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Frequency Harmonnics, Biological Windows, MWO (Multiwave Oscillators) and BioRegulation
iMRS 2000 uses a Bioregulation, Multiwave, Multivitamin type of approach giving the body ALL the frequencies it needs ALL at once... Much SIMPLER to use and MORE EFFECTIVE. (BEMER and QRS ALSO do this making these three the BEST 3 PEMF devices). The IMRS 2000 just does it a little better. This is one of the MAIN reasons the IMRS 2000 in my opinion is currently the BEST PEMF device on the market along with other factors. So we'll use it as an example to explain these ideas.
Putting It ALL Together To Create a Wide Range of Frequencies with Rich Harmonics WITHIN THE BODIES BIOLOGICAL WINDOWS OF FREQUENCY AND INTENSITY- The Multiwave Spectrum of Harmonics of PEMF Device
Depends on
1) Intensity - Ideally in Earth Intensity Range using LARGE tightly wound coils for maximum penetration depth.
2) Frequency Resonance and Frequency Spectrum/Bandwidth in Biological Windows (turns out to be what the earth gives us 0-50 Hz).
3) Waveform (DB/DT) and Fourier Transforms
4) Pulsetrain Complexity (layers of frequencies - most PEMF companies DONT GET THIS RIGHT!!).
5) COILS (windings, diameter, thickness, # coils, how tightly wound)
MANY PEMF devices have simplistic waveforms and require you to program in one frequency at a time. This is slow, tedious, ineffective and confusing as we'll see (confusing because there ARE SO MANY frequencies to choose from).
iMRS 2000 uses a Bioregulation, Multiwave, Multivitamin type of approach giving the body ALL the frequencies it needs ALL at once... Much SIMPLER to use and MORE EFFECTIVE. (BEMER and QRS ALSO do this making these three the BEST 3 PEMF devices). The IMRS 2000 just does it a little better. This is one of the MAIN reasons the IMRS 2000 in my opinion is currently the BEST PEMF device on the market along with other factors. So we'll use it as an example to explain these ideas.
Putting It ALL Together To Create a Wide Range of Frequencies with Rich Harmonics WITHIN THE BODIES BIOLOGICAL WINDOWS OF FREQUENCY AND INTENSITY- The Multiwave Spectrum of Harmonics of PEMF Device
Depends on
1) Intensity - Ideally in Earth Intensity Range using LARGE tightly wound coils for maximum penetration depth.
2) Frequency Resonance and Frequency Spectrum/Bandwidth in Biological Windows (turns out to be what the earth gives us 0-50 Hz).
3) Waveform (DB/DT) and Fourier Transforms
4) Pulsetrain Complexity (layers of frequencies - most PEMF companies DONT GET THIS RIGHT!!).
5) COILS (windings, diameter, thickness, # coils, how tightly wound)
MANY PEMF devices have simplistic waveforms and require you to program in one frequency at a time. This is slow, tedious, ineffective and confusing as we'll see (confusing because there ARE SO MANY frequencies to choose from).

Sawtooth waves make ideal use of the phenomenon of upper harmonics for both even and odd-numbered frequency ranges. (Bronstein 2001/19) That is, the first upper harmonic produced by this waveform is equivalent to twice (even) the fundamental (or tonic) frequency; the second upper harmonic is equivalent to three times (odd) the fundamental frequency, etc.
Carrier Frequencies in full body mat are .5, 3, 5.5 and 15Hz.
A fundamental principle of physics is that each frequency transmitted has higher harmonics (as do musical instruments and tuning forks).
So to spell it out
,5 NIGHT ----> .5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3 , etc....
3.0 Evening ---> 3, 6, 9, 12, etc.....
5.5 Noon ----> 5.5, 11, 16.5, 22, etc....
15 Morning ----> 15, 30, 45, 60, etc.....
So with these harmonics the iMRS 2000 covers 0-50 Hz and then some up to the MHz even (as coherent higher harmonics of earth frequencies).
And because of the nice sawtooth on full body mat and the tightly wound pure copper coils, you get a wide range of harmonics easily covering 0-50 Hz which is the most important range.
This is like an energetic multivitamin, you are getting ALL THE FREQUENCIES YOU NEED EVERY SESSION!! No need to program this frequency , then that, then another like Rife machines and crude pemf devices that use only simple sinewaves (like PERL, Curatron, MAS, Sedona Wellness, etc.) Having the ability to program a LOT of frequencies is NOT necessarily a good thing, in fact , in my experience it makes it less effective and HARDER to use as typically these devices do not have a good spectrum of harmonics.
Further Note on Sawtooth, Harmonics for full body mat:
Sawtooth spectrum contains both even and odd harmonics of the fundamental frequency. Theoretically it contains of all even and uneven harmonics with no limit in band width it goes definitely up to the MHZ range (Thats why we are using this sophisticated wave form as we increase the power of probability of resonance).
The amount of harmonics is huge!
What this means is ALL the frequencies are covered in Every session. This makes it much easier AND more effective than systems where you can or need to program in specific frequencies (which is VERY limiting).
I have measured the iMRS 2000 and can see harmonics UP INTO THE kHz!!
Sawtooth waves make ideal use of the phenomenon of upper harmonics for both even and odd-numbered frequency ranges. (Bronstein 2001/19) That is, the first upper harmonic produced by this waveform is equivalent to twice (even) the fundamental (or tonic) frequency; the second upper harmonic is equivalent to three times (odd) the fundamental frequency, etc.
Carrier Frequencies in full body mat are .5, 3, 5.5 and 15Hz.
A fundamental principle of physics is that each frequency transmitted has higher harmonics (as do musical instruments and tuning forks).
So to spell it out
,5 NIGHT ----> .5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3 , etc....
3.0 Evening ---> 3, 6, 9, 12, etc.....
5.5 Noon ----> 5.5, 11, 16.5, 22, etc....
15 Morning ----> 15, 30, 45, 60, etc.....
So with these harmonics the iMRS 2000 covers 0-50 Hz and then some up to the MHz even (as coherent higher harmonics of earth frequencies).
And because of the nice sawtooth on full body mat and the tightly wound pure copper coils, you get a wide range of harmonics easily covering 0-50 Hz which is the most important range.
This is like an energetic multivitamin, you are getting ALL THE FREQUENCIES YOU NEED EVERY SESSION!! No need to program this frequency , then that, then another like Rife machines and crude pemf devices that use only simple sinewaves (like PERL, Curatron, MAS, Sedona Wellness, etc.) Having the ability to program a LOT of frequencies is NOT necessarily a good thing, in fact , in my experience it makes it less effective and HARDER to use as typically these devices do not have a good spectrum of harmonics.
Further Note on Sawtooth, Harmonics for full body mat:
Sawtooth spectrum contains both even and odd harmonics of the fundamental frequency. Theoretically it contains of all even and uneven harmonics with no limit in band width it goes definitely up to the MHZ range (Thats why we are using this sophisticated wave form as we increase the power of probability of resonance).
The amount of harmonics is huge!
What this means is ALL the frequencies are covered in Every session. This makes it much easier AND more effective than systems where you can or need to program in specific frequencies (which is VERY limiting).
I have measured the iMRS 2000 and can see harmonics UP INTO THE kHz!!
2C) Higher Harmonics and Multiwave PEMF -VERY IMPORTANT

Frequency Resonances and Harmonics
Use Fourier Transforms to Decompose Waveform in all its constituent frequencies.
Harmonics will depend on waveform and fundamental frequency(s), purity of signal, thickness of coils, number of windings, and how tightly those windings are wound.
The iMRS 2000 has the best configuration and richest spectrum of harmonics I have seen, so lets use as an example...
In 1925, Georges Lakhovsky published a paper and he says in the paper....
“The remedy in my opinion, is not to kill the microbes in contact with the healthy cells but to reinforce the oscillations of the cell either directly by reinforcing the radio activity of the blood or in producing on the cells a direct action by means of the proper rays.” Lakhovsky’s Radio-Cellulo-Oscillator (RCO) produced low frequency ELF all the way through gigahertz radiowaves with lots of “extremely short harmonics.”
He favored such a wide bandwidth device so that, “The cells with very weak vibrations, when placed in the field of multiple vibrations, finds its own frequency and starts again to oscillate normally through the phenomenon of resonance.”
The iMRS 2000 and similar properly wound coil PEMF devices fit Lakhovsky's philosophy to a tee.
You lose the higher harmonics by not properly winding the coil, using plastic tubing etc.
Multivitamin vs a whole bunch of different vitamins approach.
Easier, More Effective and works WITH the body, not allopathically or in a way that is ineffective.
According to some researchers virtually ANY disease or condition can be
improved with the right kind of PEMF system. Usage simply returns the body to its natural state of healthy magnetic resonance.
This point was made by James Oschman, PhD, in
his book “Energy Medicine in Therapeutics and
Human Performance.” He stated that
“intractable diseases may not really have causes
in the usual sense, but instead may be the consequence of a loss of “systemic cooperation.”
improved with the right kind of PEMF system. Usage simply returns the body to its natural state of healthy magnetic resonance.
This point was made by James Oschman, PhD, in
his book “Energy Medicine in Therapeutics and
Human Performance.” He stated that
“intractable diseases may not really have causes
in the usual sense, but instead may be the consequence of a loss of “systemic cooperation.”

Bioregulation Therapy
Adaptation and organization of biological systems are not linear (Chaos and Quantum Coherence).
Every organism is intimately connected with Nature and its surrounding physical and energetic environment.
Biological information is exchanged chiefly through electromagnetic and subtle energy information systems.
These energy information systems form the basis of biochemical reactions. Biophysics is more fundamental then physiology. Subtle energies guide matter in the body through myriad reactions.
The recent development is applying the concept of ‘resonance’ to analyse and treat an illness. Resonance is a physical phenomenon that occurs due to vibrations and creates a balance (harmony). Each and every material of a living body emits a resonant vibration or we can say the communication between various levels in body takes place through resonance. For resonance to occur there is a necessity of an apt medium and for biological purposes EM fields serve as the medium for electromagnetic waves. The frequencies of the earth are the PRIMARY resonant frequencies for the human body.
There are at least 37 trillion cells in the body (and that’s not counting the millions of bacteria friends we carry in our gut). Each and every one of those 37 trillion cells carries out several thousand metabolic processes every single second. In order for that activity to happen, there is a great deal of communication that must take place between and within these 37 trillion cells.
The concept of BRT begins by viewing cellular communication as self-regulating. Cells communicate with each other through various frequencies. When your internal or external environment changes, cells respond and adapt to the change. They let each other know what’s going on so that they can maintain balance. Perpetual adaptation in necessary since the external and internal environment of an organism is every changing.
*Organ systems have tiny, complex, bioelectrical signals, and each one has its own unique, signature pattern.
Because the cells within each organ system tend to “talk” more with each other than with other systems, each organ system has slightly different characteristics that promote communication among its own cells. For instance, kidney cells communicate better with other kidney cells than they do with liver cells.
Aging and disease, then, are essentially a breakdown of this communication process between the cells. The body does its best to rebalance itself and reestablish diminishing communication channels, but sometimes the process needs help.
BRT presents the body with a huge range of frequencies at a low energy level, allowing cells to respond to the frequencies they need at a given time. By providing such a wide range of frequencies, we make sure that all the cells and functions in the body are addressed to the maximum extent possible. This approach respects not only the natural field intensities of the tissues of the body, but also communicates with the cells in ways they can understand and accept.
Therefore, BRT facilitates the natural processes of the tissues of the body to be able to heal themselves.
There are BOTH frequency and intensity windows.
Adaptation and organization of biological systems are not linear (Chaos and Quantum Coherence).
Every organism is intimately connected with Nature and its surrounding physical and energetic environment.
Biological information is exchanged chiefly through electromagnetic and subtle energy information systems.
These energy information systems form the basis of biochemical reactions. Biophysics is more fundamental then physiology. Subtle energies guide matter in the body through myriad reactions.
The recent development is applying the concept of ‘resonance’ to analyse and treat an illness. Resonance is a physical phenomenon that occurs due to vibrations and creates a balance (harmony). Each and every material of a living body emits a resonant vibration or we can say the communication between various levels in body takes place through resonance. For resonance to occur there is a necessity of an apt medium and for biological purposes EM fields serve as the medium for electromagnetic waves. The frequencies of the earth are the PRIMARY resonant frequencies for the human body.
There are at least 37 trillion cells in the body (and that’s not counting the millions of bacteria friends we carry in our gut). Each and every one of those 37 trillion cells carries out several thousand metabolic processes every single second. In order for that activity to happen, there is a great deal of communication that must take place between and within these 37 trillion cells.
The concept of BRT begins by viewing cellular communication as self-regulating. Cells communicate with each other through various frequencies. When your internal or external environment changes, cells respond and adapt to the change. They let each other know what’s going on so that they can maintain balance. Perpetual adaptation in necessary since the external and internal environment of an organism is every changing.
*Organ systems have tiny, complex, bioelectrical signals, and each one has its own unique, signature pattern.
Because the cells within each organ system tend to “talk” more with each other than with other systems, each organ system has slightly different characteristics that promote communication among its own cells. For instance, kidney cells communicate better with other kidney cells than they do with liver cells.
Aging and disease, then, are essentially a breakdown of this communication process between the cells. The body does its best to rebalance itself and reestablish diminishing communication channels, but sometimes the process needs help.
BRT presents the body with a huge range of frequencies at a low energy level, allowing cells to respond to the frequencies they need at a given time. By providing such a wide range of frequencies, we make sure that all the cells and functions in the body are addressed to the maximum extent possible. This approach respects not only the natural field intensities of the tissues of the body, but also communicates with the cells in ways they can understand and accept.
Therefore, BRT facilitates the natural processes of the tissues of the body to be able to heal themselves.
There are BOTH frequency and intensity windows.

Biological Windows
"Small is Powerful, Less is More."
- Ross Adey
Dr. Ross Adey coined the term “biological window.” Adey measured the calcium output of brain cells in rabbits to demonstrate that this effect could only be triggered using very low magnetic field intensities and a specific low (16 Hz) frequency. Since Dr. Adey’s initial discovery, the energy medicine literature has shown strong scientific consensus that biological windows are important.
A biological window is a range or spectrum of electromagnetic energies that are readily accepted by the body and converted to positive physiological responses. Signals that fall outside the biological window have little or no effect. Research has proven that living tissues readily detect, absorb and utilized electromagnetic signals within some frequency ranges and completely ignore the rest of the frequency spectrum.
Magnetic resonance stimulation within the biological window can have a profoundly positive impact on health. Stimulation at frequencies and amplitudes outside the biological window will produce little or no positive health benefit.
This means that there is a range of intensities and frequencies for which the tissue is especially receptive. Magnetic fields pass through the body virtually without encountering any resistance. If the magnetic field impulses reach the body in a certain frequency, they can resonate with the natural oscillation of cells and organ systems. The resonance effect restores disrupted or abnormal cellular and/or cell receptor oscillations that are vital for metabolic processes, circulation, cell regeneration and the immune system.
"Small is Powerful, Less is More."
- Ross Adey
Dr. Ross Adey coined the term “biological window.” Adey measured the calcium output of brain cells in rabbits to demonstrate that this effect could only be triggered using very low magnetic field intensities and a specific low (16 Hz) frequency. Since Dr. Adey’s initial discovery, the energy medicine literature has shown strong scientific consensus that biological windows are important.
A biological window is a range or spectrum of electromagnetic energies that are readily accepted by the body and converted to positive physiological responses. Signals that fall outside the biological window have little or no effect. Research has proven that living tissues readily detect, absorb and utilized electromagnetic signals within some frequency ranges and completely ignore the rest of the frequency spectrum.
Magnetic resonance stimulation within the biological window can have a profoundly positive impact on health. Stimulation at frequencies and amplitudes outside the biological window will produce little or no positive health benefit.
This means that there is a range of intensities and frequencies for which the tissue is especially receptive. Magnetic fields pass through the body virtually without encountering any resistance. If the magnetic field impulses reach the body in a certain frequency, they can resonate with the natural oscillation of cells and organ systems. The resonance effect restores disrupted or abnormal cellular and/or cell receptor oscillations that are vital for metabolic processes, circulation, cell regeneration and the immune system.
Sometimes more is not better. Sometimes more simply overwhelms the basic processes of the body. Sometimes the body only needs a whisper to move it along the way to a different path, away from illness and tissue damage. Choosing the correct tone of the whisper (or frequency) is important to the results. Natural cellular communication takes place at extremely low intensity levels, and therefore it only takes a small level of increased energy to help to support and improve functions.
Selecting the tones for the cells and their various functions is still a matter of significant research. However, through various investigations and experiences, many of these frequencies have been found. These optimal frequencies are referred to as ‘windows’. The ‘right’ frequency is one that speaks to a particular window or function in the body.
We cannot know at a given time what frequencies the cells need. In one moment, they need one frequency, and as time progresses and the cells adapt, they will need a different frequency or set of frequencies to be able to function optimally. Many times, it is better to provide a range of different frequencies, allowing the body to select what it needs in order to penetrate the appropriate window at the appropriate time.
This is how true healing can happen by using a low-intensity PEMF with variable, complex frequencies.
Selecting the tones for the cells and their various functions is still a matter of significant research. However, through various investigations and experiences, many of these frequencies have been found. These optimal frequencies are referred to as ‘windows’. The ‘right’ frequency is one that speaks to a particular window or function in the body.
We cannot know at a given time what frequencies the cells need. In one moment, they need one frequency, and as time progresses and the cells adapt, they will need a different frequency or set of frequencies to be able to function optimally. Many times, it is better to provide a range of different frequencies, allowing the body to select what it needs in order to penetrate the appropriate window at the appropriate time.
This is how true healing can happen by using a low-intensity PEMF with variable, complex frequencies.

Stochastic resonance means that randomly applied energies can amplify weak oscillations into stronger ones to produce a change.
Introducing a magnetic field impulse with a very low intensity produces momentary chaotic oscillations at the cellular level. The initial energy currents produced are haphazard, like white noise. However, certain impulses delivered across the low frequency spectrum will, by chance, match the frequency range of biological window for the cells and their membrane receptors. The cells and receptors begin to oscillate at resonance frequencies. Frequencies that, by chance, fall outside of the biological window do not dampen the resonance created because they are not received by the cell’s receptors. Referring back to the playground swing analogy, this would be compared to a parent going through the motion of pushing a swing at a certain frequency, but standing in the baseball field rather than near the swing. The parent’s regular motions (representing a true frequency) have no influence on the swing.
Certain body and cell reactions can only take place if a receptor is excited. There are no receptors for incorrect frequencies; that is, for frequencies outside the biological window.
If a very strong magnetic impulse (e.g., with high amplitude) is applied to the cells, it will fall outside the amplitude window of responsiveness for the cell and its receptor sites at the cell membrane. Just as there is a range of acceptable frequencies that define the biological window, there is also a range of acceptable amplitudes that fall within the biological window. A strong electromagnetic impulse will evoke no biologically recognizable resonance.
Stochastic resonance is used in state-of-the-art magnetic field therapy equipment to target this biological window as much as possible. The MRS 2000+ designo® uses rectangular and sawtooth impulses preferentially. The evolved sawtooth impulses used in such systems are a combination of triangular and rectangular waves. Sawtooth waves make ideal use of the phenomenon of upper harmonics for both even and odd-numbered frequency ranges. (Bronstein 2001/19) That is, the first upper harmonic produced by this waveform is equivalent to twice (even) the fundamental (or tonic) frequency; the second upper harmonic is equivalent to three times (odd) the fundamental frequency, etc.
The key is the sharp rise time and fall time of the waveform. This is the characteristic that produces ion dissociation, resonance of cell membrane receptors, and maximum access to the “biological window.” Some authors have reported that it is necessary to apply waveforms that match the action potential of a nerve impulse. However, nerve impulse waveforms often have gradual rise and fall times and are not capable of maximum ion dissociation. These authors ignore the many studies that demonstrate the profound biological effects of waveforms with sharp rise and fall times (such as the sawtooth and square waveforms).
Summary: Stochastic resonance permits the delivery of a broad spectrum of wave frequencies and amplitudes to access the “active biological window” of cells and their receptor sites. Knowledge of the exact biological window is not necessary for each cell in a particular individual. Predictive probability, the use of a proven spectrum of frequencies and amplitudes, and knowledge of the effect of the fundamental harmonics of cell behavior ensure that signals are delivered through the biological window, and also ensure that magnetic resonance is having a beneficial physical benefit.
Introducing a magnetic field impulse with a very low intensity produces momentary chaotic oscillations at the cellular level. The initial energy currents produced are haphazard, like white noise. However, certain impulses delivered across the low frequency spectrum will, by chance, match the frequency range of biological window for the cells and their membrane receptors. The cells and receptors begin to oscillate at resonance frequencies. Frequencies that, by chance, fall outside of the biological window do not dampen the resonance created because they are not received by the cell’s receptors. Referring back to the playground swing analogy, this would be compared to a parent going through the motion of pushing a swing at a certain frequency, but standing in the baseball field rather than near the swing. The parent’s regular motions (representing a true frequency) have no influence on the swing.
Certain body and cell reactions can only take place if a receptor is excited. There are no receptors for incorrect frequencies; that is, for frequencies outside the biological window.
If a very strong magnetic impulse (e.g., with high amplitude) is applied to the cells, it will fall outside the amplitude window of responsiveness for the cell and its receptor sites at the cell membrane. Just as there is a range of acceptable frequencies that define the biological window, there is also a range of acceptable amplitudes that fall within the biological window. A strong electromagnetic impulse will evoke no biologically recognizable resonance.
Stochastic resonance is used in state-of-the-art magnetic field therapy equipment to target this biological window as much as possible. The MRS 2000+ designo® uses rectangular and sawtooth impulses preferentially. The evolved sawtooth impulses used in such systems are a combination of triangular and rectangular waves. Sawtooth waves make ideal use of the phenomenon of upper harmonics for both even and odd-numbered frequency ranges. (Bronstein 2001/19) That is, the first upper harmonic produced by this waveform is equivalent to twice (even) the fundamental (or tonic) frequency; the second upper harmonic is equivalent to three times (odd) the fundamental frequency, etc.
The key is the sharp rise time and fall time of the waveform. This is the characteristic that produces ion dissociation, resonance of cell membrane receptors, and maximum access to the “biological window.” Some authors have reported that it is necessary to apply waveforms that match the action potential of a nerve impulse. However, nerve impulse waveforms often have gradual rise and fall times and are not capable of maximum ion dissociation. These authors ignore the many studies that demonstrate the profound biological effects of waveforms with sharp rise and fall times (such as the sawtooth and square waveforms).
Summary: Stochastic resonance permits the delivery of a broad spectrum of wave frequencies and amplitudes to access the “active biological window” of cells and their receptor sites. Knowledge of the exact biological window is not necessary for each cell in a particular individual. Predictive probability, the use of a proven spectrum of frequencies and amplitudes, and knowledge of the effect of the fundamental harmonics of cell behavior ensure that signals are delivered through the biological window, and also ensure that magnetic resonance is having a beneficial physical benefit.
Biological Windows For Various Tissues
So to summarize, The MWO Approach and Bioregulation Theory seeks to present the body with a huge range of frequencies, allowing cells to respond to the frequencies they need at a given time. By providing such a wide range of frequencies we make sure that all the cells and functions in the body are addressed to the maximum extent possible.
Bioregulation therapy provides a range of different frequencies, allowing the body to select what it needs in order to penetrate the appropriate biological window at the appropriate time.
iMRS 2000 uses a Bioregulation, Multiwave, Multivitamin type of approach giving the body ALL the frequencies it needs ALL at once... Much SIMPLER to use and MORE EFFECTIVE. (BEMER and QRS ALSO do this making these three the BEST 3 PEMF devices). The IMRS 2000 just does it better than even those two because of added complexity and biorhythm and added waveform geometry (BEMER and QRS have no biofeedback and only ONE waveform). But even so they are still better than most PEMF devices with simplistic repeating waveforms, no added complexity, no polarity reversal, etc.
Bioregulation therapy provides a range of different frequencies, allowing the body to select what it needs in order to penetrate the appropriate biological window at the appropriate time.
iMRS 2000 uses a Bioregulation, Multiwave, Multivitamin type of approach giving the body ALL the frequencies it needs ALL at once... Much SIMPLER to use and MORE EFFECTIVE. (BEMER and QRS ALSO do this making these three the BEST 3 PEMF devices). The IMRS 2000 just does it better than even those two because of added complexity and biorhythm and added waveform geometry (BEMER and QRS have no biofeedback and only ONE waveform). But even so they are still better than most PEMF devices with simplistic repeating waveforms, no added complexity, no polarity reversal, etc.

The word "window" has its origins and meaning from "Wind Eye" or "Eye Door", and it signifies an opening or range. A window is transparent to a given range of parameters.
An Intensity window is used in pharmacology as the therapeutic range of drugs that is effective but yet safe. When it comes to PEMF, we also want a dosage that is strong enough to be effective, but yet not too strong so it’s still safe. I hope that makes sense.
A frequency window is the window or range of frequencies that are needed for a particular effect. For example, in sight and hearing our eyes and ears can only see or hear a certain window or range of frequencies. Our eyes see only a small tiny sliver of the entire electromagnetic frequency spectrum from 4 x 1014 Hz (red) to 7.5 x 1014 Hz (violet). Also our ears hear from a very low base 20 Hz up to an extremely high treble pitch 20,000 Hz. The key point is that frequencies outside these windows will not register (no matter how bright or loud) on the human eye or ear. Analogously our tissues and cells have a window or range of frequencies they respond to, and as we'll see, it’s the same range as the geomagnetic and Schumann frequencies!
An Intensity window is used in pharmacology as the therapeutic range of drugs that is effective but yet safe. When it comes to PEMF, we also want a dosage that is strong enough to be effective, but yet not too strong so it’s still safe. I hope that makes sense.
A frequency window is the window or range of frequencies that are needed for a particular effect. For example, in sight and hearing our eyes and ears can only see or hear a certain window or range of frequencies. Our eyes see only a small tiny sliver of the entire electromagnetic frequency spectrum from 4 x 1014 Hz (red) to 7.5 x 1014 Hz (violet). Also our ears hear from a very low base 20 Hz up to an extremely high treble pitch 20,000 Hz. The key point is that frequencies outside these windows will not register (no matter how bright or loud) on the human eye or ear. Analogously our tissues and cells have a window or range of frequencies they respond to, and as we'll see, it’s the same range as the geomagnetic and Schumann frequencies!