What is PEMF?
PEMF stands for Pulsed ElectroMagnetic Fields and PEMFs are magnetic fields that change with time, or sometimes called time varying magnetic fields.
PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Field) technology works by sending low-level frequency throughout your body to recharge cells, expedite recovery, and calm the central nervous system. PEMF haas been scientifically-proven to improve chronic pain conditions, lessen inflammation, and improve immune response.
Simply put, PEMF is energy that heals and as such it is energy medicine. But PEMF is also is an essential element of health so it both nourishes and heals.
PEMF is Natural and all around us in the Earth's Geomagnetic fields and Schumann resonances.
There are over 30,000 studies showing the healing benefits of PEMF therapy making it one of the most researched and validated energy medicine modalities.
PEMF stands for Pulsed ElectroMagnetic Fields and PEMFs are magnetic fields that change with time, or sometimes called time varying magnetic fields.
PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Field) technology works by sending low-level frequency throughout your body to recharge cells, expedite recovery, and calm the central nervous system. PEMF haas been scientifically-proven to improve chronic pain conditions, lessen inflammation, and improve immune response.
Simply put, PEMF is energy that heals and as such it is energy medicine. But PEMF is also is an essential element of health so it both nourishes and heals.
PEMF is Natural and all around us in the Earth's Geomagnetic fields and Schumann resonances.
There are over 30,000 studies showing the healing benefits of PEMF therapy making it one of the most researched and validated energy medicine modalities.
Point #1 - Research-Proven Slew Rate that induce healing micro currents (The most important parameter in PEMF!)
Slew Rate - More brute force, but can be done with finesse
Rise (Intensity) and Run (pulse duration)
Hall Sensor and Oscilloscope
Cursory Meta-analysis slew rate studies
Show best results 10T/s to 100 to 150 T/s
Slew Rate - More brute force, but can be done with finesse
Rise (Intensity) and Run (pulse duration)
Hall Sensor and Oscilloscope
Cursory Meta-analysis slew rate studies
Show best results 10T/s to 100 to 150 T/s
Point #2 Large Coils for Deep Penetration and Uniform Distribution so your whole body is treated.
PEMF Coils the Speakers or Antenna of PEMF System
Would you buy cheap speakers with a great sound system? No!!
1) Coils
Full Body and even distribution
Larger/Circular/Tightly Wound/Qi Coils (Intensity x Area = Flux)
More Coherent Field if Signal is done right
Example Bad Coils:
a. Rod Ferrite - Traps field inside coil (hot spot)
b. Too Small - OMI
c. Too Loose - QRS field stays closer to mat
d. Wacky windings - Qi/Mantra coils
e. Anti-helmholtz - fields push away from each other (Bemer/QRS)
More incoherent field regardless of signal
Point #3 - A broad spectrum of natural and biologically active frequencies for beneficial resonant effects
Point #4 Programs with Repetition Rates based on brain entrainment and earth frequencies.
Point #5 - Intensity, The Big Lie when it comes to PEMF
SI Unit of Magnetic Field Strength is Tesla
Defined by force per unit length exerted on a current carrying wire.
1 Tesla = 10,000 Gauss = Strength of a powerful neodymium magnet. Tremendous force to pull apart.
Gauss easy to use because 1 gauss is about the magnetic field earth
Important to note that the body is transparent to magnetic fields so you don't need more power to "penetrate". Only drop-offs are with distance. Whether a person is on the mat or not same readings.
a. Calculate with Biot Savart not Inverse Square
b. Measure with Hall Probe sensors which are integrated circuits that transduce magnetic fields to electrical signals with accuracy, consistency, and reliability.
Point #6 Low EMF /Electrosmog emissions
EMF (unnatural/electro-smog) vs PEMF (natural/electrotherapy)
a. High Intensity Slew Rate EMF
b. High Frequency EMF > AM/FM radio manmade frequencies
AM radio is as low as 540kHz to 1.7 MHz.
c. Incoherent Lower Frequency (Dirty Noise)
You can scramble all the individual notes in a Beethoven symphony and get cacophony.
Point #7 Essential Features and Accessories
Point #8 PEMF DEVICE and applicators assembled with strict quality standards
A Clean, High Fidelity Signal from quality engineering
From the science perspective:
PEMF systems are composed of resonant systems that can create unintentional magnetic field changes due to multiple issues that are not commonly a problem for other electronic systems. These include, but are not limited to, the following:
Parasitic turn on/off in the switching components, source vs sink impedance mismatch and oscillation between coils wired in series. Careful matching between the driving electronics and the driven coils is required. The factors involved include the resistance, capacitance and inductance of every component in the system. Another aspect of proper PEMF engineering is the reduction of radiated energy from the system at frequencies other than the intended frequencies. These frequencies include line power frequencies that capacitively couple through the power supply and into the system. They also include higher frequencies produced by digital switching components such as DC to DC converters and microcontrollers. Both electric and magnetic components should be avoided in both single ended and common modes.
Point #9 Is the device comfortable and easy to use
Point #10 Avoid Cheap Chinese Gemstone Mats (counterfeit PEMF)
Point #11 Is the unit a good value Price (Not the Cheapest but the best Value/dollar)
Point #12 Does the device have at least a three year warranty
Point #13 Does it have a trial period or return policy
Point #14: FDA registration and the Product FDA Cleared?
Point #15: High End Customer Service, Training and Support
Point #16: Does the device have business and marketing support (and a good affiliate program).