequencies above 10 Hz and MOST pemf devices are operating at 10 hertz or above.
IF you get close to 1 hz, the body CAN tolerate more because that is nearly equivalent to a static field.
Again the key is frequency resonance, not intensity, so it's best to avoid these machines unless under direct supervisor of a healthcare professional trained in using these devices.
"Look deep into nature and understand everything else better" ~Albert Einstein.
Low intensity PEMF, that is close to Nature's frequencies and intensities works WITH the body, promotes the healing response and overall leads to better healing and regeneration (see NASA study conclusions below).
Note: Check out my book, "PEMF - The 5th Element of Health" to fully understand the importance of the Schumann frequency and its higher harmonics, especially in the 0-30 Hz frequency range.
Now I want to point out something rather astonishing. As essential as the Schumann resonance is for life and the health of our body, it is an incredibly WEAK PEMF signal.
The amplitude of the Schumann resonance magnetic field (~1 picotesla) is many orders of magnitude smaller than the Earth's static or DC magnetic field (whihc is 33-66 microteslas).
Specialized receivers and antennas are needed to detect and record Schumann resonances. The electric component is commonly measured with a ball antenna connected to a high-impedance amplifier. The magnetic induction coils typically consist of tens- to hundreds-of-thousands of turns of wire wound around a core of very high magnetic permeability.
What that means is very sensitive antennas are needed to tune into the Schumann resonance. And guess what? The organic magnetite in your body along with other biochemical crystalline arrays act as powerful receiving antennas to tune into the Schumann and amplify its signal. And there is a reason NASA and the Russian space program have used Schumann generators in their space capsules... Because it's essential! Also Dr Rutger Wever's pioneering research in underground bunkers along with zero field studies have further proved that the weak PEMF Schumann signal IS essential for life. And it's a very weak signal confirming that frequency resonance is the key (like homeopathy), NOT INTENSITY!
A picotesla is one trillionth of a tesla. That is one picotesla = .000000000001 Tesla.
How can high intensity PEMF devices that are a trillion times stronger than the essential Schumann intensity possibily be safe and good for us?
Maybe Nature is giving us an important lesson that Homeopathy has been telling us for centuries:
The key to healing with energy is frequency resonance NOT intensity. The 4 year NASA study came to this very conclusion...
Low intensity PEMF, that is close to Nature's frequencies and intensities works WITH the body, promotes the healing response and overall leads to better healing and regeneration (see NASA study conclusions below).
Note: Check out my book, "PEMF - The 5th Element of Health" to fully understand the importance of the Schumann frequency and its higher harmonics, especially in the 0-30 Hz frequency range.
Now I want to point out something rather astonishing. As essential as the Schumann resonance is for life and the health of our body, it is an incredibly WEAK PEMF signal.
The amplitude of the Schumann resonance magnetic field (~1 picotesla) is many orders of magnitude smaller than the Earth's static or DC magnetic field (whihc is 33-66 microteslas).
Specialized receivers and antennas are needed to detect and record Schumann resonances. The electric component is commonly measured with a ball antenna connected to a high-impedance amplifier. The magnetic induction coils typically consist of tens- to hundreds-of-thousands of turns of wire wound around a core of very high magnetic permeability.
What that means is very sensitive antennas are needed to tune into the Schumann resonance. And guess what? The organic magnetite in your body along with other biochemical crystalline arrays act as powerful receiving antennas to tune into the Schumann and amplify its signal. And there is a reason NASA and the Russian space program have used Schumann generators in their space capsules... Because it's essential! Also Dr Rutger Wever's pioneering research in underground bunkers along with zero field studies have further proved that the weak PEMF Schumann signal IS essential for life. And it's a very weak signal confirming that frequency resonance is the key (like homeopathy), NOT INTENSITY!
A picotesla is one trillionth of a tesla. That is one picotesla = .000000000001 Tesla.
How can high intensity PEMF devices that are a trillion times stronger than the essential Schumann intensity possibily be safe and good for us?
Maybe Nature is giving us an important lesson that Homeopathy has been telling us for centuries:
The key to healing with energy is frequency resonance NOT intensity. The 4 year NASA study came to this very conclusion...
When it comes to research studies, it does not get any better than NASA. Of more than 10,000 research papers and 2000 plus double blind studies on PEMF therapy; none was more thorough and conclusive as the 4 year NASA study lead by Dr. Thomas Goodwin, PhD, on the ability of PEMF to improve the growth and repair of tissues in mammals.
Without getting into technical details of the study, I will summarize and share the main benefits of PEMF therapy that the NASA study conclusively demonstrated as well as the exact type of energy, frequency, intensity and waveform used.
The study was not limited to PEMF therapy, but also to various forms of energy medicine such as lasers, LEDs and static magnets. After finding PEMFs were the most effective in healing and regeneration, Dr. Goodwin and his team looked at many different parameters such as frequency, waveform, intensity, etc. What NASA found was that the best results and greatest efficacy came from Low Frequency, Low Intensity, and Rapidly varying PEMF signals. Basically frequencies and intensities that closely match what the earth gives us with a signal that produces maximum healing effects on the body!
Specifically, NASA found the best results with the PEMF parameters below:
Additionally NASA found that slowly varying (millisecond pulse, sine wave), non-varying (static magnetic) and LASERS had little or no effect.
NASA discovered that the benefits of low frequency, low intensity, rapidly varying PEMF includes better healing and regeneration of damaged or diseased tissue, greater cell longevity, accelerated cell growth, improved cellular voltage (mainly observed in nerve cells), upregulation of genes related to collagen production, cell restoration and growth. NOTE: upregulation is a mechanism that increases the creation of certain gene products.
This study is a landmark in proving the efficacy of PEMF therapy on human cells for healing, growth and regeneration, specifically human nerve cells. These findings confirm that the human body needs frequencies and intensities close to what the earth provides, along with a rapidly varying waveform. Any doubters or naysayers on the efficacy of PEMF therapy are ignorant of over 10,000 studies including a multi-million dollar study by NASA.
Also of note is that Dr. Goodwin has a patent on a PEMF device that uses these parameters. Also NASA’s prototype developed at the Johnson Space center uses the low frequency, low intensity rapidly varying waveform.
Link to NASA StudySee Bottom of Pg 12 OF ACTUAL NASA Study - Pg 18 of Document itself for intensity information
When it comes to research studies, it does not get any better than NASA. Of more than 10,000 research papers and 2000 plus double blind studies on PEMF therapy; none was more thorough and conclusive as the 4 year NASA study lead by Dr. Thomas Goodwin, PhD, on the ability of PEMF to improve the growth and repair of tissues in mammals.
Without getting into technical details of the study, I will summarize and share the main benefits of PEMF therapy that the NASA study conclusively demonstrated as well as the exact type of energy, frequency, intensity and waveform used.
The study was not limited to PEMF therapy, but also to various forms of energy medicine such as lasers, LEDs and static magnets. After finding PEMFs were the most effective in healing and regeneration, Dr. Goodwin and his team looked at many different parameters such as frequency, waveform, intensity, etc. What NASA found was that the best results and greatest efficacy came from Low Frequency, Low Intensity, and Rapidly varying PEMF signals. Basically frequencies and intensities that closely match what the earth gives us with a signal that produces maximum healing effects on the body!
Specifically, NASA found the best results with the PEMF parameters below:
- Rapid Time Varying Waveform - Specifically the Squarewave (sawtooth also fits this criteria)
- Low Frequency: 10 Hz (close to the frequencies of earth)
- Low Intensity: ~10-200 milligauss (1 - 20 microtesla) which is even less than the strength of the earth’s magnetic field (33 - 66 microtesla).
Additionally NASA found that slowly varying (millisecond pulse, sine wave), non-varying (static magnetic) and LASERS had little or no effect.
NASA discovered that the benefits of low frequency, low intensity, rapidly varying PEMF includes better healing and regeneration of damaged or diseased tissue, greater cell longevity, accelerated cell growth, improved cellular voltage (mainly observed in nerve cells), upregulation of genes related to collagen production, cell restoration and growth. NOTE: upregulation is a mechanism that increases the creation of certain gene products.
This study is a landmark in proving the efficacy of PEMF therapy on human cells for healing, growth and regeneration, specifically human nerve cells. These findings confirm that the human body needs frequencies and intensities close to what the earth provides, along with a rapidly varying waveform. Any doubters or naysayers on the efficacy of PEMF therapy are ignorant of over 10,000 studies including a multi-million dollar study by NASA.
Also of note is that Dr. Goodwin has a patent on a PEMF device that uses these parameters. Also NASA’s prototype developed at the Johnson Space center uses the low frequency, low intensity rapidly varying waveform.
Link to NASA StudySee Bottom of Pg 12 OF ACTUAL NASA Study - Pg 18 of Document itself for intensity information
So again look for yourself at the NASA study on PAGE 12 of the study (page 18 of the actual document).
After trying many permutations of intensity, frequency and waveform, NASA concluded that low intensity, low frequency (similar to Schumann) with a rapid rise and fall (squarewave and sawtooth), is the most effective PEMF energy you can use for healing and regeneration!
The intensities they found most beneficial were in the 1-20 microtesla or 10-200 milligauss range which is even WEAKER than the weakest field DC field strengths on earth (but very close).
Along with the FACT that the Schumann resonance is only 1 picotesla, this 4 year, multimillion dollar NASA study is the BEST proof that lower intensity PEMF is the way to go, and that there is NO REASON to waste your money on higher intensity systems that cost $10,000-$30,000+++.
So again look for yourself at the NASA study on PAGE 12 of the study (page 18 of the actual document).
After trying many permutations of intensity, frequency and waveform, NASA concluded that low intensity, low frequency (similar to Schumann) with a rapid rise and fall (squarewave and sawtooth), is the most effective PEMF energy you can use for healing and regeneration!
The intensities they found most beneficial were in the 1-20 microtesla or 10-200 milligauss range which is even WEAKER than the weakest field DC field strengths on earth (but very close).
Along with the FACT that the Schumann resonance is only 1 picotesla, this 4 year, multimillion dollar NASA study is the BEST proof that lower intensity PEMF is the way to go, and that there is NO REASON to waste your money on higher intensity systems that cost $10,000-$30,000+++.
HRV Test Confirm More is Not Better
I have been working one on one with a couple thousand people over the past five years using PEMF along with a heartrate variability HRV biofeedback system.
HRV is a measure of the health of your central nervous system and it is definitely one of the most important perimeters in measuring someones overall health and wellness.
What you want ideally is a high variability that is coherent and always changing. This allows you to adapt to and handle the stresses and challenges of life AND it helps with allowing you to relax and enjoy the peaceful moments.
What fascinates me is that my thesis that low intensity PEMF is very convincingly confirmed when I have seen all the readouts of the HRV using a biofeedback system that works with PEMF.
Because everyone is different, some people higher intensities will LOWER their HRV which is NOT healthy.
And very high intensity "ringer" PEMF systems that come in suitcases, are totally unnecessary and damaging long term.
Why? Because using an abnormally high intensity, the body views that as an external threat and is thrown into fight or flight mode. Or you can think of it as the body withdrawing like a turtle does under stress. In freezes and gets on guards and clams up. This takes the body OUT of healing and stresses the body and adrenals.
But some people do well with a slightly higher intensity (though not those ridiculous levels that make the muscles twitch. And what is more interesting is this can change from session to session. Using a biofeedback device like the iMORE takes all the guesswork out and gives your body the exact intensity it needs.
Here is a video I did that really illustrates this point... It is VERY important to grasp, so please do watch if you are looking for a PEMF device.
I have been working one on one with a couple thousand people over the past five years using PEMF along with a heartrate variability HRV biofeedback system.
HRV is a measure of the health of your central nervous system and it is definitely one of the most important perimeters in measuring someones overall health and wellness.
What you want ideally is a high variability that is coherent and always changing. This allows you to adapt to and handle the stresses and challenges of life AND it helps with allowing you to relax and enjoy the peaceful moments.
What fascinates me is that my thesis that low intensity PEMF is very convincingly confirmed when I have seen all the readouts of the HRV using a biofeedback system that works with PEMF.
Because everyone is different, some people higher intensities will LOWER their HRV which is NOT healthy.
And very high intensity "ringer" PEMF systems that come in suitcases, are totally unnecessary and damaging long term.
Why? Because using an abnormally high intensity, the body views that as an external threat and is thrown into fight or flight mode. Or you can think of it as the body withdrawing like a turtle does under stress. In freezes and gets on guards and clams up. This takes the body OUT of healing and stresses the body and adrenals.
But some people do well with a slightly higher intensity (though not those ridiculous levels that make the muscles twitch. And what is more interesting is this can change from session to session. Using a biofeedback device like the iMORE takes all the guesswork out and gives your body the exact intensity it needs.
Here is a video I did that really illustrates this point... It is VERY important to grasp, so please do watch if you are looking for a PEMF device.
A Few Big Fat Myths Promoted by High Intensity PEMF Companies
The Preciousness of Life
Most Biology textbook definitions of life place the ability to reproduce as the most important characteristic and then give a long winded account of DNA replication and protein synthesis as though that were the fundamental problem of life. Yes that is important but there are many other equally and perhaps more important properties of Life:
1) Living organisms have extreme sensitivity to environment cues, signals and energies.
2) Living Organisms have an extraordinary efficiency and rapidity of energy transduction
3) There is a dynamic, holo-fractal-graphic, long range order and coordination
4) Which leads to a Wholeness and Unique Individuality
But ultimately it is important to see that life is a PROCESS and not a thing, nor a property of a material thing or structure. As it is well known, our body is constantly being broken down and rebuilt around an organizing holographic pattern or morphogenetic field of energy and information.
Life resides in this pattern of dynamic flows of matter, energy and information that somehow makes the organism alive, enabling it to grow, develop and evolve. This whole does not refer to an isolated entity, but on the contrary, it refers to a system OPEN and extremely sensitive and interconnected with Gaia, Mother Earth, Nature and the surrounding ecosystem which embraces lovingly and supports the organization of a dynamically stable and miraculous forms like the Human body. To be alive and whole is very precious and special.
The Preciousness of Life
Most Biology textbook definitions of life place the ability to reproduce as the most important characteristic and then give a long winded account of DNA replication and protein synthesis as though that were the fundamental problem of life. Yes that is important but there are many other equally and perhaps more important properties of Life:
1) Living organisms have extreme sensitivity to environment cues, signals and energies.
2) Living Organisms have an extraordinary efficiency and rapidity of energy transduction
3) There is a dynamic, holo-fractal-graphic, long range order and coordination
4) Which leads to a Wholeness and Unique Individuality
But ultimately it is important to see that life is a PROCESS and not a thing, nor a property of a material thing or structure. As it is well known, our body is constantly being broken down and rebuilt around an organizing holographic pattern or morphogenetic field of energy and information.
Life resides in this pattern of dynamic flows of matter, energy and information that somehow makes the organism alive, enabling it to grow, develop and evolve. This whole does not refer to an isolated entity, but on the contrary, it refers to a system OPEN and extremely sensitive and interconnected with Gaia, Mother Earth, Nature and the surrounding ecosystem which embraces lovingly and supports the organization of a dynamically stable and miraculous forms like the Human body. To be alive and whole is very precious and special.
I say this to set the stage, because what the body NEEDS is what Nature gives us. The FURTHER from Nature we venture (like high intensity PEMF, the greater the risk of damaging our health.
Fundamentally this is my consistent thesis through all my videos, books, articles and interviews and I don't see that view ever changing. What I do see is a lot of so-called PEMF experts and companies saying, selling and telling people whatever they want to get a sale, even at perilous price of giving bad information that can hurt someone. I see many people and companies changing their product lines, philosophies and even directly contradicting themselves. The most unfortunate trend lately is the MORE IS BETTER and MORE IS NEEDED mentality of High Intensity PEMF Companies that base there reasoning on BAD SCIENCE like for example incorrectly using the inverse square law to get answers that are off by over 10,000% (Dr Pawluk, Marcus Freudenmann, Curatron to name a couple offenders).
If you are thinking about a PEMF device and someone or some company has duped you into thinking you need HIGH INTENSITY... PLEASE READ THIS WHOLE PAGE! The more I study the physics of the organism, holistic healing and energy medicine, THE MORE I am convinced that we need low frequency, low intensity with large tightly wound circular pure copper coils to get the BEST and SAFEST benefits that PEMF has to offer. Why? Because that is what Nature is giving us in the purest sense.
Life is too precious than to be taking chances with high intensity and unnatural devices, therapies, and supplements, drugs, surgeries, radiation, etc. Anything that is too much pushes the body out of balance and in time can lead to cellular burnout... ESPECIALLY HIGH INTENSITY PEMF!! Don't be fooled by short term symptomatic relief, which you can also get by taking morphine which most people know is very bad for the health if taken long term and incredibly addictive.
I hope you get a lot out of this article and website,
Best of Health to You!
Bryant Meyers
Fundamentally this is my consistent thesis through all my videos, books, articles and interviews and I don't see that view ever changing. What I do see is a lot of so-called PEMF experts and companies saying, selling and telling people whatever they want to get a sale, even at perilous price of giving bad information that can hurt someone. I see many people and companies changing their product lines, philosophies and even directly contradicting themselves. The most unfortunate trend lately is the MORE IS BETTER and MORE IS NEEDED mentality of High Intensity PEMF Companies that base there reasoning on BAD SCIENCE like for example incorrectly using the inverse square law to get answers that are off by over 10,000% (Dr Pawluk, Marcus Freudenmann, Curatron to name a couple offenders).
If you are thinking about a PEMF device and someone or some company has duped you into thinking you need HIGH INTENSITY... PLEASE READ THIS WHOLE PAGE! The more I study the physics of the organism, holistic healing and energy medicine, THE MORE I am convinced that we need low frequency, low intensity with large tightly wound circular pure copper coils to get the BEST and SAFEST benefits that PEMF has to offer. Why? Because that is what Nature is giving us in the purest sense.
Life is too precious than to be taking chances with high intensity and unnatural devices, therapies, and supplements, drugs, surgeries, radiation, etc. Anything that is too much pushes the body out of balance and in time can lead to cellular burnout... ESPECIALLY HIGH INTENSITY PEMF!! Don't be fooled by short term symptomatic relief, which you can also get by taking morphine which most people know is very bad for the health if taken long term and incredibly addictive.
I hope you get a lot out of this article and website,
Best of Health to You!
Bryant Meyers
High Intensity systems like to claim that lower intensity PEMF devices are ineffective because you can just lay on the grass to get the earth's natural field strength.
Well, we just exposed the flaw in this reasoning. Laying on the grass is giving you a PEMF intensity in the picotesla. Earth Based PEMF mats actually give you a VERY concentrated PEMF intensity compared to the earth. Again we are talking about PEMF, not the earth's static field.
Many static magnetic products use intensities that are upwards to 12,000 Gauss or around 1.2 Tesla. But interestingly the NASA study, Eastern European Studies and others showed that static magnetics do not work as well weak PEMF signals which are more effective than stronger static magnets. In fact when magnets were first rigorously studied in Eastern Europe in the late 70's and 80's, they found that PEMF or pulsing magnetic fields worked better, so much of the research shifted to PEMF. Since then over 10,0000 studies have been conducted with PEMF therapy making it the most effective, best researched form of energy medicine available today. Just remember that More is not better, BETTER IS BETTER. And in the case of PEMF therapy, most of the time, less is more beneficial!
Plus if you believe that what the earth gives us, is mainly what we need, than it should make sense that supplementing with a earth inspired PEMF therapy mat with lower intensities is the most effective, most natural and safest way to go!
High Intensity systems like to claim that lower intensity PEMF devices are ineffective because you can just lay on the grass to get the earth's natural field strength.
Well, we just exposed the flaw in this reasoning. Laying on the grass is giving you a PEMF intensity in the picotesla. Earth Based PEMF mats actually give you a VERY concentrated PEMF intensity compared to the earth. Again we are talking about PEMF, not the earth's static field.
Many static magnetic products use intensities that are upwards to 12,000 Gauss or around 1.2 Tesla. But interestingly the NASA study, Eastern European Studies and others showed that static magnetics do not work as well weak PEMF signals which are more effective than stronger static magnets. In fact when magnets were first rigorously studied in Eastern Europe in the late 70's and 80's, they found that PEMF or pulsing magnetic fields worked better, so much of the research shifted to PEMF. Since then over 10,0000 studies have been conducted with PEMF therapy making it the most effective, best researched form of energy medicine available today. Just remember that More is not better, BETTER IS BETTER. And in the case of PEMF therapy, most of the time, less is more beneficial!
Plus if you believe that what the earth gives us, is mainly what we need, than it should make sense that supplementing with a earth inspired PEMF therapy mat with lower intensities is the most effective, most natural and safest way to go!
Live Blood Microscopy
Infrared Thermography
Pulse Oximeter
Infrared Thermography
Pulse Oximeter
The Book "Practice of Magnetic Field Therapy" is by far the most comprehensive book on validating the use and effectiveness of low intensity PEMF.
With data and experience from over 300,000 patients and nearly 100 practioners, it includes protocols for hundreds of different conditions and hundreds of testimonials and case studies.
The book is based on the first generation MRS 2000 which uses the sawtooth on the full body mat and squarewave on the applicators.
Any naysayers or doubters on the effectiveness of low intensity PEMF needs to check this book out!
Also check out www.imrs2000.com membership area for over 100 recent positive reviews, testimonials and case studies.
I have searched and checked all the PEMF products and websites, and there are no other devices with these kind of results.
With data and experience from over 300,000 patients and nearly 100 practioners, it includes protocols for hundreds of different conditions and hundreds of testimonials and case studies.
The book is based on the first generation MRS 2000 which uses the sawtooth on the full body mat and squarewave on the applicators.
Any naysayers or doubters on the effectiveness of low intensity PEMF needs to check this book out!
Also check out www.imrs2000.com membership area for over 100 recent positive reviews, testimonials and case studies.
I have searched and checked all the PEMF products and websites, and there are no other devices with these kind of results.
“Small is powerful, Less is More”
W.R. Adey
(PEMF Researcher)
There is a saying that what you resist
Suppressing symptoms and "numbing" the body, makes you less aware, conscious and emotionally sterile.
You see, if you suppress the "feeling" of pain, you are suppressing your FEELINGS.
Besides pain killers, surgery and medication, you can overeat, overindulge in drugs, sex, alcohol, etc which also has the effect of shutting down the bodies feelings and healing response.
W.R. Adey
(PEMF Researcher)
There is a saying that what you resist
Suppressing symptoms and "numbing" the body, makes you less aware, conscious and emotionally sterile.
You see, if you suppress the "feeling" of pain, you are suppressing your FEELINGS.
Besides pain killers, surgery and medication, you can overeat, overindulge in drugs, sex, alcohol, etc which also has the effect of shutting down the bodies feelings and healing response.
I have talked to literally thousands of people about PEMF therapy and A LOT of people are confused about intensity, Gauss vs Tesla, what is uT, etc.
Tesla is the SI unit for Magnetic Field Strength or Magnetic flux density. This unit is the overall strength or intensity of the magnetic field around an object and decreases with distance.
Gauss is another unit for Magnetic Field Strength and it should be noted that Tesla and Gauss BOTH MEASURE THE SAME THING, just like Meters and Yards both measure distance.
These prefixes apply to ALL units of measure in science.
So a microtesla which is abbreviated uT = 1/1,000,000 of a Tesla
Tesla is the SI unit for Magnetic Field Strength or Magnetic flux density. This unit is the overall strength or intensity of the magnetic field around an object and decreases with distance.
Gauss is another unit for Magnetic Field Strength and it should be noted that Tesla and Gauss BOTH MEASURE THE SAME THING, just like Meters and Yards both measure distance.
These prefixes apply to ALL units of measure in science.
So a microtesla which is abbreviated uT = 1/1,000,000 of a Tesla
Make sure to also read about the Hormesis Effect, because it is the really clincher to understanding why MORE is not Better. I would start by reading this page first though.
==> Hormesis, Longevity & PEMF
==> Hormesis, Longevity & PEMF
Quantum Biology and Quantum Mechanics sensitivity to initial conditions
Quantum algorithm to measure fidelity decay, which "measures the rate at which identical initial states diverge when subjected to slightly different dynamics". They consider fidelity decay to be "the closest quantum analog to the (purely classical) butterfly effect". Quantum and semiclassical treatments of system sensitivity to initial conditions are known as quantum chaos.
Quantum Biology and Quantum Mechanics sensitivity to initial conditions
Quantum algorithm to measure fidelity decay, which "measures the rate at which identical initial states diverge when subjected to slightly different dynamics". They consider fidelity decay to be "the closest quantum analog to the (purely classical) butterfly effect". Quantum and semiclassical treatments of system sensitivity to initial conditions are known as quantum chaos.
A linear relationship of stimulus and response is too simplistic and can be dangerous when applied to the human body.
We are accustomed to thinking in terms of top down hierarchies , chains of command, and straight forward logic of cause and effect. Like MORE IS BETTER (which it isn't of course). Unfortunately High Intensity PEMF promotors and companies are still stuck in mechanistic and linear ways of thinking.
We are accustomed to thinking in terms of top down hierarchies , chains of command, and straight forward logic of cause and effect. Like MORE IS BETTER (which it isn't of course). Unfortunately High Intensity PEMF promotors and companies are still stuck in mechanistic and linear ways of thinking.
The Human Body is Highly Non-Linear (holistic and interconnecting, not Reductionist).
Human biology is non-linear which means a stimulus does have a proportionate effect.
High intensity PEMF uses a Linear or Reductionist philosophy of double the strength and double the benefit.
Non-linear systems can greatly amplify small inputs and high inputs can have exponential effects that could be potentially dangerous.
Nonlinear system like the human body have a decentralized dynamics in which enormous numbers of components keep changing their states from moment to moment looping back on each other in ways that cannot be understood by looking at a component in isolation. That is why reductionism cannot be used to understand the human body. Reductionism treats each part as isolated from each other, such that you simple add up the parts to get the whole... this cannot happen with intercommunication networks, cooperation, competition and feedback and regulatory loops.
Human biology is non-linear which means a stimulus does have a proportionate effect.
High intensity PEMF uses a Linear or Reductionist philosophy of double the strength and double the benefit.
Non-linear systems can greatly amplify small inputs and high inputs can have exponential effects that could be potentially dangerous.
Nonlinear system like the human body have a decentralized dynamics in which enormous numbers of components keep changing their states from moment to moment looping back on each other in ways that cannot be understood by looking at a component in isolation. That is why reductionism cannot be used to understand the human body. Reductionism treats each part as isolated from each other, such that you simple add up the parts to get the whole... this cannot happen with intercommunication networks, cooperation, competition and feedback and regulatory loops.