The Physics of Resonance and Magnetic Resonance Stimulation in PEMF Therapy
~ Robert Becker
In fact, Frequency Resonance is by far the most important principle in PEMF therapy, not intensity as we'll see.
And the best PEMF therapy devices uses a special form of resonance that we'll look at called Magnetic Resonant Coupling that is currently being actively researched in Wireless Power Transfer companies like MIT inspired Witricity.
Body Electric and Body Magnetic
1. BioMagnetism - Connecting our cells to Biofield, and Biofield to Planet.
Strong Dipole = Strong Biofield (Biomagnetism)
2. Bioelectricity - Moving Electrons w/I Body/Biofield Innate Intelligence
Want to mimic bodies Natural Current of Injury
Whole Body Battery Recharger
Needless Acupuncture
Magnetobiology - The study of biological effects of mainly weak and low frequency magnetic fields (not high intensity or high frequency that can causing heating or depolarization).
1) What is PEMF?
Amperes Law
Attached Pure Magnetic Field
Changing Magnetic Field.
But know with resonance we don't necessarily need a fast
Changing field (unlike Slew Rate)
Show Chart of various forms of wireless energy transfer.
Like Slew Rate the good is still to charge up the body battery
By boosting free electrons.
**Slew Rate dB/dt Graph - Resonance is Q-factor Graph
2) What is Resonance
3) Biomagnetism and the human bodies natural frequencies
4)The Schumann Resonance and the earth's natural frequencies
5) Heartmath and the Global Coherence Initiative
6) Magnetite, the great connector
==> WiTricity technology allows wireless power transfer over distance via magnetic resonance and the company licenses technology and reference designs for wireless electrical vehicle (EV) charging as well as consumer products such as laptops, mobile phones and televisions.
It is also possible to transmit power using non-radiative fields. As an example, the operation of a transformer can be considered a form of wireless power transfer since it uses the principle of magnetic induction to transfer energy from a primary coil to a secondary coil without a direct electrical connection. Inductive chargers, such as those found commonly in electric toothbrushes, operate on this same principle. However, for these systems to operate efficiently, the primary coil (source) and secondary coil (device) must be located in close
proximity and carefully positioned with respect to one another.
They explored many techniques for transmitting power over “mid-range” distances and arrived at a non-radiative approach that uses resonance to enhance the efficiency of the energy transfer.
In some instances, this
technology is also referred to as “magnetic resonance”, and it is often contrasted to “induction” for its ability to efficiently transfer power over a range of distances and with positional and orientational offsets.
Resonance is a phenomenon that occurs in nature in many different forms. In general, resonance involves energy oscillating between two modes, a familiar example being a mechanical pendulum in which energy oscillates between potential and kinetic forms. In a system at resonance, it is possible to have a large build up of stored energy while having only a
weak excitation to the system. The build-up occurs if the rate of energy injection into the system is greater than the rate of energy loss by the system.
In highly-resonant wireless power transfer systems, the system resonators must be high-Q in order to efficiently transfer energy. High-Q electromagnetic resonators are typically made from
conductors and components with low absorptive (also sometimes referred to as ohmic, resistive, series resistive, etc.) losses and low radiative losses, and have relatively narrow resonant frequency widths. Also, the resonators may be designed to reduce their interactions with extraneous objects.
***END Resonance****
At these resonant frequencies, even a tiny rhythmic driving force can build up in the system to produce strong vibrations because the system accumulates or stores each applied pulse of energy.
A familiar example of resonance is pushing a child on a swing which works like a pendulum. When applied at the appropriate intervals, the pushes cause the child to swing higher and higher. Anyone who has pushed a child knows how important it is to apply the push at the correct time so that the swinging will go higher and higher.
In fact when you push just right, you are pushing at the resonant frequency! In physics we say resonance occurs when the frequency of the driving Force (which is your pushes) = the Natural Frequency of the object (which is the swing).
A tuning fork is set into vibration simply by hitting it. Doing so it will vibrate to its natural frequency which is a single pitch you can hear.
If you place an identical tuning fork nearby you can transmit sound energy without contact. Watch this short video to see how it works.
With tuning forks (and musical instruments), the resonant frequency depends on the size, shape, and material used.
When two objects are resonating at the same frequency, they can synchronize and connect and transfer energy and information without contact or touching as you saw demonstrated in the tuning fork video clip.
Energetically this is what PEMF therapy is doing but only with magnetic resonance... It rings the little tuning forks in your tissues and cells and energy is transmitted wirelessly from the PEMF mat to your body, organs tissues and cells to increase cellular voltage and ATP / Energy Product.
As we'll see, PEMF works very much like tuning forks, but uses magnetic resonance instead of acoustic resonance, but the principle is the same... Vibrate at a organ or tissue or cells natural frequency and you can transfer healing energy wirelessly!
Like tuning forks, wine glasses have a resonant frequency that depends on their size, shape and thickness of the glass.
Frequency resonance can make a wine glass SING by slowing rubbing your finger around the rim. You can also tap the wine glass gently and hear the note, but it is not as dramatic as slow and continuous rubbing.
So Resonance does have a dark side when the driving force is too strong if can damage or destroy the resonating object.
Fitzgerald also appeared in TV commercials, her most memorable being an ad for Memorex. In the commercials, she sang a note that shattered a glass while being recorded on a Memorex cassette tape. The tape was played back and the recording also broke another glass, asking: "Is it live, or is it Memorex?
High intensity PEMF is like using amplitudes that are too strong that can damage your cells. You cells are not as brittle as wine glasses, but they can only expand 2-3% based on information I read in a biophysics book. So through unhealthy eddy currents in high intensity system over time you can damage the cells with unhealthy electroporesis effects, like wine glass that is vibrated to strong, your cells can be destroyed over time via lysing and apoptosis type of effects.
When you use the right frequency, all you need is a little vibration to make your cells sing!
Frequency resonance is the KEY NOT INTENSITY!
Now let's look at electromagnetic resonance which is similar to mechanical and acoustic resonance, but instead of mechanical vibrations resonating, we now have vibrating electrons and photons that are in resonance. The most familiar example of electromagnetic resonance is how radios work.
Consider how your radio plucks out one station of hundreds in the air. This is frequency resonance at its finest.
Radios are devices that use electromagnetic fields of particular frequencies. Setting the dial on your radio to 101.5, involves selecting a frequency of 101,500,000 cycles per second.
Radios illustrate an aspect of resonance that we have not talked about yet: Selectivity.
For example, if you have a table full of tuning forks and strike ONE of them, ONLY the tuning forks with resonant frequencies that MATCH will ring and vibrate. This is why piano tuners sometimes use many tuning forks to make sure the piano is hitting the right note.
This is why you want a PEMF system with a signal with bundles of frequencies and amplitudes so that all of your cells can receive the energy needed, as different cells have different resonant frequencies. More on this in a future video.
Back to selectivity... Radios are more complicated but the principle is the same only now we have circuits instead of tuning forks. But for teaching purposes the tuning fork metaphor as that is a little easier to grasp.
So, how do you create an electrical circuit that is tuned like a tuning fork? The answer is you use capacitors and inductors in what is called an LC circuit.
So before we can see how radios work, we need a brief introduction to LC or tuned circuits along with basic Antenna theory.
An LC circuit is also called a resonant circuit or tuned circuit, and it consists of an inductor represented by the letter L (loop or coil of wire), and a capacitor represented by the letter C which we talked about in past videos separately. But When connected together in a circuit, the coil and capacitor can act as an electrical resonator, which is the electrical analog to a tuning fork or pendulum! The equations are identical, you simply exchange variables.
Energy alternates like a swinging pendulum back and forth between the inductor and the capacitor at the circuit's natural or resonant frequency usually denoted by wo (omega naught) in physics books. So radios transmit a signal from a tuned circuit and the signal is received with the same tuned circuit... or at least a circuit that has the same natural resonant frequency.
For 101.5 FM, that resonant frequency is 101,500,000 Hz!
And what is need to send and receive a signal along with the tuned circuit are antennas. Antennas both transmit and receive the electromagnetic waves just like tuning forks.
Understanding how antennas radiate or capture a signal is central to how PEMF therapy and energy medicine in general works. Not to mention how the body ITSELF WORKS!
Really try to grasp all of this!!
Antennas - Any object that is electrically conductive will have antenna properties.
For the most efficient energy transfer from one antenna to another, the transmitting and receiving antennas have the same geometry, and are a single wavelength long. However efficient energy transfer can also occur if the transmitting and receiving antennas are some fraction or multiple of the wavelength.
Antennas are used to both SEND and RECEIVE the signal through electromagnetic RESONANCE!!
As we'll see in the next video, Living tissues, like cell membranes have these properties which makes them tuned LC circuits, that can both transmit and receive frequencies through resonance
And it turns out intensity is not the main thing it is all about RESONANCE like in Radio transmitters and receivers.
Like Radios, PEMF devices transmit energy and information wirelessly via resonance, using the coils as transmitting antennas and your body, organs, tissues and cells and molecules are as receiving antenna, though it is much more coherent and effective than radio waves for transmitting energy as new technology is proving...
When we turn the knob of the radio to and tune to our favorite channel, we are changing the natural frequency of the receiver. The natural frequency of the receiver then matches the transmission frequency of the radio station. When two frequencies match, energy transfer occurs and we listen to the selected channel.
Stated another way, When you tune a radio, you are adjusting the frequency at which the electrons inside its circuitry prefer to oscillate, thus setting up the ability for frequency resonance between the radio tower and your radio. The electrons inside the radio soak up the radio waves washing over the antenna and radio. Like a buoy that bobs up and down in the ocean to the ocean waves. Energy and information are transferred to your car and you can hear the music from a radio station many miles away. This is ALL because of electromagnetic RESONANCE!!
With only an 8 watt transmitter the Pioneer 10, which was 7.6 billion miles from Earth, and far outside Plutos orbit, sent it's last very weak signal to earth that was RECEIVED!
Think about that, with only the power of an 8 watt a signal was sent and received 7.6 billion miles!
Isn't that amazing!
This illustrates the extraordinary power of resonance. When it comes to PEMF therapy and energy medicine frequency and resonance are THE KEY , not intensity which we'll explore in this module.
(and why it is a Great Model for PEMF).
Ok, Resonance in circuits can certainly be used for both transmitting and receiving information wirelessly like television, cell phones and radio. But because the energy radiates in all directions it is incoherent and therefore VERY LITTLE ENERGY gets transferred. Yes, with resonance INFORMATION can be transmitted billions of miles, but energy not so much so or only very little.
With PEMF therapy we want to ENERGIZE the cells by charging up the cellular voltage... That is we need something BETTER than incoherent electromagnetic fields like radio waves.
What we need is a form of efficient wireless power transfer, which is the future of energy and the future of energy medicine in my opinion.
Wireless Power Transfer (WPT) is the transfer of electric, magnetic or electromagnetic energy without using wires. There are two main types that use magnetic fields to transfer energy:
1) Inductive Coupling that is commonplace as you'll see next, and
2) Resonant Inductive Coupling which is something brand new and a new technological breakthrough out of MIT!
WiTricity has developed systems/devices that use Magnetic Resonance to couple energy through oscillating coherent magnetic fields.
Resonant coupling occurs when the natural frequencies of the two systems – a source and a receiver — are approximately the same just like a radio transmitter, only now we have coherent magnetic fields.
RIC consists of mainly two parts, the receiver and the transmitter.
The transmitter is made up of a coil of enamelled copper (magnet wire) with a few turns. This coil is essentially an inductor and generally has a large diameter.
It is similar to inductive coupling, but much better because NOW the coils are tuned to specific frequency. You get the best of both worlds, the power of inductive coupling to transfer energy and the power of resonance to focus the energy efficiently (up to 90% efficient!). When I first heard this I got goosebumps, but this is exactly what good PEMF devices do!!
Its a size and distance phenomenon NOT POWER!!
Only two variables are diameter of coils and frequency resonance... INTENSITY IS NOT ONLY NOT IMPORTANT, IT IS NOT PART OF THE EQUATION AT ALL!!!
RIC Uses a magnetic near field (virtual non-radiating high coherent photons).
A lot of regular building and furnishing materials are “transparent” to these fields
Examples: wood, plastics, glass, brick, and concrete
When metallic obstacles get in the way the magnetic field “wraps around” them.
Similarly as we have said, PEMF and magnetic fields go all the way through the body with no interference.
Technology is finally proving what I have been telling people for over 12 years. Frequency and resonance is the KEY to PEMF therapy, and PEMF works better than other forms of energy medicine, because it penetrates with no interference, which means it optimizes the ability for your body to receive energy without loss.
PEMF devices that use pure copper coils and earth frequencies (like the iMRS 2000) transmit energy wirelessly via magnetic resonance JUST LIKE Witricity!
Also in PEMF just like Witricity INTENSITY IS NOT THE MAIN THING, it is FREQUENCY. Technology is finally proving what I have been saying all along. MORE IS NOT BETTER.
High intensity PEMF like brute force inductive coupling.
The Next Two Videos to Conclude the series are going to take the idea of resonance and finally paint the Vision of HOW PEMF works and why it is the crown jewel of energy medicine!!
Biomagnetism - Magnetic fields and Frequencies that the Earth, and our body's Emit
Magnetobiology - How manmade magnetic field and PEMF devices affect biology (both good and bad).
Biological Antenna
In a nutshell PEMF Therapy Efficiently, Coherently and Wirelessly Transmits energy and information via magnetic resonance stimulation to your body, organs, tissues, cells, organelles using earth based frequencies and intensities with the overall effect of increasing cellular, tissue, organ and whole body energy levels with in a balance and coherent fashion.
And it turns out intensity is not the main thing it is all about RESONANCE like in Radio transmitters and receivers.
Energetically this is what PEMF therapy is doing but only with magnetic resonance... It rings the little tuning forks in your tissues and cells and energy is transmitted wirelessly from the PEMF mat to your body, organs tissues and cells to increase cellular voltage and ATP / Energy Product.
Since all of the tissues in the body, particularly the brain, have their own fundamental frequencies, outside frequencies applied to the body can cause or "tune" the body's frequencies to be synchronized with the externally applied frequencies.
So a low intensity PEMF signal can cause a BIG effect if PEMF energy resonants with the cells, tissues, brain or organism.
This works EXACTLY like the wireless energy transfer, in fact, PEMF IS WIRELESS ENERGY TRANSFER FOR THE HUMAN BODY.
It has been know for over a century that the Earth and Human Body have a fundamental resonant frequency of 7-10 Hz. In the Earth this corresponds to the fundamental Schumann resonance and in the human body it corresponds to a wakeful and alert Alpha relaxation state.
Molecular Resonances Molecules are Antennas...
Our idea of an antenna as a large metal object needs to be radically expanded. It turns our atoms and molecules can send and receive photons, something that Einstein and Planck first demonstrated and the science of Spectroscopy took it to a greater height.
A Research study in Germany focused on single-photon communications between two identical molecules show artistically here. The transmitting molecule has to emit photons of exactly the same color as the receiving molecule can absorb - in other words, the need to have a matching molecular geometry and most resonate!
One of their goals is to bounce a photon back and forth several times between the two molecules. Such a quantum radio would allow for a return signal. In terms of the image of coresonance, the secretory cell would be notified that the message was received. This can give the body a sensitive feedback system even at the molecular LEVEL!!
Cell to cell communication is on of the KEYS to health... autoimmune disorders are an example of a breakdown in cell to cell communication.
The results of the study published in Physical Review Letters provide the first example of long-distance communication between two quantum optical antennas in analogy to the 19th century experiments of Hertz and Marconi with radio antennas. In those early efforts, dipolar oscillators were used as transmitting and receiving antennas. In the current experiment, two single molecules mimic that scenario at optical frequencies and via a nonclassical optical channel, namely a single-photon stream.
Receptor antennas can also read vibrational energy fields such as light, sound, and radio frequencies. The antennas on these energy receptors vibrate like tuning forks. If an energy vibration in the environment resonates with a receptor's antenna, it will alter the protein's charge, causing the receptor to change shape. Because these receptors can read energy fields, the notion that only physical molecules can impact cell physiology is outdated. Biological behavior can be controlled by invisible forces as well as it can be controlled by physical molecules like penicillin, a fact that provides the scientific underpinning for pharmaceutical free energy medicine like PEMF!!
Receptor Proteins: Receive Chemical information (hormones) and act like a radio antenna to send information inside the cell.
Marker Proteins: Identify the cell. They are "name tags".
Channel Proteins: bring polar or large compounds (ie glucose) into the cell. The compound has to fit the shape of the channel.
The Study of their properties involves physics, electronics, biophysics and quantum biological. Understanding Tuned circuits with their antennas and resonant properties is THE MOST IMPORTANT piece of science in understanding energy medicine, so really let this information sink in.
The best energy medicine devices duplicate nature and assist the body to become unstuck, if stuck and energized if fatigued.
Studies of Insect antenna demonstrate biological resonance vividly.
Entomologists had always assumed that the insect antenna was a scent receptor, used by insects of opposite sex to locate each other by following a trail of airborne insect hormones called pheromones. The problem with this idea is that a male moth, for example, can find a female moth a mile away when the wind is blowing the scent molecules away from him instead of towards him.
Research by Phillip Callahan demonstrated that the pheromone molecules are actually molecular antennas that emit radio signals!! The make moth looking for the female is not attracted by scent or smell of the pheromones, but by the radio signals the molecules emit!!
The usual hormone-receptor interactions shown here on the left, involves a secretory cell releasing a hormone into the extracellular fluid, and the molecule diffusing randomly until it chance to bump into a receptor on a distant cell. This Lock and Key Model (or even induced fit) is an outdated Newtonian view. It is far too slow to explain the rapid and subtle ways organisms adapt to their environments.
The electromagnetic or Quantum mechanism of coresonance is now being proven to be the more likely model of how the cells, tissues and organs communicate. It is using electromagnetic resonance JUST like a transmitting and receiving antenna, only its quantum because of the small number of photons involved (which makes it more powerful).
For example, the adrenaline molecule tells various receptors to make the heart beat faster, etc. to get ready for fight or flight and can do so from a distance via coresonance. It does not have to make collisions with other molecules (like the cell membrane receptor sites, for example).
So signals can work via frequency alone without the need for a hormone or antigen (in homeopathy electromagnetic signatures of molecules can work without the molecule being present) .
Dr. J. Beneviste suggested in his research that the actions of biomolecules (histamine, caffeine, nicotine, adrenaline, insulin, etc.), as well as the antigens for viruses, bacteria and parasites were due more to electromagnetic interactions than direct contact. This is perhaps why PEMF therapy, homeopathy, radionics, frequency specific therapies, and flower essences can have such profound effects. It’s because the body can be treated just as effectively, perhaps more effectively with electromagnetic energy versus chemical supplements and drugs.
The body is a webwork of electromagnetic fields between molecules.
Resonance: Molecules do not have to touch.
You have your car key, your electronic car key. When you use it think of resonance.
Think of molecules that interact without touching.
Molecules are talking to each other.
We have a lock and key model of hormone receptor interactions (and enzyme substrate interactions). A key in a lock is an easy model to grasp.
It is probably completely wrong, it cannot work that way.
It has to be much faster than that or we would not be able to get out of bed in the morning.
The natural electric field of the Earth refers to the planet Earth having a natural direct current (DC) electric field or potential gradient from the ground upwards to the ionosphere of 100-300 Volts per meter.
Schumann Resonances have an electric field component. The Schumann resonance electric field amplitude (~300 microvolts per meter) is much smaller than the static fair-weather electric field (~150 V/m), but is Extremely biologically active due to resonance and entrainment with the Human Body.
Telluric Currents - ELF
Electric Field - ELF
Schumann Resonances (~7-50 Hz)
Geomagnetic Frequencies (~0-5 Hz)
In fact, an amazing, interlocking synchronicity exists between these phenomena, which clearly reveals just how interwoven the threads of life, the earth’s EM pulse, and awareness truly are. A research team led by Australian university professor Irena Cosic published a paper the author herein quotes:
And just as a piano has varying octaves of "C", so too does Schumann frequencies have higher octaves or harmonics, the primary ones being in the 0-50 Hz range, which as we’ll see in the next section is the most important frequency range for or body, mind and cells.
It is important to note that the Schumann Waves are quasi-standing waves or scalar waves and as such are more fundamental then electromagnetic waves because they are everywhere present. One simple way to understand this is that the 7.83 Schumann scalar wave is the prime "channel" or broadcasting frequency for all of life on earth.
The Frequencies that radiate are the frequencies that absorb...
Here we are, humanity, with our hearts and brains vibrating away at the same frequency as the earth.
Energy and information getting exchanged.
When you have two systems resonating at the same frequency you can transfer energy and information.
Radio transmitters and receivers.
It appears all animals and living organism are tuned to this frequency and its harmonics and it is the most important facet of the Earth PEMF (along with the earth’s magnetic field and its frequencies) that we need for life. We all march to the cadence of this cosmic drummer -- our planetary heartbeat, which sets the tempo for our health and well-being.
We resonate with the harmonies of nature. Our natural frequencies are tuned to be one with nature. We are complex tuning forks that have adapted to play natures music in the dance of life.
We humans are ELF receivers and transmitters, our brains are finely tuned to this naturally generated and sustained, global, electromagnetic field of the Schumann Resonance (and Geomagnetic frequencies too as we'll see).
As a sidenote entrainment is a practical application of frequency resonance that helps the brain and body to synchronize with PEMF signals that are say energizing in the morning (beta 15-30 Hz) or relaxing or sleep inducing at night (theta / delta 0-7 Hz). This resonance or entrainment can be very helpful to relax a stressed body or induce sleep in an insomniac (The brain operates over the entire spectrum of 0-50 Hz earth frequencies).
So to summarize, PEMF is unique in energy medicine in the way it penetrates all the way through the body to your bone marrow and every cell and organelle.
PEMF actives as a whole body battery recharger by charging your cells, tissues, organs and whole body via magnetic resonance energy transfer.
The Adey Window of Biological Frequencies (~ 0 - 35 Hz)
At the level of tissues, the same 0-50 Hz frequency range has been shown to have the most positive benefits on the human body. The Table to the left lists frequencies in the 0-50 Hz that biomedical researchers are finding that are effective for jump starting healing in a variety of soft and hard tissues.
This chart is ALL research based... NO SPECULATION!
Good PEMF systems like the iMRS with its complex sawtooth and square waveforms create BUNDLES of frequencies to blanket this entire spectrum of cell and tissue resonant frequencies.
What that means is the iMRS is like and energetic multivitamin, charging, healing and regenerating ALL the body's tissues, not just 1 or 2.
Cheaper PEMF Systems have cheap waveforms with incomplete frequency spectrums and inadequate biological effects.
The analogy is like taking "just" vitamin A and vitamin D and nothing else vs taking a full spectrum multivitamin with A, B1,B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, C, E, D, and full spectrum of minerals, etc.
The KEY IS FREQUENCY RESONANCE and WAVEFORM complexity/rapid rise and fall (waveforms like the iMRS that yield a broad spectrum of frequencies).
Intensity is one of the LEAST important components!
Frequencies Emitted from Energy Healers and Chi Kung Masters (0 - 30 Hz)
The frequency of the pulsations is not steady, but "sweeps" up and down, from 0.3 to 30 Hz (cycles per second), with most of the activity in the range of 7-8 Hz.
The biomagnetic pulsations from the hands are in the same frequency range as brain waves and scientific studies of the frequencies necessary for healing indicate that they naturally sweep back and forth through the full range of therapeutic frequencies, thus being able to stimulate healing in any part of the body.
Confirmation of Zimmerman’s findings came in 1992, when Seto and colleagues, in Japan, studied practitioners of various martial arts and other healing methods. The "Qi emission" from the hands is so strong that they can be detected with a simple magnetometer consisting of two coils, of 80,000 turns of wire. Again it was found that the Qi Kung Practitioners emitted the same frequency range of 0-30 Hz.
Tissue Softening with Frequency-Specific Microcurrent
Carolyn McMakin and James Oschmann
Tries various frequencies that have worked in the past.
Frequency -- tissue softens when you get the right frequency.
Use Tissue softening as a sign of the right setup and right frequency...
Profound and palpable tissue softening and warming when you get the right frequency.
Tissue softening very valuable for teaching people how to do this work, because when you get the frequency right, you can feel the softening of the tissue when you have the right frequency...
When you change the frequency, use the wrong frequency or turn it off, it stiffens up again.
When the frequency is wrong , it stiffens up
Parasympathetic, healing ,rest and repair response...
Turn it off or Change the frequency to something undesirable it stiffens up again.
14 year old Lauren Robinson from Colorado has a rare dairy allergy. Not only must she avoid consuming any dairy products, but her allergy is so severe that being near anyone who has recently consumed dairy could kill her.
This is an example of molecules that are acting on the body through resonance. Through electromagnetic resonance.
Lauren's condition demonstrates this incredible sensitivity of living systems to energies in their environment, as in
- Cranial Sacral
- **External Homeopathy - Bring vial into the room and has an EFFECT!!
- Electromagnetic Sensitivity
- Aromatherapy
- Healing through the biofield
- Herbal medicine
- Low energy neurofeedback - what they discovered when they record brainwaves on the scalp, the recording device makes noise which actually goes down the wires and into the brain. The same time you are recording, you are stimulating... They decided to take advantage of that... the lower the signals the bigger the effects until they got down below thermal noise!!
To a level that SHOULD NOT do anything!! And that had really big effects.
That is where we are at... Our molecules are so sensitive to the environment they can detect and respond to signals below thermal noise. NEED RESONANCE!!
Living Cells amplify extremely weak electromagnetic fields and separate signals from large amounts of ambient noise. Recent research by Pall and others has explained how this is possible.
Pall (2013) summarized 23 studies demonstrating that voltage-gated calcium channels, which regulate a vast number of cellular processes, are activated virtually instanteously by very weak photons. Pall's study marks a turning point in "frequency medicine" involving the application of low-energy oscillating fields from PEMF devices, homeopathic remedies, hands on healing/Reiki, voice, essential oils, etc.
PROOF Low Intensity PEMF WORKS BEST! (More is not Better).
Very weak energy fields at the appropriate frequencies can be profoundly therapeutic. Other frequencies can produce pathological responses (like 4G).
While it may go against intuition, it appears that, within limits, it is not the strength of the signal that determines whether it will be beneficial or harmful, but rather it is the frequency!
Resonance is the reason for this frequency specificity. Biological effects like molecular resonances, are very frequency specific. This is vital for PEMF therapy along with all of energy healing and energy medicine devices.
For a long time scientists were very suspicious about the idea that very tiny energy fields could have any biological effects, let alone profound effects.
More and more evidence is proving that frequency resonance is the key to therapeutic energy healing. A recent study (Pall, 2013) points out that the answer to this question has been hiding in plain sight in the scientific literature for a long time.
An example of this is the relation to bone repair facilitated by exposure to tiny pulsating fields. The fact of this this therapeutic success in increasing osteoblast differentiation and maturation is difficult to challenge, because it is has been the subject of so many studies.
Pall lists these studies for the skeptical reader:
1. Ryabi JT. Clinical effects of electromagnetic fields on fracture healing. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 1998;355(Suppl. l):S205–15.
2. Oishi M, Onesti ST. Electrical bone graft stimulation for spinal fusion: a review. Neurosurgery. 2000;47:1041–55.
3. Aaron RK, Ciombor DM, Simon BJ. Treatment of nonunions with electric and electromagnetic fields. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2004;10:579–93.
4. Goldstein C, Sprague S, Petrisor BA. Electrical stimulation for fracture healing: current evidence. J Orthop Trauma. 2010;24(Suppl. 1):S62–5.
5. Demitriou R, Babis GC. Biomaterial osseointegration enhancement with biophysical stimulation. J Musculoskelet Neuronal Interact. 2007;7:253–65.
6. Griffin XL, Warner F, Costa M. The role of electromagnetic stimulation in the management of established non-union lf long bone fractures: what is the evidence? Injury. 2008;39:419–29.
7. Huang LQ, He HC, He CQ, et al. Clinical update of pulsed electromagnetic fields on osteroporosis. Chin Med J. 2008;121:2095–9.
8. Groah SL, Lichy AM, Libin AV, et al. Intensive electrical stimulation attenuates femoral bone loss in acute spinal cord injury. PM R. 2010;2:1080–7.
9. Schidt-Rohlfing B, Silny J, Gavenis K, et al. Electromagnetic fields, electric current and bone healing – what is the evidence? Z Orthop Unfall. 2011;149:265–70.
10. Griffin XL, Costa ML, Parsons N, et al. Electromagnetic field stimulation for treating delayed union or non-union of long bone fractures in adults. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2011:CDO08471. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD008471.pub2.
11. Chalidis B, Sachinis N, Assiotis A, et al. Stimulation of bone formation and fracture healing with pulsed electromagnetic fields: biologic responses and clinical implications. Int J Immunopathol Pharmacol. 2011;24(1 Suppl. 2):17020.
12. Zhong C, Zhao TF, Xu ZJ, et al. Effects of electromagnetic fields on bone regeneration in experimental and clinical studies: a review of the literature. Chin Med J. 2012;125:367–72.
Pall, M.L. 2013. Electromagnetic fields act via activation of voltage-gated calcium channels to produce beneficial or adverse effects. J Cell Mol Med. 2013 Aug; 17(8): 958–965.
Published online 2013 Jun 26. doi: 10.1111/jcmm.12088
Like the ripples in a pond cause a floating leaf to bob up and down, the magnetic waves gently rock, cleanse and soothe the tissue matrix. I get feedback all the time from people who often fall in to a deep sleep during sessions as a result of this gentle phenomenon - perhaps reminiscent of a mother gently rocking her baby!
Although the peak magnetic field is very small, the key to its success is resonance and repetition
Resonant absorption of an oscillating signal is a classical physics phenomena used to
detect extremely weak signals with particular frequency matching characteristics, even in
the presence strong static fields and other oscillating fields. This is used in the
telecommunication systems. It is also used for vital biological telecommunication in brainto-cell
and cell-to-cell communication that is necessary to maintain healthy homeostatic
Magnetic Resonance Stimulation uses a low energy pulsed magnetic field applied to the body with an applicator. When the frequencies match (or a sub-harmonic) the resulting resonance and enhanced Q-factor stimulate energy transfer.
Frequencies by themselves do nothing, we need frequencies that RESONATE or VIBRATE IN STEP with the frequencies that our cells, tissues , organs, brain and biology vibrate at.
But Now for the BIG AH-HA... What exactly is magnetic resonance stimulation from a PEMF device use large coils that create a pure pulsating low frequency, low intensity field?
Is it like electromagnetic resonance? Why kinda but technically NO... It is more like the exciting new technology of Magnetic Resonance energy transfer.
Magnetic Resonance Stimulation uses a low energy pulsed magnetic field applied to the body with an applicator. When the frequencies match (or a sub-harmonic) the resulting resonance and enhanced Q-factor stimulate energy transfer. Like the ripples in a pond cause a floating leaf to bob up and down, the magnetic waves gently rock the ensemble of electrons, cleansing and soothing the tissue matrix. Clients often fall in to a deep sleep during sessions as a result of this gentle phenomenon - perhaps reminiscent of a mother gently rocking her baby! The finely tuned applicator is snugly kept in place for minutes at a time - with the precise duration dictated by individual need. Several fractions may be required for relief and restoration of well-being and vitality.
Almost all chronic diseases are characterized by low voltage, that is low cellular energy.
Voltage is stored across the cell membrane of every cell to give cells energy to work. This is due to the cells have a net positive charge on the outside of the cell and a net negative charge on the inside. Depending on how you choose your zero, you can get different values but the resting potential across the cell membrane is generally accepted to be -70 millivolts.
As you sweep magnetic fields back and forth across the cell membrane at the proper resonant frequencies (0-50 Hz), they generate a whole lot of activity in the cell via resonant energy transfer.
Then MAIN effect is the benefits on the Trans Membrane Potential (or Voltage) and its associated ion pumps, the main ones being Sodium/Potassium and Calcium/Magnesium pumps. The main effect of PEMF is to open these channels favorably and create charge separation which increases VOLTAGE which INCREASES CELLULAR ENERGY!!
The cell is literally like a miniature battery. And as modern technology is showing we can recharge batteries obviously directly with current, BUT also wirelessly via many ways, solar panels, EM waves, inductive coupling, and magnetic resonance. It is this last form of energy transfer that is not only a probable gamechanger for technology, but it turns out this is EXACTLY how PEMF works!
In Living Systems, extremely weak fields may have potent effects, while there is little or no response to strong fields. Cells and tissues are highly non-linear, non-equilibrium, cooperative and coherent systems capable of responding to very specific windows in terms of frequency and intensity.
So what are the IDEAL frequencies, intensities, phase and waveform the human body needs?
It turns out that years of research has shown the biological windows, or parameters the human body resonates to; are in the same range as what the earth gives us. That is we, ideally need magnetic field intensities in the range of the earth, frequencies in that range and also the right timing (phase) and waveform.
By comprehending and looking deep into Nature, we find the perfect elements the body needs. To better understand the type of PEMF the earth emits and our body responds to biologically, let's introduce the idea of a biological window.
Finally we have the "information window" or the waveform of the signal. The signal shape is equally as important as the frequency and intensity. The NASA study demonstrated that a rapid time varying waveform is most effective for promoting healing and regeneration.
There are two waveforms that meet this criteria, the saw tooth and the square wave; and ideally you'll want a PEMF device that has BOTH. Both the saw tooth and the square have rise and fall times that are far more abrupt than a simple sine waveform or triangle waveform. Again the more abrupt the rise and fall time, the greater the biological effect.
systems uses extremely low field strengths. The “biological windows” of the human body are optimally accessed at field strengths in the low μT range.
Dr. Ross Adey coined the term “biological window.” Adey measured the calcium output of brain cells in rabbits to demonstrate that this effect could only be triggered using very low magnetic field intensities and a specific low (16 Hz) frequency. Since Dr. Adey’s initial discovery, the energy medicine literature has shown strong scientific consensus that biological windows are important.
I learned why a low-intensity, pulsating form of magnetic
energy called magnetic resonance stimulation (MRS) was superior in its
healing qualities to other forms of magnetic field therapy, including high
intensity fields and also static magnets that are worn as jewelry or
purchased in blankets or mattress pads.
PEMF therapy helps to regenerate cells, heal diseases and energizing cells by activating the cell metabolism. Cell metabolism however is always conditional on ion transport.
Ion transport the transport of hydrogen-, calcium-, sodium-, potassium-, chlorine- and magnesium ions. Because of that better cell supply
In order to support cell metabolism, as well as releasing the cells of toxins, free radicals and waste products, the tension of the cell membrane has to be maintained at a high level. To slow down the cell aging at the same time, the energy part of the cell has to be built up. Only then energy molecules (ATP) will be formed.
This only works with the cell specific amplitude window. This window in the body cell discovered Ross Adey and makes Ion transport (especially protons) possible and therefore the so called resonance phenomenon. Only in this way a resonance can be produced in ions, cell membranes and walls of blood vessels. And only when this resonance is produced, can ions be transported and the cell metabolism is influenced.
Biological Windows /
The term "Biological windows" comes from the Californian neurologist William Ross Adey. He was able to demonstrate from the calcium efflux from rabbits brain cells, that this effect can only be triggered off with certain magnetic field intensity.
With "biological windows" you describe an intensity and frequency area which the cellular tissue is especially receptive to. This corresponds to certain cell receptors which can only react to defined frequencies. Subsequently this "resonance effect" enhances or unblocks natural signals, which are indispensable for metabolic processes, circulation, cell renewal, creating energy or for the immune defense systems.
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance - Response of electrons and atomic nuclei in the presence of magnetic fields to electromagnetic radiation in NMR.
Absorption spectra of atoms - the absorption of light waves of particular frequencies by atoms and molecules, resulting in their characteristic absorption spectra.
Molecular Resonance (Proteins, Cell Membranes, Hormones)
Morphic Resonance
Common to all these types of resonance is the principle of Selectivity: Out of a mixture of vibrations, however complicated, the systems ONLY respond to particular frequencies.
Most types of resonance result in the transmission of energy and information.
Morphic Resonance is pure information and non-local.
***Resonance for Waves on a String (Next Video)
I mentioned above that a guitar string has lots of resonances.
Figure 5 shows three examples, which you can illustrate for yourself by shaking one end of a long rope tied at the other end. The resonant frequencies (and wavelengths) are determined essentially by the length of the string. In this case, the string has fixed ends, and only those frequencies which leave the ends fixed can resonate with the string. At these special resonant frequencies, the amplitude of vibration of the string becomes large and has the form of a standing wave, i.e., there are points (called nodes) of no vibration and in between, the vibrations are very large.
Traditional Magnetic Induction
Most wireless charging today uses simple inductive coupling.
Most cellphones now have wireless charging features where you just put the cell phone on top of a charging pad and it charges. You do not have to plug anything in.
electric toothbrush, iphone, apple watch, RFID key cards, and even cars now have wireless charging options that work via inductive coupling like the transformers in front of your house.
How it works
Inductive coupling is simple: You run an AC current through one coil of wire (the transmitter); the AC current creates a changing magnetic field via Ampere's law; and this changing magnetic field induces current in the receiving coil via Faraday's law of induction. That is, The AC power running through the charging pad induces an EMF in your phone's or toothbrushes coil which can use the energy to charge its battery.
Electrical power is transmitted from one coil to the other wirelessly.
The Problem with inductive coupling is the changing magnetic field is omnidirectional — it just shoots out energy in every direction. Because of this receiver has to be very close to the transmitter to pick up much power; that’s why you have to set your phone directly on the wireless charging pad to charge your phone. It won't charge even a short distance above. But still, it is wireless charging your devices, so that is a great inconvenient over needing wires plugged in.
infrasonic vibrations/resonance in humans
It is known that the human body can generate mechanical vibrations at very low frequencies, so-called infrasonic waves. Such low-frequency vibrations are produced by physiological processes—heartbeats, respiratory movements, blood flow in vessels, and other processes. Different organs of the human body produce different resonance frequencies. The heart resonance frequency is ~ 1 hz. The brain has a resonance frequency of ~ 10 hz, blood circulation about 0.05 to 0.3 hz.
Scientists from the National Research Nuclear University and collaborators have used a highly sensitive laser device to register infrasonic vibrations in human body. "We tried to find out factors, influencing amplitude-frequency characteristics of such vibrations," says researcher Olga Molchanova.
The scientists discovered that the observed vibrations are connected with the cardiovascular system, which has its own proper movements occurring simultaneously with the work of the heart. Three types of infrasonic vibrations were registered. Waves of the first type are connected with the heartbeat; the second with the human respiratory rhythm; the third, called Traube-Hering waves, with states of emotional tension. Thus, it could be possible to judge the human emotional state via the amplitude frequency response of these waves.
This is depicted in this figure below, which shows that we can still get some resonance if f is above or below fo. This “resonance curve” has a very general shape, known as a “Lorentzian” after the great late 19th and early 20th century Dutch physicist H. A. Lorentz. The Lorentzian is ubiquitous in nature, characterizing such different vibratory systems as electrical circuits and atoms.
Each tissue and cell has a resonance curve with multiple peaks (complex).
Technically, the resonance process between tuning forks involves three steps. First, the sound energy emitted by the variable-frequency fork is absorbed by the fixed-frequency fork. Second, the absorbed energy causes the fixed-frequency fork to vibrate. And third, the vibration re-emits the sound energy. This type of three-step process is encountered throughout the physical world and defines a "scattering" process, i.e., the energy emitted toward scattering system (in our case, the sound from the variable fork directed towards the fixed fork) is absorbed and re-emitted in a random direction. (In our case, it is re-emitted in all directions throughout the room that the demonstration is done in). So we say in this case that the sound from one fork is scattered by the other fork.
We use resonance in our everyday language and say things like, I really resonate with with what you are saying, or I feel we are on the same wavelength, etc.
In everyday life, when something or someone resonates with you, you're saying that it or they are sympathetic with your own experience and outlook. It is particularly meaningful for you and you may be moved emotionally by it. This is related to the idea of resonance in physics, but a little more generalized.
So what exactly is Resonance as understood by science and physics?
Synchronization is needed to transmit and receive messages.
Resonance is when two systems are Locked into same frequency.
When you listen to the radio, you have to tune in to a particular station. That locks your receiver, your radio onto the frequency of the broadcast transmission.
Once this synchrony is established, than the song on the radio is extracted so you can hear it by a process called electrical engineers call demodulation. They have to demodulate the song from the radio wave that is carrying it...
Resonance is like an Energetic Handshake that can cover VAST distances...
There are THREE main ways we can send power wirelessly, two of which you are familiar with, the other is the future. This is in contrast to WIRED power transfer which transports power through powerlines, wires, and batteries directly. Interestingly you can look open all the forms of energy medicine through these 4 was of transmitting power from device to body.
Nikola Tesla showed it a hundred years ago.
Nikola Tesla had a vision for a wireless world
Power and communication everywhere
Invented three-phase ac power systems, induction motors fluorescent lamps, radio transmission, and much more!
Electromagnetic Resonance (Waves/Free fields interacting with tuned circuits unattached to particles and currents- Radio, Cell Phones, Etc. - Non Contact Rife, MWO, Etc. RESONANCE
Broadcasted radiation of radio frequency
Used for wireless information transfer
Information can be transmitted over an extensive
area to multiple radios or wireless receivers
Power received is very small
Increased through receiving unit with an external power supply
Wasted in free space
Increasing Power
Safety hazard
Interferes with other radio frequency devices
In the techniques of radiation or far field, the energy is transmitted by beams of electromagnetic radiation, such as microwaves or lasers.These techniques can be transported longer distances energy, but must be directed to the receiver. Proposals for such applications are solar power satellites, drones and wireless power.
Radiative refers to solutions that radiate energy into a broad space and then captures a small fraction of the spent energy to power a device. Some radiative products have been proposed, but are generally limited to delivering hundreds of milliwatts.
It is a static magnetic field, a stationary field.
Pluck it and vibrates.
Structural field line resonances. What is plucking the field lines.
The solar wind is plucking the field lines.
Solar wind blowing 1 million miles per hour. Quiet day.
Pulls out magnetic field on night side and get magnetotail.
We can visualize the ringing field lines.
0.1 Hz one of primary resonances…
All of these rhythms overlap the rhythms in the human heart and autonomic nervous system.
Coherence of heart rhythm is 0.1 hertz.
It is well established that the resonant frequencies in the earth’s various magnetic fields directly overlap with those of the human brain, cardiovascular and autonomic nervous systems.
2) Brute Force Induction (Waves/Bound Fields Attached to currents and charges) - Non contact - High Intensity Low Frequency PEMF. Non-resonant
3) Electromagnetic Resonance (Waves/Free fields interacting with tuned circuits unattached to particles and currents- Radio, Cell Phones, Etc. - Non Contact Rife, MWO, Etc. RESONANCE
4) Electromagnetic Radiation (Waves/free fields interacting with matter - Light Therapy, Sauna, Red light therapy, LED, Lasers, etc. Non-Resonant
4) Magnetic Resonance - (Waves/ Bound Fields and Free fields both interacting with tuned circuits) Future of Energy transfer. Magnetic Resonance PEMF devices
OK, Now Back to Tesla AGAIN - In 1895, Tesla Invented the Tuned Circuit, or resonating circuit. It consists of a coil wired to a capacitor.
Parallel tuned circuits are used in radio and other electronics to couple resonating energy from one circuit to another in transmitters and receivers. Energy transfer by waves not particles.
Schumann Resonance Frequencies - The "Heartbeat" of the Earth
Just as a tuning fork has resonant frequencies for sound, so the planet earth and the ionosphere surrounding it have resonance frequencies for electromagnetic radiation called the Schumann Resonances. Basically the ionosphere with the Earth's surface creates a spherical wave-guide that surrounds the earth. Low frequency electromagnetic waves bounce around this waveguide, which is how radio signals can be transmitted around the globe. The fundamental frequency of this spherical cavity of the earth is 7.83 hertz, which, like a tuning fork, is the earth's fundamental "note".
These frequencies are excited mainly by lightning strikes (5000 lightning strike every minute) in the cavity formed by the Earth's surface and the ionosphere, but can also be induced by solar flares. More than 7 million lightning strikes the earth each day, which “ring” the proverbial bell of the ionosphere that chimes to the note of 7.83 and higher harmonics or octaves (as we’ll see). This natural frequency pulsation is not a fixed number, but an average of global readings, though the primary fundamental frequency is usually close to 7.83 Hz. The Schumann Resonance actually fluctuates due to geographical location, lightning, solar flares, atmospheric ionization and daily cycles. And contrary to the New Age discussions, the fundamental Schumann Resonance is not rising, at least according to continuous monitoring from geological observatories around the world.
And just as a piano has varying octaves of "C", so too does Schumann frequencies have higher octaves or harmonics, the primary ones being in the 0-50 Hz range, which as we’ll see in the next section is the most important frequency range for or body, mind and cells . Note: the first harmonic of 7.83 is by far the strongest with each subsequent harmonic diminishing in intensity. For all practical purpose harmonics above the fifth are virtually non-detectable.
The Primary Harmonics of the Schumann Resonance
1st Harmonic 7.83 Hz
2nd Harmonic 14 Hz
3rd Harmonic 21 Hz
4th Harmonic 26 Hz
5th Harmonic 33 Hz
6th Harmonic 39 Hz
Getting the Right Frequency for the Time of Day - PEMF and Circadian Rhythms
Not only do you need a PEMF therapy device to give you the right frequency range (0-30 Hz), but you also need a built in biorhythm clock to give you the RIGHT frequency for the time of day.
For example, in the morning, you probably want to be awake and alert so a Beta frequency (12-30 Hz) would be appropriate whereas before bedtime you will probably want to relax and prepare the body and mind for sleep with a theta-delta frequency between 0-7 Hz.
It's interesting to note that even the earth's frequencies slow down a bit on the dark side of the earth, whereas in daylight the frequencies are slightly higher.
So even though the body resonates to all frequencies in the 0-30 range, its ideal to use settings that are in alignment with the time of day and the wave patterns of the circadian rhythms of the mind and body.
Electromagnetic waves carry energy away from their source, similar to a sound wave carrying energy away from a standing wave on a guitar string. An antenna for receiving EM signals works in reverse. And like antennas that produce EM waves, receiver antennas are specially designed to resonate at particular frequencies.
An incoming electromagnetic wave accelerates electrons in the antenna, setting up a standing wave. If the radio or TV is switched on, electrical components pick up and amplify the signal formed by the accelerating electrons. The signal is then converted to audio and/or video format. Sometimes big receiver dishes are used to focus the signal onto an antenna.
In fact, charges radiate whenever they are accelerated. When designing circuits, we often assume that energy does not quickly escape AC circuits, and mostly this is true. A broadcast antenna is specially designed to enhance the rate of electromagnetic radiation, and shielding is necessary to keep the radiation close to zero. Some familiar phenomena are based on the production of electromagnetic waves by varying currents. Your microwave oven, for example, sends electromagnetic waves, called microwaves, from a concealed antenna that has an oscillating current imposed on it.
AM radio waves are used to carry commercial radio signals in the frequency range from 540 to 1600 kHz. The abbreviation AM stands for amplitude modulation, which is the method for placing information on these waves. (See Figure) A carrier wave having the basic frequency of the radio station, say 1530 kHz, is varied or modulated in amplitude by an audio signal. The resulting wave has a constant frequency, but a varying amplitude.
A radio receiver tuned to have the same resonant frequency as the carrier wave can pick up the signal, while rejecting the many other frequencies impinging on its antenna. The receiver’s circuitry is designed to respond to variations in amplitude of the carrier wave to replicate the original audio signal. That audio signal is amplified to drive a speaker or perhaps to be recorded.
FM radio waves are also used for commercial radio transmission, but in the frequency range of 88 to 108 MHz. FM stands for frequency modulation, another method of carrying information. Here a carrier wave having the basic frequency of the radio station, perhaps 105.1 MHz, is modulated in frequency by the audio signal, producing a wave of constant amplitude but varying frequency.
Figure. Frequency modulation for FM radio. (a) A carrier wave at the station’s basic frequency. (b) An audio signal at much lower audible frequencies. (c) The frequency of the carrier is modulated by the audio signal without changing its amplitude.
Since audible frequencies range up to 20 kHz (or 0.020 MHz) at most, the frequency of the FM radio wave can vary from the carrier by as much as 0.020 MHz. Thus the carrier frequencies of two different radio stations cannot be closer than 0.020 MHz. An FM receiver is tuned to resonate at the carrier frequency and has circuitry that responds to variations in frequency, reproducing the audio information.
FM radio is inherently less subject to noise from stray radio sources than AM radio. The reason is that amplitudes of waves add. So an AM receiver would interpret noise added onto the amplitude of its carrier wave as part of the information. An FM receiver can be made to reject amplitudes other than that of the basic carrier wave and only look for variations in frequency. It is thus easier to reject noise from FM, since noise produces a variation in amplitude.
Television is also broadcast on electromagnetic waves. Since the waves must carry a great deal of visual as well as audio information, each channel requires a larger range of frequencies than simple radio transmission. Satellite dishes and cable transmission of TV occurs at significantly higher frequencies and is rapidly evolving with the use of the high-definition or HD format.