Frequency Matters! The Key to Understanding PEMF (Most Important Chapter!).

And as we'll see, it's specifically the frequency that the earth's magnetic field and ionosphere (Schumann Resonance). These Earth frequencies are primarily in the 0-30 Hz range and they exactly match the frequencies of our body, mind, tissues and cells.
So give me your full attention for this page and the next and I promise you'll glean a much greater appreciation for the importance of Earth based PEMF therapy. Let's begin by defining frequency.
What is Frequency?

It's easiest to think of frequency in terms of waves and it is measured in the hertz unit, named in honor of the 19th-century German physicist Heinrich Rudolf Hertz. The hertz measurement, abbreviated Hz, is the number of waves that pass by per second, or the cycles per second or number of oscillations per second. For example, an "A" note on a violin string vibrates at about 440 Hz (440 vibrations per second).
Frequency is an abstract mathematical concept that applies to many physical phenomenon. For example, water waves are a visual way to see frequency. If there are a lot of waves in a small given area that would be a high frequency relative to a small number of waves (see image to the left).
The Electromagnetic Spectrum

But the photon does even more. It makes up all visible light, radio waves, infrared waves, x-rays and gamma rays and everything in between which in totality comprises entire electromagnetic spectrum as pictured to the left. The lowest frequencies in this spectrum are radio waves that can have a wavelength up to several hundreed miles. Then, in order of increasing frequency, there is microwaves, infrared, visible light, ultraviolet light, x-rays, gamma rays and cosmic rays. Notice we can only "see" a small tiny “slice” or portion of the electromagnetic spectrum which is visible light.
The Sun is a source of most of the electromagnetic rays we experience on a daily basis, which is mostly from the infrared through the visible to the ultraviolet end of the spectrum. Some animals can see into the infrared and ultraviolet, but the human eye can only detect around 400 - 700 nm wavelength which is around 10^14 cycles per second (a VERY HIGH frequency) corresponding to colors red through violet. Infrared is aptly named, as it is just "below" red, and ultraviolet is just "above" violet. Interestingly, the peak emissions from the sun are in this range such that the human eye seemed to evolve in synch with the emissions from the sun. Infrared and ultraviolet are not the peak emission but are definitely present as evidenced in the warmth we feel from the sun (infrared) and the sunburn we can experience from ultraviolet.
The earth itself emits frequencies which are all important for life to exist. These are the earth's natural PEMFs that we need as an essential element for life and our health. Let’s take a closer look at the two components of frequency that the earth emits. The first is the resonant frequency of the Ionosphere called the Schumann Resonance and the second is the actual frequency of the earth’s magnetic field called the geomagnetic frequency.
New Video! - Body Mind HEART Earth Connection (Contains NEW Information)
The Body - Mind - Earth Connection (0-30 Hz)
(2018 Update - I have recently Updated to 0-50 Hz - See video above)
But main harmonics are still 0-30 Hz.
Schumann Resonance Frequencies - The "Heartbeat" of the Earth

It's interesting that you can easily rearrange the word "Earth" and get "Heart". The earth is a living organism, and if there were a heartbeat to the earth it would be the Schumann resonance frequencies.
Just as a tuning fork has resonant frequencies for sound, so the planet earth and the ionosphere surrounding it have resonance frequencies for electromagnetic radiation called the Schumann Resonances. Basically the ionosphere with the Earth's surface creates a spherical wave-guide that surrounds the earth. Low frequency electromagnetic waves bounce around this waveguide, which is how radio signals can be transmitted around the globe. The fundamental frequency of this spherical cavity of the earth is 7.83 hertz, which, like a tuning fork, is the earth's fundamental "note".
These frequencies are excited mainly by lightning strikes (5000 lightning strike every minute) in the cavity formed by the Earth's surface and the ionosphere, but can also be induced by solar flares. More than 7 million lightning strikes the earth each day, which “ring” the proverbial bell of the ionosphere that chimes to the note of 7.83 and higher harmonics or octaves (as we’ll see). This natural frequency pulsation is not a fixed number, but an average of global readings, though the primary fundamental frequency is usually close to 7.83 Hz. The Schumann Resonance actually fluctuates due to geographical location, lightning, solar flares, atmospheric ionization and daily cycles. And contrary to the New Age discussions, the fundamental Schumann Resonance is not rising, at least according to continuous monitoring from geological observatories around the world.
And just as a piano has varying octaves of "C", so too does Schumann frequencies have higher octaves or harmonics, the primary ones being in the 0-30 Hz range, which as we’ll see in the next section is the most important frequency range for or body, mind and cells . Note: the first harmonic of 7.83 is by far the strongest with each subsequent harmonic diminishing in intensity. For all practical purpose harmonics above the fifth are virtually non-detectable.
The Primary Harmonics of the Schumann Resonance
1st Harmonic 7.83 Hz
2nd Harmonic 14 Hz
3rd Harmonic 21 Hz
4th Harmonic 26 Hz
5th Harmonic 33 Hz
6th Harmonic 39 Hz
**Subharmonics down to 3hz and lower ties in NICELY to Geomagnetic Frequencies (see below) to cover the full 0-50 Hz range of cell, tissue, body and brain frequencies.
It is important to note that the Schumann Waves are quasi-standing waves or scalar waves and as such are more fundamental then electromagnetic waves. One simple way to understand this is that the 7.83 Schumann scalar wave is the prime "channel" or broadcasting frequency for all of life on earth. It appears all animals and living organism are tuned to this frequency and its harmonics and it is the most important facet of the Earth PEMF (along with the earth’s magnetic field and its frequencies) that we need for life. We all march to the cadence of this cosmic drummer -- our planetary heartbeat, which sets the tempo for our health and well-being.
Below is a CURRENT chart of the Schumann... Note the Schumann Resonance Is NOT rising contrary to what some new age teachers say.

Spectrum of the Earth-ionosphere cavity resonances
Average amplitude spectra from 2 to 100 Hz for Arrival Heights, Antarctica (AH), Sondrestromfjord, Greenland
(SS), and Stanford, California (SU) for the interval January to March 1990. The spectrums are dominated by sharp spectral features of the power supply networks at 50 and 60 Hz. At the Stanford site, modulation frequencies at 30 and 90 Hz occur, which result from non-linearities of the power transmission system. Every spectrum exhibits a carrier frequency of 82 Hz with a modulation of 0.2 Hz that is produced by a Russian submarine communication system. A variety of other spectral peaks of unknown origin occur occasionally and distort the frequency range under consideration. Superimposed on the 1/f natural background, eight Earth-ionosphere cavity resonances can be distinguished.

This study is also good but gets into variations at different altitudes at which people do not live.
BUT the conclusion is the Schumann Resonance frequencies ARE basically the same.
Vertical profile of atmospheric conductivity that matches Schumann resonance observations
Since resonance frequencies and Q of the Earth-ionosphere cavity in the 3–30 Hz ELF range depend upon the electrical conductivity of the space between ground level and 100 km altitude, it is possible to obtain a worldwide average of the atmosphere-lower ionosphere conductivity profile from an analysis of Schumann resonance noise (3–30 Hz) generated by global thunderstorm activity. An iterative procedure is described which involves use of the ELF data for locating the major noise sources (thunderstorm regions) and for determination of the vertical conductivity profile.

Geomagnetic field of earth radiates hundreds of thousands of miles out into space.
Critical to life on earth and Life in general...
It is a static magnetic field, a stationary field. Amplitude or magnitude does not change much that our compasses tune into. Iron fillings line up in lines. Flux lines. Think of the flux lines like guitar strings, and what happens when you pluck a guitar string?
Pluck it and vibrates.
Structural field line resonances. What is plucking the field lines.
The solar wind is plucking the field lines.
Solar wind blowing 1 million miles per hour. Quiet day.
Corona mass ejections, solar flares, up to 5 million miles per hour.
Pulls out magnetic field on night side and get magnetotail.
We can visualize the ringing field lines.
Spectrums of field line resonates.
0.1 Hz one of primary resonances…
All of these rhythms overlap the rhythms in the human heart and autonomic nervous system.
Coherence of heart rhythm is 0.1 hertz.
It is well established that the resonant frequencies in the earth’s various magnetic fields directly overlap with those of the human brain, cardiovascular and autonomic nervous systems. Therefore, it should not be surprising that numerous physiological rhythms in humans and global collective behaviors are not only synchronized with solar and geomagnetic activity, but that disruptions in these fields can create adverse effects on human health and behavior.
When the earth’s magnetic field environment is disturbed it can cause sleep disturbance, mental confusion, unusual lack of energy or a feeling of being on edge or overwhelmed for no apparent reason.
Related to all of the above hypotheses is that human emotions and consciousness interact with and encode information into the geomagnetic field and this information is distributed globally. We believe there is a feedback loop between human beings and the earth’s energetic/magnetic systems.
Brain State Frequencies (0-30 Hz)
Evidence that our cells and Tissues need 0-30Hz PEMF

In 1995, Siskin & Walker noted that an ELF of 2Hz stimulated nerve regeneration, and a frequency of 7Hz can be used to stimulate bone growth. Frequencies of 10Hz promotes ligament healing, and 15, 20, and 72Hz may be used to decrease skin necrosis and stimulate capillary formation. Since tissues and organs are made of cells this research further confirms the hypothesis that the human body needs, resonates and responds to the 0-30 Hz range of frequencies.
Frequencies Emitted from Energy Healers and Chi Kung Masters (0 - 30 Hz)

The frequency of the pulsations is not steady, but "sweeps" up and down, from 0.3 to 30 Hz (cycles per second), with most of the activity in the range of 7-8 Hz.
The biomagnetic pulsations from the hands are in the same frequency range as brain waves and scientific studies of the frequencies necessary for healing indicate that they naturally sweep back and forth through the full range of therapeutic frequencies, thus being able to stimulate healing in any part of the body.
Confirmation of Zimmerman’s findings came in 1992, when Seto and colleagues, in Japan, studied practitioners of various martial arts and other healing methods. The "Qi emission" from the hands is so strong that they can be detected with a simple magnetometer consisting of two coils, of 80,000 turns of wire. Again it was found that the Qi Kung Practitioners emitted the same frequency range of 0-30 Hz.
This chart is ALL research based... NO SPECULATION!
Good PEMF systems like the iMRS with its complex sawtooth and square waveforms create BUNDLES of frequencies to blanket this entire spectrum of cell and tissue resonant frequencies.
What that means is the iMRS is like and energetic multivitamin, charging, healing and regenerating ALL the body's tissues, not just 1 or 2.
Cheaper PEMF Systems have cheap waveforms with incomplete frequency spectrums and inadequate biological effects.
The analogy is like taking "just" vitamin A and vitamin D and nothing else vs taking a full spectrum multivitamin with A, B1,B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, C, E, D, and full spectrum of minerals, etc.
The KEY IS FREQUENCY RESONANCE and WAVEFORM complexity/rapid rise and fall (waveforms like the iMRS that yield a broad spectrum of frequencies).
Intensity is one of the LEAST important components!
Chart Above is Further Evidence and Research in the 0-50 Hz Range
Notice Many conditions ABOVE 50 Hz are also listed below 50 Hz (ie Osteogenesis, DNA Synthesis)
Still all of these are considered Extremely Low Frequency (ELFs)
(***Speculative but still provoking) More Lower Frequencies of the Earth - Completing the 0-30 Hz range

Here are some natural frequencies of different radii on the earth, month and sun that seem to correspond to the Delta and Theta waves of the Human Brain that perhaps may explain why we operate at these lower frequency also.
Plasma Sheet (opposite Sun), inner radius = 60,000 km 0.8 Hz
Magnetopause (toward Sun), radius = 60,000 km 0.8 Hz
Geosynchronous orbit, radius = 35,000 km 1.4 Hz
Outer Van Allen electron belt, outer radius = 25,000 km 2 Hz
Inner Van Allen proton belt, outer radius = 12,000 km 4 Hz
Inner Van Allen proton belt, inner radius = 8,400 km 5.7 Hz
As to the following frequencies:
Magnetopause (opposite Sun), radius = 380,000 km 0.125 Hz
Plasma Sheet (opposite Sun), outer radius = 380,000 km 0.125 Hz
Moon orbit, radius = 384,000 km 0.125 Hz
This is important, because next we are going to discuss perhaps the MOST important insight on this site, namely the BODY - MIND - EARTH Connection and why 0-30 Hz is the most important healing frequencies the body needs (and the earth gives us!).
(***Speculative but still provoking) The Frequencies of the Earth's Magnetic Field according to Klaus Piontzik (11.75 and 11.79 Hz).

If you look at a compass under high magnification, you will see that it vibrates and fluctuates. The earth's magnetic field is not a constant magnetic field like a bar magnet, but varies with time and it has a measureable frequency just like the Schumann resonance from the Ionosphere.
Compelling evidence of the earth’s geomagnetic frequencies is found in Klaus Piontzik’s book, "The Lattice Structure of the Earth's Magnetic Fields" whereby Piontzik lays out a derivation of the fundamental frequency of the earth's magnetic grid.
Using Fourier analysis and geomagnetic data from 200 measuring stations around the world, Klaus has discovered that the earth's magnetic field has an oscillating structure with source points coming from four poles (not just two). That is, the earth is a quasi-quadruple. His model shows that several of the popular energy grids (the basis for lay-lines in dowsing) such as the Hartman grid, Curry grid, and others are actually harmonics within the earth's actual geomagnetic field and its frequencies (see image to the left). The earth's magnetic field is MORE than just a static or DC (direct current) field; it has a frequency harmonic as well.
This frequency was found by Piontzik to be 11.79 Hz at the poles and 11.75 Hz at the equator. The difference coming from the fact that the Earth "bulges" at the equator due to centrifugal forces of its rotation.
So the earths magnetic field itself has a fundamental frequency and that frequency is 11.79 Hz (polar) and 11.75 (equatorial). And like the Schumann frequency, it too has higher harmonics which at the Pole Radius are 11.79 Hz, 16.67 Hz, 23.58 Hz. and 30.80 Hz.
Nikola Tesla also measured the frequency of the earth to be around 12 Hz and based some of his free energy devices on this frequency.
It is important to note that the primary frequencies and harmonics for both the Schuman and geomagnetic frequencies lie within 0-30 Hz. As we'll see, this 0-30 Hz is the primary window of frequencies that the earth emits and also that the human body, mind and cells resonate to which is one of the main points on this website.
Conclusion: 0 - 30 Hz, The Frequencies of Life!

I hope this makes sense, because it is such an amazing blend of scientific fact and intuitive understanding coupled with sheer and elegant beauty.
This is the Body - Mind - Earth connection and the BEST pulsed magnetic therapy device should use primarily 0 -30 Hz... As we shall see in the reviews, there is really only one such device, though there are a few others that are close.
Just remember that the Earth primarily emits this frequency range, our brains run and operate both day and night in this frequency range and our cells and tissues resonate to these frequencies and most amazingly, we actually emit from our hands these very frequencies.
It amazes me that more magnetic pulser devices do not use this frequency range???
To me the obvious choice is a device that concentrates on these frequencies using the intensities of the earth as well.