Clear and Easy Proofs the Earth is a Sphere
I invite even flat earth adherents to read and ponder this because you must be able to explain these paradoxes if you are going to stubbornly hold onto a flat earth mythology. For people on the fence researching both sides, you will find the rock solid evidence for a spherical earth FAR exceeds the Flat earth arguments.
These proofs will be a journey through the sun, the stars, the moon, and finally the earth. Also we'll debunk many Flat Earth fallacies along the way.
I invite even flat earth adherents to read and ponder this because you must be able to explain these paradoxes if you are going to stubbornly hold onto a flat earth mythology. For people on the fence researching both sides, you will find the rock solid evidence for a spherical earth FAR exceeds the Flat earth arguments.
These proofs will be a journey through the sun, the stars, the moon, and finally the earth. Also we'll debunk many Flat Earth fallacies along the way.
5 Fatal Flaws of Flat Earth and Why it CANNOT be true!

1) Why is exactly half the earth is illuminated day and night, and how can seasons can possibly work with flat earth. IT CANNOT.
2) How can Northern and Southern hemisphere constellations and rotations be totally different (you cannot have two totally different sets of stars and constellations rotating in opposite directions above a flat earth - that is beyond ridiculous)?
3) How can everyone see the same side of the moon everywhere on a flat earth and why does the angle of this same side change perfectly with latitude on a spherical earth.
4) Why on the vernal and autumnal equinoxes does the sun rise exactly due east and it sets exactly due West EVERYWHERE on earth (impossible on a flat earth).
5) How can Australia to South America flights happen in the well known fight times and paths they do on a flat earth. If those 200 mph winds Flat earthers use to explain this (which it cannot), how can these winds switch directions on return flights??
Before we begin, a gentle reminder we have taken full images of the very spherical earth. There is no evidence whatsoever these are fake or CGI. On the contrary, there exists NO SUCH PHOTOS for the flat earth model.
2) How can Northern and Southern hemisphere constellations and rotations be totally different (you cannot have two totally different sets of stars and constellations rotating in opposite directions above a flat earth - that is beyond ridiculous)?
3) How can everyone see the same side of the moon everywhere on a flat earth and why does the angle of this same side change perfectly with latitude on a spherical earth.
4) Why on the vernal and autumnal equinoxes does the sun rise exactly due east and it sets exactly due West EVERYWHERE on earth (impossible on a flat earth).
5) How can Australia to South America flights happen in the well known fight times and paths they do on a flat earth. If those 200 mph winds Flat earthers use to explain this (which it cannot), how can these winds switch directions on return flights??
Before we begin, a gentle reminder we have taken full images of the very spherical earth. There is no evidence whatsoever these are fake or CGI. On the contrary, there exists NO SUCH PHOTOS for the flat earth model.
1) Why is exactly half the earth is illuminated day and night, how can seasons can possibly work with flat earth? ANS: It cannot!

There is no way to light up exactly half a flat earth with a spotlight sun above it, no matter what kind of refraction arguments you use. The ONLY way you can light up exactly half the earth is with a spherical earth and heliocentric model we currently have.
Another point concerning timezones, the sun, and Earth: If the sun was a “spotlight” (directionally located so that light only shines on a specific location) and if the world was flat, we would see the sun even if it didn’t shine on top of us (as you can see in the drawings below). Similarly, you can see the light coming out of a spotlight on a stage in the theater, even though you—the crowd—are sitting in the dark. The only way to create two distinctly separate time zones, where there is complete darkness in one while there’s light in the other, is if the world is spherical.
The visibility of a spotlight in a darkened theater should debunk the “sun as spotlight” theory.
But even worse, the sun is not a spotlight is a spherical glowing hot ball of gas that is radiating in all directions. This would make it IMPOSSIBLE to have day and night on a flat earth, it would always be day. This is really rudimentary logic flat earthers just seem to repress.
Another point concerning timezones, the sun, and Earth: If the sun was a “spotlight” (directionally located so that light only shines on a specific location) and if the world was flat, we would see the sun even if it didn’t shine on top of us (as you can see in the drawings below). Similarly, you can see the light coming out of a spotlight on a stage in the theater, even though you—the crowd—are sitting in the dark. The only way to create two distinctly separate time zones, where there is complete darkness in one while there’s light in the other, is if the world is spherical.
The visibility of a spotlight in a darkened theater should debunk the “sun as spotlight” theory.
But even worse, the sun is not a spotlight is a spherical glowing hot ball of gas that is radiating in all directions. This would make it IMPOSSIBLE to have day and night on a flat earth, it would always be day. This is really rudimentary logic flat earthers just seem to repress.
Flat earth believers have very strange ideas on how this flat earth is lit by the sun. Even if we assume for a moment this is indeed a map of the earth (which it is not), We can lookup the daytime/nighttime hours for any city on earth any day of the year and they always correspond to what is in this video. This is FACT!
On a flat earth the sun is truly magic! WATCH THE VIDEO BELOW!!
On a flat earth the sun is truly magic! WATCH THE VIDEO BELOW!!
Can anyone explain how a sun that is in orbit relatively low above the flat earth perform this exact very complex lighting of the earth that is gradually changing throughout the year and seasons in very complex ways in the above video? It is complex because you are casting 3D lighting and shadows of a Spherical earth tilted on its axis, circling the sun through the seasons shown on a 2D flat earth (the real truth). WATCH THE SHORT VIDEO ABOVE!!! THERE IS NO WAY A SPOTLIGHT SUN CAN EXPLAIN THESE KNOWN COMPLEX PATTERNS ON A FLAT EARTH!
How is it that we can sometimes see the sun and moon at the same time? If the 3000 mile up sun illuminates a flat earth and gives it warmth, why doesn't it get hotter as we ascend up towards the sun? It is the opposite from direct observation: things get 5.4 degrees colder for every 1000 feet of elevation if it is not snowing of if you are not in a cloud! Absolutely CANNOT be explained with the flat earth model.
NOTE: Some flat Earthers attempt to show that light from a flashlight when pointed at a solid glass half dome shows similar patterns, but by NO MEANS exact. And even there they cannot explain how the patterns are gradually changing from solstice to equinox in all the complex ways the video above shows! And we don't live in solid glass anyway? They need a real model that can mathematically explain this (as our current Heliocentric spinning spherical model CAN ... easily!). But alas, there is no flat earth model because the earth is a sphere.
How is it that we can sometimes see the sun and moon at the same time? If the 3000 mile up sun illuminates a flat earth and gives it warmth, why doesn't it get hotter as we ascend up towards the sun? It is the opposite from direct observation: things get 5.4 degrees colder for every 1000 feet of elevation if it is not snowing of if you are not in a cloud! Absolutely CANNOT be explained with the flat earth model.
NOTE: Some flat Earthers attempt to show that light from a flashlight when pointed at a solid glass half dome shows similar patterns, but by NO MEANS exact. And even there they cannot explain how the patterns are gradually changing from solstice to equinox in all the complex ways the video above shows! And we don't live in solid glass anyway? They need a real model that can mathematically explain this (as our current Heliocentric spinning spherical model CAN ... easily!). But alas, there is no flat earth model because the earth is a sphere.

This image here briefly summarizes the flat earth model which makes no sense to describe the seasons, let alone how exactly half the earth can be lit during wherever day is present.
Flat Earthers Explain day and night cycles and seasons using 2 totally different models that are incompatible with each other.
First off, you cannot explain seasons with varying concentric circles describing the suns path? Why? First off, that would mean the sun would need to move faster in the winter in the Northern Hemisphere than the summer and it most CERTAINLY cannot do this. Makes no sense.
Worse if the summer has closer circles HOW does the light stay on the day side but NOT the night? It cannot on a flat earth at any radius, but in their model for the summer, it is absurd!!
And herein lies the problem with the flat earth model... They cannot even describe these simple two phenomenon, and even their crazy explanations are NOT COMPATIBLE WITH EACH OTHER. Flat earth is disproving flat earth. The spinning spherical heliocentric model has NO PROBLEM explaining this and everything else.
Flat Earthers Explain day and night cycles and seasons using 2 totally different models that are incompatible with each other.
First off, you cannot explain seasons with varying concentric circles describing the suns path? Why? First off, that would mean the sun would need to move faster in the winter in the Northern Hemisphere than the summer and it most CERTAINLY cannot do this. Makes no sense.
Worse if the summer has closer circles HOW does the light stay on the day side but NOT the night? It cannot on a flat earth at any radius, but in their model for the summer, it is absurd!!
And herein lies the problem with the flat earth model... They cannot even describe these simple two phenomenon, and even their crazy explanations are NOT COMPATIBLE WITH EACH OTHER. Flat earth is disproving flat earth. The spinning spherical heliocentric model has NO PROBLEM explaining this and everything else.

The Globe Model CAN EASILY Explain Day, Night and the seasons (and simultaneously!!).
How can we see the sun and moon at the same time.
If the sun is the source of heat, why doesn't it get hotter as you move towards it.
This ball spins so the half facing the sun is day and the other half is night. Shine a light at a sphere and you can see it illuminates exactly half. This is impossible with the spotlight sun on a flat earth as we discussed!! As it goes around the sun, the hemisphere experiencing more direct sunlight experiences summer. The hemisphere experiencing less direct sunlight experiences winter. And it does not correlate with the distance from the sun, it is energy per unit area which means angle relative to the sun is more important here than distance.
And there it is , both day and night and the seasons are explained immaculately and simultaneously with the heliocentric globe model!
How can we see the sun and moon at the same time.
If the sun is the source of heat, why doesn't it get hotter as you move towards it.
This ball spins so the half facing the sun is day and the other half is night. Shine a light at a sphere and you can see it illuminates exactly half. This is impossible with the spotlight sun on a flat earth as we discussed!! As it goes around the sun, the hemisphere experiencing more direct sunlight experiences summer. The hemisphere experiencing less direct sunlight experiences winter. And it does not correlate with the distance from the sun, it is energy per unit area which means angle relative to the sun is more important here than distance.
And there it is , both day and night and the seasons are explained immaculately and simultaneously with the heliocentric globe model!

Why on the vernal and autumnal equinoxes does the sun rise exactly due East and it set exactly due West EVERYWHERE on earth?? (impossible on a flat earth)
The Equinox Sun Experiment
Simple experiment anyone can do, anywhere in the world.
At a precise moment each September, usually on the 22nd or 23rd, the sun is directly above the equator, marking the autumnal equinox in the Northern Hemisphere. This year it is 3:20 PM EST!
Equinox = equal night and along with solstices mark the changing of seasons as the earth travels around the sun. The change of seasons is caused by the tilt in the earth's axis.
There are two equnoxes, the autumnal equinox and the vernal equinox.
Every vernal and autumnal equinox the sun rises and sets exactly due east and west, no matter where you are on the earth. This is due to the spherical shape of the earth and the earth's tilt. At the equinoxes the earth's tilt is sideways with respect to the sun.
There are two moments in the year when the sun is right above the equator: around March 20 and September 20. At these moments, all over Earth, the sun rises exactly due East, and sets exactly due West. Barring some adjustments for the definitions of dawn and dusk, day and night are equal at 12 hours each.
The Equinox Sun Experiment
Simple experiment anyone can do, anywhere in the world.
At a precise moment each September, usually on the 22nd or 23rd, the sun is directly above the equator, marking the autumnal equinox in the Northern Hemisphere. This year it is 3:20 PM EST!
Equinox = equal night and along with solstices mark the changing of seasons as the earth travels around the sun. The change of seasons is caused by the tilt in the earth's axis.
There are two equnoxes, the autumnal equinox and the vernal equinox.
Every vernal and autumnal equinox the sun rises and sets exactly due east and west, no matter where you are on the earth. This is due to the spherical shape of the earth and the earth's tilt. At the equinoxes the earth's tilt is sideways with respect to the sun.
There are two moments in the year when the sun is right above the equator: around March 20 and September 20. At these moments, all over Earth, the sun rises exactly due East, and sets exactly due West. Barring some adjustments for the definitions of dawn and dusk, day and night are equal at 12 hours each.

The rest of the year the sun will rise or set a bit to the North or South due to the earths tilt toward or away from the sun.
A good way to test this is to find a street that runs due East and West. You can see the sun rise on earthward on these streets and set westward (again, everywhere on EARTH). Why this works, with globe light. As we rotate across the globe viewers of the same longitude cross into sunlight at the same time.
This is NOT what would happen on a Flat earth because the further South you are, the further North the sunrise would appear all the time, including at equinox.
This is not what we see in reality, there is no way to make an equinox sun work on a flat earth model.
The flat earth model does not fit the reality in which we live.
Only a spinning, sun orbiting sphere explains all these observations.
A good way to test this is to find a street that runs due East and West. You can see the sun rise on earthward on these streets and set westward (again, everywhere on EARTH). Why this works, with globe light. As we rotate across the globe viewers of the same longitude cross into sunlight at the same time.
This is NOT what would happen on a Flat earth because the further South you are, the further North the sunrise would appear all the time, including at equinox.
This is not what we see in reality, there is no way to make an equinox sun work on a flat earth model.
The flat earth model does not fit the reality in which we live.
Only a spinning, sun orbiting sphere explains all these observations.
3) How can everyone see the same side of the moon everywhere on earth and why does the angle of this same side change perfectly with latitude on a spherical earth.

You cannot cry NASA conspiracy or CGI. We can all see the moon with our own eyeballs.
Here is the silly flat earth model of the moon with it above the flat earth going in its magic little circles.
Now if we all see the same face of the moon, HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE on a flat earth??
It is not possible. NO! Why? Because that is not how objects work!
People on the opposite sides of an object cannot see the same side!! No amount of refraction can change this!!!
A spherical moon over a flat earth is not consistent with reality ... AT ALL!!
So what if the moon is two dimensional with the same face on both sides. Then anyone but people directly perpendicular would see a different shape. So No.
Is it pointing down like a spotlight. No, because then it would change shape as it is moving around and only appear circular overhead.
Is there any way this can work on a flat earth...NO! There is not!
So how do people all see the same face of the moon? Because the earth is a sphere and the moon goes around the earth. It is tidally locked with the earth with only one face always pointing towards the earth. That is why everyone sees the same face of the moon. And that is the ONLY WAY!!
And guess what, the direction the moon is pointing even correlates with the observers latitude! How cool is that! See below, this is incredibly nuanced and CAN NOT be explained on a FLAT earth. Heck not even seeing the same face of the moon can!!!
4) How can Northern and Southern hemisphere constellations and rotation be totally different on a flat earth (ANS: Because that is impossible)
You simply cannot have two totally different sets of stars and constellations rotating in opposite directions above a flat earth. No way!
You simply cannot have two totally different sets of stars and constellations rotating in opposite directions above a flat earth. No way!
Constellations and Stars in NORTHERN Hemisphere rotate COUNTERCLOCKWISE around a point called the celestial pole very near a star called Polaris (North Star a couple hundred light years away) in the Northern Hemisphere which can be EASILY seen. (Below LEFT). Polaris is observed at an elevation above the horizon equal to the latitude of the observer. At a negative latitude below the equator it is invisible.
Constellations and Stars in SOUTHERN Hemisphere rotate in the opposite direction CLOCKWISE around a celestial pole very near a star called Sigma Octantis which is not easily seen. (Below Right). Sigma Octantis is observed at an elevation equal to the Southern Latitude of the observer. At a Northern latitude above the equator it is invisible.
ALL this can be EASILY explained with the rotating globe model, and ABSOLUTELY CANNOT be explained by the flat earth model.
Constellations and Stars in SOUTHERN Hemisphere rotate in the opposite direction CLOCKWISE around a celestial pole very near a star called Sigma Octantis which is not easily seen. (Below Right). Sigma Octantis is observed at an elevation equal to the Southern Latitude of the observer. At a Northern latitude above the equator it is invisible.
ALL this can be EASILY explained with the rotating globe model, and ABSOLUTELY CANNOT be explained by the flat earth model.

Insurmountable Failure of Flat Earth Model:
You cannot explain why certain constellations are only visible in Southern Hemisphere while others are only visible in Northern Hemisphere AND why they rotate in DIFFERENT directions!! This is IMPOSSIBLE in a flat earth / dome model... IMPOSSIBLE!!
In the flat earth/dome model ALL stars should be visible as illustrated here below. But that is NOT what is observed (very clearly!!).
The earth is DEFINITELY a spinning and moving SPHERE!!
You cannot explain why certain constellations are only visible in Southern Hemisphere while others are only visible in Northern Hemisphere AND why they rotate in DIFFERENT directions!! This is IMPOSSIBLE in a flat earth / dome model... IMPOSSIBLE!!
In the flat earth/dome model ALL stars should be visible as illustrated here below. But that is NOT what is observed (very clearly!!).
The earth is DEFINITELY a spinning and moving SPHERE!!

Flat earthers end up throwing around terms like perspective and refraction without having an actual model to prove it. That is baseless conjecture.
Even WORSE they invoke that everyone has a personal dome that will shift the stars to what we can all observe... huh? This is really one of the most ridiculous of all the flat earth concepts, but they have no other way to explain the stars and constellations... And what is even more laughable is they use glass domes to demonstrate this, but WE DON'T LIVE IN GLASS!! And besides even those ludicrous glass dome demonstrations cannot create two different sets of counter-rotating stars and constellations!!
Even WORSE they invoke that everyone has a personal dome that will shift the stars to what we can all observe... huh? This is really one of the most ridiculous of all the flat earth concepts, but they have no other way to explain the stars and constellations... And what is even more laughable is they use glass domes to demonstrate this, but WE DON'T LIVE IN GLASS!! And besides even those ludicrous glass dome demonstrations cannot create two different sets of counter-rotating stars and constellations!!

How can Australia to South America flights happen in the well known flight times and paths they provably do on a flat earth?
Santiago to Sydney Flights are way too quick. Planes would have to be going at well beyond 2-3 times supersonic speeds. These cities are on direct OPPOSITE sides of the flat earth model, so because of this, these flights are just not possible in known trajectories and times on a flat earth.
Flat earthers try to explain it with 250 mph winds that push the plane along in one direction. But besides these being world record hurricane force winds everyone would feel and cause the plane to crash, but even if we entertain this notion, how is it the return flight is about the same time? Does each plane have its own personal tornado??
Santiago to Sydney Flights are way too quick. Planes would have to be going at well beyond 2-3 times supersonic speeds. These cities are on direct OPPOSITE sides of the flat earth model, so because of this, these flights are just not possible in known trajectories and times on a flat earth.
Flat earthers try to explain it with 250 mph winds that push the plane along in one direction. But besides these being world record hurricane force winds everyone would feel and cause the plane to crash, but even if we entertain this notion, how is it the return flight is about the same time? Does each plane have its own personal tornado??

So let's look at the flat earth map, or the thing they pretend isn't their map, but it totally is, because they cannot make a map, so they just use this.
Embarrassingly for them, this is just an azimuthal equidistant projection of the globe. That is right, the flat earth map is a map of the globe taken from the perspective of looking down at the North Pole, and flattening out its surface into a plane so that a three dimensional surface can be shown in two dimensions. We can see everything at once, but it is distorted with no consistent scale. The further away from the center you go, the more significant the distortion, so problems really arise in the Southern Hemisphere. That is where the flights come in.
Embarrassingly for them, this is just an azimuthal equidistant projection of the globe. That is right, the flat earth map is a map of the globe taken from the perspective of looking down at the North Pole, and flattening out its surface into a plane so that a three dimensional surface can be shown in two dimensions. We can see everything at once, but it is distorted with no consistent scale. The further away from the center you go, the more significant the distortion, so problems really arise in the Southern Hemisphere. That is where the flights come in.

On this flat earth map, Australia and South America are on opposite sides of the flat earth. If the earth was flat, which way would be go?
Do flights follow a straight line (see right below with red "x"). Nope they do the whole thing over the Pacific Ocean shown above and also lower left (with green check).
Here above is how this looks on a globe. It takes 14 hours and 15 minutes going west, and 12 hours and 25 minutes going east.
On the flat earth that route would be an absurdly long arc shown below left (with green check - look at the arc between Australia and South America).
Do flights follow a straight line (see right below with red "x"). Nope they do the whole thing over the Pacific Ocean shown above and also lower left (with green check).
Here above is how this looks on a globe. It takes 14 hours and 15 minutes going west, and 12 hours and 25 minutes going east.
On the flat earth that route would be an absurdly long arc shown below left (with green check - look at the arc between Australia and South America).

The fact that these flights on a flat earth are arcs to begin with is totally nonsensical. Planes flight straight, as we would feel a constant turn. Planes are not constantly turning as they would have to on every flight path we have!!
So how does flat earth explain this nail in the coffin impossibility?
Flat earth's used to deny these flights, but since anyone can google their very easily proven existence, paths and time, they have had to cough up an explanation.
And here it is ... drum roll please...
It's the wind! Small differences in flight times going east and west do have an impact on flight times, so they just take this concept and bring it to its absurd conclusion. They will evoke currents of several hundred miles per hour which would be a world record hurricane, and pretend that the plane is somehow traveling twice as fast as usual without anyone noticing.
There are SEVERAL problems here. This boost from the imaginary wind still isn't anywhere near enough. This arc is stupid long from Santiago to Sydney! The plane would have to be going several thousand miles per hour and planes don't do that. Second this flight goes both directions, east and west. How does the wind know which way the plane is going? Most days there are planes going opposite directions simultaneously!
Does each of them have a little personal tornado like in wizard of oz? Come on, please!
Flat earthers have suggested things as stupid as personal domes such that everyone gets their own set of stars, so sadly this wouldn't even be the dumbest thing they've ever said.
But as you can see, there is no way around this. These flights EXIST! They are NOT traveling this insane distance because the EARTH IS NOT FLAT, IT'S A SPHERE!!
Great circle = shortest distance between two points on a sphere and this is the PATH FLIGHTS TAKE!
So how does flat earth explain this nail in the coffin impossibility?
Flat earth's used to deny these flights, but since anyone can google their very easily proven existence, paths and time, they have had to cough up an explanation.
And here it is ... drum roll please...
It's the wind! Small differences in flight times going east and west do have an impact on flight times, so they just take this concept and bring it to its absurd conclusion. They will evoke currents of several hundred miles per hour which would be a world record hurricane, and pretend that the plane is somehow traveling twice as fast as usual without anyone noticing.
There are SEVERAL problems here. This boost from the imaginary wind still isn't anywhere near enough. This arc is stupid long from Santiago to Sydney! The plane would have to be going several thousand miles per hour and planes don't do that. Second this flight goes both directions, east and west. How does the wind know which way the plane is going? Most days there are planes going opposite directions simultaneously!
Does each of them have a little personal tornado like in wizard of oz? Come on, please!
Flat earthers have suggested things as stupid as personal domes such that everyone gets their own set of stars, so sadly this wouldn't even be the dumbest thing they've ever said.
But as you can see, there is no way around this. These flights EXIST! They are NOT traveling this insane distance because the EARTH IS NOT FLAT, IT'S A SPHERE!!
Great circle = shortest distance between two points on a sphere and this is the PATH FLIGHTS TAKE!
Bonus: Nikon P900 debunks flat earth again
You do not need to go to space to see the curvature. Please just watch this brief video clearly showing earth curvature (over horizon) with the Nikon P900. There is no type of mirage that can explain this. There is no way a flat earth can explain this with any perspective arguments. Part of that cargo ship is most definitely below a VERY CURVED earth horizon. The earth is not flat.
The fact ANYTHING is hidden by the horizon as this video shows is proof that the earth is spherical. Refraction which very much can and does happen, but it cannot make the bottom half of an object disappear if the earth was flat as you can see on this freight boat. Where is the bottom half? Again perfect validation of Spherical Earth.
Also NOTE: It is crystal clear image, not the mirage waviness you see on flat earth "supposed" proofs that are videotaping mirage effects, not the real image.
The fact ANYTHING is hidden by the horizon as this video shows is proof that the earth is spherical. Refraction which very much can and does happen, but it cannot make the bottom half of an object disappear if the earth was flat as you can see on this freight boat. Where is the bottom half? Again perfect validation of Spherical Earth.
Also NOTE: It is crystal clear image, not the mirage waviness you see on flat earth "supposed" proofs that are videotaping mirage effects, not the real image.
**Flat Earth Falsified**
According to flat-Earthers, the shape of Earth is a flat circle. In the center is the north pole in the Arctic Ocean and Antarctica is not a continent, but instead an ice perimeter surrounding the ‘flat Earth.’
In the flat-Earth mythology, Antarctica is described as a vast icy land on the edge of the Earth. There is supposedly a giant ice wall in Antarctica, surrounding the entire Earth in a circle keeping the water in place. They like to show the pictures of this supposed ‘giant ice wall.’ In reality, those are pictures of an ice shelf.
Because the very existence of a South pole falsifies flat earth, they have to come up with something. According to flat-Earthers, the Antarctic Treaty System was created to prevent the world population from entering Antarctica. Their purpose is to conceal the ‘fact’ that the Earth is flat, or something like that. They even bring in NASA as a force that 'guards the wall". LOL
But that is demonstrably not true as the treaty DOES NOT prohibit people from visiting. In fact, people visit all the time as this link show!! Anyone with enough money can visit it directly! Oops. How can there be no South Pole when there is a South pole??
This along with 240 other proofs I collected disproves flat earth.
How can people believe this utter nonsense???
An ice shelf is a thick floating platform of ice that forms where a glacier or ice sheet flows down to a coastline and onto the ocean surface. An ice shelf is thick. The thickness ranges from 100 to 1000 meters, but only a small part of it is above the sea level.
There’s nothing mysterious about ice shelves. They can be found in both polar regions, including the Arctic in the north.
According to flat-Earthers, the shape of Earth is a flat circle. In the center is the north pole in the Arctic Ocean and Antarctica is not a continent, but instead an ice perimeter surrounding the ‘flat Earth.’
In the flat-Earth mythology, Antarctica is described as a vast icy land on the edge of the Earth. There is supposedly a giant ice wall in Antarctica, surrounding the entire Earth in a circle keeping the water in place. They like to show the pictures of this supposed ‘giant ice wall.’ In reality, those are pictures of an ice shelf.
Because the very existence of a South pole falsifies flat earth, they have to come up with something. According to flat-Earthers, the Antarctic Treaty System was created to prevent the world population from entering Antarctica. Their purpose is to conceal the ‘fact’ that the Earth is flat, or something like that. They even bring in NASA as a force that 'guards the wall". LOL
But that is demonstrably not true as the treaty DOES NOT prohibit people from visiting. In fact, people visit all the time as this link show!! Anyone with enough money can visit it directly! Oops. How can there be no South Pole when there is a South pole??
This along with 240 other proofs I collected disproves flat earth.
How can people believe this utter nonsense???
An ice shelf is a thick floating platform of ice that forms where a glacier or ice sheet flows down to a coastline and onto the ocean surface. An ice shelf is thick. The thickness ranges from 100 to 1000 meters, but only a small part of it is above the sea level.
There’s nothing mysterious about ice shelves. They can be found in both polar regions, including the Arctic in the north.
With careful planning, we can easily observe Earth’s curvature from an airliner. To “explain” the observation, flat-Earthers invented the excuse that it is caused by the distortion from the shape of the airplane’s window.
In reality, all camera lenses are curved, too, yet most of these lenses produce normal, rectilinear images. The fact that the shape of the window is curved does not mean looking through the window will produce a curved horizon.
While on the ground, we can easily confirm if straight lines still appear straight through the window. If previously known straight lines remain straight through the window, then a flat horizon will certainly remain straight up there. If the horizon appears curved, then it must be from the shape of the horizon itself.
In reality, all camera lenses are curved, too, yet most of these lenses produce normal, rectilinear images. The fact that the shape of the window is curved does not mean looking through the window will produce a curved horizon.
While on the ground, we can easily confirm if straight lines still appear straight through the window. If previously known straight lines remain straight through the window, then a flat horizon will certainly remain straight up there. If the horizon appears curved, then it must be from the shape of the horizon itself.